What was her problem?
What was her problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
Being best girl is hard, cut her some slack.
Chronic illness of being best girl, you say? A dangerous disease I hear
No problem. Everything bueno.
She blamed the deaf girl for ruining a budding relationship with the MC and placing all the blame on the MC. She isn't entirely wrong, but it can't be helped. She is best girl though.
t. ueno
Being too sexy.
okay naoka
3D woman is a 2D form
I find it hard to imagine people exist that actually waifu her
Being cute enough for people to forgive her for acting like a cunt
best girl if you have read the manga
But look at her
doesnt she also move to tokyo?
okay, now what
She's mad because she's flat.
now you probably have realized that she's very cute looking
based. she very cute.
all black haired girls are cute looking
not really. ueno's design is top-tier
Is she clumsy?
huh? why?
never was called out never grew till late
forget kyoani design she's cute in manga too
She's like a 2d version of 3dpd.
3dpd genocide when
t. fat incel that unironically self insert as broccoli boy
Some literal retard ruined her life, she dealt with it, now you should too.
She's a sociopath.
>likes the most popular guy in class, doesn't care that he's a bully or try to discourage it
>as soon as he gets unpopular she completely disregards him
>participates in bullying him and makes fun of him
>her only words to him in middle school is "you're a virgin aren't you?"
>gets jealous out of nowhere when other people start to like him again
I honestly don't comprehend how anyone can think she is "best girl." She is not even an anime character type, she is just the worst kind of basic bitch popular girl antagonist straight out of some American teen movie.
Yeah, blame the deaf girl
It was the mother and teacher's fault actually for placing her in a regular class and expecting everything to work automatically.
Kids are naturally retarded, there's no getting around that without learning and punishment
The only one at fault is the teacher for being an absentee mentor
fucking off yourself hipster faggot. No one thinks you're cool for liking shit
Ueno is the best girl because girls can do no wrong if they're pretty. The prettiest girl is the best no matter what. If she betrays you and kicks when you're down, all the better. And I love the feeling that if I became unpopular again she would dump me again.
hey, be more respectful to your fellow anons pls
She is literally the best, the only wrong thing was bullying MC on middle school but everyone knows Japanese bullying is ruthless and you'd become the victim if you don't follow along. If you judge a character for their worst moment then everyone is shit in this manga and Ueno probably still comes 2nd best after imouto-kun.
Yeah it was no big deal that she bullied him in middle school, after all you should expect a girl to betray you when you need her the most.
Serves him right for trusting a female
Wasn't raped enough I guess
The story is literally about redemption and empathy yet you drooling retards can't even comprehend the arc of best girl because it triggers your own insecurities.
Shes caring, talented, smart, and beautiful yet I bet you like Shouko because she's a useless doormat that would depend on you.
How did Ueno san redeem herself? Wearing cat ears?
Redemption is a Christian meme.
This is a Christian movie, by the way.
Same as Shouta with cripple girl, trying to be there for him and following along his stupid plans with his ugly friends.
wearing cat ears too
She always liked Ishida, and egged on his teasing to Shouko, but abandoned him once he was labeled as a bully
Now she resents Nishimiya for her own mistakes
Ueno is best girl because she actually cares for the MC. She told off everyone who encouraged the MC to bully the deaf girl. Then tried to tell the deaf girl what the deaf girl did wrong and what the deaf girl should do to help the MC. Then the deaf girl tried to kill herself to help the MC and ended up almost killing him instead.
flat cat girls are justice
Why do chickens need breasts?
to eat them, silly
>the deaf girl tried to kill herself to help the MC and ended up almost killing him instead.
this scene was so stupid. in real life they both would've fucking fell.
In real life I would've laughed my ass off at the stupidity of it
Based and flatpilled
chickens without breasts is a birth defect that makes them dumb. like the chicken in pic related
I want to FUCK Ueno!
When the MC ran into the table and broke it, I was more worried about what their mom would think of that. She hates the MC enough already, breaking her shit in her house when she wasn't there is just adding fuel to the fire.
I thought it was leading up to a false murder accusation scenario
cloaca bones
I don't blame everyone for being confused about Ueno's character because Ooima is a fucking hack whose writing is as bad as her paneling and art and only got carried by sympathy points, but the intended reason for Ueno acting like she does is because she's insecure enough about herself and about people in general to think that genuinely nice and forgiving people don't exist. When she sees Shouko trying to just take her abuse without complaining or blaming her bullies, Ueno sees someone maliciously trying to score sympathy points. Think about all of Ueno's accusations and actions through the lens of "Shouko is faking being forgiving for sympathy points" and everything suddenly makes a lot more sense.
>as bad as her paneling and art
Have you seen ? Ueno is adorable! Both before and after timeskip.
This, she is just too 3DPD she is like absolute garbage compared to the other girls
Also, I find it hilarious that Yea Forums accuses her of being 3DPD when this worldview is about as close to the average Yea Forumsnon as I've ever seen in a manga.
She acts like a bitch and dresses provocatively, but at least she isn't a slut and she wholesomely cares for the MC a lot.
>OP doesn't understand how evil jealous women are
Don't ignore the wisdom of your forefathers.
Yea Forumsnons are largely hypocrites anyway
Being an irredeemable cunt.
I despise her and she infuriated me so much, which is the very reason I want to have angry and hateful sex with her.
The idea of her becoming too massively pregnant to move as a result also seems so rewarding.
thanks Prime Minister Shinzo Abe but your tricks wont work on me
Brain damage
>as soon as he gets unpopular she completely disregards him
She admits she's a coward and also this
>her only words to him in middle school is "you're a virgin aren't you?"
Was her trying to reconnect.
>participates in bullying him and makes fun of him
False pay attention roastie she never bullied him she just continued bullying Shouko.
I unironically can not comprehend why Yea Forums loves to hate so much on Ueno when you have this fucking UNIT of a cunt
I don't know what her true nature is, is she a snake or not?
>participates in bullying him
Are Japanese people stupid? They prefer to squish their feet in those small uncomfortable indoor shoes rather than wear pic related comfy slippers?
>Are Japanese people stupid
Well, Fate is a thing, so
Everything. She's just attractive enough to get away with it.
In a world of bullies, disabled, autists and boring characters being a cunt is the least offensive sin
they can't keep getting away with it
would you?
>want to fight?
>beats the shit out of shoko
>beats the shit out of shoko's mom
That was when she became true best girl.
it's not mine
this ones mine
whoops, can't show that on a wholesome board
Ueno comes off like a bitch, but that's how it works when you're in a bully environment with shitty teachers. Her trying to make up with Ishida is a nice gesture, but simultaneously putting Shoko down was not the right move giving rise to the retarded almost double suicide later. She did visit Ishida later on, getting more positive points; but rather than keep that going she still picked fights with Shoko. At least she finally tries by the end, learning some sign language, making things better. Still doesn't excuse her behavior, she gets away from it due to her infatuation with Ishida(and the past times) and how pretty she looks. This is just from anime only, I don't know how they develop the characters there.
If anything, is a turbo cunt and much more dangerous. With Ueno you know she's a cunt, Kawai can backstab your dick when you least expect it.
Being best girl in a shit manga
I haven't read the manga, and she's still best girl.
Ueno is the type of character that is okay to violently rape.
I haven't seen the movie or manga, and she's still best girl.
This boy(girl) is pretty cute.
literal psychopath in the making
Honestly, she was probably tied with Ueno just because of how much of a bro she was.
>>literal psychopath in the making
so, a Yea Forums poster
>Yea Forums poster
Don't you mean /k/? Those people have guns.
eh, she was sweet on the MC, how she treated anyone else is irrelevant
and are harmless
anytime I see kawaii brought up on Yea Forums it's to emphasise how iredeemably evil she is
aren't most psychopaths harmless?
Yea Forums once killed a gaggle of orphans
Did they kill the orphans with guns?
no, fire
Close enough. Originally, guns used fire to ignite the gunpowder. Nowadays, guns use a hammer that creates a spark inside the bottom of the shell where the gunpowder resides to ignite it. Therefore, using fire is more or less like using a gun.
Some people are just natural-born cunts
thanks /k/ chan
more like natural born CHADS ammiright
Kind of like most people on this site huh?
Of course. She looks pretty even then, dumb cunt. Also
not my sc
Because some idiots can't see Ueno is Bueno, thus discussion arises, yet anyone can agree kawai is the human equivalent of a moist feces sandwich.
you only defend her because you find her hot, she didn't seek redemption, she acted like a cunt the whole movie because the guy she had a crush on would rather hang out with a deaf girl rather than with her and then we are supposed to think she's a changed person at the end because she learned how to insult the poor retarded girl using sign language
Ueno still has a defense force which makes discussion arise, but who the fuck even bothers defending Kawai unless they want to troll
they probably deserve it
>ueno a best
>yuzuru a best
>shouko a best
Fuck you guys. This girl is the best and you all know it.
Establecido y carmesà pastillado.
*burns 17 thousand dollars*
yeah best girl to knock the fuck out
Burned 17k of her son's suicide money. Equivalent exchange. Plus that scene made her cute.
fucker could've bought a helmet for that coma he landed
Thats not how physics works user. You take the force of a 80 kg object, and drop it from 100+ feet up, that force gotta go somewhere. Just because you are a knight in full platemail doesn't mean you are protected from blunt objects. A hammer or club will fuck your shit up.
I'm here to save the day:
1. Yuzuru's Grandma
2. Shouya's Mom
3. Yuzuru
4. Sahara
5. Ueno
6. Maria
7. Shouya's Sister
-Powerlevel Gap of Shitness-
8. Shouko
9. Shouko's Mom
10. Kawai
I'd cut her some dick.
I don't think she is into guro user. Try your luck in Yea Forums
> he didn't read the manga
opinion discarded
You have good taste, I'd put Ueno higher but I respect you.
This is respectable.
She didn't though. She writes on the blackboard due to peer pressure 1 time and apologizes for it, all other bullying was just his two male ex-friends and class randoms she just continued to shit on shouko.
Almost great except Shouko should be around where Ueno is. 6 or 4 should be fine.
pedro at number 1
>I was merely pretending
She seems like a strong, independent woman that don't need no man. I bet she could beat up half of user's waifus in this thread.
she needs a dicking
Too bad there is a sever lack of decent doujinshi of her.
>ueno still exists?
I don't understand you bullycunts
Ok cancer you can fuck off
Why are Uenotards so jealous of Shouko? Even since the manga day threads.
>She is not even an anime character type
Not every anime character should be "anime character type".
Ueno cares about the MC and Shouko only cares about killing herself and hurting others and making poor families pay her 1.7 mil yen. Did you see what she did to the MC's mom? She ripped her ear ring out to get revenge.
>the amount of fags shitting on deaf girl for no reason
you fucking retards and bullies. Also stay mad unefags
too high?
like Asuka, she just needed a good dicking
>Shouko only cares about killing herself
I know that you baiting, but let's say you being deaf and where you live deafness is kinda immoral for the population. You being bullied all your life just because you are different and no one cares or understands you because you are deficient while making weird noises. Which is why you never make fun of disabilities. And she didn't only ''''cared about killing herself'''' you retard, her mentally state and others brought her to this situation, especially that bitch une. Have you ever felt suicidal you fucking normalfag?
> Did you see what she did to the MC's mom?
It was her mom you dumbnut
UNEfags are just playing dumb or for real?
The problem isn't that she's deaf, it's that she's retarded. she bought nothing to the world except suffering for everyone involved with her and specially those who cared about her.
Ueno is loyal, hardworking, caring and admired by everyone except MC but he literally can't see anyone outside his twisted delusions.
> Shouko and MC both are selfcentered and self pitying
> They both make stupid decisions as a result and cause trouble for everyone
> Ueno is proud and hard working
> she is a productive member of society that inspires her classmates, and tries to help her depressed crush while he's just on a toxic codependency with a cripple
If anything the story is telling you to stop being a victim and get your shit together so you can be happy and productive, so you can live the bueno way
Are you fucking serious? Shouko literally worked hard and tried to befriend everyone but instead she got shit from them just because the plot said so. Shouya is the only one who took the first steps to fix stuff with her. While une "ungabuna me so dumb pay attention to me MCkun!" was just shallow.
Also this shit comes from someone who said shouko ripped MCs mother earring, you are a joke. Kill yourself
I like Ueno because she knows she's a shit and tries to change even if just a little. She's also not wrong about Shouko the fact is Shouko could only ever see herself as a victim and could only imagine her presences as making things worse instead of trying to improve herself and her surroundings (until post fall). Ueno is right to call her on her victim complex because a victim complex is a lot like paranoia just because people are out to get you (or are bullying you) doesn't mean you aren't paranoid.
Of course I like Shouko too and how she learned to genuinely try to better and fix things up with everyone.
> this shit comes from someone who said shouko ripped MCs mother earring
I'm not that guy schizo, kys. She didn't try shit what did she even do pre-fall? Sure she was kind of brave facing her fears but she literally just wanted everyone to magically get together to redeem herself cuz "I'm so tragic I want to fix everything, sowwy everyone". Die in a hole with your cutesy victim act.
10/10 taste
>victim complex
She never had any victim complex since she was the victim
hey Nadeko, you can truly be the victim sometimes but not all the time. At some point you have to look up and walk forward or you are just reveling in your sad comfort zone.
>I'm not that guy schizo
We are in chinese anonymous image board how could've I known?
>She didn't try shit
Well she did try befriending shouya as a child instead she got shit on.
>she was kind of brave facing her fears but she literally just wanted everyone to magically
She literally not you fucking literal spouting faggot. While being """""""""""""""""""""""""deaf"""""""""""""""""""" it gives out all kinds of insecurities and trouble in communication. As I said, shouya is the only one who tried to understand her because he essentially made the first steps. He learned sign language.
All see here are faggots who never felt remorse for lonely people with depression. You all are fags.
Being the only Mio clone with no tits is a terrible affliction. That's where her bitchy attitude comes from
>both girls interested in MC fuck off to Tokyo while he stays
What a shallow non-ending the manga had.
Was movie better in that aspect?
iirc didnt he plan to do the same too?
> as a child
Kids don't even count as human, elementary school section was the professors fault
> shouya is the only one who tried to understand her
Yeah he is the one that cared, but shouya and Ueno are basically doing the same thing: fix what they did wrong cuz guilt. But Ueno cares about shouya not shouko. Shouko is doing the same thing btw, she's trying to bring the group she broke together, that's why she attempted suicide when she saw shouya isolating himself with her again.
> All see here are faggots who never felt remorse for lonely people with depression
I don't feel remorse for people with depression because there's nothing anyone can do about it except themselves. I can empathize with them, because everyone has gone through rough times, specially with shouya and his social anxiety but I won't feel bad for people that won't help themselves.
I like Ueno cuz she did nothing wrong, she does have a mean demeanor but she knows it and is a flaw she tries to fix by herself, not asking for sympathy points from anyone.
>>her only words to him in middle school is "you're a virgin aren't you?"
>>gets jealous out of nowhere when other people start to like him again
She wants to be the one popping his cherry. This happens quite a lot in the anime, the childhood tsundere tease the MC about being kiss less but they run away crying when the MC says he had kissed someone else.
Let's bring positivity to this thread, post things you like about your favorite character.
I like how she really tries hard to become better. I like how she's honest and blunt and seems mean because she judges everyone as strictly as she judges herself. I like how cute she is and how nice she dresses. I like how she straight tells people she hates to fuck off. I like how tsundere she is and her friendship with Sahara. I like her smooth black hair. I like how much she loves cats. I like how brave she is trying to confess to her crush as soon as she saw him again. I like how she btfo fat people. I like how frustrated she gets at herself when she fucks things up. I like how protective she is of the people she cares for. I like her slim and perfect legs. I like her competitive nature. I like Ueno.
My gf Ueno is sooo cute
>Kids don't even count as human
Yeah? So it explains why they broke her inear hearing devices? I thought no one knew that!?
>she's trying to bring the group she broke together
You literally contradicting yourself man.
>fix what they did wrong cuz guilt
All I see is how she trashy she acts towards Shouko. You unefags really this blind? Who am I even talking to?
Of course it explains a lot.
>I don't feel remorse for people with depression because there's nothing anyone can do about it
Sometimes it's not about helping yourself, sometimes you give a hand for someone who is in trouble or someone who lost their close ones, even if they failed in college, whatever it is, you help them or at least have remorse for them because they tried. All you do is just empathize with people, but when people trying to help themselves or others and they are unable to, you help them too. You never understand deficiency as well or never brought that.
>I like Ueno that's all
>she knows it and is a flaw she tries to fix by herself
Fixing shit by digging even deeper hole for herself. Be honest, you like her because you have some fetish towards these kinds of characters and how "strong" they are. Look, I'm happy for her being strong and honest but her rudeness and how she treated Shouko like some dog is beyond forgiving.
Kill yourself. Smug cunt
What the fuck, she doesn't look too attractive in the manga.
Written to portray actual 3DPD characteristics
She's adorable
Even her own POV chapter in that manga volume where everyone gets one as Shoya's in a coma has her as completely undefensible and leaves her in the same place as she started. Truly an irredeemable character if there ever was one.
What’s she from
I feel completely proud that Yea Forums seems united in their hatred for Kawai that they just damnatio memorae her and never talk about her at all, except to shame and mock her. I too hate her so much that when I try to watch the anime I just skips whenever she talks, sorry for her seiyuu.
>being so contrarian you rate borderline indefensible characters as best girls
pathetic really. Ueno is a massive cunt, and if the mc weren't a spineless beta he would have told her to fuck off or kicked her ass after seeing the ferris wheel vid. Just because you want to jerk off to her doesn't make her not a massive fucking twat
> All I see is how she trashy she acts towards Shouko
She just don't like Shouko, how is this hard to understand?
How could she even like her? From her POV she came and made her class go slower and she cares about studying, ruined the contest they were all trying hard to win, constantly annoyed during class, stole shouya's attention, and finally left a broken shouya as the target of bullying. It wasn't Shoukos fault but how could a child understand? The teachers didn't even try to justify (and were probably against having a deaf kid when they weren't prepared either)
How can (You) even like Shouko? She has no good qualities except being cute. She has the personality of a doormat. Her selfless victim persona is annoying and doesn't let her grow up. I get that she had a harsh childhood because of her inability to communicate the stupid policies of her mom, and that's sad, but a sad backstory isn't a substitute for a personality.
>She just don't like Shouko, how is this hard to understand
Stopped reading there also now I know you are 100% baiting
I did nazi that coming
a movie called a silent voice
>newfag spoonfeeding another newfag
>he uses the english name instead of the hiragana
>not the title in Chinese in full kanji
that too
>Chinese in full kanji
>not the full name is encrypted binary
muh sekrit club ammiright goiz?
>muh sekrit club
back to wherever
>back to wherever
back to wherever
That sounds reasonable. Can you deduce it from manga?
I really liked the movie but yeah... There is no character depth.
I think the moral is bullying helps you grow, in moderation
Fug I want to give her my penis
Anime ending was far better
especially since the only payoff we got from their relationship in the manga was fucking hand holding
>hey, I'm leaving you for tokyo
>hey, I'm also leaving you for tokyo
What the fuck is wrong with female mangakeks?
Don't mix all female mangakas together user.
true, the one who wrote KnJ was god tier
She requires massive gang-ravaging even if it were with bottles to correct her behavior. She is the worst type of tsundere.