Why does everyone refer to this as being for obnoxious "I love science" types? Unlike something like Rick and Morty...

Why does everyone refer to this as being for obnoxious "I love science" types? Unlike something like Rick and Morty, which paints science as something fantastical, Dr. Stone portrays science very respectfully and realistically (when it comes to the actual process). In fact, I'd argue its so dedicated to a genuine portrayal of science it comes at a detriment to the story and character development.

It shows science is
>not exclusive, with the blue collar laborers and salesmen contributing just as much to the process as the guys working in labs
>not fantastical, unlike crazy rule bending shit like portal guns in rick and morty, everything follows a ruleset
>hard work and tedious
>not necessarily being in opposition to religion or tradition
>not something that makes you a better or superior person- Senku needs others to accomplish anything, but others show they are perfectly capable of building functional societies without science. He also posesses clear shortcomings, with his truly meaningful character traits being his dedication, altruism, and empathy over his intelligence.

There are plenty of exponentially worse things to complain about, like a revival asspull on the level of O MY RUBBER NEN in the first 50 chapters.

Attached: dr-stone-9146683.jpg (890x1300, 366K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Rick and Morty are their own special brand of cancer.

>Dr. Stone portrays science very respectfully and realistically
morty *burp* morty we gotta *BUUUUUUURP* WE GOTTA BUILD CELLPHONES

whatever you say Jimbo.

It's just fun and goofy when it feels like it, sometimes it turns bittersweet and emotional, sometimes it even fails at what it tries to be, but most importantly it's sincere with itself, like looking at a passion project made by a few good friends excited about what they plan to do
It's just so fun looking at how the story develops and thinking about how much fun the writers are having with it, and the fresh pace of science instead of fists just adds a cherry on top

I don't like it when they try to portray science "realistically" unless it's extremely accurate.
It just activates my autism with every little silliness and inaccuracies (and Dr.Stone has plenty of that).

I prefer it when it's more fantastical - for example Star Trek that has all that fictional future magic tech. It makes me suspend my disbelief and keeps me from analysing everything too much.

It was a comedy show user

Because shitposting.
This manga is good.

Dunno why I expected anything else. Why does anime ruin everything? The threads for Dr. Stone were some of the comfiest stuff ever and now we get trash like this and the faggots posting in it.

It happens to others too. Bye bye comfy thread.

>There are plenty of exponentially worse things to complain about, like a revival asspull on the level of O MY RUBBER NEN in the first 50 chapters.
Don't worry people gonna do that when that episode comes out.

They literally have nothing to criticize so they run to fanbases and surface level details like e=mc2 without any context to bandwagon on hate.

You're just as bad as them for trying to counter it.
If you want shitposting to die you gotta look past it and seek the actual meaningful conversation.

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>Practical, realistic
OP is ubermensch with all the science memorized. And hes just a teen kid. Go fuck yourself

Little Anons are on summer vacation and everything smart is illegal for them.

>he doesn't make hommade cola [/cola] from the recipe in Dr. Stone
Low IQ

That's just because the series is about people who are extraordinary to the point of absurdity. All the power team members are just as silly as /sci/.

Didn't someone die doing this?

ITT: coping stonefags
Enjoy your shitty r*ddit manga getting axed. No amount of equations or fedora tipping will save you, just like how no amount of equations or fedora tipping will erase god and stop you from being sent to hell

New reprints:
7/19 Spy x Family vol. 1
7/25 Act-age vol. 7
7/25 Jujutsu vol. 6
7/25 Kimetsu vol. 16
No Dr.Stone.

An user

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Why is Yea Forums so much more autistic about this show than usual?

I usually stay far away from shonen and the one time I actually like one you fags are bickering about the stupidest shit.

They're not, you probably just haven't noticed it for the others because you stay away from shonen. It's a pit of people flinging shit at each other to try and prop up their own personal favorite. Dr. Stone only escaped most of it because it was relatively small.

It happened to everyone else what happened here is nothing special at all. The thing is could you survive this or not.

what was the real story behind it?

From another thread
>One user in the weekly manga threads attempted to make it, he hasn't gotten back to us yet and that was more than a year ago.

Since the last episode aired I've read up to 87 chapters, and this manga is very unrealistic and not about realism and whatever, but rather "science beats all!" which feels like it's a message for kids so that they'll grow up wanting to be like Senku.

Nothing happens for 40 chapters.

>Fantsy vs science
Why are Nips so obsessed with a language they can't even speak properly?

What knowledge you have that can help you if you got into the stone world?
Can you build civilization from scratch?

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Nigger, I struggle to put together Ikea furniture. If I woke up in the wilderness with all signs of human civilization gone, I'd fucking McKill myself.

Ishigami Senku
Gender: M
Age: 3733
Height: 171.4 cm
Hair color: Varies
Ethnicity: Japanese
Relationship status: Divorced, not seeking

Seethe, Hiatusbitch, it sustains me

I'm ortho & trauma surgeon, so i know how to deal with most injuries.
And I've spent 5 years in ER so I deal with medical cases.
The issue is most of modern medicine facilities won't be around, and I don't know how to make medicines, so I don't think it would help much.
I do carpentry as a hobby, so there's that I guess.

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>wake up
>realize no Internet
Suicide by dropping one of the stone people on me.

Yes, but in Dr. Stone they do create mobile telecommunications from scientifically accurate methods.

Granted, it's portable radio, not cellphones but the principle is the same.

Uh...evil morty citadel arc?

I'm a giant history nerd so I'd know a little about everything.

But not specifics. For example I'd know how quicklime and cement are made but not the exact temperature or duration necessary to make them.

>CS major
I'd be worse than useless


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>evil morty citadel arc

The only interesting part of the entire show and but it isn't the main part of the story yet because more people like shit like pickle rick than that or admitting the fact that Rick lost to Jerry so he had to flee to another universe where Jerry was weaker.

Because it's obnoxious bullshit being shilled on this board. We already have genuine high IQ manga to read if you really want it

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>high IQ
>posts HiatusxHiatus and Discount DBZ

>high IQ manga

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Cope with your popsci garbage, Stonecel.

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Cope retard. You're the lowest IQ poster on this entire board.

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this, nothing compares to the writing in hxh. Does stone have reconstructive shonen? I didn't think so

hurr durr more words per page means its super duper smart

imagine having your hear hurt because you read

>walls of text in a manga means it's smart r-right
Kneel before me, dog.

True, nothing compares to how atrociously written HxH is, you've got me there.

>samefagging brainlet can't read
It doesn't, you can write as many words as you'd like, it doesn't mean what you're writing is relevant or smart in any way.

That's the difference between words in HxH and shonenshit, everything Togashi writes serves a purpose in it's narrative and pieces together with the story, unlike hacks and shitposters who try to imitate his style. Pic related.

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>some autistic pseud actually thinks he's smart for making this

go back to /pol/

You actually think that retarded shit you posted is smart, don't you? Jesus Christ.

I read the latest chapter and he built a drone out of sticks so go fuck yourself

Y'know I'm starting to like Dr. Stone since I'm binging it, but I think people would lost interest with this slow but careful pacing with a weekly release.

Well the only knowledge that matters is farming, so first we would to locate some wild cereal crops then slowly domesticate them which will takes thousands of years.

God I want to impregnate Kohaku.

HxH has a bad habit of telling rather than showing. You're TOLD what the ability is rather than have the characters discover it. You're TOLD how great a character is rather than see it. You're TOLD what the characters are thinking rather than seeing them think through it.

This gets worse as time goes on.

What is the plot of HxH? The central plot?

cope, we are the greatest selling manga of all time

Depends, how practical would logistics be?

It's just seasonal popular shounen shitposting and doesn't really matter. It's a fun series.

Quiet, sheep.

> ugh ugh show dont tell ugh ugh

Is this the worst meme of the last five decades?
A bunch of low IQ shonenspics who have never even picked up a book just parroting three words and pretending to be critics without even understanding what they mean, or where they come from.

The characters are expressing their inner thoughts with a bias based on how that character is. It's not Togashi telling you what they think, how they're wrong, and what's wrong about it. You should be paying attention to exactly WHO is telling you what they think instead of just screaming like a retard "DUUUUUR SHOW DON'T TELL" because there's words on the page. Rihan didn't even get asses the situation because his ability is a linchpin in Benjamin's counter guardian beast operations, and since Rihan by nature of his ability has to stay disconnected from the normal flow of information and make his own assumptions. What he thinks is important and if he makes a mistake not only is death pretty much guaranteed, but even if he doesn't die he's out of the game for 48 hours and that's a window Benjamin cannot afford.

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It depends, would I wake up and find a civilization of primitive peoples? Would I wake up and have other people wake up with me? Because if I was left alone like senku I would have never been able to figure out how to unpetrify people and he was alone for 6 months so I probably would have died in those 6 months.

they are all just brainlets

>a motor is a drone
>copper and iron is a bunch of sticks

The Yea Forumsermins saw an article on gamefaqs and came running to Yea Forums.

>HxH cucks are impressed that their manga doesn't contradict itself
How fucking hilarious that you think you're reading a "smart" story because of this basic fucking thing. It really speaks to how trash the shounen genre is overall.

Too much bullshit no one cares about, just get to the fighting. already. Jesus christ imagine if Naruto had this obnoxious internal monologue bullshit it would take centuries for fights to finish.

What do you mean?

Character-driven narrative set in a fantasy version of the late 20th century about 4 boys who go on a journey to fulfill their individual ambitions, and the people they encounter in this journey. The main character, tone and setting of the journey changes from arc to arc, and the plot structure is never repeated.

It doesn't follow any single plot with a dogged emphasis on linear progression, because that's not what life is. Every arc is different, every arc is genuinely emotive. It's an author who isn't afraid to reference fucking Devilman and zero contract labourers. Balzac's struggles against the benchmark of wealth, Henry Miller's chaotic idolisation of the flawed, fucking Gilgamesh or Henry IV's record of friendship. Go grow up, then maybe you'll understand the significance of Yoshihiro Togashi's Hunter x Hunter.

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>Character-driven narrative
This is shonen, no one cares about that we want to see an MC rise to the top or die trying. I cant believe a hunter chimp is talking about real life, just read a slice of life manga if you want that shit.

>gore means seinen
Commit suicide

Hxhfag is like somekind of parasites that leech onto other series to feel relevant

Holy fuck you retarded pseuds are even worse than Evafags.

you're a child

What? Personally I find HxH to be seinen because a lot of characters acts and thinks like a smart adult. Let alone some themes that were shown. I'm not talking about the gore -apparently there is tendency to identify something as seinen because it has a lot of blood and violence (Ghoul for example)-. But the true maturity or seinen-esque doesn't lie in blood, it lies in psychological themes. For example, who was initially demonstrated as a Goku-like hero, but he received so much smart deconstruction (his ambiguous growth during palace assault) that he started to be perceived like a real person in fantasy world. The detalisation, the completness of a character's psychology is what I call seinen.

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This is why no one takes HxH seriously

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>Personally I find HxH to be seinen because a lot of characters acts and thinks like a smart adult.

You seem assblasted by things you dont understand, shonenspic. Let me break one single page down for you:

>After understanding his ability I have to make a decision in order to secure Benjamin's victory
>the decision is kill Halk
>but the nen beast figured that I'm a Nen user, so if I approach Hawk with intention to kill, he will beat my shit up first!
>but WHY he distincts me from other guards? The queen's private guard received the feather, but it disappeared 10 minutes later, meaning that only guards with devotion to the prince are allowed to get together with him
>therefore, if I assume that he can use a certain categorie of nen, the nen beast can erase memories, which means that I could be under his influence without even knowing it!
>It's dangerous to try anything harshy before knowing the exact specs of his power
>hence we need one or two more people to try-out and see if we can confirm this

This is a flawless line of logic thinking and deduction. If you're such a brainlet who you can't handle mere words, complex subterfuge and multilayered conflict you shouldn't be reading an intellectual manga like HxH.

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>but WHY he distincts me
>If you're such a brainlet who you can't handle
Please stop, Pedro, you can't even pretend to be smart ironically.

Blah blah I expect this sort of in depth crap in a detective manga or a light novel not shonen, get it in your head HxH is supposed to be fucking shonen.

you might legitimately be mentally ill

Or just shitposting, which is obviously what he's doing.

>no rebuttal

I see a concession from lowly dogs to which I shall accept. Savor this graceful gesture, shonenspics. Now excuse me while I finish digesting my copy of Heideggers' "Einführung in die Metaphysik".

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Not even a (You) for bait this weak. If you're going to shitpost like this, either make it less obvious or relegate it to Dragon Ball generals, where literally nobody tries to hide the fact that they're shitposting.

these faggots can't discuss shit in their own thread so they they went to other to shit on it

>in their own thread
>implying they ever have their own threads

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>detective manga
That's basically what the current arc of HxH is. It's classic information warfare contained within 1 floor of a building. Within only 30 chapters alone we have characters making plays on one another constantly, prince's are dying, people are forced to plan and counter-plan to outmanuever the other, putting their lives on the line if not outright sacrificing themselves for mere slivers of information. Information that may provide only the slightest of advantage over the other. Add in the fact that's it's only getting started and the interplay of nen and traditional political power structures and the result is the highest IQ arc of any on going manga right now.

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Congrats, you've done in a paragraph what the author took all page to do.

And it's not the story, it's Telling over Showing.

>Comparing detective manga to this garbage
Please commit suicide

>current arc
You mean the one that's on hiatus forever? Yes, very "current" LMAO

>he actually thinks Hiatus x Hiatus is in any way comparable to detective fiction
Jesus fuck

Based HunterChad dabbing on shonenbrainlets yet again

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you are retarded and over analyzing the shit out of what is essentially a comic book for children

>can't have their own shitposting general where they circlejerk over how "smart" their average manga is because "look at all the words"
>cope with the hiatus by crying and throwing tantrums and trying desperately to appear intelligent in other threads that have nothing to do with Kek x Cope

>hunterchad raping the whole thread
fucking based

Imagine samefagging this blatantly.

The HUNTERCHAD is an apex predator, literally bursting with intellect and heterosexual energy. He looks around his domain (Yea Forums) and sees the jackals and hyena shitposting mindlessly, and so the lion must remind them who he is.

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Whisperfags need to be purged from here. They are the rickandmortyfags of Yea Forums.

Absolutely legendary how the intellect of a single Hunterchad is enough to send the entire front line of shonenbabbies into a state of panic.

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they've been doing this for the better part of a year since their general died. Most of their fan base moved on to other shit but these obsessed ones just can't seem to

>absolutely no arguments

Why are they so obsessed with a manga that is, at the ABSOLUTE best, barely average?

Based and nenpilled.

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>Hunterbitch is too scared to respond to any of the criticism so he instead just talks to himself

>this thread

We can't stop winning, bros.

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gateway anime. The 2011 remake attracted a metric fuckton of zoomers because netflix marketed it to literal children pic related. Reddit also had a bad habit of telling everyone that it was the "greatest anime ever created" when anyone asked. Then that stupid fucking youtube e-celeb made that retarded video about how it's a "deconstructive shonen" and single handedly turned it into the rick and morty of anime

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Don't be mad at the hunterbabs, they're just trying to get Togashi to stop catching up on Dr. Stone so he can start working on his own story again

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Anime becoming mainstream literally fucking ruined it

Where were you when Hunterchads literally gave shonenspics PTSD?

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at first it's just a bunch of fags larping as they actually took that serious. Now it got to the state of unironnically shitposting other series even fucking BERSERK because HiatusxHiatus is also seinen

>look how smart I am for reading this children's comic book
Fucking sad.

basically acting like retards is the only way they can get attention

>"even fucking BERSERK"
>this aspie spic actually thinks his elf island manga is in any way notable

The mermaid arc would literally fit as anime filler in naruto

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based hunterchad

I'm a geneticist, so a lot of my knowledge wouldn't be useful in the beginning. However, I certainly have more farming knowledge than most people, plus I could help develop antibiotics from moldy bread if we got that far. Knowledge aside, I'm ~196 cm and lift weights, so I could be dumb muscle.

play Rimworld for similar scenario

Rimworld is way too limited.
And it doesn't even have SCIENCE.

science is cool!

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I'd say the SJ horse race threads ruined it due to all the "Dr. Push" bullshit. Why the fuck people need to turn everything into a competition I don't know.

DR.STONE IS WRONG! BAT GAUNO DOES NOT CONTAIN NITRIC ACID! It contains potassium nitrate, but not nitric acid. Also if you have nitric acid you don't need to make gun powder, you can make nitrocellulose, AKA smokeless powder, much, much easier! Literally just take cellulose, dip in nitric acid, and heat. Making magnets with lightning? Hasn't that prick heard of a self excited dynamo? Dynamos can bootstrap themselves with their own generated current! This was incredibly important during the history of electrification. And then what do we use said dynamo for? Making sodium hydroxide! Making sodium hydroxide electrolytically requires an ion selective membrane, dipping wires in salt water just won't cut it! Fuck they were already making soap with lye(sodium hydroxide), so why even fucking bother with making it electrolytically! Why on earth would you collect naturally occurring sulfuric acid in a toxic hot spring using god knows what for tubing and seals, when you already have sulfur and potassium nitrate! Just burn sulfur and potassium nitrate in the presence of steam! And for the chemical synthesis, WHERE ARE THE SCALES! Weighing shit is incredibly important for chemistry. Although I must say, sulphanilamide is certainly a pretty good option for early antibiotics, and at least some of the synthesis steps are accurate.
The Gingery book series. David J. Gingery bootstrapped the industrial revolution in his garage and wrote books on how to do so.

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And? He made a radio receiver. Sorry they toned down the vocab so anybody can understand.

and yet I could finish stone in one day while I struggle to understand why people are all over hxh's penis like a thristy ho.

We got word from hxhfags, these trolls are heroshitters

Fuck off falseflagging mumbler

Have some more

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No need to be upset herotard

My God, did her tits get even bigger?

I never read HxH but given its braindead fan base it can't be good.

That's fanart

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Have a peek into the future

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that's just his de-shounen art style, all women gain x2 breast size

senku is so beautiful i've been looking at this for five hours now

>having such muscles as a nerdy teen

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what is a successful person doing on Yea Forums
fuck off
Yea Forums is for losers like me

Assuming I get added to the camp of Stone People that already exist? Fucking useless, I can't speak Japanese and wouldn't be good for much physical labour compared to the cartoonishly buff existing members. Handwave not knowing Japanese and allow the concession of unthawing more people then I have worked on construction sites and know how to frame a house and have experience with animal husbandry so find me some ungulates and I can get this shit started.

Also distilling alcohol from wine is not something you can do without a thermometer.
Depending on the temperature you could get a methanol which is toxic or ethanol which is explosive if you mix it with nitric acid.

>health care

Biomedical engineer here. Guess I got a little of medical training, and some farming experience.
But nothing if we started from literally zero.

>when you know that everything is fucked and your only hope and willpower is through Einstein's formula that acts as your banner and light that shines in the darkness
I thought the E = mc2 was just some random formula he wrote but damn kinda cool. Poor Guy

Its deconstructive nature and frequent forays into highly philosophical concepts tends to intimidate and turn people away.

>not successful
Okay user, tell us about your career in finance or petroleum engineering. Or perhaps do you have some smash-hit Silicon Valley startup that's about to go public for gorillions of dollars?

>methanol which is toxic
He isn't drinking it.
Also it isn't toxic in that quantities.
Distillation doesn't create methanol, you only get the methanol out of it that's already in the wine.
Unless you go out of your way to extract only the methanol, it won't do shit.

It's a myth that the methanol is very dangerous in diy distillation.
Methanol poisoning with bootleg alcohol happens because they often cut their product with (very cheap) additional methanol to make it taste "stronger".

>or ethanol which is explosive if you mix it with nitric acid.
The whole point of it was to get ethanol.

Well, people are assholes.
For every day I spend in the hospital I have to spend two days in court because of lawsuit because I refused to do something they wanted.

>ethanol which is explosive if you mix it with nitric acid
Uh, okay? lol, dat surface level knowledge.

In the first place they explicitly said they were making nital. Nital is a mixture of ethanol and nitric acid (and actually less corrosive than nitric acid unlike what is implied in Dr Stone). You can also make nital with methanol instead of ethanol but normally we don't bother because it's both more expensive and we're not allowed to just pour it down the drain when we're finished. For etching purposes nital is 2-3% nitric acid in ethanol. Why less than 3%? It's because more than 3% is potentially explosive. Emphasis on potentially. If it's fresh it is not dangerous and can be used. Trust me, I'm a metallurgist and I mix nital every week.


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I'd be pretty fucking useless. I'm physically capable but not anywhere near the level of the musclebound monsters that are already there. I only speak English and my survival skills/knowledge are pretty thin on the ground. The only things I excel at is shit like music and writing, all of which would be completely fucking worthless in that situation. I have been boxing since I was a kid, not competitively or anything but I know my way around a ring, so maybe I could be part of a security force or something.

dude, most of us can't afford to go to court period.

>her ass is sobbing

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The worst arc of Berserk has better art,characterization and writing than the "the best" arc in whisperXwhisper.

It might not have anything to do with the acid since they poured nitric acid onto the petrified and it did fuckall.

Which bring us to the original issue.

I only know how to do really basic crafting things from my diy stuff. Maybe carts and stuff to transport materials.I could mess around with metal working.

How tight your asshole?

I'm not paying anything neither, it's on the hospital.

Tighter than a [insert sexual analogy here]

I just got to chapter 86 and all I can say is fuck I wish tsukasa won. While he was being pretty evil and selfish, his motives were pretty based. As soon as Ryuusui revived he started trying to monopolize everything, took all the oil for himself, created a currency system, and is starting all the shit things about the world we know today. Tsukasa would have killed him for sure. And if he wasn't in cryo-sleep right now would be deeply ashamed.

Attached: cryku.jpg (220x660, 91K)

That image is giving me such a weird illusion. It looks like the right side is (slightly) slanting outwards as it goes down, but I saved the image and took a closer look and it's a completely straight line. What is this magic?

Keep reading. Don't want to spol you anything

I'm lazy physically weak faggot with a lot of health issues and lack of any motivation whatsoever, so if I end up in stone world alone, I'd rather kill myself that try to futile struggle. If I'm not alone, I'll probably try to manipulate whatever people available into caring after me.

I heard someone once said that "the characters in this manga are all likeable, even if you don't like them at first you will come to like them later on. Even the villains"

I can only hope it's true for this faggot. I mean I like his charisma and his snarky back and forth with senku, but just seeing what he's already done (monopolized oil, created currency, built his own mansion, got a waifu to be his slave, etc) in just like 5 pages makes me hate him and question science.

These pages are so sad. You can tell Togashi is burnt out and just wishes he wrote a tabletop RPG instead of a manga. HxH has an interesting premise - but that's the only thing interesting about it.The series is about rules and how these rules interact, but rather than have consistent rules, they change on the fly when Togashi writes himself into a corner or just decided to hide information from the reader. It's boring. It's not interesting in the least. It's the exact opposite of "Show not Tell," and is made even worse by the fact that anything Togashi tells is made irrelevant several chapters later.

He is a hack.

Will we ever see Senkuu crying on-panel?

That is the only panel of him crying.

user, don't worry, just enjoy the ride

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When in a battle shonen the MC defeats the villain easily:
>Fucking gary-stu.
> O MY [X]
> The writer is a hack

When in Dr. Stone the MC creates something easily:
>That's the point. Great series.

>creates sth easily

When has Stone EVERY created something easily? I mean even distilled alcohol took an entire year.

Dr. Stone is about learning how these different inventions that we take for granted are made. It's completely different HxH (meaning it is actually interesting).

>takes him over 3 months with the combined effort of 7 people working tirelessly every single day to create a few small doses of the simplest antibiotic known to man that hadn't been used in hundreds of years by his time because every other antibiotic was far better than it

Nothing has been easy. Even if you're an animefag (me), Senku admitted that being alone for 6 months almost killed him because he could only manage the absolute bare minimum. Nothing easy about it.

Do you know how fucking long the distillation process works? The shortest you can do is probably 3-6 months and it'll be shit quality. That they waited for a year doesn't mean it was hard.

Just because they don't spend 20 chapters to make something doesn't mean it was "easy". There are tons of chapters with mini timeskips where they pass over weeks/months of trial+error and experimenting.

How fucking seething are you? I read this manga cause it's fun and I like the mystery. I've never once felt O I MUST BE SO SMART IF I CAN UNDERSTAND THIS SIMPLE CHILDRENS MANGA. You're obviously mad it's getting popular cause you were probably the dude posting "I hope this anime flops and the manga gets axed" for weeks before the anime aired.

>b-b-but if it's not all presented neatly to me on a platter I sperg out and cry about it

Reminder don't give (you)s to speedreaders like 190372852

>look how mad I am the series is getting more popularity

Are you fucking braindead? Do you have a single shred of reading comprehension inside your spic head? That fucking post was about Hiatusfags coming into other shows' threads and sperging out, you absolutely goddamn pants-on-head retarded mongoloid.

>again with the lack of reading comprehension

You probably like HxH so you're the last person that should insult someone's intelligence.

>is a fucking retard that can't even comprehend a post
>gets called out for retardation
>responds with even more retardation by implying I like HiatusxHiatus even though I literally referred to their fanbase as Hiatuscucks
You are a fucking idiot that didn't take the time to comprehend the post you were responding to and now you're trying to save face. Read slower next time to save yourself this kind of embarrassment.

>posts are literally shitting on HxH
>"hurr u r probably a Hunterfag"
you made yourself look stupid with that first post, just accept it

I'm not
I apologize I misread and i was triggered iver other posts.


Sounds like Jojo with Asperger's

Lol okay some other tard joined the convo and you don't believe me? I wasn't hating on hxh i misread the post i replied too and someone else replied before I could.

>Hunter"""Chads""" are parroting an anime youtuber
The absolute state

Cope, dog

>Watched the first episode
>Gave it a family friendly rating and put it in childrens' algorithms
Thank God they didn't get Made in Abyss

I don't even understand where coping has any context in this situation. You're using an old bait tactic and you're perpetuating the fact that hxh fans look stupid and childish.

>Why does everyone refer to this as being for obnoxious "I love science" types?

because it fetishizes science as being an ideology and an end in itself rather than a tool to make life easier, very simple

senku even sneers at a religious character that god has "had no place in science from the start" even though the religious contributed huge amounts to schooling and education and people will always need spiritual fulfillment rather than the materialistic ephemera of mass produced disposable goods... the story is just your typical brainless pomo pablum with some scientific window dressing

>we need (extremely rare material) to create something
>find it in a bush 3 minutes later

>because it fetishizes science as being an ideology and an end in itself rather than a tool to make life easier, very simple
Except that's wrong. The manga itself states that science is just a tool, a means to an end, that brings people together and doesn't push out religion or any other ideology but coexists with them.

And what material is that, user?

>he still thinks he's talking to a Hunterfag
Jesus Christ how fucking bad is your reading comprehension

Notice how fanarts were also deleted which means shitposter was falseflagging as both sides.


To be fair, the tungsten thing was pretty ass pull.
>fuck we don't have anything heat resistant enough to be a proper filament
>have we come this far just to fail?
>*2 pages of skulking and thinking*
>suddenly the sun rises as suika holds up a rock she just happened to think was special because it was slightly heavier than the other rocks chrome had

They find fucking tungsten in a bush?

>i don't understand hyperbole
It wasn't found in a bush, but it was found within 30 minutes by a 5-6 year old girl in chrome's leftover pile of rocks. And then what do you know, suddenly they have a cave that is FULL OF TUNGSTEN!

Suika just found a cool rock among the stuff Chrome already collected, and she's a talented naturalist and infiltration expert. And after that they needed to mine the tungsten (risking death at Magma's hands), then find a way to get it hot enough to melt it so they could make it into a filament.


>we need to perform this extremely hard craftsmanship task
>lmao, just let the old guy instantly do it
Science sure is sugoi when it operates on cartoon logic.

>literally say material was found in a bush
>hurt why would believe my post retard
I hate Yea Forums posters honestly

Dishonest science

>conversation is nothing more than black and white seriousness
Kill yourself autist.

>Clinton acid washed her servers
>FALSE: She used a program called bleachbit
this is you right now

>has been doing craftsmanwork with shit tools for 60 years creating impressive things
>gets better tools
Drop the series and leave please

Are you actually capable of posting without being miserable cunts

>manga is a visual medium
>defending a manga that barely has visuals and dumps info non-stop through text walls
>bro you just dont get it it's too high IQ for you

At this point you might as well just read a normal book

>isn't afraid to reference fucking Devilman
Is this an accomplishment now? I thought a lot of other shit borrowed from that shit

>surrounded by 10/10 girls in half-naked clothing
>none of the guys are at all interested
This is the most unrealistic part.

Just went back to reread the chapter, tungsten was found in a cave and was picked up by Chrome and put in a big basket with other rocks, Suika found the tungsten rock in said basket
Speedreaders BTFO

The amount of edge coming from this post is impressive.


It's Japan, that's how it works over there.

The guys who are interested in girls already found their waifus. Aside from Gen, who is really just in it for the cool stuff Senku makes.

they need to wake up a white guy (preferably me), then those slant eyed skanks will start reproducing

If they had tungsten before, then Senku would have noticed Chrome had it and would have thought to use it already. There is no reason Senku wouldn't have known and there is no explanation for how Chrome found it within a tiny (relatively safe) cave when it's one of the rarest materials on this planet. All in the nick of time right as Senku complains that they will never have anything to act as the filament. Especially with how Suika just managed to discover it with the sun rise and blue sparkling happy rainbow shit. It was a pretty big ass pull and also really cliche for shonen.

A lot of them are already interested in someone
Taiju likes Yuzuriha
Chrome likes Ruri
Ginro likes anyone with tits
Senku likes science
Gen is for me____

>Aside from Gen, who is really just in it for Senku

>tiny cave
You mean the same big system cave they found the motherload, tiny indeed
If you read the chapter, tungsten didn't stand out visually, Suika only picked it up cause it seemed heavier than it should be

>we don't have the technology or anything in this world to use, we are finished
>1 page goes by and some cliche shonenshit happens which makes everyones eyes gleam and sparkle
>woah we totally have the thing now, goodjob guys!
It's stupid. I love the series, it's one of my favorite, but it's still the stupidest part in my and most people's opinion.

I can program C#

If you've been around cultures where the women are already half naked, it doesn't really surprise anyone anymore. They're more embarrassed by what's currently covered.

>Ginro likes anyone with tits
Not after Jafar is done with him.

Senku is a boy genius far greater than any real genius, with every little detail of 2 million years of science packed into his brain. He counted trillions of seconds while suspended in his subconscious for 3700 years, while also thinking about other things and creating a calendar.

There is no logical reason that Senku wouldn't have been unable to identify tungsten. If anything Senku would have been the one to notice it was much more dense and heavy than the other stones and would have investigated it. There is no logic, rhyme, or reason as to why Senku wouldn't do so and would just think of it as an ordinary rock. He isn't dumb and he doesn't overlook things. He's basically always playing 10D chess.

I have no idea how what you wrote had anything with the tungsten discovery. I'd agree that they got lucky, but it's far from an asspul

based sengenposter

>nobody wants to be crushed between Kohaku's thighs

>Senkuu is not allowed to make mistakes
You know how he was wrong with the northern star and fully admitted he fucked up in earlier chapters?

>He isn't dumb and he doesn't overlook things.
You're wrong because he does. He overlooked the displacement of the stars when looking at them before realizing what he was missing, he forgot that Mt. Fuji erupted a bunch of times in the 3700 time gap and that changed the landscape, making the oil fields harder to track down, and he provided memory measurements of Lilian Weinberg, which aren't her published measurements and so initially screwed up at recruiting Nikki.

He's human, he makes mistakes, and he admits that. He's not perfect, even with his knowledge. No one is.

There is a difference in forgetting that the earth shifts over the course of millenia, because he can't experience that as a 14 year old kid. But playing with rocks and investigating them is something he is very used to. It's just silly to think he'd overlook something like that when it's a physical object right before his very eyes. Hell he had probably had tungsten at one point as a kid when he was making rockets and shit.

>he is very used to
Speedreader confirmed, you are talking about Suika.

Attached: IMG_20190709_213258.png (238x262, 59K)

>senku does something smart
"ugh why is he such a gary stu this is boring"
>senku makes a mistake
"what he's supposed to be a genius why did he fuck that up"

Attached: rei.png (198x162, 13K)

Senku never actually checked any of the rocks from Chrome's basket when he got back. If he had as soon as Chrome got back and found the tungsten and decided to go spelunking for more before he even ran in to the trouble with bamboo filaments would that have been an asspull?

>thinking a kid that is obsessed with science and engineering wasn't experimenting with all sorts of minerals
>thinking that a little boy wouldn't have a fascination with rocks
I'm talking about before the petrification of humanity.

I wanted to post this, you beat me to it, have some news

Attached: IMG_20190709_204131.png (672x654, 701K)

>tsukasa never tapped that
He's so hot but so frustrating.

Speculate the scenario, Senkuu was frustrated at the time and missed a seemingly common rock. Why does this trigger you so much?

Not that user, but the series does rely on some coincidental events to move the plot along, most stories do. I don't really mind, it's more interesting than having them all die because they were unlucky and all got sick or something like that. I expect the shitposting to die down after a while, but if it doesn't there'll be plenty of material.

You know what you need to do?
Cope you dog

She wanted it really bad too

Attached: IMG_20190709_214043.png (325x597, 238K)

Not denying they get lucky. They get unlucky too, just seems over the top to get this triggered about it

When have they got unlucky? Hyoga turning traitor against Tsukasa was unlucky for Tsukasa, but other than that when have the main cast ever got unlucky? They managed to save Ruri from disease with rudimentary antibiotics with little knowledge of her disease or medicine at all. They managed to make everything they've ever set out to make. He managed to make the village love him and recognize him as their chief without even really trying. He managed to make even Magma befriend him, to the point where he doesn't even want to consider killing him now and has had a complete change of heart. Name one instance of bad luck that affected them. Even if you consider something "bad luck" they immediately find a work around solution within seconds.

Kneel before the feet of your superior master, pet. At ONCE.

Think about the final battle for the cave of miracles, also what happened to the cave of miracles, think about the search for oil, think about the bread. There's many things that could fall into their lap, but didn't.

I mean those 3 instances all happen within like 20 chapters, at the very end. The first 80 chapters were smooth sailing as hell with all the lucky occurrences they could dream of. Hell it's luck that Senku even woke up at all. He just happened to be washed down right into a cave full of nitric acid from bat guano.

Imagine actually watching Rick and Morty. Just why?

This ones not as good, feels a bit too forced.

It's a fun show

>not inventing bras

Sorry user, you are not alowed to have fun. I have just reported you to the internet police.

Well, being forced to revive Tsukasa and having him turn out to be an antagonist who tries to kill them is pretty damn unlucky. Same goes for Ryusui, to a lesser extent.

Cartoons are fun, just like anime. The only bad things about either of them are the fanbases. HxH is fun until you meet an HxH fag, same as Rick and Morty is fun until you meet a screeching pickle rick retard. Fanatics ruin fanbases, but it shouldn't ruin the show itself. Stop taking everything so seriously and just enjoy life, fag.

Don't worry, I got a good idea from watching rick and morty, I'll just turn myself into a pickle

Silence, dog. Return to your kennel at once. Your master commands you. You seem to have forgotten your place as a good and obedient pet, so your superior shall deign to remind you. You are to be neither seen nor heard unless commanded by your superior master. You exist solely to provide a modicum of entertainment at your master's whim. Your purpose is to serve other, greater beings, and you are fit only to grovel at my, your master's, feet. Are we clear, pet? Do you understand your place? Good. Now be silent and return to your kennel posthaste. Your master has no further use for you at this juncture.

Sure, I fully admit they get lucky more often, but why is that bad? Would suck if they had to scrap their whole project. A little luck and science and they find a workaround that fits desired results.
Also, think about the scenario where they got forced to revive Tsukasa.

What is all this comparison with Rick and Morty? Is this the only program with a ultrasmart professorial figure that people can reference?
Senkuu is a lot less Rick and a whole lot more Professor from Gilligan's Island, down to his swearing off the hot babes around him in the name of scientific advancement.
A lot of his inventions were even the same.

Attached: 65758342345.jpg (2048x1254, 387K)

I agree. it's obnoxious because it's so intensely shonen and ridiculously optimistic that it makes us sullen dead inside adults jealous and lack its believability rather than realizing that it's based as fuck for even attempting to actually tackle science properly and inspire young adults to see a passionate side to the most underappreciated useful side of mankind..

Boichi is based.

Attached: 1561233355194.png (640x436, 275K)

>shitposters only watched Rick and morty
They don't have anything else to compare it to.

Isn't boichi just the artist and not the storyteller?

I'm a bitter adult and the optimism is soothing


Anyone else feel like Boichi is wasting his talent here? He's best at drawing the human form, but so many of the characters are drawn in chibi-esque versions of themselves in most of the panels that he really has only had like 5-6 good drawings in the entire manga so far. It's nothing compared to his level of quality in Sun-Ken Rock or his other works.

I get that it's shonen and the characters need to look cute and childish, but damn it just feels like other than the goofy faces he really has to dumb down his style a lot. There has only been a handful of really well drawn serious stills so far.

The guy that wrote Eyeshield 21 is the writer.

he is but i think he has a big influence in the feel of the story. and he commonly does manga of really scientific ideas because he probably has an interest in them as well. he was the right person for this job

Yes, Inagaki is the author and Boichi is the artist. They have a mutual arrangement to prevent disagreements in that Inagaki has the final say on the story while Boichi can (and is encouraged) to make suggestions to him, while Boichi has the final say on the art (and likewise Inagaki can make suggestions to him).

Inagaki's also said he likes it this way because he likes seeing what Boichi draws for the story, it's like a fun surprise for him too.

>Anyone else feel like Boichi is wasting his talent here?
There's good artists in Jump being assigned to absolute garbage like Ne0lation and Tokyo Shinobi Squad, Boichi got it good.

C-cute. I want to be a mangaka bro with someone.

I'm gonna put it like this. I'd like dr. Stone to be for the adult audience. That way we could get more detailed art and still have dr. Stone

Why don't you capitalize the d in Dr?

>t. Yea Forums faggot
Get the fuck out of here.

>>takes him over 3 months
>>Senku admitted that being alone for 6 months almost killed him

Now let's see if this kind of excuse works in other shows:
>Asta D. Uzumaki learned to use the 100% One for Hameha too easily. Freeza had no chance.
>Easily? Are you a speedreader? He admitted that he spent 3 years to control the technique and almost died in the process.
So, it worked?

No one is talking about using 20, 30, 40 chapters. But it would be fun if we could see the Senkuu and his friends having more trouble until they reached what they wanted. There's no fun without some trouble.

Too lazy, don't care about people judging me

Why does Senku look like a kid version of the Sun-Ken Rock MC? Same eyebrows, same hair, and they even do the same high five shit.

Attached: skr high five.jpg (2046x1373, 547K)

Rick & Morty's author is unsufferable, he seems to have realized that his stupid Gary Stu is unlikeable even for him, but only near the end of S3

I was told this is the new HxH / JoJo.

So far I am not seeing it.

well, Boichi's artstyle is too characteristic, but Senkuu reminds me more of Hiruma from Eyeshield

They're good designs.

Because it's one of the few big name anime shows that focus on science.

Having trouble as in, they have a roadmap to follow

>But it would be fun if we could see the Senkuu and his friends having more trouble until they reached what they wanted
They have trouble, their main trouble is that Tsukasa would kill them if they don't go fast. Also, your made-up strawman of a description doesn't make sense, considering that making antibiotics was an entire arc's worth of trouble, and that getting Kaseki to join their team was so crucial because he was the only one that could do shit good enough to work. You just mixed up lots of names to make up an example that doesn't make sense.

Same reason Fullmetal did so well. Good characters, nice comedy balanced with some seriousness, cool fights, and a largely science backing behind everything. Even if FMA is more magic than science, it still involved it heavily and is one of the most recognizable, well known, and loved anime of all time.

High fives are charming, you monster.

Attached: 992cee11ede3ae4ea720faa2618e560b1c3edc95_341085_869_1260.jpg (869x1260, 358K)

Speedreading once again.

This manga is so lewd

Attached: IMG_20190709_230121.png (349x948, 419K)

>Imagine being a man in stone age

But that's 2 grills...

>imagine being so numale that you can't even imagine being a male

>Sex is outlawed in Ishigami village until Senku comes back and invents condoms

I don't get it really. This is possible in our time too. What are you thinking of user?

>Shounen genre

Attached: 1555757339652.png (339x339, 91K)

>this retard again

>being a genre when it's a demographic

Attached: 1559730720908.png (600x1412, 829K)

>i-i-it's a demographic
End yourself.

>Ending myself when it's the truth

Attached: 1560583164744.webm (420x420, 1.08M)

Keep coping.

Back then just being a man as an incentive for women to have sex with you.

Anyone else see this series going south? I love it, but there is 2 ways it can go.

If the manga/anime does well
>jump cracks the whip and works them to death to the point that Inagaki and Boichi both lose their love for the series and the quality drastically diminishes
>fans that loved the series end up hating what happened to it

If it doesn't do that well
>the series will never have a satisfying conclusion because they set the goal so high with senku having to save all 7 billion people which won't really be plausible because he'd have to find some way to revive every single person while also integrating them all into his new society/societies
>even if he found a way to just reverse blast the entire world at once, it would mean 7 billion people, most of them being skill-less losers thrust 3700 years into a run down jungle future with no survival skills. So he has to be the one to personally wake them all up and re-integrate them
>the ending gets rushed and is just awful and lame
>fans that loved the series end up hating what happened to it

Attached: smile gone.png (428x660, 249K)

Coping with what? Do you seriously think people refer to it as a genre in Japan?

And the shows made specifically for that demographic have common traits. These comon traits make the thing we usually call a genre. It might not be an official thing in your elitist anime connoisseur circles, but when someone says "shonen genre", you can immediately tell what he means.

But you'd have to look like this to get women to throw themselves at you. Often times you'd need to force them.

Attached: 22.png (897x1300, 366K)

Forgot to add to the second scenario
>jump decides to can the series and forces them to end it

I'd prefer number 1

The portrayal of the scientific method is accurate to a degree, but that isn't the problem. Senku is literally a lite Rick. He just screams "pop science" with the E=MC² on his shirt and the "Oh, I just counted every second for the part milenia".
The show is still leagues better than Rick and Morty, but it's impossible to deny the overlaps.
Add to it that a science-ish show/manga has so many inaccuracies right of the bat, such as the stones dissolving with acid but remaining solid for thousands of years, or the fact that they weren't all buried by now.

Would you really prefer they get the big 3 treatment? One Piece has been soulless for years, Bleach pissed off Kubo so much he ruined his own manga on purpose, and Naruto was just pleb shit the entire way through and added so much Deus Ex shit at the end that it made it all a useless effort.

Finding and reviving everyone could be an ongoing effort that's still underway in the epilogue that takes place 20 years after Senku died, it's something that can be done in the background. The series endgame is clearly getting to space.

>implying I give a fuck what the fag nips think

>They have trouble, their main trouble is that Tsukasa would kill them if they don't go fast.
So instead of using this threat to make the development more engaging and tense, the author should just quicken the pace, say "3 weeks later" and deliver everything on a silver platter?
>considering that making antibiotics was an entire arc's worth of trouble
What trouble? Finding the components was a piece of cake.

Option 3:
The anime does well and Inagaki/Boichi continue the story as planned to a satisfactory conclusion, get rich, and then move onto their next projects. It's not likely but it's happened before, AssClass knew the story it wanted to tell and where to end.

>reading their shit anyway

>Would you really prefer they get the big 3 treatment
Stop being delusional, dude. I can understand you like the anime but holy fuck.

The e=mc^2 on his shirt is for a reason you anime only ape.

Back then women went for the men that could survive and provide.
How do you thing autism as a genetic trait survived?
Autistic (high function/aspies)were natural survivalist, do same thing for hours, keen sense of observation, impressive logistics, etc...
It's the modern civilization what nerf'd us.

It's happening right now with MHA though for instance. This isn't the first, second, or even last time Jump has ruined manga by setting unrealistic standards for the mangaka. Hell the only reason Araki turned Jojo's into a seinen is because he knew he would be worked to death on a weekly schedule so he hopped ship.

>Finding the components was a piece of cake
There was that part where they almost died to sulphy chan

You do know Jump has a Weekly Seinen Magazine right?

>It's happening right now with MHA though for instance.
First volume of MHA sold more than the current Dr.Stone peak right off the bat. I don't think you're fully aware of the situation.

But Ultra Jump is the main seinen mag and it's monthly.

That's why I had two scenarios friend. Either it does well and ends up getting overworked, or the anime flops and jump decide it's not worth it to keep around so they can it.

Sure, why not. I'd hate it so I wouldn't care. But surely a lot of people would like it, so it's better than option 2 which I would hate too.

That's not true, aspie isn't a genetic trait. You had to actually provide food and safety in your tribe. I mean just look at the village. Before Senkuu showed up Magma was a prime contender. The aspie would likely be Magmas lapdog Mantle picking up the crumbs while thinking what a genius madman he is for exploiting the system.

Young jump

>That's why I had two scenarios friend.
Your two scenarios are "it becomes big 3 level or it flops". It's retarded, that's not how it works at all. You can forget about your "big 3 treatment dream", it's not happening. Just hope it will get at least +25-50k.

Even manga that aren't big 3 level are still ran into the ground by Jump overstaying their intended life time.

I hope it gets axed if that means they never reach their goal. Thinking about the utopia they're living in now and how they want to ruin it by reviving billions of garbage is just depressing. The story should be about reviving civilization with the people they have now, who are way more civilized, intelligent and physically capable than the average modern human. Why pollute that by bringing back pajeets, criminals, frogposters, religions, niggers, modern culture warriors and other such scum? They can survive another thousand years easily, so they could always keep them all stashed away waiting for the day they colonize other planets, and then give them a second chance, someplace far from Earth.

>t. Hyoga

I can make a foundry to smelt iron and every single required step for that and I also can get electricity done with some trying around
Maybe the Haber-Bosch method too to be able to craft gunpowder
I assume the people can follow up with the rest pretty fast

The biggest thing that this anime has taught me is modern society is a cancer that halts progress. There are too many rules, too many regulations, too many wrong people with all the money. Look at Nasa, they get their funding cut when all they want to do is progress. If Elon Musk didn't exist there would be a snowballs chance in hell for a space age. So many people with skills and ideas that just get shut down because they are poor or can't deal with societal/moral standards of our time.

Life sucks.

t. zoomer

Zoomers support this socjus piece of shit society though. I'm neither zoomer nor boomer. Remove capitalism, remove social justice, kill 75% of the population (even if that includes me) and humanity will finally be able to progress to even greater heights. Right now we are stagnating. Stagnation leads to the downfall of the human race. Yes we've made leaps and bounds over the years, but there is no conflict anymore for that. There is no war to fight which provides us with new technological advancements, the few things we have get their funding cut, social justice is plaguing everything so people with innovative or outlandish ideas are shut out before they can do anything, no one wants a war because they fear death but war would advance humans even farther beyond.

This may be the comfiest, most peaceful, and advanced time for humans, but without conflict, without needs, without innovation we will all fall.

How'd you manage to get access to a computer from inside your fridge, Tsukasa?

As long as he solves the stone riddle and goes into space on a dirt rocket, I don't care what happens after.

I don't think NASA is the objective good, it's filled with corrupts people just like everything else in the world. The thing about Dr. Stone that makes everyone work together is their low numbers and everyone having a common enemy. Say after all is said and done people will start to grab resources and influence. It's the natural human psyche to be greedy.

Maybe aliens will come to wreak havoc one day. Humanity needs a common enemy other than terrorism.

Are there cute girl in this show?

He seems like a fat unsufferable slob but with a decent sense of humor and only enjoyed from a distance.


Attached: 15.png (926x1300, 347K)

>more racemixing
>social justice alien defenders
>alien diseases
Just wipe us out

Damn, tsukasa was right. But to be fair the young people he wants to revive are also the same young people fapping to weird shit and would actually race mix with alien girls.

Are you even reading the same series?

Animeonly fags don't ruin everything they said. It's going to spur healthy discussions on the site they said

Attached: IMG_20190710_003923.png (386x535, 330K)

You'd want Hyoga's vision then

>best boy
>best weapon
>best stone scars
>has best girl
>actually sleeps with his girl
I'm thinking Hyoga is pretty based

Attached: IMG_20190710_005325.png (390x961, 474K)

>91 ips
stone fags destroyed

But his girl is a slut

senku should have waited and written "suika=cute" on his shirt instead of e=mc^2

Happen to have the color page that shows Kohaku in a one piece that shows her full frontal and also butt cheeks hanging down between her thighs?

I want to see a fanart of this

Wasn't that a bikini? I can go find it, I remember a lot of stuff about this manga.

IIRC Kohaku was in a one-piece, and Ruri was in a bikini.

The dude has a fucking "e=mc^2" on his clothes.
You can't get more cringy and pretentious than that. It's a kids show, nothing wrong with that.

ironic post

The shitty shonen tier backstory doesn't justify it.

>The thing about Dr. Stone that makes everyone work together is their low numbers and everyone having a common enemy. Say after all is said and done people will start to grab resources and influence. It's the natural human psyche to be greedy.
That and the fact that it's a shonen manga and not a 100% realistic reanactment of mankind's greed and cruelty towards mankind.

Are you experiencing a Mandela effect

Attached: Chapter_57.png (959x1400, 2.29M)

>It's a kids show
All anime is children shows. Don't act like your cartoons are better then my cartoons

Rick and morty fans will tell you that Rick is a very complex character full of problems, that's why he acts like an obnoxious gross old man.
Sounds retarded right? That's how you sound when you justify the EINSTEIN IS SOOO COOL WOW SCIENCE LOL (btw I have a very troubled life pls take me seriously)

Nah, I was just misremembering. I figured it was one or the other.

It's called soul, you cringey faggot zoomer.

Do you know what dramatic irony is? Because lol it is a relevant motherfucker

not fanart but

Attached: best onii-chan.png (512x311, 183K)

I believe even irl people would follow Senkuu just to live more comfortably. They'd stab him in the back at certain point tho.

>Why does everyone refer to this as being for obnoxious "I love science" types?
It's cope for retards that don't enjoy science or have never taken a single chemistry of biology class in their lives. To them, anyone who finds it interesting is a snob know-it-all. Dr. Stone doesn't fit well in today's industry where moeshit, idoltrash, and isekaigarbage reign supreme because they appeal to the bottomfeeding denizens of society that revel in shows comprised of 99% fanservice.

All anime is children shows
Not really. Anime is a visuial medium, it isn't limited in what kind of story it can convey.

Any other requests? Just give me a basic hint and I can pinpoint the chapter
t. very autistic about this manga

whatever makes you feel better about watching cartoons.

Nice panel choice, saved

>"dude war bad and shit"
>declare war on a random village for the tiny chance of the dude that you killed being alive in that exact village

You aren't me.

I was talking about the green death cover, I found it!

I would climb him like a tree. Me-ow.

Any tips on how to surgeon user? I don't have a medical background and trying to get into the field has been difficult. Tried getting a scribing job but my chiefs were dicks and terminated my application even though I was doing decent. Been just drifting for 2 months now being a NEET and not knowing what step to take next. I still want to do healthcare but running into those people put a damper in my aspirations.

Attached: cryeat.png (997x781, 426K)

This one!?

Attached: 0955069f6fe0548e3c0b477e820dce19ccc2ba2e_hq.jpg (696x1024, 146K)

Autist dont have empathy so rape as soon as they get horny.

Or like this

Attached: hyouga-dr-stone-143442.jpg (190x285, 24K)

That's what happens when you're a madman trying to murder another madman.

Attached: megatarzanstatupgrade.jpg (348x296, 89K)

Where else would he go?

Where is this from?

It's from Tsukasa musing about how things could have been if he grew up with Senku/Taiju/Yuzuhira, before he broke Senku's neck.

Attached: Dr. Stone #11 - Page 3.png (784x1145, 898K)

I don't get why the presents tho?

Tsukasa's always been popular with the ladies. Minami was willing to abandon her entire former life because of him.

Tsukasa's got tons of fans in every universe.

I don't need to feel better. I watch both the ones aimed at kids and the ones aimed at adults depending on my mood. I can differentiate between the two, because I'm not a retard. But then again, you are pobably just baiting.

Made for breeding.

Even his own fantasy. Kinda weird to think about it. He doesn't seem like someone who'd enjoy having fans.

Shounen always attracts autists, so if you don't read/watch the others then that is why you don't see them.

Say Jump manga, shounen manga, or shounen battle manga, but not shounen genre. Shounen is no genre. You can just say shounen manga and that's fine

Shonen is the genre of manga.

the best-kept secret in the series is that senku is actually not that smart. after petrification is the first time he's ever had to actually think on his feet - normally he has books and the internet and shit.

Anyways, the series has a science consultant, so that's the person you want to be complaining about, not the series itself.

I mean, that's just false.

Oh, it's not like I'm usually the one saying it. I know the terminology, but I will not pretend I do not understand exactly what someone means when he uses that expression.

>DR.STONE IS WRONG! BAT GAUNO DOES NOT CONTAIN NITRIC ACID! It contains potassium nitrate, but not nitric acid.
That is correct.
Now, let's suppose for a moment that the cave of miracles is not actually a karst cave, but rather a bacterial cave.
If there is sulfuric acid still in the environment above, when it hits the potassium nitrate in the guano, guess what you get?

Attached: h2so4caves.png (544x1260, 302K)