I just finished Spice and Wolf and boy it hits hard

I just finished Spice and Wolf and boy it hits hard
What else hit you in the kokoro anons?
Are we going to make it?
I have no one in life and I dont see myself being with another person ever

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>What else hit you in the kokoro anons?
>Are we going to make it?
>I have no one in life and I dont see myself being with another person ever

The state of German railway infrastructure.

What's up with Holo that makes all of us fall in love with her?

Ears, tail, character.

Drunk wolf science.

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this is also the same method for cyanide

I just wish the lore was a little more explored, I am at the last novel and the Moon-Hunting Bear is still nowhere to be seen.

I know that it's not really the point or the focus of the story, but the concept is pretty cool and I'd like to see more of it.

Hell, I'd be down for more short stories featuring past travels of Holo, the one with the deer spirit (I don't remember if it was actually a deer or something similar) and the two kids was great

A bit more about Holo's past travels would be nice too.

I mean user u got us, yes the people eho you have problably tell to kill thenselves r the ones that loves you

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You're a lonely 4channeler who is probably on the high functioning end of the autism spectrum. You probably self-insert as Lawrence on some level, identifying with his mostly self-imposed isolation. You would love to have Holo suddenly appear and insist on companionship; being smug and playful, yet lonely, she would do most of the work in the relationship, and she acts more like a dog than a human half the time.



If that's all you can take out of this show, then maybe it's not for you.

>bucket of shit in a barrel of honey
Enjoy your barrel of shit.

Grow up.

>growing up = eating shit

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Seven apples on a witch's tree...

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Literally where?

Gangblacked in forest by big bad wolf and his pack. Why do you think she came back all dirty? Rape is common way for social animals to establish dominance.
>inb4 she just groveled
Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that.

But they were in no way engaged back then? That was just a traveling companion (potentionally) getting raped.

I mean it's distillation it only works one of two ways, the stuff you want is left over in the still or the stuff you want is pooped out the condenser.

>t-they were j-just f-friends!

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She just says please to get safe passage.
The actual annoying shit holo does comes in novels far removed from the anime, like her telling Lawrence to man up for entire novels only to knock him the fuck out when he actually tries to fuck her.

>She just says please
Multiple times, yes.

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The answer is always Gundam SEED.

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Bruv I've clearly actually read the novels so I don't exactly get what you think you're going to troll me with.

>he has read the novels
>it's the same ambiguous
>dirty Horo comes after pleading passage with male wolf pack

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>tfw no wise wolf gf
Pretty much the only feeling I had while reading the ln.
Merchant shenanigans and the cute banter were so fucking comfy.

Consider isekai.

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Sounds like a good idea.

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One of three "spice and wolf" + rape doujins.
You're doing it wrong though.

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Just finished novel 6, what was the answer to the 57 coin barrel mystery? Apologies for brainlet.

>sexually active women are shit
Seriously, grow up. You're pathetic.

>boy it hits hard
How did it hit hard? There's basically no way I could imagine a happier ending for them, Holo and Lawrence essentially got everything they wanted.

Not fully explained until the end of book 9.

Coins were stacked differently on purpose, as part of a tax and tariff evasion scheme between three parties. Basically this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle_packing

Watch Maoyuu next.

Attached: [AnimeNOW]_Maoyuu_Maou_Yuusha_-_01_[BD_720p_AAC]_[A1B87EAF].mkv_snapshot_15.26_[2015.02.11_20.24.44] (1280x720, 1.42M)