Alright Yea Forums, Yea Forums told me to come here...

Alright Yea Forums, Yea Forums told me to come here, I need a uplifting show with an MC I can project myself onto so I can feel something that isn't my crippling depression. Your turn, go...

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My hero academia


Boku no Pico

sakurasou or clannad

Gurren Lagann

Evangelion, trust me on this

Evangelion is shit

do people not read before they come here?

Welcome to the NHK. Unironically. It's the only show that might actually make you fix your life.

Unironically, Evangelion.

Boku no Pico.

Search for yourself you sad sack of shit, there's a billion of easy to find shows like that.

Nhk ni youkoso, the classic.

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Asobi Asobase.
Oyasumi Punpun.
Stronghest Man Kurosawa.

Serial Experiments Lain
Perfect Blue

They'll distract you

Kill yourself

Sage goes in all fields newfag


See thats the fuckin thing I hate about romcoms, the third girl in the triangle is always the one I sympathize with and is arguably better, see Toradora as an example.


Violet Evergarden.


HAJIME NO IPPO MY DUDE and GoodLuck hope you get better user!

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