>Black Clover anime ending this fall
>CFYOW light novels complete
>TYBW characters announced for brave souls with new seiyuus
Soon bros.....the long awaited final arc of Bleach will be animated. Kubo will be working with the production team to add in everything he couldn't in the rushed finale.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Save the place that completely ruined paradise, Ichigo!

Oh, BC is ending this fall? I didn't hear about that.

Imagine getting axed and replaced by MHA. He's never getting another Jump serialization and makes his living drawing for gatchashit and JRPGs.

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Fellow Huntard, can I get a link to Togashi's artbook of scribbles? The one which sold 37k on pre-orders alone with a price tag if 200$? An axed series sure as hell can't pull that off.

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I miss Bleach but only because of the weekly threads here.

I think it just how far new episodes are confirmed. It still can get renewed. That being said "Black Clover" ending and "Abe leaving Boruto" were both rumours Bleachfags would constantly fall for since both series launched, and the latter actually came to be. So who knows? It still doesn't mean anything for Bleach though.

So what was even the real motivation for Aizen, Bach and whatever his name is in that novel I can't be arsed to read?
Seems like they have no plan beyond taking over the throne for no valid reason.

At what point shitposting became the most worthwhile thing about Bleach for you? For me it was Fullbring arc.

COPE with the state of your axed irrelevant manga.

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Bach wanted to bring the world to its original shape (which was only revealed in the last chapter, two weeks after he died kek), Aizen was unhappy with being "ruled" by a corpse. I didn't read the novel in whole, but from the first chapters he seemed to be Joker-esque character wanting to cause chaos and suffering.

You do realise that Bleach is getting a new figure from them as well, right? Besides they already made one for Vasto Lorde ichigo as well. Also you haven't provided a link to the artbook yet, fellow Huntard.

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fake karakura town arc probably shitposting about aizen and the deicide chapters is fun

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No amount of shitty cheap merch will give your axed manga another chapter, Bleachturd. Cope more.

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>Moving goalposts after being BTFO
Never change, my fellow Huntard.

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Based Hunterchad

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Based Aizenfag.

If the anime comes back I hope they rewrite the ending

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How was paradise before SS?

Kubo will definitely expand upon the ending. Not to mention they will obviously adapt the novels as well.

Anons, I really miss Kubo.

Someone post the lightbulb saga.

Brave souls it's the only shitty game i can/want to play in my phone

Do you have a region problem?

No, i just hate how i've been playing every day since 1 year and half to this stupid game

>1 year and a half
It's fucking nothing, I'm 1220+ days in

>Bleach is brought back, get his intended ending, but wait there's more and it actually goes straight into Burn the Witch

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i get so adicted in getting some chars that sometimes i forget how boring the game can be

Hueco Mundo.

Arrancar saga is unironically the best arc from the manga. Yes, even better than soul society.

If they animate the final arc, will the threads be any as good?

Left is a trap?


People know high-quality work if they see it.

Read the novel. The 5 founding clans of SS destroyed paradise for power and betrayed the soul king.

But that was so fucking long ago. Why does it still matter? There are ways to make life in SS better without bringing back the old order.

No. The fun came from not knowing what kind of stupid bullshit Kubo would waste time on.

So I guess you'd have to be an anime-only to fully enjoy it.

I'm still sure the threads would get lively with Giselle webms. And new Aizen memes as always. And Ichihimes would continue to bait Ichirukis. B

You know, I'd be ok with that. I never read the last arc due to series fatigue, and enough time has passed to where I'm feeling a little nostalgia for Bleach. Plus, maybe they'd have some time to fix the shittier aspects of the arc, since they wouldn't have the same kind of time crunch or burnout that Kubo had.

Why is Sagisu such a god?

I'm going to love seeing you hunterqueers crying when TYBW gets animated. I'm going to laugh even more so when Togashi dies before ever finishing hxh.

Some people are just born with it. If last arc gets animated, when would be the best time for it to get played?

Why the fuck didn't Byakuya ever use this move again?

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Bazz B/Hash flashback, Yhwachs appearance. Also
>Zangetsu reveal with "Nothing can be explained"
Last arc was shit, but this would be great.

>Bazz B
Truly, he deserved a better friend than hashbrowns.

Well, he never had much reason. Brute force wasn't a problem in Zommari fight and Gokei made more sense then, Yammy fight was off-screened, so maybe he used it there, with Tsukishima and As Nodt bankai not working/not being reliable was the problem, Sternritters were too week for him and off-screened, against Pepe he ad to hold back like against Zommari. And for Thor he had another upgraded technique.
Well, he went apeshit when Yhwach implied he was somewhat dependant on him, so I'm not sure he was that good of a friend. And by TYBW arc he's one of the most evil Sterns.


For what purpose? If you want the thread to live, present some topic to talk about.

This thread's actually got me a little nostalgic. I think I'm going to go to sleep with some Bleach running. It's been years, and the Substitute Shinigami arc is pure comfy.

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Based af

Bazz and Jugo having a history was such pointless shit.

It's his last resort. He puts all of his reiatsu into one final attack, and if it's not enough, he's fucked.

All the Axedfag and Hiatusfag tears are delicious.

Great thread.

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at this point, jujutsu adaptation by pierrot is more likely than bleach. look at the timing.

Same bro, I might just rewatch the whole fucking thing..

>left to right
>memecenter watermark

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>Resting your hopes for a non-shit ending on an anime that's never coming.

Just kys lol

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Why is he so much better than yhwach, bros?

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He makes the wamen wet

Wait, Bleach isn't over after yhwach death?
Because he always seemed 1000x smarter.


To the contrary, it was one of the few moments in the arc when it felt like it had a point, as if we had real story and real characters and it wasn't just bunch of plot twist, new power ups and other KUBOOO moments.

He really wasn't, he was just as boring most of the time. Aside of the reveal in SS and few moments in Mexico that is.

To be precise, I mean Aizen the character, not Aizen the meme. The latter is glorious. Yhwach never spawned a single good meme.

So what things do you think the anime will add to the ending? I want a long final fight with ichigo, aizen and uryu vs. Yuha. Also add orihime in the mix and make some use of her hax powers. The dads actually fight rather than being deliverymen. Hashwalth and uryu fight actually shown, also 0 squad don't job as hard as in the manga. Kill off byakuya for good.

Oh shut up, the reason they made SS is because hollows were eating humans non-stop in the "perfect world".
Who the fuck called it a perfect world, a jew like Yhwach?

Imagine getting soft axed and replaced by chainsaw man

Broships are never pointless

As much canon filler as possible. Make it 100 episodes in total for the last arc.

He pursued his ambitions methodically and he was much cooler than a jobber like Ywach who took so long to make any sort of move on his own. Ywach was a product of rushed writing.

What do you Bleachfags rather have?
An adaption of the last Arc
A new manga by Kubo(unlikely)

Both. If not then burn the witch monthly serialisation.

>Ywach who took so long to make any sort of move on his own
Yhwach was leading the invasion to SS, Aizen sat on his ass the whole FKT arc

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Adaptation of the final arc since we got so much info since the manga finished up. An adaptation would let us experience the final arc the way it was suppose to go down.

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We will get both

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Im not a flatfag but those tits look wrong, like they aren't attracted to her torso

Looks fine to me

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Aizen has higher tastes than that. He wants to be King of the Cosmos and wage a coup against Soul Society.

Aizen spent centuries building a massive army and ruling Hueco Mundo in secret, biding his time to strike Soul Society.

It’s a drawn out rehash of soul society

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what a chad

>King of the Cosmos
are we sure he is King of Cosmos, and not Shinigami just waving their dick?


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The Soul Reapers are just military personnel trained to protect the ruling families. They're pretty much old fashioned Japanese bureaucrats.

Can someone simplify the novels? I really hate the fact that the shit in the novel couldn't be explained in the manga.

>the universe was in chaos
>"humans" randomly poped into existance
>"hollows" randomly poped into existance
>"hollows" ate "humans"
>the Soul King randomly poped into existance
>the Soul King killed "hollows" to protect the "humans"
>shinigami randomly poped into existance
>shinigami suggested the Soul King to use his godly power to separate the universe into multiple planes of existance
>each race gets his own plane of existance
>Soul King agrees
>shinigami betray him and cut him to pieces
>shinigami rule the cosmos
>they suck at it
>Yhwach was created
>maybe he is the literal son of the SK
>maybe he is the metaphorical son of the SK
>he wants to save his daddy
That basically the lore

The Soul King is a Corpse and Soul Society is ruled by a bunch of Japanese styled Nobles.

The Zero Squad were setting up Ichigo to fail from the beginning, and hoping he'd get killed by Yhwach so that they can use his corpse to act as the Soul King.

Ywach and Aizen wanted to overthrow the nobles but had different ways to go about it. Aizen wanted to pretty much be Soul Society's equivalent to Taisho, or Meiji, while Ywach wanted to destroy the noble system and return the world back to the way it was.

Ichibei doesn't give a shit about Ichigo's well being and wants to use him as a pawn. Harribel was rescued and she understand Aizen's motivation after seeing the Soul King.

>The Zero Squad were setting up Ichigo to fail from the beginning, and hoping he'd get killed by Yhwach so that they can use his corpse to act as the Soul King.
No, the ZS never intended to let Yhwach kill the first SK. Ichigo was a back up just in case they actually lost the fight.

Did Zero Squad really think they can best Ywach, who is pretty much Old Testament God?

They didnt know how broken Yhwach really was

How did the nobles manage to take down the Soul King when his abilities were considered more powerful than Yhwach's?

Probably Nanao´s family sword

i still dont belive Soul King is not all that powerful, nor anything that's omnipotent
BtW feel like suggest the world is bigger than that

Japanese Nobles are petty as fuck. They probably got Samurai and Shoguns to do it.

They can't even send you this years chapter lol

>Soon bros.....the long awaited final arc of Bleach will be animated
It ain't happening.

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Lots of filler with Yuushirou hopefully.

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Autisthime is precious. Making her a damsel was a mistake.

I genuinely miss the weekly KUBOOOOOOOOOOOOOO threads.
They were really comfy

Orihime kept being autistic after HM

yea. its totally Kubo all over. nothing makes sense and its one giant asspull


I'm shocked by how cringey this fanbase got after the death of the manga. It's fucking gone. There's no profit or incentive for any self respecting person to bring the anime back after the garbage ending in the manga. 5 years from now you're going to get a horrid Toonami reboot that will be the last nail in the coffin for this trash. The only good thing about it will be it should kill off the last of you Kubo cocksuckers


It's not like she was that relevant later (aside of the final fight). I'd much rather have her wander around HM fooling around with Rukia and have a comedy fight with some arrancar than have what we got. It's not like anything of it was satisfying, "Sadisthme" from Ginjo's fight which was her supposed development did never appear again and the 300 fucking chapters later Yhwach fight which was supposed to be follow up to Ulquiorra's one is just Kubo kuboooing as again. Heck, she never even mentions Ulq by name after he dies.

>kuboooing as

Sure but then none of them appear to have a plan beyond sitting their ass on the throne.
We don't even know what Aizen wanted to do, Bach did nothing after winning and whatshisname apparently wanted even more control and limitations when the thing is already a corpse devoid of any capability whatsoever.

>have her wander around HM fooling around with Rukia and have a comedy fight with some arrancar
Based retard, never try to like off of writing

>Bach did nothing after winning
Because he hadnt won yet

Bleachfags has been saying SOON for the last six years. Or has it been even longer since the anime ended? It's dead, deal with it.

Sorry, user. Didn't mean to offend your feelings toward a children manga. Anyway, it'd still more than what Chad got and more entertaining than "development" she got in HM.

>moving goalposts
>y-y-y-you mad
Concession accepted

Aizen was the worst villain in Bleach. His whole mojo was that he planned everything. How is that entertaining?

>response composed of DBS thread memes
How are things lately in Latin America? Heard it's getting tenser and tenser.




Some stuff from the novels.

Urahara’s reasons for creating the Hogyoku are revealed to be more selfish in CFYOW. He wanted to create something new and only used the Soul King as an excuse. He considers himself no different from Mayuri. If there ever came a day where he is labeled a villain, then he would prefer that the "sprouts" left behind would be the ones to punish him for the sins he committed – he considers Hisagi, Ichigo, and Rukia candidates for that.

Yoruichi is revealed to be the one who sent the assassins to kill Tokinada (not the ones that killed the main Tsunayashiro family), because he knew too much about the Soul King. She suggests rewriting or erasing Hisagi’s memories because he knows about Soul Society’s original sin. Urahara convinces her to back down from “removing” him.

There's rumours of complete reboot.

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Sorry. You were saying?

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Man, even a complete reboot with drastically altered characters wouldn't help make Orihime a worthwhile character.


heh still seething huh?

It can start by removing her. That would be a drastic improvement.

Anything but that ffs, to wait years before they slog through 500 episodes again just to get one actual new arc at end.

Final arc sucks

If they adapt properly Bleach would only have like 200~ Canon Episodes at most. Including every 74 volumes.

they can easily do it in 200 or even less.

>characterization is pointless

Why can't we be friend's?

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>tfw orihime and Ichigo are brother and sister

Kubo should've been paired up with someone who can write.

Make her male.

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How was "heaven" before all that, though?

There, now you are officially wrong wolf

Wtf is wrong with this head

This and the closeup are the best panels in the entire goddamn manga

I love Tsukishima and I feel he's deeply underrated.

His trolling even surpassed that of Aizen's at one point.

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Does male!Orihime have a giant penis?

Long neck instead of tits.

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He has a male physique but with feminine features and hair. It just looks like a bad faceswap

> Quincy arc is over
> *Bankai release*
> How did you like my made-up Quincy?

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He's broken as shit. I loved that whole fucking arc and wish Kubo had the balls to make the changes stick.

Cookiebones is arguably more broken tho

The reboot will get cut short too because the ending sucks


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Look at this manlet

Girl!Ichigo is so lucky

Bleach had some of the best pacing I had ever seen in an adaptation before they caught up and started the Bount arc bullshit. ~160 chapters became ~63 episodes. There were times where I thought they almost went too fast. If they do reboot, they should start at the end of Soul Society

Cute manlet.

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Male Rukia looks literally the same. What did the artist mean by this?

Cuteness is universal.

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The soul society is literally a giant slum, lmao

So the soul society WAS the bad guys all along. Knew it

Gender bent Byakuya and Ichigo. Hopefully we do get this series, though

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Where do these retards always get the idea of Black Clover ending? There was literally no statement on it and idiots keep coming up with this bullshit every week for almost a year now, i dont even watch it anymore but why do people hate it so much that they literally spread lies since it started on an internet imageboard? I dont get it, its not even funny anymore its just a dead meme at this point

They would be considerably less fun since everybody already knows what happens, and shitposting nowadays is just low effort shit instead of actually fun posts

Bleach is better off with its last arc never being animated. Its just a complete shit show. And it needs a lot of changes to become good. Not every anime gets to have a complete adaptation. Get used it faggot.

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Ichibe explained that The Soul King let himself get sealed

Neither. A new Bleach (prequel) manga by Kubo

>orihime in the mix and make some use of her hax powers

God please no, I can at least tolerate Ishida because he was training since childhood and actually almost killed Mayuri.
Orihime on the other hand has literary no place on the battlefield, even ichigo, with hollow powers, bankai unleashed and full of quincy powers still got surprised by yhwach speed a few times, Orihime has no worthwhile victories to her name, has nothing that can give her an edge in that fight, all she has is her shields and healing, and yhwach can bypass her shields with the Almighty and easily take her head off.
Her fighting alongside ichigo was pure fanservice to try and make her relevant, but at this point its too late, I want neither Rukia or Orihime in the final fight, Its just a waste of time, Yhwach will just bypass Orihime shield and kill her, Rukia bankai will just break just like he broke Renji bankai.
If kubo wants a female in the final fight, make it Yourichi, she is the only choice, has no bankai for Yhwach to break, has enough speed to keep up with Yhwach, and can give him trouble with her Lord of thunder form.

Orihime and Rukia fighting in the final Battle is sakura vs kaguya tier of retardation.

NO, fuck you!

thor? is that from the novel
and if so how is the novel and what had been going on
i haven't read it at all

black clover is getting renewed right? right guys?