What will be the future of online scans?

What will be the future of online scans?

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The Chinese will take over. Because China, unlike other countries, gives zero fucks about other countries' laws and nor should they. Sovereignty means something.

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This looks like a shitty jav

Should i brush up on my mandarin?
Let your imagination soar user.

Who is this guy? A hero, or a villain?

A hero to many neets, a villain to copyright owners.

Imagine being that ugly and having your mug plastered all over the news everywhere.

>CCP poisons all the air in china
>CCP poisons all the water in china
>CCP poisons all the soil in china
>all high level positions in society inherited by the retarded kids of former CCP leaders
>cant invent, can only steal technology
yeah nah, I think we will be fine

It'll fall like the future of manga.

>tfw learned niprunes instead of chinkscribbles
seriously though. the fucking chinks have shit i can't even find raw much less translated to roundeye. how do the chinks do it?

was this really worth 2 news anchors going over

The chinks have their shit locked away on terrible sites where you need x points to even view them.

that "how could things have gone so wrong" face

Thankfully I don't read weekly shounenshit that gets uploaded before it's released in Japan

Why was he in Flipland anyway

So what do you read?

He's a German/Jew/Jap mongrel you figure it out

jaminis box on suicide watch

That's why I don't like when normies start to like anime and manga. It gives the japanese people the impression that there is a huge international market and that if they shut down pirates, they can profit even more.

Is this Flip? We have one of the worst internet connection in the world. Why would someone be a host for distributing pirated media?

The japs have always tried to shut down pirates before though. They literally think that a single view on a hentai/manga site equates to a lost purchase. Which is why they slapped this kid with a 2.9 billion dollar fine

I'm wonder Japan is gonna throw the book at him to get the automatic death penalty.

Was this goblin the one they claim was charging them $500 for raws or whatever the fuck bullshit they shat out?

Do they think he can pay that lmao
Are they going to chain him up in a steel foundry to work off his debt

>Do they think he can pay that lmao
Fuck no they don't, the kids going to get life in prison most likely

Came to this thread to say that
I half expected that guy to start groping one of the reporters live on-air

Can't wait for him to get pounded in the ass in prison

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same thing that happens every time. one site goes down, another takes it place. remember onemanga?

Is he going to jail in the Philippines or Japan? It’d be fucking terrifying to go to a third world shitter’s jail with no proper communication

No word as of yet

Is this kid japanese?

Doesn’t happen in Japanese prisons

What, you're going to visit him?

Isn't it like a cliche for criminals on the run to spend their hoard living lavishly in some 3rd world shithole?

How did they arrest the most powerful race on earth?

Thank god they finally caught this tyrant, I was scared to even sleep at night. Fucker deserves at least 20 years.

I hope it stops the chinese leakers. Jesus fucking shit insects. They never release Japanese raws

He's a triple citizen of Isreal, Germany and Japan

I fucking hate the pinoys

Everyone, shut the fuck up.

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>the police are legally required to do their jobs
>fuck the pinoys in general
Mmm, yes

It seems like a third of the Chinese-language stuff on panda recently is only available in Chinese.

good thing i transcended to sad panda millenia ago fuck jewcob

>>the police are legally required to do their jobs
Not in the US they aren't

Pinoys had never done anything good in this world

>Thinking HH matters

China has fucked their environment into oblivion, they're fucked next generation

You really think those incompetent monkeys will do their jobs unless Japan tip them?

Who gives a fuck?

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They claim they pay 200 USD to some guy for scanning the copies of WSJ that just keep falling from delivery trucks righ in front of his house 5 days before they are supposed to be out on stores

>their environment
You act like we don't all share 1 environment. The afteraffects of china will fuck over the entire world.

Because he's a mongrel. His kind is stupid

China is using up all their resources they won't have shit for future generations which is why they're trying to colonize Africa

Of course not. They are more or less just the corrupt officials' dogs and those official are pinoys
So fuck pinoys in general

>that ugly
He's certainly not good looking but it's not like he's deformed. Just a somewhat fat dopey looking guy.

You do realize that majority of criminals are ugly?

Their pollution affects everyone. Overusing resources in their own country will also affect the entire world long term.

Those qt anchors look like the ones in the "qt anchors getting bukkaked" javs

>copies of WSJ that just keep falling from delivery trucks righ in front of his house 5 days before they are supposed to be out on stores
copies of WSJ that just keep falling from delivery trucks righ in front of his house 5 days before they are supposed to be out on stores
What the fuck.

Oh god no. I hope Kirei Cake and his sick mother are okay.

Daiz was probably behind this shit. Poor guy.

You mean Duterte

I hope so, that would be glorious.

>implying daiz haven't paid 3rd world shitholes to apprehend all scanning competition

I never even used it.

Right > Left

>they're fucked next generation

the whole world of next gen is entirely fucked.

Shit taste