What quirk evolutions do you think Bakugou and Shoto will get to keep up with Midoriya?
Boku No Hero Academia
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Blue fire and black ice
>quirk evolutions
Who cares?
>Deku's quirks have all been stockpile'd so he doesn't even need evolution
>He'll get it anyway
This little shit is so broken
if they got one that would be stupid as fuck
This is where the season 4 budget is going. Those flowers are gonna be pricy.
Bakugou exploding the concept of time and time traveling.
thats something it would happen on jojo
Where were you when MHA got CLOVERED?
>People still denying it when it was literally said it happens multiple times this arc
>when it was literally said it happens multiple times this arc
Post the page
Do you actually read the words on the pages or just look at the pretty pictures?
Where does it say quirk evolution?
>Cases where a special ability evolves due to some random cause... exist
Where does it say quirk evolution?
This is exactly why I don't consider the novels canon. How come none of them has ever mentioned the time they went to the amusement park?
Deku is the one number hero it's over
Are they doing that? Could be cool
Gr8 b8 m8
gotta move that "plot" somehow
>One year into school and already did more than 99% of the system
Does the show have any mythos?
Not at all. World building is very lackluster.
LOL. Keeping up with Midoriya.
I wished I kept the pic with Deku laughing sarcastically.
So, the villain has no Endgame?
What the fuck?? How does this series keep getting stupider?
>content like this
That alone makes me think he didn't have much of a say about the content of the novels.
nothing more complex than taking down hero society for not reason other than he's evil.
Depends on what AfO’s grand plan is. He’s been alive for like, 200 years. I’d assume he had a plan when he got jailed.
That's sad. I watched season 1 and enjoyed it. But I also felt it lacked a point beyond Deku getting stronger
>Ask for a simple fucking question as to where he said it
>Can't find it
So its just your retarded headcanon
Why the fuck would you even ask Yea Forums to begin with? How fucking stupid are you?
I mean, that’s pretty much why only the manga is considered canon in pretty much every manga ever.
The mangaka has almost no say in the extended content. At best it’s level 3 canon.
Bakugo gets foot explosions to let him fly more gooder.
Spokey Dokey makes fire and ice constructs.
What was the point of showing the hideout at the end of 222?
The main plot is Deku's journey to becoming the number one hero via his academic life. What else did you expect?
>quirk evolutions
Is not an actual thing in this manga dumbass. Its been established since the beginning that quirks are frequently changing and they can get stronger through training and change their functions entirely.
>keep up with Midoriya
Havne't they both beaten him?
Deku can leap over tall buildings and make tornados with his punches and still lost to Bakugou in a fair fight. He will be a little bitch forever.
they literally explain it in the next chapter
Read the manga
How come hardly anyone seems to know about him facing Overhaul like this? You think due to how strong Overahul was a bunch of villains would learn that some student managed to beat him and would try to hunt him down before Deku becomes a threat to them or something like that.
The point is Deku getting stronger and that's why he gets main focus. If you don't like that you should drop it and watch something else.
judging by that first movie, no, they will always just suck midoriyas dick way to hard
noooooo who put deku in jail
Because the Yakuza arc is not canon to the point that Hori forgot the entirety of the Togawice chapter completely.
>judging by that first movie
that's where he belongs
How can he forgot when he acknowledged the bullets in this very arc?
deku should be free, i want to see him frolic and play
Deku never gets the credit. That is the secret of becoming the number 1 hero.
>Hori forgot the entirety of the Togawice chapter completely.
He's back!
Bakugou could barely keep up with 8% Deku, do you really think he's going to blow Bakugou with a full powered smash?
he needs to stay in gay baby jail until he learns his lesson
Deku has a name between scum, Gentle of all people knows him
they should release him on house arrest, i'm his mommy so i can watch him
When's their next "bros night out"?
I can't wait for this to be animated
Deku should be able to knock him out just by punching the air in front of him.
his crimes are too heinous to be let out, he's a danger to the public and he's at a high risk to reoffend
Eri is such a best. I love her.
Back when Hori's art had soul.
i don't know but i would invite deku to girls night out because he's cute enough that he wouldn't cramp our style
Everyone is going to get credit for something they do expect for Deku aren't they?
>Kirishima got recognition before the hideout raid
>Uraraka and Tsutu got recognition before the hideout raid
>Shouto and Bakugou got recognition with those street thugs or whatever
Everyone is going to do something that will get them to be known or liked except for Deku.
How strong is Crawler compered to the rest on 1A? Top 5? Can he win against 5℅ FC Deku? How hard he'll get bodied by 20℅Deku,Todoroki,Bakugou and Tokoyami? Is he faster than Iida?
loli backpack will always come in handy
is his crime being too cute
Wait what did he do?
Is there anything noble about Bakugo's character? He's a selfish prick.
I mean, she's basically useless when her horn is little so no, she won't always come in handy.
Still cute and a best.
>Deku flights like a jet
>Camera tracking his movements between a see of arms
>Crazy close ups
I wonder if they'll add more to it, like they did with all might vs nomu
Would it hurt if the horn is cut out starting from the root of it in her skull?
When Stain breaks out to get a do-over at taking that right arm
>Breaking your arm (insanely damaged btw) or legs in an inconsequential fight
Read Slower. It was literally described as Evolution.
They've both beaten him, but he should be stronger than both at this point, and definitely will be in the future, by a huge amount.
Of course, search animals with their horns cut off.
Deku wouldn't last past 2 punches without her instant heal ability
cute and canon
>It was literally described as Evolution.
Where does it say quirk evolution user?
>but he should be stronger than both at this point
So have them. Stop being fucking stupid
>It was literally described as Evolution.
Where does it say quirk evolution
It's not lile Deku cares about that tho, he just wants to keep everyone safe, Uraraka, Tsuyu and a big chunk of his class already know how heroic he is
Read again
based mina, fondling boys is patrician
So will Hori fix the mistake of Twice having not measured Toga in the volume release?
Explosion out of his feet.
he literally said he was going to do that, so presumably yes
He already said he would when the chapter released dumbass
you forget deku has 7 works, if they beat one of his quirks he has like 6 others user
It was Tuesday
Now I'm not no big city intellectual or nothin'. But when I see a person who typically refers to Quirks as sumpin' similar to special abilities, if not just as special abilities, and then says that a 'special ability evolves', well, I just might think that he's referrin' ta quirks evolving.
Now if you two want to disagree well there's just no helpin' that is there?
Some folks you just can't reach.
>you forget deku has 7 works,
You are retarded
Deku should get a scar on his cheek or something. He just needs more scars in general.
The real question is how Hori will evolve One for All once Deku runs out of asspulls. And my guess is that he'll evolve a way to mix each of the Seven Quirks.
deku should get a kiss on the cheek
>who typically refers to Quirks as sumpin' similar to special abilities
He calls them super powers
He will have all seven powers blend into one and have Deku one punch the final villain which will be a bunny alien from moon.
By who?
Deku should get his head chopped off
Good reference
everyone, everyone deserves to kiss deku and deku deserves to get a kiss from everyone
I wish I was eri so mirio could hold me like that.
Hori should just get on with the reveal already.
He worked for it unlike them
by a filler woman
Would this work in reparation?
quit it
>forgetting about Deku's natural Quirk, stolen by his Doctor and awakened by wishing enery
Why not. At least her final fantasy ripoff design is pleasant to look at.
Quit what?
stop it really makes me sad when you post that
Artists. But here have a happy smiling Deku.
Byakugone is going to get the Scottish Quirk and a Demolitions quirk. Allowing him to use his explosives much more effectively and spammy. Also he gets more powerful the more drunk he gets.
...But I like Fairy Tail.
cute! thank you user!
I like big tits too user
Hisoka is a good example to use here, Togashi didn't have the balls to kill him off and look where HxH is now
Why, again, did Togashi trade Phantom Troupe for those retarded ants? I just want to know what the fuck made him think that was a good idea.
8% Deku is strong enough that his finger flicks can "punch" Gentle from a distance, a full punch shockwave from him should be able to fuck Bakugo up
Didn't the U.S. kill a man doing so. Yeah no we did back in the 1900's and he died. Back when the world wars attempted we tried.
He got bored and switched antagonists. Even he hates his own manga and is only obligated to release chapters because of Jump contract.
Post beaten, broken and bruised Dekus!
sometimes you make me cry
Why thank you.
>obligated to release chapters
He doesn't release chapters though, he hasn't released one yet this year and it's more than half over
>oh no! Not my ketchup filling! If you rip my arm off it'll all spill iut!
What a shame Hori already did an infiltration episode with a side character instead of one of the main cast. Toga's novelty has been used up. Death to the hemoglobin cat lady.
Bakugou will get a shitty evolution like exploding farts.
Having sex with a burrito > having sex with a child
Why not both?
Bakugou's quirk will evolve so that he has explosive sweat all over his body instead of just his hands.
Whenever someone tries to hit him, the explosions push the attack back to cushion the blow.
When he gets really serious, he simultaneously explodes his entire body constantly to create an armor of explosions.
Because you're supposed to have standards
i hope deku uses the infinity stones to make himself real so i can make him my boyfriend
But isn't Mureum so cool! I mean he's like super smart and better than humans at everything, doesn't that make his super original, hunterbro. But he like comes to respect humanity, isn't that unique?
I mean when has that been done before?
Says who?
So this guy near the bottom is supposed to be the villain in the upcoming movie?
Because then you can no longer call yourself human.
A person is their pride and standards are created by their pride. To cast aside that is to become less than human.
>mirio will never fuck your brains out
Why live
Please, stop hurting me. I've been reading HxH after being promissed it's gonna get good, and when it finaly started getting good I've got a fucking teenage edgelord ant Frieza. I droped that shit so hard I dislocated my wrist.
>Ruin your sons, wife and family life to make a hero that can be number 1
>One kid just eat hair and have more power than anything in the world and will be top 1 most powerful hero in the existence.
Jesus Endeavor is so pathetic.
Moralfags opinion don't matter
I wonder if he tried feeding Shouto his hair
I mean, if you prefer being garbage, no one's stoping you.
>garbage to the eyes of a moralfag
As if that mattered
Mirio and Eri out on their honeymoon consummating their marriage
did you make that yourself?
I wish I was Eri
I hope whoever is behind this post is a woman.
Imagine if Endeavor saw Deku eating All Might's hair
>All Might is so powerful that even eating his hair can give some loser a top tier quirk
>I need to feed Shoto that hair
>Bakugou's evolution
His fire/explosions now "burn" away quirks. Or disables them like a long range Kamijou fisting.
He can now control steam and water. He's basically a firebender + waterbender now.
Poor Shouto never gets a break
Consider this
>Midoriya loses his arms in some way
>short arc about living without them
>then his next quirk is regeneration
>grows his arms back
>can now go all out with his quirk strength, destroying his limbs and regrowing them
i want midoriya to destroy my pussy
>using hashtags
Go back
what is this nine tails shit
>implying he wouldn't use Whip coming out of the stumps
Being #1 can have multiple meanings.
Maybe he’s the best because he ended AfO for good, making him the best hero alive.
Maybe he is like endeavor and solves lots of crimes.
Being #1 doesn’t mean you’re the strongest.
I have an even cooler idea
Izuku loses one or both arms but the power of OfA manifests itself as a physical construct and becomes a kind of hard light material. Izuku now has OfA energy arms that glow bright green. He can make them bigger and shit and maybe even stretch.
>i'd fuck a child but hashtag jokes are beneath me
You can't possibly come up with this shit
i have an even cooler idea than that
deku loses his quirk completely and he has to whore himself out to pay the bills
You're gonna get mad pussy with that, brah.
Only if it's 2d
Thats not cool
Thats disgusting and horrible
yeah that's a little too much
ok what if deku becomes an idol and sings jpop instead
Lads, I just had a huge operation yesterday with my jaw, rendering me basically incapable of eating anything solid for at lest the next four weeks. Just drinking water is a struggle currently. I think I can finally relate a little bit to all the pain my poor son Deku has been through
i hope you get better soon user!
you should make smoothies with kale and fruit if you think you could eat that, they're very yummy and healthy for you.
Put in a nasogastric tube and learn what real real problems with drinking water feel like.
Make your self a big pot of bolognese sauce. That way you'll be able to enjoy meat without all the chewing.
if bakugo gets atomic explosion I might consider picking this pile of garbage once again.
Also if midoriya dies or gets crippled is a big plus.
deku is too cute to die
I hate Shigaraki centric arcs. Hopefully he will die for soon in the middle of the story so the focus will go 100% on Deku and Deku alone.
Thanks anons, appreciate the kind words. Yeah, I’m looking forward to many smoothies at least, although it’ll probably get boring at some point
this is not speed reading, you are not even reading the manga
you're not even trying at this point
I hate Deku centric arcs. Hopefully he will die for soon in the middle of the story so the focus will go 100% on Shigaraki and Shigaraki alone.
are you high on crack user?
>killing makes a manga good
delusional psychos are at it again i see
yeah i've done smoothie diets before and it gets tiring after a while, you just have to keep trying different recipes
here's a guide on how to make great smoothies!
love you user!
>dumbass user at it again
Todo gets fine control which is already happening
Bakugo can make delayed reaction or chain reaction explosions so he can affect larger areas.
What if Deku died, and with his last dying breath, gave OfA to Bakugou, but then he became a disembodied voice in Bakugou's head?
So Bakugou would become the strongest hero, but he wouldn't even be able to enjoy it because every time he accomplishes something, he hears Deku's little fag voice say "W-wow Kacchan, you're so amazing!"
I just deleted all of my gallery by accident. Can someone post some Ponys for me?
>hating shiggy
not based and not strappilled
>getting to decide where other series sit on a 'tier' list
holy cope clownman
Where does it say quirk evolution?
oh no user, i'm so sorry. i wish i had more ponies to spare.
i hope you get some of them back.
Go get them out of your recycle bin you ding-dong.
i want to peg shiggy for hours and hours until he's completely satisfied
>every season airs in spring 1 year apart
>spring 2019 comes and goes
>finally get announcement in summer
>it's coming out in fall
This better be actually good, because the manga seems like garbage (just like the ttgl manga, kinetic energy anime does better in animation than it does in stills).
Why is Kuroiro x Mushroom so patrician?
I think that'll do for now. I have more, but I don't want to dump too much art at once.
If anyone has that image of Shoji manhandling Pony though, I'd appreciate if you could post it
Watching an edgelord persona crumble away to reveal the spaghetti underneath. It's adorable
Who could Deku draw inspiration from to not be such a shit main character?
his mom
Is it true that we're getting the chapter early this week?
We knew since S3 ended its in October.
Unsure. The VIZ scans are out early this week because of a holiday, but it's still a mystery as to whether this means we'll get spoilers early or not
but would you hug him
of course, i'd love to hug him, i would do my best to make him feel warm and comforted
The only person in the entire student body of UA that could reasonably have a quirk upgrade that would allow them to keep up with Midoriya once he reaches the 40% and higher is Monoma. He has the most potential outside of Deku himself.
I want Aizawa to take me fishing with him! I want us to be nice to the fish!
fishing is nice but i wouldn't want to hurt any animals either!
you're so kind!
You are too! Love you!
>exploding the concept of time and time traveling.
Explosion + OfA should do the job
thanks! i love you too!
I want Mirio to cum inside my tight loli cunny and then rewind his dick with my quirk so he can fuck me again and again all night long until I start overflowing with his cum but still keep begging for more all while Mr. Aizawa can hear everything in his room when trying to sleep!
young ladies like you shouldn't be saying vulgar things like that
Shut up Chisaki you are not even my real dad
Bakugo would probably gain the ability to shoot explosions out of his feet making him crazy mobile. A more out there evolution would be remote detonation ie turn an object into a bomb like kira. Shoto could possibly manipulate ice and fire he hasnt created. Or maybe he could gain finer control of the elements and actually mold the fire and ice he creates like his father rather than just shoot a stream of one of them. Imagine if he made himself an ice shield and fire spear and went spartan on someones ass
I appreciate what you've given me. God it's gonna take so long to find all of em
most based post in this thread
shiggy just needs someone to mommy him, once he gets enough cuddles and has enough playtime i bet he'd feel all better
Based and mommypilled i just want to let shiggy rest his head on my lap while I give him a handjob
i want to give shiggy a warm bath, and then i want to dress him up in cute clothes!
and then when it's bedtime i want to tuck him into freshly clean sheets, and tell him how much i love him and give him a kiss goodnight
did it work?
Who in the series could you BTFO in hand to hand combat? They can use their quirks so it has to be someone you can still physically defeat despite their quirk usage.
I'd sleep Ochunko's fat ass with a quick right hook. If she somehow managed to get her grubby mitts on me, I'd just latch onto her and refuse to let go while punching her in the face.
but ochaco knows martial arts, she could beat you up.
>questioning the unrivalled power of 『G-M-A』
If there was any direct evidence that you don't need a quirk to be a hero; there is no greater thn how much more than GMA. Ochaco, with basic hand-to-hand grapple training has not really used her quirk creatively since Stain, yet has never taken an L since.
Fuck 'gadget' concepts, fuck powerlevels, Ochaco is reaching Bakugo levels of shes-already-won-the-fight-because-Sue. Her basic knowledge of GMA defeats the point of quirks.
Only pray that Gunhead doesn't smite thee from the planet. He could probably (unironically) take every villain shown bar AfO, Stresstro, a Nomu or Giga.
>Martial arts makes you superhuman
Sorry but this isn't One Punch Man. I'm still larger, faster, and stronger than her. Also, I have a very big brain. My own water stream rock smashing fist imitation will surely destroy her gunhead training.
Maybe Hagakure. She's just a teenage girl who happens to be invisible, so if she's wearing clothes, she'd be as easy to BTFO as a regular teenage girl.
I only say maybe because she may or may not be packing superhuman anime strength that has nothing to do with her quirk.
Hori should have the girls wear the cheerleading outfits again
Look at those insane hops
She has to be extremely athletic
I mean
Wasn't it obvious quirks could do this?
Like, refining your ability untill it becomes stronger?
I always assumed it was possible for quirks to get stronger with use
this is your desktop shiggy
very cute
>he lubed the film strip of time with nitroglycerin
i love everyone in this thread!
i need more art of Kinoko
Shiggy thinks about his grandma, and suddenly he is able to Rust things without touching them, and ALSO is somehow able to stick to the ground while much heavier objects just fly past him from the blasts of the attacks of his foe.
Every conflict is solved this way. All heart, no brains. Character is getting rekt, but then thinks about something important to them and the character immediately gains confidence and suddenly they are able to ignore all their wounds (and sometimes physics) and gain a powerboost.
This is how Hori solves most fights. Wishing Energy tier asspulls.
Thanks for reminding everyone once again that Togashi is the gayest mangaka that ever lived.
First of all, it's not that he rusts things without touching them, it's that the destruction propagates to things touching what he does. That's not too far out there.
Secondly, this happened before he even remembered the past well enough.
Also, we're talking about someone who's basically been brainwashed and who remembered nothing about his past slowly regaining his memories.
That would make anyone flip out
Mental and physical state do affect eachother, and he's been training against an invincible goliath for a month non-stop
It's definetly within the realm of reason
Why am i even responding to your bait i don' know
I thought the training did it?
Seems consistent with "quirks are like muscles"
>That's not too far out there
>It's definetly within the realm of reason
This is textbook cope
Based HunterCHAD assfucking HeroNPCs yet again
i like toga, she's so cool
>ᵀʰᶦˢ ᶦˢ ᵗᵉˣᵗᵇᵒᵒᵏ ᶜᵒᵖᵉ
Nah, a 'textbook' definition is more like shitposting in another thread during hiatus because your authour does the exact same/worse (no matter how much you deflect) and on top comes up with shitty excuses for why he doesn't do his job.
Or trying to start a 'series war' because you've got nothing else to do without accepting the series you like is mediocre at best and instead would prefer to try to pit all the shounen series on Yea Forums against each other. 'Try' being the keyword, because sadly, this isn't Yea Forums.
>ᵠᵘᶦᶜᵏ, ʰᵃᵛᵉ ʷᵉ ᵒᵗ ᵃ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᶜᵒᵖʸᵖᵃˢᵗᵃ ᵗᵒ ʳᵉˢᵖᵒⁿᵈ ʷᶦᵗʰ
>ᵘˢ ʰᵘⁿᵗᵉʳᶜʰᵃᵈˢ'ˡˡ ᵍᵉᵗ ʰᶦᵐᵎᵎᵎ ʷᵉ'ʳᵉ ᵐᵒᵃʳ ᵇᵉᵗᵗᵉʳᵉʳᵎᵎᵎ
Holy shit, brutal
responding with whisperposting is just as much of a serieswar meme.
I don't care about 'da sereeswor'. I'm not posting it in their threads, nor will I ever. This is an exclusive defencememe used to repel these faggots.
Based HeroChad
Oh okay. Continue then. You do know that it is not ever working though, right?
Chadhead is literally unstoppable, and the fact that you suggested that any other character could even compete is laughable
Re-evaluate your choices
go back to /r9k/ you insufferable normalfags
Funny. Every single Herotard thread I happen upon now has you traumatized autists speaking about our superior series unwarranted. As if we permanently damaged your puny brains.
I wonder where the rubber man touched you babbys?
you are given them a great boogeyman
If you weren'T here they would have to acknowledge they are the ones turning threads to shit
But you with your shitposting are giving them a nice and perfect scapegoat to not think about it
Also if you were actually a real hunterchad you wouldn't bother with these threads
I smell the herofag on you and on your prose.
you are obvious
>>If I say it's only a scapegoat, it's true!
The amount of times we had nice threads of shitting on BnHA and they just reflect with "hurr you are just a fan of another series" is literally uncountable. Happens all the time
This was literally brought up when Deku registered "his" "quirk", some quirks have functions that aren't properly understood so there's often room for it to change over time, like how aizawa originally thought he had the ability to job so hard other people near him would momentarily forget how to work their quirk out of embarassment, but it turned out he could actually turn off quirks with a stare.
If they hook Toga up to All For One's blood supply they'd have a fully functionally All For One with the ability to share powers freely.
The true inheritor of AFO is arrived.
I want one.
Bakugou can fire off nuclear bombs and Shoto can job twice as hard.
You aren't fans of other series. You are either Yea Forumstards that enjoy just shitflinging like with your native consolewars but dont give a shit about either or a highly autistic faggot with a personal vendetta.
I HATE Yea Forumstards. I hate the metal gear posting they did and I hate how much bnhafags (Yea Forumstards) enjoy these serieswars. I am literally arguing against serieswars and just shitting on bnha because its bnha.
Not in comparison with anything.
>suddenly he is able to Rust things without touching them
Did you miss a few chapters ago when he already did that shit before the memories, Huntard?
Me too, man. Me too
>Deku being haunted by a cute ghost!
>The virgin Deku
>The Chad Shiggy.
You are a generic faggot you consistently comes into threads of a thing he doesnt like. You are an absolutely pathetic faggot with a mentality of a SJW.
And the fact that you say MGR posting is the same as the behavior that labels you as a "Yea Forumstard" shows you have no idea what you are talking about. Because a "Yea Forumstard" is just the dogshit normalfaggot behavior that has infected Yea Forums via Yea Forums, /r9k/ and reddit. This has happened to many boards and you would know that if you werent a complete newfag.
You are obvious as shit. Your false-flags and consistent attempts to create false consensus is extremely obvious. You can very easily spot when a post is an user genuinely upset with something or defending it or when its (you).
I knew you would defend Metal Gear posting
That is exactly my point
BnHAfags are essentially the same as Yea Forumsirgins.
Good job ignoring my post.
Inb4 somebody just passes this off as bait so it fine. Merely pretending to be retarded.
I hope 100% genuine but your posts seems to be imply that I want to be special
I do not. I don't think generic is an insult and I think Yea Forums is great because I am just nobody
You want to be special so you think it is an insult
Maybe use a different website where you can get that.
>I hope 100% genuine but your posts seems to be imply that I want to be special
>I do not.
Yes you do. The fact that you want to "show them damn dirty bnhatards their place" shows that you a faggy little crusader that takes it personally. You think you are important for what you are doing.
>But haha its only bait, i was merely pretending to be retarded
Yea Forums is anonymous, but you aren't because you have a clear character and stand out, the fact that you can be so easily identified shows that you have no understanding of this site and its you who should leave, faggot.
I never once said anything was bait
I stand 100% by everything I said
Why do you so desperately want it to be bait?
I keep bringing it up so you can't deflect. The fact that it isnt bait is even more pathetic. Kill yourself.
Because that would al least make some modicum of sense. You've just revealed you are a genuine 100% thoroughbred retard.
So much for obvious you dumb shit
>quirk evolutions
>"this anime is well written, has no asspulls and is perfectly consistent"
>meanwhile Deku pulls out, what is it now, 7? 8?, quirks out of fucking nowhere
>meanwhile people in a lower class pull out main-antagonist-power-level techniques that are practically invincible
>meanwhile main antagonists don't do the fucking obvious with their quirks
>meanwhile the narrative becomes weaker and weaker for writing the main character into a corner and having to come up with some bullshit to still allow for "the hero saves the day"
>meanwhile main characters have difficulty with basically grunt-level opponents to "make it exciting" even though right before that they beat an opponent that's basically a god
I'm not telling you guys to stop liking this series, but please, for the love of hamburgers, don't try to excuse it.
Fuck, this is based
I also say it so other anons don't dismiss this as bait and just "lol dude, just stop responding"
Also its still obvious. The reasoning behind it not so much.
Obvious as what? You keep repeating the word like you think it is some magic spell. I am not trying to hide anything or "not be obvious"
>The reasoning behind it not so much.
Why do you care?
>Be gon
>Some ant tranny tells me he can't bring a guy back to life
>"hurr I am angry now and this makes me somehow invincible."
Why is Black Clover being called this generation's Fairy Tail when you have things like this going on in BNHA?
BC has the fairy tail shit frontloaded and the weakest start
BnHA only gets dogshit after a few arcs that trick you into thinking the series has potential and trick you into thinking the MC will get better.
Contrary to everything in your asspull series, HxH has a lot of build up and foreshadows.
Don't pretend that Black Cuckver is better than BnHA
Both are dogshit but BC has the better trajectory.
More people are recently discovering that BC has improved a ton since the beginning, while the opposite is true for MHA which had a decent start but jumped the shark after Kamino.
Not him, but it's always interesting to find out what makes shitposters tick. I like to know the reasonings behind other peoples decisions, especially when they're ones that I don't understand
BCfags are delusional that should have been obvious but now.
>imagine unironically thinking this
"I-is that all you've got, Midoriya?"
**Damn, that was close! I nearly couldn't stop myself from moaning!**
Seems a little like blogging and the cult of personalities. I am not afraid to share why I do this but I feel like this will just evolve into another screencap with a smug monoma getting posted in every thread
Your posting style and the things you say. And now you are just proving me right,
>Why do you care?
To expose and out of curiosity over what drives a man to such stupidity.
"Time for your sex training, Midoriya!"
So you are afraid of looking like a retard? Is that a bit of self-awareness I'm seeing?
Not that user, but any screen cap would just make you look like retarded.
Quirks are officially asspulls? Setting is now worthless.
Based GonCHAD.
cringe herobeta
Are you fucking ready guys?!
No. I am not ashamed but it is nothing big.
But I really gotta know. Because to me, from the perspective of the outside looking in, it appears that you are just wasting time. But to you, there must be some sort of justification to the amount of time you spend on shitposting on an anime forum
>All I can say is based and cringe
Truly the double digit IQ Huntard showing off his powerlevel
>Decuck self inserters
Reminder that replying to Huntards is literally arguing with a child. Even Isekaifags laugh at them.
Then why are you scared of sharing your motives? I'd wager because you would prove me right and that your idiocy will be immortalized so your posts loose any shred of validity and you will be forever laughed at when you appear and then promptly dismissed?
Because I'm already starting a giggle.
>shit source material
>worst arc in the series
>"sakuga" will be more Yutapon meme cubes because Bones can't contract any good animators
>will also be a slideshow outside of fight scenes, like usual
>coloring and backgrounds still gross and ugly as fuck
No thanks, I'll be watching Vinland Saga. Enjoy your garbage.
Its just kinda undewhelming. You guys seem to expect some huge backstory that motivates me when it wasn't anything big.
Are you calling the key animators from Neon Genisis Evangelion and Redline bad?
Well it has to be something big doesn't it? You can't waste a year of your life shitposting just because you're slightly miffed, no one has THAT much free time
I do. I am uneducated and unemployed, so I just shitpost and rewatch HxH all the time.
I don't. I expect a petty faggot.
I don't see Mitsuo Iso or Kameda working on MHA. Literally every notable scene of every season is Yutapon going through the motions. Why are you talking out of your ass, Herocuck?
Okay I give it to you and you are gonna be underwhelmed
>started watching and reading BnHA and thought Deku was a pussy but would get better.
>saw people on every normalfag website generally like Deku until I came here
>then the pro hero arc happened and when it became clear it would go back to Deku I saw the pure hatred that came out of these threads for Deku and I realized I am not alone
>but I also realized to read a series and hate the MC is completely cucked unless you also hate the entire series
Thats it.
Yet another shit MHA thread due to retards constantly falling for obvious bait!
Just as I expected. I false retarded bias not based on reality. Still doesn't explain why you are still here. Guess you really are that obsessed, like a pathetic child. Who, after school, would follow around their bully and cry to everyone he knows about how much of a mean bully he is. You are more pathetic than you claim Deku to be.
>Imagine your manga author caring so little about his fans and his manga that he'd rather just play Dragon Quest all day every day
>He is merely pretending to be retarded!
See even people who defend BnHA admit Deku is pathetic.
THAT right here is why i am still here. I want threads of people who hate Deku and BnHA just as much as I do. People like you are what I want to see.
What asspulled concept does Hori do next to drive this shitfest of a manga into the ground?
See what? Its you. A faggot personally insulted and obsessed with a fictional character.
Maybe Deku will get some rubber power that will let him resurrect from the dead.
Even you admit Deku is pathetic. That is why I love Yea Forums bnha over all over bnha threads
On other websites you get idiots who claim "hurr he isn't actually a pathetic"
On Yea Forums the best you get is "okay he is a pathetic cuck but I am enjoying BnHA around him"
Which is just denial and perfectly fine with me.
Stop lying. I never said anything like that. Deku is one of if not the bravest character in the series. He is also the best shonen protagonist.
Eat shit.
Time travel quirk. As we know from Eri quirks can interact with the course of time, all it takes is someone having the ability to move through time to nuke the logic to hell.
you don't believe that. And even if you do the general consensus here is that deku is a cuck and everyone likes Bakugo or Mirio or Endeavor more because Deku is a weakling.
>Current year
>Still watching Shonen
>you don't believe that
fucking kek
> general consensus here is that deku is a cuck
thats you
>likes Bakugo or Mirio or Endeavor more because Deku is a weakling
Straight up false, most hate bakugo and mirio has fallen off of people's mind.
And Endeavor is hardly compared to Deku. Funny how the weakling has don't the most work in the entire series, almost like you are making shit up to believe yourself.
Just you wait until this arc ends and the whining about returning back to Deku
Hell in every thread about the arc you see something like "I don't want to go back to Decuck"
And thus Miriospic reveals himself. Don't you have a wall to build?
thats you
Why even bother actively consuming something you don't enjoy?
Its not. What would be the point? I come here to observe the hate and fan the hate for Deku
I would get nothing out of false-flagging it beyond trying to force some meme like "decuck self-inserter"
Thats touyas power.
See, this is the sort of mentality I will never really understand. Don't you just see this as a massive waste of your time?
Why do you not see Yea Forums as a waste of time for yourself?
It's pretty clear AfO is up to something. He's created an elaborate set up, years in the making. But what his goal is, is unclear. He seems to be really enjoying himself, even in prison, though.
You are just plain lying. And of course. Unless you have a proxy and a phone and spam like absolute autist I doubt its all you (though at this point i will hardly be surprised if it really is all you). Either way you and your few extremely loud minority kin are still fucking wrong about Deku no matter how much you claim otherwise.
>You are just plain lying
See what is the point of me being honest if you are just going for that?
>Either way you and your few extremely loud minority kin
In the grand scheme of websites we are a minority you are right
But that is why I am here and you should be on another website.
>tfw spoilers in less than 24 hours
As an immortal you gotta learn to be positive and enjoy the small things.
AfO probably hardly kept it in his pants wanting to reveal Shiggy to All Might.
It is, and I understand that, but I'm using it to discuss something I actively read for enjoyment. The manga is something that has value to me and I enjoy the input of others and their ideas.
When you say your reasoning for visiting these threads is , then you should be better off just dropping the series and moving on. The manga doesn't have to be a sunk cost for you. If you think the main character isn't enjoyable, nor the entire story, then don't waste your time reading or discussing it
> BC has the fairy tail shit frontloaded and the weakest start
Nice lie. Next time try to keep it believable.
Something is wrong. You seriously unironically think BC isnt better than BNHA? Sir you should visit a doctor, you mostlikely are mentally handicapped.
If it is better, then why isn't it more popular?
>See what is the point of me being honest if you are just going for that?
Because there is no good faith towards you. Its your fault its broken.
>In the grand scheme of websites we are a minority you are right
>But that is why I am here and you should be on another website.
Like I said, you fancy yourself an internet warrior. Meaning you should fucking off yourself.
>It is, and I understand that, but I'm using it to discuss something I actively read for enjoyment.
Same here
I understand this is free time
I don't expect anything out of this other than enjoyment which I am getting.
>then don't waste your time reading or discussing it
But that is what I enjoy. Especially surrounded by like minded people.
Its not like I decided to turn these threads into a Deku hate fest. They were that and I felt like I belong and I enjoy that.
they will get 3,5 quirks each so they can be joint number 2 heroes
>Like I said, you fancy yourself an internet warrior.
No I don't.
You forgot
as for what other bullshit:
> O MY SPECIAL DESTINY (basically a in-story attempt to explain plot armor)
Yes you do, you think it important to lie about Deku and want to bend people to your will. No matter how much you lie about the threads always hating Deku.
A) Overhaul and his power level were not well known; that's what did in Magne. I doubt most villains care.
B) Villains seldom work together, or have long term plans. Most villains are street punk level.
C) The exception to both the above are Shiggy and the League of Villains. And while Shiggy wants Deku dead, the kid is protected by UA and his own power, It's not easy.
You say that, but I never really see these other people who supposedly 'hate' Deku. I know that a lot of people in the threads are relatively indifferent about him as an MC, but it's very rare to see someone who legitimately dislikes his presence in the manga.
And before you decide to say that I'm just a newfag, I've read through every single named BnHA thread for the past 2 and a half years Yes I know that's fairly autistic, but I just usually go over them in the archives to see if I missed out on any OC whilst skimming the posts so when it comes to thread opinions I have a vague idea of what people like and don't like. Granted I wasn't around for the beginnings of the manga, but I've been around for long enough
I'm not going to tell you fuck off or leave, you have as much right to post here as I do, but it is possible to discuss the faults of a series without being difficult. No my words aren't going to stop you if that is truly what you get enjoyment from, but if you DO want to discuss the manga and the faults of it's characters then I'm always around to do so. The story isn't perfect, and your input is valuable to me
Poor little/a/ you're taking the greenpill you like it or not AHAHAHAHAHA
At best I want to convince people Deku is shit which is not any different from you trying to convince me to stop or anyone trying to convince people of anything
>HxHtard criticizing the lack of death in a series after the Kite fiasco
The audacity
>You say that, but I never really see these other people who supposedly 'hate' Deku
Weird. I have seen you Nemotofag in tons of threads full of hate for Deku.
>I know that a lot of people in the threads are relatively indifferent about him as an MC
Even if that were true I would also take that. Because indifferent about the main focus means he fails as an MC and the manga is boring and thus shit. I totally take indifferent. In fact indifferent might even be better than hate. He is so boring people can not even muster hate.
Would you humour me and discuss this further? I know you've been posting for a while, but I've never really had the chance nor the energy to have a proper talk with you
Could you list your top 3 things you would change about Deku as the main character? Or perhaps relate him to a character/MC that you prefer? I want to know what you specifically look for in a character
the bait really stops working once you read HxH and realize everything "hunterfags" shit on MHA for happens in HxH too
>villains don't last longer than one arc
>no one who matters ever dies
>the protagonist always succeeds at what he tries to do no matter how improbable it is
Water manipulation for Shoto, The ability to delay the explosion of his sweat (so he can have it thrown somewhere and then have it explode) for Bakugou
Then you are simply a stupid faggot who is wrong.
Contrary to everything in your asspull series, HxH has a lot of build up and foreshadows.
The only reason Kite's slot worked as it did was specifically because of the Queen's mechanism for reproduction that allowed for some of the humans to resurrect as CAs. And soul transference under specific conditions was introduced back in Greed Island. We also saw through Pakunaoda that memories can be stored through nen.
Not to mention that this plot point thematically explores the ideas of eternal recurrence, the nature of the soul, and the ways human failings perpetuate themselves at the core of HxH. If you don't concede after reading pic related, you're either a brainlet (likely, considering the thread we're in) or intellectually dishonest.
Thread's gay. Post ReDestro
>Quirk are based on personality and literally pretty much an exact copy of Nen as a system (only difference is people are born with the abilities instead of having to train for them).
HunterCHADS win again.
So everything comes down to "Dude Nen lmao"
Nice. Very deep and incredibly interesting.
>Would you humour me and discuss this further?
Sure but you have to understand that people are going to extrapolate my answers and try to find any hidden weakness they can use to "expose" me.
>Could you list your top 3 things you would change about Deku as the main character?
For example lets say I would say he shouldn't be such a cuck to the guy who bullied him all his life and should not have forgiven him or something along the lines then people will claim I am just a bully victim. I am not.
>Or perhaps relate him to a character/MC that you prefer?
Simon from Gurren Lagann seems like the perfect comparison for this argument. I don't think he is the perfect MC but he is very similar to Deku. Because they start out similar but just watching the first fucking episode of TTGL and you have Simon at the end already far beyond Deku
I want an MC I can root for to win when he fights his rival. It seems very basic but most people in this fanbase root for his rival.
too bad none of that matter because Kite was never fed to the Queen so his soul couldn't transfer like Gyro's goons' did
It's the other way around for quirks, my friend. Personality is influenced by power
they're both rip offs of stands, retard
Now he can explode ANY liquid from his body. Or he can manipulate sweat in general. Even on other people.
Most only root for Bakugou because they somehow managed to get deluded by anons to think that Deku is shit. Those very anons actually like Deku too but they only root for Bakugou to be contrarian.
Or people like to root for winners.
There aren't heroes or villains in HxH. Killua has killed hundreds of people, is he a villain? Gon threatened to kill a blind and wounded little girl, is he a villain? Netero cared only to fight a strong opponent and never gave a shit about the world, and even put his subordinates in peril with that air strike, is he a villain?
Netero dying emboldens his son to announce the dark continent voyage. Obviously Kakin had been planning the voyage for years but Netero's death means that nobody can really hold Beyond back. You also have Pariston leaving, Ging Leaving, Reform to the organization, etc. More hunters are killed and we find out that the organization only has 300+ members. the temp hunters and pros killed during the CA arc, as well as the ones killed during the Election arc; although not all of them were strong fighters, represents a pretty heavy loss to an organization that only loses 1 or so members a year on average. Pariston is also in possession of 5000 easily persuaded newborn CAs.
Gon lost his nen and it relegated him from MC status. He hasn't appeared for like 60 chapters.
Your shounenfag mentality will never make you able to really understand HxH, you can only see things without being able to analyze them. Stick with your low IQ fightfag shonenshit and leave PhilosophyXKino to the adults.
Yeah but do Bakugou's victories ever really mean anything? Hori likes to suck Bakugou's dick harder a black hole's singularity so every time Bakugou fights anyone we already know he's gonna win. With Deku at least it's always a coin toss, unless it comes to Bakugou obviously.
Not that I'm excusing Deku as a whole mind you, I hate that he's a crybaby bitch about literally everything.
>his only argument is a massive copypasta quibbling over the definition of villain
*antagonist, cope
>With Deku at least it's always a coin toss, unless it comes to Bakugou obviously.
I get your argument and I get you saying that is more exciting to watch
But its not true
I know exactly what I am going to get with every fight
Deku will look like a loser. Either he will lose or he will win but somehow come out as the loser.
I'm not trying to 'expose' you or tell you off for having an opinion. I'm here to listen to you
So, to really boil it down, it's a mixture of his relationship with Bakugo and the fact that you feel like there isn't enough growth to justify rooting for him?
I hope you don't mind me asking you a personal question, but are you a very social person? You have always struck me as someone who judges character based on how a person positions themselves in the social hierarchy, which would explain you position on Deku. Despite being someone who wields extraordinary power, he still sits relatively low on the highschool food-chain
On the subject of being a bully victim or whatever that argument is that people sometimes bring up, I always thought it was quite ridiculous. I actually used to push people around myself, and I regret it
That's not what it says though.
The page says that quirks evolve due to a trigger, not due to training. Which is objectively retarded.
Will it have the properties of rubber or gum?
Holy shit, canada
>but are you a very social person?
No not really.
>I actually used to push people around myself, and I regret it
So what is your stance on Deku and Bakugo? Do you think Deku's reaction to it is normal or fine? Both from a story perspective and a character perspective?
I don't know, I didn't think Deku felt like a loser when he won against Gentle, but he was a literal filler tier villain. I loved it when he won against Overhaul, but hated when he won against Muscular and Shinsou (both during the Sports Festival and the JT arc). I still think it's more exciting than watching Bakugou do anything.
Why not both?
Spontaneous mutation =/= training a quirk to get stronger at it.
Else Endeavor’s quirk would have evolved many times over, given his strict training regime.
Quirk evolution/mutations require a specific, special set of circumstances or else Endeavor’s quirk having not mutated and gained another skill would make no sense.
>I didn't think Deku felt like a loser when he won against Gentle
Didn't he get lectured for it? Didn't he look all distraught and guilt-ridden afterwards?
That came off more as a comedic scolding to me, to reestablish the lighter setting of the cultural festival. But you might be right, he might have looked like a loser, but it certainly didn't feel like it.
But how do you know that Endeavor could control the temperature of his flames when he was younger? That might have changed over time just like Parka’s quirk did
I think the reason Deku is not allowed to get any credit for it is because Horikoshi has a very clear image of his real entrance to the world as a hero
I understand that but because of that he looks like a complete loser even after winning against Gentle.
>Didn't he get lectured for it?
He 'technically' got lectured but Hound Dog encouraged him in the end.
>Didn't he look all distraught and guilt-ridden afterwards?
Fight having emotional context is a good thing. Do you want Deku to go "OGAA BOOGA me beat baddy, me great!"
I am just saying he lost overall. I knew that would happen and it did. Everything has to be undermined for Deku. I can't root for that but I understand it
You are not understanding the true pathos of the situation, user. The poster you're talking to explained it, himself, apparently without realizing it. Attracted by BnHA's popularity he came, he saw, he did not like; but being desperate to be part of something bigger than himself he continued reading. Then he found a subgroup that hated the main character; and instantly, he joining in and started spewing his own hate, glorying in finally being part of a community, perhaps for the first time in his life. He CAN'T leave, and he can't stop, being a hater among haters is the high point of his life. Responding to him just gives him the opportunity to show his hate and get (you)s. Until he grows up - which is dubious - and realizes how worthless all that is, he won't quit. And you can't reason him out of his obsession, because he's not reasonable.
>I am just saying he lost overall
He defeated Gentle and saved the festival. He didn't loose. It wasn't even a moral loss. He knew he did the right thing but still felt bad for Gentle but he never doubted anything and considered letting Gentle do his plan. In fact Deku won extra hard because because of him he also saved Gentle and LaBrava from continuing their unhealthy lifestyle.
I never cared about (You)s and I am fine with just lurking most of the time
Even without me the threads are usually very hateful in the right directions
My stance on Deku and Bakugo? It's difficult to summarise but I'll split it up into segments
I don't have a problem with how each character exists in the universe when they are separated.
Character-wise, I think Deku is a fine protagonist and he's a touch more realistic than the usual shounen MC. For example, the whole "why didn't he train before he met All Might" argument. I personally might not agree with the way Deku went about trying to get into U.A, but I can understand it, and that's what's important to me in a character. He pretty accurately represents to me what I'd assume someone who started with no self-respect would look and act like. Story-wise he's also OK, but he's a very reactive protagonist. He doesn't usually seek out the things that drive the plot forward
I'm less fond of Bakugo, but he's extremely enjoyable in small doses. He's responsible for some pretty funny moments, and his action scenes are always a good read. The only REAL issues I have with him are
1. When he gets the focus for an extended period, you can start to see Hori's favouritism shine through
2. His progression feels a little slow. He started as a good character, and he still is, but he hasn't really moved on from that initial concept much
I think that both characters are at their weakest when they are around each other. I've seen people react like Deku does before, where the victim will just outgrow the bully and ignore them, but in terms of rivalry/storytelling it is quite bland. I feel like they haven't made much progress on eachother since DvB 2
Wew, long post. Thoughts?
Complete fucking lie. In thread with absolutely nothing related to Deku you just randomly go "Wow Deku fucking sux". This happens constantly.
and yet that had to be undermined by him having to lie about it and not getting any credit
You say Deku is realistic but do you honestly think it is realistic he has no resentment at all for Bakugo?
To me he almost doesn't seem human with that little of a backbone. He doesn't have to be obsessed but he was bullied to the point of considering suicide.
Other people do that more than me. You thinking it is just me really shows how bullshit this entire "we can always tell it is you" claim is.
>look at the front page
>see Hunterchad paragraphs
>it's a fucking BnHA thread
Hunterchads should stop bringing up the greatest shonen's name in meaningless arguments with fucking BNHA fags, why stoop so low? Let them discuss their generic shonen in peace. There's nothing to gain from wasting your time talking to literal children.
>For example lets say I would say he shouldn't be such a cuck to the guy who bullied him all his life and should not have forgiven him or something along the lines then people will claim I am just a bully victim. I am not.
A lot of people miss this little detail, but Deku is not trapped in what happened in the past, he's completly focus in his present, Deku used to be afraid of bakugou but that already changed, enough for him to tell him he'll surpass him without even flinching.
>Simon from Gurren Lagann seems like the perfect comparison for this argument. I don't think he is the perfect MC but he is very similar to Deku. Because they start out similar but just watching the first fucking episode of TTGL and you have Simon at the end already far beyond Deku
Yeah, but Simon did have a positive role model from the start, and TTGL already finished while MHA hasn't. But it's not like Deku hadn't grown. Current Deku is miles ahead of CH 1 Deku, light years ahead in terms of confidence and efficiency. You're so focus in rivalry that you forget Deku's large list of achievements
Nice try but no (you)'s for you. Follow your author's example and go play Dragon Quest instead.
BnHAfags are like the easiest group on Yea Forums to trigger. And nothing gets them more riled up than a HxH reaction image and criticism of their garbage series. It's just too hard to resist, senpai.
>and yet that had to be undermined by him having to lie about it and not getting any credit
I'm pretty sure his entire class found out and most of the teachers. And again they can't reveal something like this to the public. First, because there is no need. Second, the police was breathing down UA's neck.
If you want to cry about something Deku not taking cradit, cry about him flinging a fucking Kaiju in a populated area. Its clear problem that Hori undermines Deku's popularity and fame. But thats a problem with the plot, not Deku's character.
You and you clone ilk you stupid faggot. And those that you claim aren't the fags like the one right under your post.
Yeah, I think it's fairly realistic when you consider how Deku's appreciation of those with immense talent would influence his feelings about Bakugo.
Instead of Bakugo's words turning into resentment, they became Deku's drive once he inherited OfA.
Like I said previously, plenty of people do the same. The problem I have with this behaviour isn't that it ruins my like for Deku, but that it doesn't result in him having a reason to confront Bakugo about their past. No it's not a necessary part of the story, but it would be a good cathartic experience to have them both sit down and really talk it out
>A lot of people miss this little detail, but Deku is not trapped in what happened in the past, he's completly focus in his present
I get you trying to present this as something positive and I even agree that it IS something positive.
But it also means the past might as well not have happened. Its a complete waste of time and didn't get any resolution or character growth from anyone.
The first chapter was really strong but you are right. We might as well declare it not canon anymore or just a waste of time.
>Yeah, but Simon did have a positive role model from the start, and TTGL already finished while MHA hasn't.
Yes maybe that is the main difference
Simon has Kamina. Deku has Bakugo. But even then Episode 1 Simon smiling at the end is so much beyond Deku even now
I am saying Simon did get further in the first fucking episode than Deku did in the entire span of the manga so far
I don't think that is an unfair amount of time to compare.
Pretty pathetic that you are addicted to triggering people you consider to be "below your intellect", then, think about it. The more you invade these threads and behave like a chimp the more it associates HxH to trash like my superhero academia. I'm having a hard time thinking about something as lame as going to children's manga to pick fights with manchildren, normiespics and aspies.
>If you want to cry about something Deku not taking cradit, cry about him flinging a fucking Kaiju in a populated area.
Well someone else brought up Gentle as a victory. If someone else brought up Overhaul as a "victory" I would have pointed that out as well
Deku has to be undermined. You say that is just a plot thing but the fact still undermines any enjoyment of Deku. And if he is not even frustrated about not getting any credit then why should I care? He is not even trying to be a hero like all might told him.
Since we get the viz chapter 2 days earlier any change we get spoilers 2 days earlier than usual?
Yes. The stores would get the WSJ magazines stocked early.
Nice. I wonder how 100% STRESSED ReDestro will look like.
He would age 50 years in 5 minutes.
>Like I said previously, plenty of people do the same.
They do? Did you bully someone to near suicide and get something similar? I come at this as an outsider so to me it seems incredibly unnatural how Deku reacts to everything surrounding bakugo
I don't mind him admiring his talent but he shouldn't ignore the bullying
For example in the fight training they did at the very start Ochaco asked about their relationship and Deku answered he was a bully but he was also amazing
That I don't mind. 50/50 bully/"but also really talented".
Now the bully part is gone. kacchan is just amazing now. Now its just dicksucking without any meaningful development coming in between. I can't see bakugo apologizing but its like Deku acts like he did.
I was never extreme enough to push someone that far, but in my line of work I interact with a lot of people who outgrow trauma rather than confront it. No it's not as common as people who are confrontational, but it definitely exists.
Also, just because Bakugo told Deku to kill himself doesn't mean he pushed him to 'near suicide'. I'd rather not argue the semantics of this, but when collecting his notebook Deku makes note of what would happen if he DID consider suicide, not that he was considering it
As for the an apology or something along those lines, I'm expecting it sometime soon actually. Now that Bakugo is working with Deku after the new OfA revelation, they have reason to be interacting 1 on 1. They haven't had that for a long while. Would you consider changing your stance on Deku as a character if they do talk about their past in middle-school?
Hey, I like earlier stuff as well.
>Also, just because Bakugo told Deku to kill himself doesn't mean he pushed him to 'near suicide'.
Deku considered suicide
He thought "if I kill myself X would happen" that is the textbook definition of considering suicide.
>Would you consider changing your stance on Deku as a character if they do talk about their past in middle-school?
maybe. But not if it is entirely from Bakugo. If its just bakugo getting over it and Deku would get nothing out of it then I would probably hate him more for being that pathetic.
So your ideal situation for them discussing it would involve Deku bringing it up rather than Bakugo?
Ideally yes. As you said he is very reactive rather than proactive. I would want Deku to get anything out of it and not just do it for Bakugo
I feel like all of this was hinted at in minor ways during their second fight and then nothing ever happened.
The Bakugo Deku dynamic isn't about how Bakugo reflects on Deku. Its about how Deku reflects on Bakugo. Think about it, what has Bakugo actual done for Deku/ inspired him to do? Nothing. Deku was always going to surpass him and was always steadfast. Its like Deku is actually the rival character that helps change the Bakugo MC to be better. When all things considered now that Bakugo is even completely incapable of creating any more conflict that Deku has to mop up then Bakugo is fucking worstless as a character and has no point in the plot. He is now chasing Deku's back.
>Think about it, what has Bakugo actual done for Deku/ inspired him to do?
Any time Deku went for a victory he invoked Bakugo
During USJ
Coming up with the Full Cowl
Fighting Muscular
>He is now chasing Deku's back.
When did that happen? Bakugo just won a 1v4 easily and both was the perfect rescue and the perfect fight hero and then Deku lost a physical confrontation against Shinsou
Without quirks Shinsou is now objectively stronger than Deku
That's good, I've enjoyed this discussion so far. For a poster who supposedly is the /bnha/ Antichrist according to some, you do a pretty damn good job of discussing it's characters.
I can understand wanting your MC to take proactive action in social situations, but it's going to be a slow process for Deku because his entire dynamic with Bakugo revolves around their past and how they will eventually play off each-other in the future. Is there anything else you want to point out about the series that you have an opinion on?
>I've enjoyed this discussion so far. For a poster who supposedly is the /bnha/ Antichrist according to some
Discussions are always a two-way street
And to be fair to them when I do my schpiel with Miriofag I definitely am not looking for discussion and I exclusively use him to shitpost these threads.
>I can understand wanting your MC to take proactive action in social situations,
I have sort of given up on getting any of that. I just answered that because you have said what I would want to see. I don't expect to see anything I described from this manga.
>Is there anything else you want to point out about the series that you have an opinion on?
Not really. The humor is fairly bad and the choreography could be better but those are minor complaints.
>Deku lost a physical confrontation against Shinsou
Deku. Unless you are referring to Deku falling off the edge because Shinso pulled him? Because unless OfA also add weight to the person Deku using OfA or not is completely relevant. Second, Bakugo's quirk and plan worked and went as planned. Deku's quirk was going apeshit and any previously made up plans got scrapped yet he still won.
And this is entirely based on combat ability. Judging by DvB 2 I can't see Deku losing with 20%. Of course if there is another cop-out to suck off Bakugo. Deku already has a shitload of achievement over Bakugo and Bakugo like, won the festival, because Todoroki went limp.
>During USJ
>Coming up with the Full Cowl
>Fighting Muscular
Don't remember exactly about the USJ but there was nothing about Full Cowl beside just using one move he stole from Bakugo. And with Muscular it was only mentioned in passing and had nothing to do with the victory.
Deku is superior to Bakugo in all aspects besides arguably raw combat ability. The only cucks here is us because Hori cucks us out of a worthwhile story when including Bakugo the way he currently is.
>Unless you are referring to Deku falling off the edge because Shinso pulled him?
Ochaco was surprised shinsou was stronger and that was because deku didn't use his quirk
So without a quirk Shinsou now surpassed him
>Second, Bakugo's quirk and plan worked and went as planned. Deku's quirk was going apeshit and any previously made up plans got scrapped yet he still won.
Yes but Bakugo won perfectly and is far ahead of Deku
>Deku is superior to Bakugo in all aspects besides arguably raw combat ability.
I don't think Horikoshi would agree with you there.
>Discussions are a two-way street
Undoubtedly so. A lot of people here wouldn't be willing to actually have a chat with you, but your words have just as much merit as my own. Actually, as a little inside joke to myself, one of the reasons I post Nemoto is in the hopes that the person I'm talking to will answer me truthfully. Kinda silly, but it makes me chuckle to myself
I wish you'd tone it down with the whole baiting thing you do, but to be honest, I've filtered most of it out. I can't say I understand why you do it, but it doesn't make much difference to me
If you ever have an hour or two to kill and actually feel like talking about the manga, feel free to ask for me. I'm always around. Well, most of the time. I hope you at least got some enjoyment out of this
>I wish you'd tone it down with the whole baiting thing you do, but to be honest, I've filtered most of it out.
Well I give you a little gift and play along with your Nemoto quirk game.
I do that in preperation for season 4. If Season 4 around Mirio is a battlefield in these threads then the incoming people who are only around for the anime will make it so much worse and these threads will be unrecoverable post season 4.
>Ochaco was surprised shinsou was stronger and that was because deku didn't use his quirk
>So without a quirk Shinsou now surpassed him
Good job not reading my post. And just because a character says something doesn't mean its true. How many times do people have to repeat this?
>Yes but Bakugo won perfectly and is far ahead of Deku
Again, read my post again.
>I don't think Horikoshi would agree with you there.
I'm aware that whatever Bakugo currently has to his name is completely artificial since Hori keeps forcing Bakugo is something he isn't. Either way whatever is in the story supports my previous claim that Deku is superior.
So basically you have to ignore the author and intentionally misunderstand the story to think Deku is better than Bakugo?
Read the last sentence in my post you fucking troglodyte.
What is intended in the story does not support your claim
Shinsou pulled Deku with both of his arms, Deku was talking to Ochako and using one hand. Is it that hard to understand?
>Don't remember exactly about the USJ
Is the holiday next week or the week after?
Refer to my previous post and actually debunk them if you actually want to support that position.
No need to lie. In not one panel is Deku shown holding onto her.
Deku is small and probably not that heavy. Plus the fact that Shinso had a massive angle advantage.
I am confident Horikoshi considers Shinsou to be now physically stronger than Deku not taking quirks into account
Source: my ass
>What would Kacchan do
This is what lack of a dad figure does to someone.
You would expect next he does is scream at someone.
Deku is way bulkier
Yeah he does cream at them to die.
>Shinso is stronger than Deku because he yanked on him with his magic scarf
Christ you fucking people are so stupid.
Ochaco straight up confirms it
What more do you want?
>No doujin about Shinsou using his quirk to mindbreak every girl in school
I am sure I have seen some stuff.
>tfw Shinso's quirk is the worst kind of mind control for sex purposes so all the fan fic about it is either shit or lorebreaking
Remember to take time out of your busy Mirio schedule to talk about the series every now and then, and I'll happily respond when I have the time. Your criticisms are legitimate, but if you want them to be heard then you should express yourself in good faith.
When the threads inevitably end up the same as always, despite your efforts, I'll still be here for you to converse with. I'll see you around
not sure if people have seen this but anyway here's a preview for season 4
makes me sad to think that it's still 3 months from starting and like 9 months from finishing
Bless you, and god bless America
>I've read through every single named BnHA thread for the past 2 and a half years
You're not the only one, if there's any comfort in that.
Tbf these threads are better if you stay for 2 weeks, and then disappear from them for 2. New content (shitposts) by that point.
What? This is the exact same one as the first preview.
People here are genuine, and that's what fosters the best discussion and OC. And whilst they may range from genuinely nice to genuinely autistic, they are genuine nonetheless
What do you call this position?
Full Nelson I think.
Its a special six armed version of a full nelson
Fullest Nelson
Fucking disgusting
Us mutants are just as deserving of emitter women as you humies are. I ain’t no villain just because they like a guy with more than 2 arms and a long tongue
ReDestro has the right problem but got the wrong result.
>In not one panel is Deku shown holding onto her.
Possible misinterpretation of the other user's comment about Deku using only one hand. In the scene in question, Shinso's capture cloth had wrapped around Deku's arm, which was outstretched from his body, making him off balance. He and Ochaco were on top of a building, near the edge, yelling because the two teams were having a head on clash and Shinso was attacking. Deku wasn't holding on to Ochaco; which was unfortunate because the next moment Shinso, who was above them and more firmly braced, yanked on the cloth and pulled Deku off the roof below, sending him falling to the ground. So. Shinso has obviously gotten stronger, but whether he is stronger than Deku, muscle to muscle, is impossible to tell with the data we have.
I highly doubt it. If you look at how Hori drew Deku during the whole fight you should notice that he seems rather bulkier and his costume actually has his form show.
Yes, Deku has more bulk; but Shinso may have those wiry kind of muscles that give their possessor tremendous strength for short periods. We need him to take off his shirt so we can see. That would probably start the fan girls and boys drooling, however. :)
I highly doubt it.
> :)
No thank you.
not him, but go back
based nemotofag having actual quality discussion in these godforsaken threads
You are a Bak-U-Go proponent? I find the argument extremely questionable. If not out and out demented.
The threads do not have to be godforsaken. Be the change you want to see