Do spoilers matter?

I unintentionally spoil things for myself for the privilege of shitposting here, since you faggots don't use spoiler tags. Though I'd argue ruining the surprise(s) is beneficial in the long run; since you can analyze before hand if it makes sense or came out of left field.

Attached: tenor.gif (498x461, 940K)

You're mentally ill

The context matters to an extent. Even if something is spoiled for you, like a specific character dying, if you don't know when in the series or how they die that makes a pretty big difference. It's nice to go through something without knowing anything, but that's unlikely for some series if you post on here. I've been surprisingly good at either dodging, or just not remembering spoilers though. For instance I knew that Yang died in LoGH (but like I said above, I didn't know anything more than that, like when or how it happened) but somehow managed to avoid seeing anything about Kircheis' death.

id agree with your argument that spoiling yourself can allow you to better analyze the progress of events leading to a twist or conclusion.
It makes it more clear whether the twist or conclusion is logical and foreshadowed, and whether the show is something shallow that relies on surprise factor or is enjoyable through its cast and story progression towards a known event

>since you faggots don't use spoiler tags.
/a is one big spoiler retard.

Yes they matter, it takes away a lot of of fun of watching/reading, you can analize it more "deeply" the second time you watch/read it.

they really dont, only autists care about them

Meh you dummy.

spoilers matter a lot. i like getting bamboozled

Try reading something without spoilers, it's fun.

I once went through something and at the very end: there was a twist that I never saw coming. It blew my mind at the time. I was flabbergasted. My first instinct was to tell someone of the twist but then I realized something: if I just tell them, then it wouldn’t have the same impact. Likewise, had I looked up the spoiler without reaching the ending: it wouldn’t have been nearly as impactful. Since then, I pity people who look up spoilers. They are literally spoiling themselves.

i personally don't care about spoilers
if i read "oh x-kun fucking dies", i'm more interested in how he dies rather than the fact that he did
i also have literal autism so maybe that has something to do with my lack of caring

I don't like being spoiled but also Yea Forums is essentially the only place I go online so it's difficult not to be.
I still hate the fact I had the ending to SSR spoiled for me because of some faggot in a completely different board.

You just spoiled lotgh for me.

I learned a long time ago that spoilers have zero effect on my enjoyment. I really don't care about surprises. I do like figuring things out for myself, but I equally like knowing that I won't be disappointed by the ending.

Clannad spoiler bombing and Death Note spoiler bombing helped me realize that the deaths themselves were not the real spoiler, but rather how the characters dealt with said death that really matters.

It’s easy to say that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s son, but it’s hard to explain exactly how Luke dealt with that revelation.

“Spoilers” are the narrative equivalent of gift wrapping presents. Even if you gave the present to someone without gift wrap, they would still enjoy the present regardless of whether it was wrapped. The extra 2 seconds of suspense of what the present inside might be should not be the literal sole reason you wanted a gift in the first place.

I usually pick up things I otherwise had no intention of watching because of spoilers.

If spoilers truly mattered then stories that begins with this would always be considered bad storytelling:

>*record scratch*
>yeah, that’s me, bet you’re wondering how I got myself into this situation

I have family members who discredit an entire movie simply because they were fed a spoiler by an outside party. These people literally only watch films just so they can be surprised.

>wow this movie would’ve been SO much better if I wasn’t spoiled on that character dying
As if the rest of the movie didn’t even fucking matter. These are the same dip shits who get insulted and mad that you didn’t bother wrapping presents because they would’ve liked to at least guess what it was first. These people don’t give a fuck about presents and they don’t give a fuck about movies, they only want to be surprised.

L dies

It is.
and it's a bad meme

Always depends. The two typical routes a story will take to "storytell" is route and destination. Some stories are all about where you're going, and others are all about how you got there.
It takes a really special story to pull off both though.