Thanks for the meal, Negi. Nino is extremely cute.
5toubun no Hanayome
Other urls found in this thread:
Nino a best.
Nino a shit
Miku a shit. Her date is worthless compared to the Nino-Fuutarou moments we get in Nino chapters, and no one is helping her in the shadows for literally everything like some other girl we know. Nino alone is enough to conquer Fuu-kun's heart.
Based and Truthpilled
Forget Fuutarou, they should marry each other.
Would ichika be a bane poster in Yea Forums?
Why is Nino such a winner?
God decided it should be so.
Why does she look like a loli there?
It's kinda hot.
>Mikeks and Ninokeks fighting each other
keep trying faggot
Sorry fellow Ninobros, but this chapter confirmed that Nino now is a sidecharacter. If we're lucky she'll get tossed a few more chapters before the end of the series.
hahaha look at all the delusional nincels ITT
nincels are so obnoxious that you pretty much have to hate them, but mikufags and yotsubafags i just feel sorry for because itsuki (best girl) is going to destroy their dreams
really. try harder.
I hate Yotsuba
Cannot wait for the release of clean scans later
>Nino loses in her own manga
What did Negi mean by this?
Even if Nino may not be pure anymore after losing her virginity to Fuutarou I will be happy for her.
Nino is the worst, I hate her! And...
FUCK nino
Of all the quints she is the least cute.
The amount of salt this chapter has generated is astounding
I have serious doubts that this manga will end this year. 20 chapters is not nearly enough to wrap everything up unless you neglect giving half the quints any significant screentime.
>It's another Nino thread.
>this manga will end this year.
Because it won't.
Not gonna lie, former Ninofag here. It's fucking hilarious watching Nino crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let her win the Fuubowl.
>thinking it 2vs3 or 4vs5
>it actually 2vs4
Pffft. No way.
This manga actually takes place inside Yotsuba's head and the sisters are actually her split personalities. Fuutaro isn't real, he's just someone her subconscious created as a coping mechanism.
mozart was a ninofag you faggot
>2 isn't in love with Fuutarou
Ninofags cope.
Yotsuba a cute, a based and the bride
Only 1 and 2.
>the cope that is created from this chapter
>only 1 and 2
>1 has a spray ankle so she can’t run
Welp we know who it is
>Fuutarou isn't in love with 2
Cope harder sidegirlfags. This is Nino's manga. She is main girl, bride and winner.
I’m gonna enjoy this meltdown just like grim reminder 2.0
>Ichika only needs to smile
>Nino needs to make a kiss gesture.
Ichika wins but they are probably red herrings..
Fuutarou already knows who he wants.
Yes, Nino
>fatsukifag thinking she will win
Imagining falling for the first girl trope in toubun no Hanayome kek
>mozart was a ninofag
>napoleon was a yotsubafag
>takeda shingen was a mikufag
What are Ichika and Itsuki's historical waifufaggot?
Fuck off Mozart
Nino is the patron goddess of conquerors. So Alexander, Caesar, Napoopan, William, etc are all Ninofags
Itsuki has Neil Armstrong.
Nino already has someone.
who's the founder of fast food chains again
>people still don't realize this entire chapter was a red herring and that Negi's just throwing Ninofags a bone
But eren is dead.
More like Herod.
It's just a flesh wound.
He doesn't love OG lolikano.
>everyone making up dumb pairs for end game
>when in reality it's 1235 vs 4
>a ninofag
>throwing other ninofag bone
He forgot about her for a long while and probably only remember when her VA got married
"Don't lose hope", negi whispers. "Our time will come."
can't agree more on that
32 chapters.
[citation needed]
33* chapters
As an Ninofag, I gotta say, the salt I'm collecting from you autists about Nino's character development and role in 5-Toubun no Hanayome will never stop being delicious. Makes up for all the Miku shitposting we had to deal with. Nino WILL be the decisive winner of the Fuutbowl, and your shit waifu will lose. The sooner you come to terms with that, the better. You Nino haters are nothing, absolutely nothing, and you will never be anything. You can easily tell someone is an adult male virgin when they are actually attracted to girls that are only has a nice body and offers no relevance at all to the story except to serve as a romantic plot device, like Yotsuba or psychopathic selfish sluts who only seeks to pleasure herself, like Miku. When you kill yourselves or die of a coronary infarction before you turn 40, no one will ever remember you and the world will be better off without you toads in it. You semen slurping faggots will never amount to anything. You are garbage, and nothing will ever change that, just like Ichika or Miku or Itsuki or whatever waifu you like has no chance of romancing Fuutaro.
Also reminder that Nino is the best designed character in 5-Toubun no Hanayome. God it must suck to be you.
He's just grateful.
>Not posting an image
>5+ years in his heart
>He doesn't love her though!
Cope faggot. This is their story.
Rena and OG lolikano are not the same people so it's literally impossible to know whether he likes her or not.
He's just saying that because he knows that's not OG lolikano.
I'm pretty sure Fuuts is still convinced rena = lolikano. What makes you think otherwise?
nino a shit
Not that guy but he always had a hunch that Yotsuba was lolikano and considering Yotsuba can't do disguises, it's almost certain that he knows that Rena is not Yotsuba.
>fuutaro learn about the Rena/lolikano disguise
>got butthurt and hate them
Well hate is a strong word. I would put his disappointment around Ichika lying
>yfw Ichika wins the bowl Navy chapter
So what was the purpose of this conversation then? He's hoping that this rena will convey the message to the real lolikano?
Nino, who made the best love confession, should be the bride.
People were arguing whether Fuutarou likes OG lolikano or not. Not even sure why the other guy was bringing up Rena when the one behind that disguise is Itsuki, not Yotsuba.
Stop posting that shit here, nobody gives a fuck.
Ok I admit that chapter brought back the hype, Nino really is the main appeal of the manga.
God I wish that were me
>Nino chapter
>dead af threads with literally no progression
>appeal of the manga
The only time this manga ever becomes good is whenever Yotsuba is depressed.
>Ninofags are redditors
Attention, Nino haters. When Nino really won as the bride & the wife, what are you gonna do next? Pick one:
>a) commit seppuku
>b) go nuclear, wage internet jihad war on Ninofags & nuke Yea Forums, reddit, MAL, FB, Twitter etc
>c) throw death threats to rip Negi's head & eat his baby
>e) become edgy fuckboys wanting everything in this world must DIE!!!
>f) turn yourself in to a mental hospital
You all cannot avoid this one mandatory question. It is important!
>stealing Eatsuki's bolognese pasta
make 5toubun great again.
nice, now we have ninofags representative
i can't wait for itsuki's one
>Nino this
>Neenuh that
>Nino Nino Nino Nino Nino
Can you all please talk about other stuff that isn’t Nino? This is getting so annoying and it’s making me angry. Nino is so fucking shit and I seriously can’t understand how you don’t get tired of talking about her without ever stopping. What about Miku? What about Ichicute? WHY ARE YOU IGNORING THE OTHER QUINTS, ITS NOT FAIR. Ninofags are the worst, I hate them and I hate Nino. Nino a shit. A SHIT.
Go back to redd!t, retard.
Nino a best
>Reddit theory
Nino Derangement Syndrome detected. Find a cure before it's too late
Nothing can top Itsuki's CONCRETE EVIDENCE.
>tldw; there's a 4 leaf clover on each volume cover after volume 5
>TFW this chapter made me google seduction techniques
I feel weird.
Don't put that shame on me.
It's amazing how much Kyoto killed a lot of people's hype. I'm not sure if your hype died there but a lot of people I know just lost it in that arc. Yotsuba's backstory brought back a little bit of hype and the pool chapter wasn't bad. Hospital visit is pretty good too, so I'm hoping Negi doesn't fuck up whatever nonsense he has planned with Ichika.
Fuck bumblings retards, snake shit or fucking mind-weirdos. Nino grabbed the bull by the horns and for that she is best girls forever
Based elevens and their theories.
Fuck off. Go back and never come here again.
>Miku suffers
>Arc bad
>Miku is carried
>Arc bad
Autism. There was a lot of drama, that's all. The arc was good.
Where did you go, wikihow?
Open to see your worst nightmare
>The arc was good.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. The only good thing about that arc was literally the last page of ch. 86.
Well, there's also a 五 on every volume cover & inside cover.
Good job sherlock, I'm sure no one would've figured this out.
The arc was not bad, it was "heavy".
It's just Micucks and Snekfags seething that their quints are shit.
>Miku getting the main girl moment
I am a Ichikafag and I don't find the arc was bad. It was very painful to read until we reached the date chapters though.
Wait, what? I thought redditors are Itsukifags or Mikufags.
Each and every one of these autistic essays redditors deserve to get btfo concrete evidence-style
There probably is an autistic redditor essay for every quint. This means that no quint should win.
>Miku got more development in a single panel during the pool arc than Nino got this entire chapter
There is nothing for Ichika and Itsuki. And I guess a Ninofag was motivated by the recent chapter because he feels he is going to win.
You mean imaginary people? Since that volume outsold Nino's by 100k in the first week sales.
Miku would write her own
I think essayists should be forced to write in the style of the quint being discussed.
>Nino gets NO WAY FAGed with the flowers
>Nino is delusional about verbally abusing Fuutarou
Great meal, indeed
Oh yeah, it outsold Miku's volume too. It's the first one to break 420k on the first week.
That's not what he said. Just because they get ridiculed doesn't mean their quint of choice will lose.
>first girl
>also last girl
>also gave him inside info
>also played as others
>also isn't as needy as miku or nino rn
>also isn't dead like ichika
Only fight I see here is 4v5 with 5 winning
Explain the flower background from negi. Fuutarou is opening himself to love, and the only quint so far to trigger that for him is nino.
It's 2 vs 4, and 4 only because she's lolikano.
Still waiting for that 5Toubun Visual Novel to be announced.
>flower at the background when he blush
Are we at the point where the story focus on fuutaro instead of the girls? I mean we just get a chapter that involving fuutaro dealing with love
A literal example of Mincels living on a different planet, just like the metafags
Dare to say irrelevant when Nino really turn out to be the bride?
I'm afraid none of you incels will answer questions, as if you fucks are always right. Your lack of humility will be your downfall, you mark my words. Don't act like I never told you
>people will still say 5toubun isn't a shoujo manga
>using the dating book for nino and miku
Loser flags.
> Negi said he will focuses on Fuutarou's feelings in the rest of manga.
Now we got very little of this.
>Your lack of humility will be your downfall
That's coming from a Ninofag?
>branches with petals
What type of flower buds are these?
It will never be 2 vs 4 in the endgame because 2 is forever stuck as a gag pair with 3. The only endgame 2 will get in the end is 2+3 = Their restaurant.
>gag pair
>not realizing that she will have to face her abandonment issue with fuutaro help just like when she let go of her past with fuutaro help
>cannot live without Fuutarou or doesn't want him to abandon her
>literally obsessed
lmao the absolute state of Nino in this chapter.
Now I know why metafags resorts to play the meta card of "45 is endgame" lobbying so hard. The answer is obvious.
They all just want Nino to lose just witness Ninofags meltdown, for nothing! But to them, it doesn't matter. Because the end justify its means, that's what truly matters to them.
Ultimately, fags like these ones are just being hollow & petty
>implying that it is a bad thing for him
How long until raws?
Forgot pic
I just don’t see nino as the best bride for fuutarou. The icing of die hard ninofags melting down is a bonus
Both nino and yotsuba now have the “stay by your side card”. How can 135 compete?
5-6 hours.
It's a bad thing for Nino, though. Basic bitches never win, especially obsessed ones.
>I don’t see how nino as the best bride for fuutaro
>literally fit all his criteria
What criteria? Stop pulling shit out of your ass. It's fucking embarassing.
Wait we get the new spoiler this early?
??? It only works for Yotsuba. Nino is desperate. Futarou has to be the one wishing for that. She was like "Please don't leave me" while Yotsuba simply said she'll always support him.
Holy shit.
Let the man seethe.
I was shitposting about the criteria he make. It’s something about being energetic, being a good cook and taking care of her brother.
All of those fit Raiha. I can see the ending now, it's an incest end. Fuutarou was only faking a wedding with the quints because he wants to keep his relationship with Raiha a secret.
I've decoded 5toubun's ending, screencap this.
Care to explain yourself what makes you think Nino is unworthy to be his wife?
Enough playing hide & seek & start talking!
Clearly, Nino haters came from different planet. Given their twisted perceptions on reality
some anons are saying its holiday next week, so we get double chapter this week
>Care to explain yourself what makes you think Nino is unworthy to be his wife?
She doesn't care about his feelings, she only cares about herself. It's as simple as that, Negi has been consistent with Nino's character as the selfish one.
Yes, we'll get early spoilers this week.
>she doesn’t care about his feeling
>implying the other girls even care for him
Well maybe excluding itsuki
Do you know when will we get the leak
You forgot Yotsuba. Don't even try to make it sound like she doesn't because of what she did in Seven Goodbyes. The results of that only made Fuutarou a better person.
i forgot how it went with golden week leaks, but at most like 1-3 days after next chapter is out
>didn’t allow him to know the truth
>tormented him further when it reveals that she is loliknano
No, but from what I was reading. Wasn't Nino doing the opposite? Push means you are acting nicely and Pull means you act negatively. But she said she was pulling and yet was acting negatively. I guess it works too in a way considering her behavior. But that was not attractive, was it?
Is it just me or is the art becoming shit?
Sounds like a basic & petty reason of yours, it seems. Just like you, being basic, hollow & petty.
On the contrary, she actually do care for him in the longshot, you just don't see it. If you think Nino is truly the selfish one to you, then why was she bothered to deal with the family drama in Kyoto trip? Don't she care for her sisters
See? This is where you're dead wrong about Nino, and I'm not in the wrong to call out your double-standard perception on things either
Nino a shit, A SHIT!
>being basic, hollow & petty
This is pretty much a summary of Nino in 3 words. Thanks.
not him, but i dont get your post. shes pulling as in making fuutarou chase her by being cold to him
It's been shit for a while. I miss his old art.
He meant raws for this week's chapter
>I don’t see how nino as the best bride for fuutaro
>literally deciding for fuutaro himself
Kek you become the thing you hated. I get it, you hate nino 4/5Metafag.
>This moment is when Fuutarou realizes his feelings for Nino.
Anti are sucide watch after this chapter they cope cope cope.....
>Sounds like a basic & petty reason of yours, it seems. Just like you, being basic, hollow & petty.
Yeah sure, keep going with Ad hominen, that'll definitely convince me.
>On the contrary, she actually do care for him in the longshot, you just don't see it
Back up your claims before posting this kind of shit. I'm only seeing your dumbass headcanon in the works here.
>If you think Nino is truly the selfish one to you, then why was she bothered to deal with the family drama in Kyoto trip?
The family drama has nothing to do with her being selfish when trying to get into Fuutarou's pants. She even insisted him to shut the fuck up when they were trying to form groups.
> This is where you're dead wrong about Nino
No, everything I said was correct. You're just being a stubborn sore loser right now.
Based and redpilled. Another day, another ninotard BTFO
I mean that according to the general definition, Pulling means being open like Nino is usually to make the guy know that he can be more daring. Nino in this chapter was pulling by being rude(which is Pushing according to the basic definition). But as I said previously, it works considering her default behavior.
>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a 4/5fag!
Fucking pathetic.
Are you sure you're not being basic, hollow & petty IRL just by being this defensive to your own ego? Do you need to see a psychologist?
Are you sure Miku is not selfish to you when she clearly is? Maybe you're not living your life right
Nino is the most popular and you have the same 3 Mikufags ruining every threads false flagging and talking shit about her because they seething about it., I remember that guy that got banned for posting the same anti nino bullshit 80 times in a thread but apparently it wasn't enough..
You sound upset. Are you sure you took your meds today?
Sakura, I'm sure.
I need to wait for the better scan, but I'm sure one of the flower in Fuutarou's bucket is Azalea=Itsuki.
How good are Negi with flowers again?
Keep crying tard
Itsukifags btfo muh Itsuki with her advice impact Fuutarou mind
KEK he still read the book
>Keep crying tard
How Ironic. Go back to redd!t if you can't handle the banter.
>call me pathetic for thinking you are a 4/5 metafag
>call me a redditor with no evidence
Kek you literally become the thing you hate twice in this thread
Raws haven’t dropped yet. You have shitty gook scans, which are not raws.
Sure thing redditor. Whatever makes you sleep at night.
no idea where you are reading those definitions, but in general the pusher is the pursuer and the puller is the one who tries to make the pusher go for her/him. Nino dere mode is the pusher while in this chapter she is the puller
>>Nino chapter
>>dead af threads with literally no progression
>>appeal of the manga
>The only time this manga ever becomes good is whenever Yotsuba is depressed.
The hype is over because the bride is not a secret anymore aka Nino
>Yotsuba arc will be always the worst with Miku doormat arc
More like anti-Nino fags BTFO while on full damage control
>"I'm always right & never wrong! Your mongrel opinions are not worthy to my supreme intellect!"
>everyone disagrees with me Ninotards who should just die in my sight!
Wow, such toxic narcissism you got here. I think you seriously consider seek mental help before it's too late
Oh no no no what happen to this>everyone who doesn’t agree with me is a redditor
>he's still sperging out nonstop
>for 2 days
I admire your dedication, but Nino a shit
>still grasping for straws
Yeah, so I understood that, pulling means doing the opposite of what you usually do. People push by default but to different degree.
>says by the increasingly nervous ninotard for the 33rd chapter in a row
God, I can't wait for that Ichika chapter. Maybe the Ninofags will calm down. Even when your quint is under the spotlight you manage to attack others like that.
no, people dont always push by default, thats not how it works.
I hope you are just shitposting user, otherwise seek help.
>>people still don't realize this entire chapter was a red herring and that Negi's just throwing Ninofags a bone
With Nino haters It's will be red herring even after Fuutarou takes Nino virginity
>Maybe the Ninofags will calm down.
They've been foaming at the mouth for 32 chapters / 8 months and now they finally got their own chapter. There's no way these fags will calm down.
>comes from an increasingly insecure, yet narcissistic asshole
Hate to break it to you, but Nino will get involve into the drama again, regardless
Nope. You sound upset, though.
>narcissistic asshole
Where the fuck do you think you are? You sound like you're new here, dumbass ninotard.
>still spering
Kek bye bye now
>can't handle the banter
>b-bye bye h-heheh
Fucking hilarious.
I refreshed this thread and it's the same 3-4 fags replying to each other for the last 50+ posts. Is this the power of Nino?
>reddit trash
Fuck off
>that pic
Still sperging after 2 days. Also nice delusion with the banter kek.
Ah, this is annoying. I understand it, but it's a bit hard for me to explain it. Anyway, Nino definitely pushes by default.
Me upset? Don't be ridiculous. But you know what? If you keep acting like what you are now, I ain't gonna waste too much time & energy on fags like you.
Well, sure. Keep up with your ego. Until when the time comes, you got no one to blame by yourself when you lose
>he thinks only one person posts the same image
Take off your dumb tinfoil hat.
>If you keep acting like what you are now, I ain't gonna waste too much time & energy on fags like you.
LMAO Is that a fucking threat? This shit is hilarious, it actually sounds like I'm talking to a redditor.
KEK, got a chuckle from this one. Based
This is the true face of Nino haters
Fucking based whateverfag you are.
But I don’t have any tinfoil hat hypocrite-kun
>>thinking it 2vs3 or 4vs5
>>it actually 2vs4
1345 are out even lolinakano shit
It's between 2vshis first crush (she will comeback soon)
Fuck off ESL
Why are people so afraid of Nino?
He doesn’t love her enough.
Why is everyone so scared of Itsuki winning?
I’m afraid of Nino losing. If I was completely objective I might be mildly convinced she has a shot, but since I want her to win, I think there’s almost no way.
Success breeds jealousy.
That was a pretty boring chapter desu,
no wonder why the threads are so slow.
Hate on Ichika for all you want but at least she is way more entertaining character.
Here's your (You), o supreme highlord
Threads slow down is obviously because haters refuse to admit their flawed perspective
Wait, why do Nino-is-irrelevantfags always say 32/33 chapters? Can't they calculate simple subtraction or do they subconsciously filter chapter 71 because they fear Nino?
Can't be helped when the new chapter literally brought nothing new to the table. We only got more nino shitposting which is what's keeping this thread alive at the moment.
71 didn't make her progress, so she's still irrelevant.
I fear no man.
But Nino... she scares me.
Yet when this chapter dropped, with literal flowerbuds in the background when he blushed, people still call it no progress. I even saw some Ninofags basically challenging otherfags of their interpretation of the flowerbuds and noone answered. Pathetic display desu.
I love Nino.
Success breeds insecurities. Both them are the strongest contenders which makes the otherfags seethe over them and sperge to try to make their interior quint on the same filed or above them. Just examine the butthurt from last week and the spoiler threads yesterday.
Would the anime still be as enjoyable if I've already caught up with the manga?
Ichika is an independent and successful woman, and objectively the most attractive.
Nino is a girl who attempts to be manipulative and cruel. I say attempts, because with her 60 IQ she isn't capable of manipulating anyone other than her 60 IQ sisters. Horrible girl.
Miku is a doormat with no hobbies and would only act as a burden to whatever unfortunate fellow that gets stuck with her. Shut-ins and introverts like her because she reminds them of themselves, without recognizing the fact that this isn't a good thing.
Yotsuba is a girl who recognizes her shortcomings, is extremely active, and works to better both herself as well as those around her. She lacks some independence due to her childhood traumas, but is salvageable.
Itsuki, like Yotsuba, is a well-meaning idiot who tries hard but is held back by her 60 IQ. Unlike Yotsuba, she similarly strives for her own success and well-being, but unlike Ichika lacks the true will and strength to make it. Still a good girl.
1 > 5 > 4 > a pet dog > a pet cat > a pet bird > a goldfish > Miku > literal shit > Nino
no because the anime was a shit adaption
The voice acting and music are great. Animation not too much.
Unironically this. Previous I was fine with 428 losing as the nice girl everyone loves, but now that she's got the lolikano baggage losing would hurt so bad.
A rare 25fag. Good taste frend
Hello fren
I've just read that leddit essay, and it's actually good? I mean, you literally can't refute what he's trying to explain in the first part of his text. The second part is speculation, but it's still interesting how inconsistent F acts after Nino's confession. Definitely better than Artur's.
Man, I just recently stumbled upon this manga and it's quite a ride. What were the threads like on previous major chapters, such as the kiss on scrambled eggs and such?
welcome to the ride fren
y'know, just the occasional 1000+ reply count threads in the multiple meltdown nuclear fallout this ride induced
So Ichika and Itsuki are the only ones safe from this autism.
15 endgame bros
Sup bitches, I'm back. What have you all been up to?
absolute shitposting on who the kisser was.
Ichika is the kisser!
>my shit is better than that shit
miss me with that gay shit
Chaos at the best of times and a combination of shitposting mess with the fastest postcount out of the entire board in big chapters.
>pic related
>and... and...
>beach chapter
>yotsuba=rena reveal
pretty sure i missed like 5 more
Fags here just had meltdown on a swimsuit chapter saying it's Scrambled Egg part 2. Hit over a thousand replies too.
And the two of these. still can't get over the whole thing
Despair again when?
45 is still the pair to beat.
>Despair again when?
>2 and 5
>strongest contenders
This amount of delusion is unhealthy.
How people still believe Itsuki is the bride is beyond me. A new level of cope.
I know, right?
>and it's actually good?
Stop praising yourself, retard.
At this point, Fatfags are more delusional than ninotards when they keep acting like this.
Translations when?
I unironically believe that Nino is a strong contender, her fags are just annoying. Itsuki though? There is no way she can be the bride without an incredible asspull.
Raw is not even out yet. Should be out in~4 hours or so (2 hours after raw) depending on their speed. Also depends if they got early JP raw to prepare the translations beforehand.
>end of the manga
>fuutarou and nino's wedding
>people still won't realize this entire chapter was a red herring and that Negi's just throwing Ninofags a bone
With the way Nino's treating Fuutarou? I don't think so.
This chapter only showed us that
>Nino still can't get Fuutarou's attention
>She tries to pretend that she hates him which isn't good because that's not how you treat someone you love
>doing this also means she's manipulating Fuutarou's feelings which is trying to get his attention
>only got him confused and scared because he thinks one of the quints is going to hate him again
These actions will never imrpove nor progress their current relationship. She's still at that phase where she confessed and it never moved from there.
I love you, Mikutanon
>Nino still can't get Fuutarou's attention
But she literally did
>She tries to pretend that she hates him which isn't good because that's not how you treat someone you love
But it literally is, it's literally in the love guide
>doing this also means she's manipulating Fuutarou's feelings which is trying to get his attention
She's setting herself up to be chased rather than chase
>only got him confused and scared because he thinks one of the quints is going to hate him again
She got his attention and brought him out of his comfort zone, leading him to confess his uneasiness at the thought of her possibly getting fed up with him not taking initiative
A smashing success, copefag
>in the love guide
this shit is funny
shes starting to get desperate, user. Nino isnt smart enough to set herself up to be chased.
Holy shit, nice catch.
lets talk numbers
>But she literally did
I meant after the confession. she couldn't get his attention for 32 chapters. And yes, she did get his attention this chapter by using underhanded tactics
>But it literally is, it's literally in the love guide
Hating someone is never a good way to get someone's attention no matter how you look at it. The love guide is stupid.
>She's setting herself up to be chased rather than chase
And what did she do? Manipulate his feelings. It's almost as bad as prentending as someone then saying "that person" (you) likes you.
>Brought him out of his comfort zone, leading him to confess his uneasiness at the thought of her possibly getting fed up with him not taking initiative
All because she's a manipulator, she got what she wanted, good. But that didn't progress their relationship one bit.
Try again.
Because Nino is non-existent to them. Why? Because they got no girlfriend IRL. With their ironically obnoxious attitudes they have, it is no wonder they can never get a girlfriend & will not succeed in life
I don't give a shit, Nino is sitll the bride. Now fuck off
>Because they got no girlfriend IRL.
>she tried to flirt wih him with push-pull strategy
>knowing this, he let her go on, even thinking that her trying so hard is cute
>when she started going past the line, he said "only moderately", so he enjoyed " the act" to some degree
>actually afraid when he thought she genuinely hated him
I don't know, user.
i dont know what I was expecting desu
How would Zetsuba feel about Ichika leaving?
Not surprising for ninotard kind of a reply. Gave me a chuckle too.
>can't win an argument
seems kinda reachy there user. Fuutarou hasnt really ever given a fuck about flirting. Why should he do so now?
The amount of mental gymnastics for people to deny Nino because of their biasness of not wanting to acknowledge her is pretty baffling at this point but expected.
Absolutely BTFO
This is what 32 chapters of irrelevancy can do to you.
No need to hide yotsubro. You can come out, Those commie wont get us anytime soon.
Love you too, Mikubro.
Which quint would based Maxwell support?
Karna= Yotsuba
Arjuna= Ichika
It was cute knowing Fuut genuinely felt pleased with Ninos act then became concerned she actually hated him.
>implying I would waste my time writing essays about this manga
I'm referring to F's reasons to leave his job anyway, it has nothing to do with Nino. I totally missed that one.
What's so special about the flowers? It's a tree behind him. It makes the picture looks softer.You can't call it an evidence untill you're brainlet parallelfag.
>inb4 Nino hater, 45fag, whatever else
pls no, i dont want to discuss fate here too
i care more about fuuts finally blushing properly than nino going back and forth
does that make me a fag?
He hasn't really given a fuck about romance either, yet here we are with him seriously trying to find out and even buying Napoleon's guide to romance.
get a room, faggots
I hate Nino so much, she is the worst quint! I hate her!
And! And...
Will yotsuba become a j/a/nitor?
Too late, AUO is already here for the longest time Only a matter of time before APEX and above world level comes here
This post should be a case study on projection. Anything more you'd like to tell us, user?
>It's 2020, chapter 120 comes, and Nino is confirmed the bride
>S-sixty chapters! haha
25 is the most natural friendship between the quints, I wish to see them interacting again. If this is the endgame then I'll be very pleased.
>a tree inside a hospital not drawn in any previous panels
>coincidentally having flowerbuds
>not leaves, not blooming flowers
No because for once Fuutarou genuinely felt love towards an quint. He's getting close to falling in love and the sooner that happens the sooner this manga ends.
>I meant after the confession
But she did. Multiple times.
>she couldn't get his attention for 32 chapters
Oh, you're THAT shitposter.
>Hating someone is never a good way to get someone's attention
She didn't hate him, Mikujeet. She acted cold and fed up with him.
>And what did she do? Manipulate his feelings
You're manipulating the truth. All she did was give him the cold shoulder.
>All because she's a manipulator
Low tier bait.
And now you're falseflagging? You ABSOLUTE faggot.
You're a dumb shitposting falseflagger, Mikujeet.
He'd probably support Ichika the most.
So this is what ninofags have become in the course of 8 months of being irrelevant.
Nah. It means you get the focus of the chapter which was his development.
pls no, i can already see jetfag joining too
Just ignore the desperate shitter. Their mental gymnastics is hilarious at this point to not take seriously.
Toubun threads will be an absoulute kekhole if Jetfag and Gilkek do their regular shittery here
Calm down Jamal, you're sweating nervously right there.
Ninofags are Jetfags and Mikufags are Gilfags.
wrong as always, pajeetbro
are apexfags yotsubafags because he got your back
>leddit spacing
>retarded headcanon
>32chapter fag
Go back.
>hurr look i edit (you)s and phonepost
Stop falseflagging. You're a massive shitposter and actively making these threads bad.
Jesus christ you're paranoid by that one Mikufag. What did he do to you?
>fuuts literally friendzoned itsuki and yotsuba a long time ago
Why are 45fags so fucking delusional?
Why does Fuutarou hate Yotsuba so much?
>make falseflag shitpost
>le epic reactions
You do this almost every thread, Mikujeet.
>go away your shitposting is scaring me!
I'll take that as a compliment
>the ninofag is losing it
so much butthurt for a single chapter.
Can't wait for the ending when Nino is confirmed to be the bride. mijeets will be so mad.
I never realized I had other fans other than pajeetbro.
Michlan is laughinga t you too now, pajeetbro. Seems like this is just not your day.
Yes and Itsukifags are Lizposters.
>meanwhile, Ichika is dropping herself out of the bowl
>muh falseflag
>muh phone posting
>muh edits
i cant believe how accurate lizposters are with itsukifags
Listen dude, I'm not the one shitposting here. I was silent until I was mentioned. Stop being so paranoid, I just wanna say Miku a best and Mikute
>no fuutarou-kun, I don't need any tutor, that's not the hollywood way!
Getting really tired of your shit negi!
>All because she's a manipulator, she got what she wanted, good. But that didn't progress their relationship one bit.
>You're a dumb shitposting falseflagger, Mikujeet.
Only an matter of time
It can't get any funnier than this.
>didn’t progress their relationship one bit
>fuutaro literally have Flowerbud in the background
>muh manipulator even though he call her tsundere act cute
This cope
But I wasnt even there for like the last 4 threads. I am innocent! I swear on Mikus name!
>not red
At this point, why otherfags are trying to compete? Is just pathetic not accepting that Nino won.
Trips of truth satan, all hail!
32 chapters, to be exact
>implying those flowers mean anything
Yeah keep reaching bro and keep posting that headcanon. I love it when you seethe.
This manga has ruined me for life.
It fucking haunts me everything I see a swing now and it makes me tear up.
>someone actually saved my gil image with the same file name
I'm actually flattered, whoever you are Gilbro.
Dubs of infinity, all hail!
They're one and the same afterall.
i come back 5 hours later and faggots just gave up trying completely
>implying those flower mean anying
Wow. I didn’t expect that level of cope
Did anything major happen this chapter?
>bringing up the anime
It doesn't need to be red, that's not how symbolism works.
the same with abigail posters and raihafags
Pajeetbro, you need to calm down with your falseflagging, its blatantly obvious. You shouldnt do what you accuse others of doing.
Now that you mentioned it, I'll save the reaction pic with the same name just to rile the schizos up.
Fuck it, Imma do it too
>posting the red herring bracelet as evidence
He did it again!
Given that the general level of shitposting has ramped up significantly for this chapter, it confirms that anti-Ninofags are, in fact without a doubt, the single biggest shitposters in quint threads. This is an objective fact.
To be exact, just your opinion and paranoia
Bros, I'm proud of you guys.
>so he enjoyed " the act" to some degree
nice headcanon
>blushing with flowerbuds
Why don't other quints get such powerful parallels, heavy symbology and narrative impact like Nino does? It's not fucking fair.
All this situation is telling me to believe some faggot named Artur who made an autistic essay, by contrast, Ninofags just need to believe in the fucking author himself. I'm tired of relying on headcanons, hand gestures and lemother's bread to defend my quint's chances.
I too, a spontaneous different poster, am going to save this exact filename and shitpost these threads with it.
>literally speed reader right now
Oh wait I forgot, you are just a shitposter
Fuu-kun won't be able to resist these dekais any longer.
this is the beginning of something beautiful
>Super dead threads prior to this forced shitposting fiesta
>Given that the general level of shitposting has ramped up significantly for this chapter
What do you expect? Its a Nino chapter. Of course the threads will be more cancerous than usual.
>still reaching this hard with the flowershit
What's next? You're going to post your dumbass parallels?
>literally seething
>one minute apart
You remind me of a certain someone in /snk/
I counter with Mikuass!
Come on, tell me what the flowers mean. I'll save so I can use it for future shitposting.
It the privilege of being the bride/ main girl. Why else do you think Nino has been getting lots of subtle evidence throughout the story?
wew, user
let me give you the perfect theme for their story
this is getting redundant. I can only do so much
>can't even make something original
Thanks for (You). Might as well take off that dumb tinfoil hat while you're at it.
>Come on, tell me what the flowers mean
How new are you
It could go both way, sakura died VERY QUICKLY and not the symbol of love in Japan.
Damn guess I'll wank to Nino today.
Great a group of retard or phoneposting
Pretty much sums up Ninautism.
>1,3,4,5,fags literally seething, throwing fits and sperges over Nino chapter
Good day
>always root for the underdog so was naturally attracted to Miku
>as the chapters progress, noticed that she's on equal footing if not leading the fuuts bowl
>my attention now shifted to Ichika, since she's now the most hated one
>author is pushing her out of the game to have at least one villain-trope in the mix
Please give her a chance Negi. Or at least don't let her lose this way..
>that !
Was it always there? I find it even more hilarious with the beach Raiha-Nino (!) shitposting. i
How fucking new are you? That doesn't even look like phone posts.
Flat Miku is still best Miku. Just like stacked Miku
good choice
>dumb tinfoil
Oh I recognize you hypocrite-kun
stay mad
>no answers
sasuga ninotards
Yeah, and look now he's acting like
>can't edit (You)s in less than a few seconds
>oh look we coincidentally posted screenshots at the same time with our different themes because we are different people don't you believe me
Speak of the devil
>tfw can't use gil_rider_laugh.jpg cause it's already posted
I'll post an /snk/ image for you though.
The phoneposting part is retarded
I honestly love Mikus fanart. It makes me happy
Literally obssesed.
>The Ninotrain strick again
Nobody can stop NinoxFuutarou parallel
It's shit.
Remember the good old days?
Speaking of doujins, how's EroToubun doing on C96 next month?
Not like I feel sad whenever I see a swing, but I definetely started to pay more attention to them.
I wanted to let Ninofags have their little moment this week, but it looks like Imma have to do my usual shit. I'm not complaining tho. Blame pajeetbro
Yeah I start to see now. Posting the (you) at the same time.
>Annie with black hair
Yeah you are worse than LEpedo
ichika is whoring herself, and user can't do anything to stop her.
I hate this meme. Nino is not a whore to suck so many balls
I want to IKU inside Miku
>Ninofags tricked easily
She is NAKAno for a reason
>annie with black hair
How fucking retarded and new are you to /snk/? Not only are you a dumb schizo, you're braindead to boot, christ.
Yeah, she prefers BBCs over balls. That was a fun thread
>mikufag start posting
>the shitposter are also here
Never expect less
>can't use gil_rider_laugh.jpg cause it's already posted
You can just edit the image on paint with the pencil tool on any ink so it's unnoticable and still keep the file name. That way you can keep posting with us gilbros.
I want to NAKADASHI with Miku Nakano
I aim to please. Please look forward to my new works in the future
Nino a shit
Soon Mikubros
thanks for the tip, gilbro
still headcanon tho
Time to post my collection of rare Mikus. Any new additions are warmly welcomed!
Cook Miku! Master of toxins specialized in instant death!
Admit it or not but no other quint can carry this manga so much as Nino does. Well, maybe with the exception of Yotsuba, but she is more suited for drama and not for a romcom.
so this is it huh we some kinda gil_rider_laugh squad?
Chino Miku! You like the rabbit loli? You like Miku? Why not both!
I'm not a Mikufag, but sure to balance the Nino spam
Flat Miku, a classic!
Just thought about something, the bride said on ch1 that she didn't see anything dreamlike about the day Fuuts found out the girls were quints, but that was also the day Yotsuba reunited with her long lost childhood friend/promise boy/first love so shouldn't she think of that day as dreamlike as well if she's the bride?
>Anime S1 ended with Miku coming to terms with her feelings for Fuutarou
>Anime S2 will end at Fuutarou finally telling Miku apart from her sisters because he loves her already + the kiss on the bell (which is obviously Miku)
Imagine the amount of ninofags coping on that season we'll have next January. I can't fucking wait.
>replying in a miku infested thread especially when mentioning nino
He's getting close to embracing his feelings for her
Only use it when laughing at delusional fags.
Rare Miku 10 has been discovered! Thank you user! Have a rare Miku :)
am i doing it right
Am I doing it right?
Deal with it user.
Your numbers have compelled me to use my new found power with great responsibility, enjoy this sip in exchange.
shit art
>because he loves her
Kek, now this is getting sad for Mikekfags
>manager-kun isn't smiling in the wedding
oh no no no
Is that a challenge?
>same time
>mikufags ruin yet another thread.
>Fuutarou acts like the groom
>Nino doesn't act like the bride
oh man, it's gonna be especially painful for you fags when the kisser is revealed in the future.
when did he ever smile?
Yotsuba is associated with fate, so to her it's a fateful encounter. Like she knew she'd eventually meet him again.
>Fuutarou finally telling Miku apart from her sisters
This is nice that you at least have something to look forward to. Because when anime reaches those parts in the manga Fuutarou most likely will already confess his feelings to the bride (which is not Miku btw)
Don’t forget to show up for the last chapter, though.
Don't worry I will. Just don't forget your favorite phrase "Negi is a hack" when Miku finally wins.
You seem to lack LOVE, in a similar situation Fuuts body language is the same 5 years after, this contrast with how Nino and the bride have different body language which shows they're different people
All me btw. Other Mikubros are innocent
I want more cosplay Miku desu
It is a challenge, then.
Exactly, more reason for her to think of that day as dreamlike, but the bride didn't
The bride doesn't see it as dream like, neither did Yotsuba.
Go back, cancer.
My body is ready.
More great Miku fanart!
Looks like i'm cheating
sorry nino
What do you prefer to be called, Mikanon? I usually default to Mikubros but some anons like you have preferences
Go back
Needs more MILFku, anons
Nah. Have a rare Miku and feel better
Kind reminder that Miku a shit.
That's the point, if Yotsuba was the bride she should think of that day as dreamlike
it felt like reading a Kaguya chapter
>Miku ledditard banned
Wouldn't all the quints think it was dream like since Fuutarou ended up marrying one of them though? So I guess the bride isn't one of the quints.
Surprise Eatsuki!
The amount of posts suddenly dropped.
Not if the bride friendzoned him for five years.
>Negi reveals the kisser is not Nino
Ninofags start to cry about the kisser being a red herring.
>ctrl+f "deleted"
>71 results
>Mikujeet falseflagging as a Ninofag and replying to himself.
How does one reach such level of assblastedness?
Sorry for popping you guys bubbles but Itsuki will win.
>'First girl win' too stronk
He does this almost every thread.
Not really since most were mean to him that day, only for Yotsuba was a special day since she recognized him instantly as her childhood friend
(Maybe also Nino since she's obsessed with romantic stuff)
So you think Itsuki is the bride user? Plus the bride does say
>"Dream like day" I bet you're talking about the day you met us
So she does refer to it as a dream like day she just doesn't think the moment he found out they're all quints is dream like.
Bwahahahhahahah Mikujeet tourist got BTFO hard
Only Yotsuba had a good reason to think so since she remembered him. None of them had feelings for him back then besides her.
Kek, Nino haters once again exposed as falseflagging shitters. Pathetic but it's expected from them for being this butthurt over Ninos superiority.
Not really, It was a mixed day for her. While she was reunited with Fuutarou, she was also reminded of her own failures as well, so really it was a mixed bag. In any case I always interpreted that line as "meeting a bunch of quintuplets is nothing special" rather than "I don't think much of the day you met us", which could apply to any of them.
Nah, not Nino. She acknowledges that their relationship started terribly.
She later says she doesn't see how that's dreamlike
Have a look "representation"friend, this is what falseflagging amounts to. Don't do this, you'll end up as a laughing stock when banned.
>falseflagging shitters
I forgot to mention also as samefagging shitters.
>call me a schizo and then post of picture of only one (you)
>mod ban him
>all his post are gone
How do you edit those (you)? Newfag here
see as the flow of the conversation indicates what day he is speaking of, so to her it was also a dream like day. Since he didn't tell her what specific day he was talking about.
yes, about him figuring out they're all quints.
THK BTFO once again. Good.
use f12
At the moment it was also a bad day for him, he even though of it as a nightmare, but looking back on it it became a dream, for Yots should be the same
Well, well, well.
>all these deleted posts by that one ninofag
God I am glad yotsuba poster is here. Having to deal with mikufag falseflagging and sameflagging were the worst experience in Yea Forums for me
It's sad really.
Wouldn't surprise me if he's also the fag that spams wojaks and samefags.
Stop evading your ban, Mikujeet.
damage control.
Don't let the Mikuspics make you feel down. Have HOPE!
>by that 1 Ninofag
It's the falseflagger again, newfag. This is a natural occurrence in toubun threads.
He was very ironic, wasn't he
Did that avatar nigga get banned yet?
The bride is understand how meeting the quints feels like a dream, but for HER it is pretty normal. Both the quints & Fuutarou.
Actually, the bride kinda talks in a smug tone.
>You seem to lack LOVE, in a similar situation Fuuts body language is the same 5 years after, this contrast with how Nino and the bride have different body language which shows they're different people
I user..... Sorry but it's Nino
he always says that
hahaha he even samefagged the gil edit post
Was a he a falseflagger? He had a lot of good points while he was defending Nino though.
Have my power!
They all have the same facial structure. Stop reaching already.
>>manager-kun isn't smiling in the wedding
>it's Jealousy
he have crush with Fuutarou wife
>post element edited screenshot
What did Ninofags do to him?
You're not helping your case, dude
Win the bowl
Fair point. It could also simply be banter she's having with him, like the bride does later in the ceremony.
>Mikujeet falseflagger banned
ack status BTFO
Friendly reminder Micute will win the Fuutbowl and stand with him at the altar. seethe harder ninoniggers and eatski faggots.
No, she knew what day he was talking about since she also thought it was a dream like day. Finding out that they're all quints wasn't a dream like day for her. She literally picks up on what day he's talking about because for her she feels the same. If she didn't, she wouldn't understand what day he was talking about.
>The bride talks smug
Yes, just like Yotsuba.
His butt is SORE after Miku's chances dropped to zero
So, was it a mikufag pretending to be a ninofag all along?
I don’t know for sure.I think I just call him out for being a hypocrite then later on he went full psycho mode on the thread (even use some of my nino smug pic for his own)
>Yea Forums suddenly hates Nino
What happened?
It's the salty mikufag that's been shitting up the threads for a couple of weeks now because someone called him a spic. He keeps falseflagging as every other fags and replying to himself, as seen in this thread.
VERY nice
You'll get used to it. Sure ninobrofags are the loudest of the quintfags, but they're good people.
Was it that one avatarfagging Mikufag that uses the same Miku images everytime?
Falseflagger and probably Yea Forums pass spamming.he got ban now
Her fags are the loudest bunch, that's all.
Is this a new falseflagger or is it the same one that replies multiple times to his own posts?
I've always thought that was a snekfag.
Most obnoxious fanbase, obviously everyone will hate them.
>Her fags are the loudest bunch
Objectively wrong, as proven ITT.
Such autism
>ban evasion
>Fuutarou wants a girl like raiha
>Negi gives all Raiha similarity to Nino
>Raiha is the link between the present and the bride
Negi is obvious and obvious
You're obviously not in enough thread
Well, here's the page. Nothing indicates the bride feeling special at the day she met her groom, just that she understands how he feels when he finds out they are quintuplets.
Ichicute chapter when? You made me restless with that early spoiler news.
>I bet you're talking about the day you met us
If she didn't think it was a dream like day as well, she wouldn't know what day he is talking about user.
We don't give Negi enough credit. It's only obvious to us because we constantly post and repost pages upon pages of content. The average reader gets a magazine once a week and never, ever notices these "red herrings"
>Nino is special for Fuutarou unlike the other.He only likes when it's Nino who calls him
>Uesugi or Fuu-kun
in the butt!
>muh boogeyman
Ninofags have been the most obnoxious and hated ever since her confession and that falseflagger didn't exist back then yet. Try again.
Fuutarou is talking about himself, it was a dreamy day for Fuutarou only & the reason the bride can figure it out. If it's a dreamy day for both of them then the kiss or even the "bonfire" also qualified.
Hopefully Mikujeet will fuck off now that he's been exposed
>chapter is full of red herrings
>Ninofags claim victory
Kinda sad desu
>everyone calling the shitposter a mikufag
>b-but muh thk
Mental illness
> Fuutarou marries Nino because he is huge siscon
> Nino is voiced by literal Kirino
Well, that's funny
Yotsuba pleases me for money!
He is talking about it, but she picks up on what day he is referring to. So it's a dream like day for both of them. Or else she wouldn't of mentioned that he was talking about finding out they're all quintuplets. You can try and argue your point all you want, but the fact that she knows what day in particular he is talking about indicates she also felt the same as him.
>all the other quints get lewed
>Yotsuba gets an headpat
He's been exposed before, but I genuinely hope he learns something this time. Life is too short to be full of hate.
mental illness: the thread
Fuck off Yotsuba
We know, Negi.
We know, Rope-kun
Who is this beautiful girl?
You all need professional help.
Uhhmmm... Mikukek? Wasn't it supposed to be Miku's turn?
She mentions that he was talking about the day he found the quintuplets because that is what the dreamy-like mean, from Fuutarou PoV & Fuutarou didn't correct her.
Nothing in the whole conversation even suggest that they are talking about how the bride meets the groom, it is always about how the groom meets the bride.
He starts saying "i was having a dream about the dreamlike day i met you...", Then she says he must be talking about when he found out they were quints, so to her the only thing that she thinks could be dreamlike to him about that day is when he found out they were quints
I will LITERALLY eat my own shit if Miku doesn't win. I am not fucking around, Negi.
Miku will get her chapter next. I believe in Negi.
>Nino is the bride because of 1 chapter
Ah yes, now we're back to THAT.
Because they both think it's a dream like day. She meets him, he meets her + the other 4. She doesn't think it's dream like that he found out they were all sisters though. The fact that she knows what day he is talking about indicates that it was a dream like day for her as well. It's pretty clear. If she didn't think it was dream like, she'd have no clue he was talking about that specific day that he met all 5 of them. She'd think about some other moment between both of them.
Post yfw Nino loses.
Cute Flatty.
Love these dorks. They are so adorable
Read the line at the start of the chapter, he tells her he was having a dream about the day he met her at school
>m-muh boogeyman
Sasuga THK
>The fact that she knows what day he is talking about
She doesn't. Or more accurately, we don't know whether they're talking about the same day or not. The idea that they're talking about different days is just as valid as they are talking about the same day.
Plus, if it was yotsuba, she would understand that the day Fuuts found out they were quints was quite the "dream / nightmare", since she got switched with ichika for the same reason.
It's an entertaining thought, but I honestly don't think it's a strong argument.
>"i was having a dream about the dreamlike day i met you...", Then she says he must be talking about when he found out they were quints
This part never happens between the two of them. Only this
>"Dream like day"
>I bet you're talking about the day you met us.
Go back to your Kusoben threads faggot
You should read the chapter user. You're trying to connect two separate pages together.
absolute state of ninonigs
She knows what day he is talking about because not every day you meet quintuplets, she even follows with a confirmation that it is about that, not how she meets him.
It is a special day for Fuutarou only that makes the bride know which day he is talking about. Because for her, that day is pretty normal, she just got a new rude tutor.
>She doesn't.
Stopped reading there. Come up with a better argument.
The banter between them is phenomenal. Nino and Itsuki has the best interactions with Fuut.
>Their relationship changes
>Fuutarou feelings for Nino grow up
Wake up Nino is the bride, all the hints are clear about it
No, it's clearly a dream like day for both of them. Or else she wouldn't have known what day he was referencing.
>It's a pretty normal day for her
Your headcanon.
What? No, you're having trouble comprehending the page. A lot of fags are trying to point that out to you, maybe you should reconsider your perspective. This user is right, bridekano guesses what day he's referring to, but it doesn't mean that it's special to her.
>Your headcanon.
Dude, he just read the pages.
>Or else she wouldn't have known what day he was referencing.
That's your headcanon. You can't guess someone's thoughts at times when you know him.
They have a lot of dream-like day for five years, otherwise, they won't get married. She can guess which day Fuutarou mean because that day is special, which only Fuutarou getting the shock of his lifetime, not her.
She said it herself, it is about how Fuutarou meets the quints, not how she meet Fuutarou.