Reminder that she does not love (You). She is an NTR'ing harlot who wants the goldbro dick...

Reminder that she does not love (You). She is an NTR'ing harlot who wants the goldbro dick. Just because she's voiced by Aoi Yuuki doesn't make her olev.

Go for loyal onis like Ibaraki

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Other urls found in this thread:

>loyal onis like Ibaraki
I'm gonna need you to substantiate your claim, OP.

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Proof you're not Ibaraki posting this shit.

I prefer Aoi's Okita voice

This franchise sure has the best semen demons.

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>She is an NTR'ing harlot
T. Raikou

I want to be sexually harassed by this oni

>Reminder that she does not love (You)
Yes, and? God I hate the TL of this doujin.

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There are actual doujins of this character where her horns are not used as fuckhandles while she is rammed mercilessly from behind.

Why even bother at that point? Like what the fuck? That would be like making doujins of a big breasted character and not including a titjob.

Reason why Banana is better

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I don't think this Oni has any anime out.

How would you translate Kansai-ben?

It's easier to use them during blowjobs


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Lies, you need lots of sweets if you want her to remain a loyal servant.

>Aoi Yuuki voice
>drawn by Raita
>dat fang
How could you not love Shuten Douji?

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She's meant to be a semen demon like medb

wtf dont say that
She's pure...

None of those oni whores are pure.

Those are actually a perfect recipe to become the worst girl on par with Raikou

>hating on lolibabas
Poor taste, friend.

Except Ibaraki

Evil lolis sure love sweets

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Who said anything about love. I just want to fuck her.

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but user that's kinda dirty
she's not the kind of oni that'd do that

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I mean, isn't she a man-eating demon or something? I'm not familiar with Grand Order much, but I don't think a relationship with even the golden guy would end very well

iirc she tells you she'd make a broth with your broken bones once she's done having sex with you
thats kinda hot desü

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Ibaraki loves shuten as much as she loves (you), she would never say bad things about her

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Just find Aoi Yuuki, attach flesh horns on her. There problem solved.

>ywn be a cute slutty oni stealing goldbro cumies

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She is still an evil character even when she is summoned is just that she doesnt care that much.
Kind of like with mebd that she is still evil and would do evil shit with no problem

golden guy is lawful good. Relationships with chaotic evil characters probably isn't a very good idea.

Life would be easier if we were all cute anime girls, isn't it..

Kintoki's Japanese, my dick is definitely bigger so he'll be the one getting NTR'd

Isn't Kintoki a literal no way fag and just want adventures?


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>not having a 10/10/10 Banana
What's your excuse?

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>loyal onis like ibaraki
but banana loves shuten

I have over 200 million QP right now but I'm saving for summer umu.

Semen oni you mean.

>demon girl thread
What are you, twelve?

>playing on NA
I hope you enjoy your censored Abby

By my Command Seals, I order you...Ibaraki, eat as much as you please

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Well they never censored Kuro so I'm hoping that won't happen.

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Or Jack. The bigger reason to not play NA is just that it will always be 2 years behind

Tell me about it, I have to wait a whole year for Skadi and Summer BB. And two years for chubby Hindu god (also voiced by Aoi Yuuki).

Not really, his mind works like a kid in puberty so he gets teased a lot by shuten

On the bright side you know they're coming. That's mainly why I can tolerate NA. At least I know when the characters I want release so I can plan when I'm going to roll

Begone, Japanese goblin.

I didn't roll her

When's Abby coming out anyway?

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Probably the end of they year.

Post sexy fate lolis.

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They also let one of the Wu Zetian forms to get away with that bow-string top

From Ibaraki's material:
>Watanabe no Tsuna
>But, occasionally I would like to exchange words instead of swords. Raging intention to kill and sheer curiosity. I am a bit bewildered that two such conflicting thoughts resides within me, but why... when telling Shuten this, she smiles and whispered "Finally Ibaraki too acts prim and demon-like". Why....?

From Shuten's material:
>Raikou’s Four Heavenly Kings
>"Ibaraki would be delighted if Master Tsuna came around, no? Oh Ibaraki, your face is deeply red from this sort of thing? What what, are you spouting out blood from your forehead in that much rage from having heard Tsuna’s name? Yes, that's good.”

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To be fair shuten have a really weird sense of affection
That doesnt mean i dont want the other 3 heavenly kings added to the game though, raikou clones arent enough. Also we still dont have onis event part 3

Shuten is for Kintoki
Ibaraki is for (You)

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But her voice is soooo sexy. She always sounds sooo drunk and hot.

That seems like a pretty common arrangement. Double date the onis with your bro.

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Whats the reason for Shuten being a loli? Wasnt he a buff scary ogre in the legend? Do they give any excuse?

I mean whats the reason in-story, my dick knows very well whats the meta reason.

Literally who
Also these skin horns are gross

Because Fate.
Actually, now that I say that, originally Fate had very little genderbend stuff and it all had a very well thought out excuse (like Artoria in the original F/SN) but now with F/GO who gives a shit just make Leonardo Da Vinci a girl.

Da Vinci is fucking hot and cute and sweet and she still owes me one hug from Camelot.

I am more concerned about the fact they retconned this shit to the level where 100% Gaia creatures (ogres) can be freely summoned as servants. Fuck Nasu.

>Her stuff never gets translated

On one legend irc Shuten is a bishie guy who turns into an oni due to rejecting too many love letters and burning with them. Never a girl though. Ibaraki gender is never specified so it could have been Shutens waifu. Unlikely though.

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FUCK Onis.

t. notRaikou

That's the plan.

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Because she was designed after a 145cm nip woman

Isn't there some legend where Shuten turns into a beautiful woman to woo/mess with one of the guardian kings? I think the onis have the ability to transform.
Though Shuten and Ibaraki's appearance in F/GO isn't a ruse or transformation, it's how they were summoned. But legends of stuff like that could be the reason their appearance is different, legends affect the physical form heroic spirits can take, I'm sure Shuten and Ibaraki could get summoned as buff male monsters too.

umm no sweaty

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When you hug a flat girl you're closer to her heart.

I miss SBD

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I don't know how anyone could waifu girls like Ibaraki or Liz, they're walking death traps. Sharp horns/claws/teeth/etc everywhere. Especially Liz, she has a fucking spiked tail that can be used as a weapon.

I already have my fate wife.

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I don't mind the loyalty thing as girls can literally fuck your brains out and feel 0 about you just to scratch an itch in their vagina, so as long as I feel she likes me most it would be fine, but the whole killing and eating me not whole part is what I don't want.

>Tfw no flying dragon wife
Why even live?

Why do people pretend that Fate is an actual franchise and not a pedophile fulfillment brand?

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But there's a bunch of hags in it too.

>implying I actually play F/GO
I just download her art and listen to her voice clips on youtube.

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user the excuse with Seiba is literally just "she was really a girl". That's it. Just because they take it seriously in the context on the story and use Arthurian stuff a lot doesn't mean that the excuse is good. In fact your F/GO example is better because Da Vinci literally transformed his body to be a hot woman. They just released Uesugi Kenshin who actually has a theory about them being a woman so they have a better excuse too.

Was that ever in doubt? Oni are only intrested in casual drunken sex followed by dinner unless you're strong enough to fight them.

Also, Ibaraki is a child.

Da vinci still has a dick

I have a level 100 10/10/10 NP3 Raikou who protects me from the onis

they won't censor the lolis

a cute child

>Not wanting to fuck your natural predator.
What are you, gay?

shuten is literally a pure maiden

>Death by sex followed by vore.
Somebody at type moon was working through some issues while coming up with her.

Jokes on you user, no one loves me so no one can NTR me.

There is actual merit to Da Vinci being a woman tho
It's a common the Mona Lisa is a self portrait of Da Vinci, just he made him self a woman for whatever reason.

>It's a common theory that the Mona Lisa is a self portrait
Fix that for myself

Go fix Chaldea you Italian bitch

>Aoi Yuuki will never cuck you

shes' a fucking alcoholic.

Stay seething cuckfriend.

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>Grailing a character with a love intrest.
Ha, cucked by cardboard.

S-She's L-Loyal to me!!!

It's ok I'm mutually cucking her with Jalter.

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Can someone finally tell me who the fuck in the writer's room thought Sieg was passable as a character at all?

Wait, are you playing on the USA server? If so, I think you might be in my friendlist.

Neat, Here's my full list.

Going to change it in a sec because I heard you can steal accounts with this info lol

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I blame Apocrypha starting off as a mmo. Sieg genuinly feels like a video game character.

Nasu was the one with the idea of a male humunculus as the mc, it wasnt his fault that higashide was so shit though.
You can call jeanne bland as fuck but even in apo she has her moments (and she gets more everytime she isnt in higashide hands) but sieg doesnt even have 1 really not boring part

All of Raita's female servants are total garbages

>he didn't NTR shuten douji by getting gold boy's dick first

Wu exists unaltered so you're just a huge faggot

And all of his male servants are great

Says a lot when even the mobage protagonist has more personality than him.
Shitposting aside, I really like some of the dialogue options you have. Especially during events and Babylonia.

FGO is a piece of trash but it's lolis are amazing.

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Indeed, they are far superior to literal dogshit like Shuten or Raikou

Boudica's your nee-san, not your mommy.

Congrats on being gay as fuck.

>and she gets more everytime she isnt in higashide hands
I kind of liked her in Orleans though. If only because her interactions with other characters brought out her more interesting side.

Did he have the idea of a humunculus MC? I thought he just told Higa to include one as a character from the quote I saw (which I can't find anymore so its probably fake).

>Wouldn't be able to handle her mother's smile cause she's never seen it before.
God I want to give her hug so badly.

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Because I'm in love with power and she ain't power.

Now, Gramps, that's an assassin with power

Reminder that Altria is the best character and everyone who disagrees is a f/a/ggot

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God I want a Shuuten GF to hug.

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Not my Ibaraki.

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