One Piece

Luffy is jacked now

Who wano hype? Best arc in all shonens coming through

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>Luffy is jacked now
He's been jacked for over a decade, what the fuck are you on about?
>FB file name, reddit spacing and anime screencap
Please leave.

I think OP meant that instead of him being in otter mode, he has actual frame and mass on him.

Not consistently, he's still drawn skinny a lot of the time. Hell Usopp's biggest new physical trait post-timeskip was that he's buff now and he's also drawn skinny half the time.

>Best arc in all shonens coming through
Not even odafags believe that.

Oda should bring back Fatsopp

Grim reminder of what's coming in act 3 of Wano

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I'm gonna need something that sticks in my head better or I'll forget again.


Nigga there's at least 9 dreams on this crew

Their one dream is to fulfill eachother's dreams.

>Wano is pretty funny isn't it?
>It's going to be 50 times funnier!
>Coming right after the smiles and laughter around Yasuei's tragic execution
Act 3 Wano is dark piece. Kubo and Oda were one in the same all along. Here's some more proof of what to expect, don't click if you're emotionally fragile.

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I just want to see samurai Buffy.

Sorry robin only takes bbc!

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Blacks don't really exist in the one piece world. All your doujins are just regular dicks coated in armament haki.

Why is every website treating kiku like a tranny when that sort of perverted thing does not occur in shounen manga? this isn't la you filthy sjws, kikunojo is a an okama not american, go join the 40%

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>when that sort of perverted thing does not occur in shounen manga
There's literally a whole fucking island of queers that either pretend to be women of get the full monty from Ivankov.

Is there a difference between "tranny" and "okama" in the One Piece world?

an okama is a man who dresses like a women for thrills, y'know like a DRAG QUEEN, a tranny is sick freak who wants only attention

But the Okama of One Piece don't do it for thrills, they genuinely identify as that gender, to the point of seeking out Ivankov to physically change it (not in support or defense of the political discussion that would follow that statement, I'm just using OP's in-verse logic). I guess that's why I'm still confused on your distinction between okama and trannies within the One Piece world itself, since they seem to be exactly the same.

and even then, all we know is that Kiku is biologically a man but "a woman at heart", not necessarily that s/he is doing it for fun. That doesn't sound like an okama by your definition.

But then why didn't all the Okama in the Kamabakka Kingdom have Ivankov change them into women once he got back from Impel Down? You'd think if they really wanted to be women, they'd ask the one guy who could do it if he was there

Because he made a playful comment about being a woman at heart and all the retards now think that Oda is doing some commentary about tranny oppression when he just wanted to draw a trap for his fans to jack off to

Some do, some don't. Okama is a far wider net to cast than you think it is.

The only answer I have for that it's for the gag, since it's a visual reminder of Sanji's time on faggot island. If that place loses the ugly crossdressers and becomes a place filled with people that look their gender but dress like whores, then the location loses one of its most recognizable characteristics, and artistically Oda probably wants to preserve that detail. You are right that they should just get stuck by Ivankov, logically that would be the right thing to do.

On that note, it does bother me that the revolutionary army seems to be like 50% Okama, now. Seeing the meeting at Ivankov's, but so very few non okama also gathered there, is offputting. I fail to believe that every other non-okama revolutionary was with Sabo and crew at the Reverie.

Also if Betty turns out to be a man I'm dropping the series.

Did the new opening actually spoil shit for manga readers? So is Luffy's new form just some haki covered gear 4th form where he covers his whole body in some haki aura? Lame as fuck.

The Kyoshiro thing is really weird if it turns out not to be spoiler at least

>Also if Betty turns out to be a man I'm dropping the series.
More feminine penis for me.

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Yeah, I saw that. Like he's a member of the nine red sheaths? Huge spoiler if true

Considering Whole Cake Island was the worst Arc in OP, Wano better deliver.

why is oda racist? or will he pull a naruto and reveal a village of hidden niggas towards the end.

Hype as fuck. I'm glad One Piece will finally have its own Chimera Ant style arc.

That's who the people of the "Great Kingdom" of the void century and the ancestral People of D will be. Oda turned parts of his fandom into furries, then tranny-loving faggots. All that's left is the nigger lovers.

Damn, Teach just wants to return to Wakanda to become kang again

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>Best arc in all shonens coming through
Wan Piss fags truly are young brainlets.

I mean, I'm rooting for him to be pirate kang instead of Luffy

What u mean by chimera ant style arc?

Max hype. What a time to be alive.

overrated and edgy

He's an emo teen that wants One Piece to be edgy.

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Your suicide?

Where the fuck is Nekomamushi Oda?

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But Enies Lobby arc started 14 years ago, user.

>Shanks losing an arm to a lowly Sea King
>Ace doesn't know how to use Haki
>Crocodile doesn't know how to use Haki
>Everyone using Invisible Haki pre-TS

Lot of shit doesn't make sense in retrospect. You can try to wave an explanation about "romance" or "themes", but in the end it just falls flat with the kind of world One Piece is today.
Kinda understand why everyone only cares about powerlevels today, story just doesn't make that much se se anymore.

i like sanji

Blackbeard is Somali according to Oda

If he were in the real world. He's in the OP world and he's tanned at most.

it's literally stated most people don't know how to use haki, and haki use is only somewhat common in the New World, and black haki pre-ts would've been confusing and for no reason since none of the Strawhats were using it

That doesn't make sense, he's fat as fuck.

Somalis are fat as fuck in developed countries
Him and Usopp are black, literally. Usopp is a mutt but he has nappy hair like blacks.

So which characters share Luffy's blood type so far?

>only black Strawhat had an absent dad
wtf Oda

>>Ace doesn't know how to use Haki
>>Crocodile doesn't know how to use Haki
>>Everyone using Invisible Haki pre-TS
This is bait, but lines 1&2 are untrue and there’s literally nothing wrong with 3.

I can damage control 3 of these points, feel free to absorb them into your own headcanon
>the lost arm was a bet meme
>Crocodile was analised by Whitebeard so lost all of his willpower
>Haki was invisible to Luffy and so was invisible to us, the reader

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>your race is almost entirely considered by your skin color, ergo "black"
>Barely tanned, natural skin
Usopp may be a mutt, but having nappy hair isn't unique to blacks.

Nappy hair is a nig thing user. I've never seen anyone who doesn't have nig blood have nappy hair.

More spoilers incoming, don't click if you're weak-willed

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I doubt it will get that dark. I bet Yasu isn't really dead either because of the Toad Oil thing.

I know other races can learn Fishman Karate but can they learn Fishman Jujitsu?

Bunny is not for lewd.

Bunny is absolutely for lewd.

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>Shanks losing an arm to a lowly Sea King
Strong CoA can still have it's defenses bypassed

>Ace doesn't know how to use Haki
He knew Conquerors but not Armament or Observation

>Crocodile doesn't know how to use Haki
Got his ass beat by Whitebeard when he was still a woman and went back to Paradise like a bitch, of course he doesn't have it

>Everyone using Invisible Haki pre-TS
We only see:
-Rayleigh, a legendary Roger pirate
-Shanks, yonko
-Whitebeard, yonko
-Sentamaru, special division WG soldier
-Hancock, pirate empress
-Marigold, Sandersonia, and the Kuja pirates, haki masters

But they're good at multiplying.

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An arc that is considerably worse than the rest of the series and could, in all fairness, be described as trash.

You can multiply as much as you want to Zero but the number will still be zero.

No. Bunny is for love.

rabbit is overrated, shit tastes like chicken thighs

*blocks ur path*

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Either way, I'm eating a bunny

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Who does he think he is, Momo?

Diamonds, why are there no Caesar facial bukkake doujins yet?

what's zero times infinity?

infinity isn't a number, you cant multiply it

They're all muscle anyways so a little unhealthy since it's practically pure protein.

I'm gonna make sure this rabbit gets even more.

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Toei finally redeeming themselves, never thought I'd see the day. I guess Wano really is just that important to Japan.

I really like Carrot.

I wanna eat her buns

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*conquers two female hearts of Wano at the same time*

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>You can multiply as much as you want to Zero
What I did
>but the number will still be zero
What I'm challenging, since the result is neither a number nor zero.

>The 9 Scabbards
What did Oda mean by this?

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throw in my heart too

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no matter what you personally believe, Zoro himself still calls Kiku a women

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He's just being polite.

Women don't have foot and a half long dongs.

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Is whole arc gonna be animated like this? Or they just wasted all budgets on first few eps and opening

He instantly knew. Maybe because strong females don't exist in OP so it was a logical deduction.

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Really you just need 3 things to enjoy Wano
>a sence of humor
>the rare ability to not write off every non straw hat immediately
If what you want is a straw hat centered dark piece than than you’re fucked in the ass


hey that's Zolo's opinion and choice of words, not mine

He properly calls her as she wants to be called, doesn't mean he wants to fuck her like Sanji does.

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>Keking Sanji out of not one (1), but TWO (2) girls (or "girls")


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yall realize this means we WILL be getting Kiku x Nami/Robin/Hancock doujins sometime

>Manku likes it when Sanji does it
Disgusting tranny

We'll be lucky to get one, it's just futa Robin and slut Nami from here on out.

I won't notice because I don't look for or care about OP doujins.

a well fed bun
is for bed time fun!

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Reminder that Vivi will be Luffy’s wife.

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She's just sitting there like "lol how long is it gonna take for this nigga to figure out the truth"

Blackbeard will be Pirate King before Luffy is. The Strawhats will lose in their initial confrontation with the Blackbeard Pirates, Teach will reach Raftel first, and then Luffy will have to take the title from him.

Suicide postponed.

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No, you're not. That's exactly what we're getting once the Oden flashback's done. This is the comedy act, literally why Queen has had so much focus. And even for a comedy act, there's still some tragic shit that happened. Dark Piece will be darker than ever, Oda's just softening the blow by giving us some comedy to lighten it up before it gets there.

Hiw are you a yonkou commander without knowing haki? Ace not knowing coa and coo is dumb.

when did Plague draw this?

The final match up is going to be be Zoro, Killer, and Kinemon vs Orochi and the scene where they chop off his heads will be amazing

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He got too cocky and overly relied on his Logia.

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according to his newgrounds, Dec 18, 2018

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It's a side effect of Gear 4. The more he expands his muscles, the bigger they become in his default form. He will eventually become as big as Garp.

>Crocodile doesn't know how to use Haki
Over half of the Strawhat crew can't use it even now (even Franky or Brook who have heavy physical fighting prowess), Crocodile just focused 100% on his Devil Fruit. You don't need haki to compete if you can bring something else to the table.

Carrot has a mysterious power ON MY DICK

Meanwhile all of CP9 except Spandam learned haki over the timeskip.

By being Whitebeard's favorite and having a fucking amazing Devil Fruit even amongst Logia. Even at Marineford, where haki was clearly in full swing, Ace was able to handle practically everybody but the Admirals.


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Do you think Robin wore underwear in this outfit or not? I like to think she enjoyed a gentle desert breeze caressing her labia.

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You've never been in a desert, have you?

No and I never will because who the fuck goes into the fucking desert?

Getting their shit kicked so thoroughly in by the Strawhats is probably what triggered it.

Funny bunny cunny.

Franky doesn't really need haki since he's made of steel pretty much

That kind of attitude is why the Straw Hats will lose to Blackbeard in the end.

exposed labia in the desert would lead to a very bad result

Will they hold the animation standard from this weeks episode or will it drop to static frames again?

hard physical hits are Blackbeard's weakness though, he doesn't want a Franky Boxing

But so far he has successfully tanked everything even if he cried like a little bitch.

I know they’re not coming soon, but where do you guys get the spoilers?

From the WSJ magazine.

So since this week is a break, are we getting spoilers since I heard the guy who would spoil for us is arrested?


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Next episode has the same style of animation, it's staying the whole arc. Cynicism has its place but not here, this is THE arc to Japan.

getting hit with nakama power is different

Why does everyone just assume Ace didn’t know Haki?

>Oda still hasn't revealed the status of Jack's group besides Jack himself

Ginrummy isn't coming back, user

I'll hold you to it

I just wanna crucifix and chill with her...

It's a bunch of Devil Fruit users under the sea. Their odds aren't great.

You fucking idiot. Everyone knows that Jack breathes underwater by turning his skins into mammoth’s and absorbing the oxygen through it.

Feel free.

I just want my autism to be answered, I loved it when he absolutely confirmed Monet and Vergo were dead so no more questions asked.

see Unlike the beach, a desert is dry as hell. Exposed skin loses moisture faster and causes more direct changes in body heat, not to mention that any sand/dust picked up by wind can damage the skin. That's why in traditional middle eastern and desert caravan depictions people are literally dressed head to toe, there was a functional reason before it became the traditional cultural getup it is.

With the Beast Pirates dress code she probably gets advances a lot

So why do they dress up like that when they come to Europe too?

Will the anime add more blood when Luffy gets CLUBBED?

Culture. The "fashion" first evolved out of utility, then it became a defining cultural tradition to wear it wherever.

Hold up how come i haven't see any new lewds for O-Kiku? I would of expected some new stuff by now

No one really cares about the tranny.

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Animeonlies haven't caught up yet.


You'll get a Nel-Zel set at most, and it'll be female only.

I don’t understand how this wasn’t known. Almost as obvious as Law being the traitor. Notice how Law is no longer given association with any strawhats, despite being paired already with Luffy and Zoro in the manga.

Yea he probably did it to protect his crew, he’ll probably redeem himself, but Law is the traitor, not Carrot.

Jack found Zou the first time thanks to Bepo vivre card most likely supplied by Law as well. Where was Law’s crew during the attack again? Just cowards?

>is Oda racist

Lol it’s literally nothing new, but Japan perspectives are different than American perspectives...and yea blacks exist in One Piece given the panel, clearly as some sort of mythological creature and Usopp was probably used to give insight to show he’s not one as well. Oda is crafty with his racism lol

Mr 1?


I wish Wano would be over soon.
I am past the age when I think that every japanese inspired setting is interesting.
I am tired of kimonos and samurai

Plague tries to act like he's above bandwagoning but bandwagons himself all the time while circlejerking with Pat.

Well we still have another 3/5ths to go

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>Where was Law’s crew during the attack again? Just cowards?
Hello, speedreader, we meet again.
But I agree on Law being the traitor. Hawkins is in for a rude awakening.


Lol you caught me, I’ll pay my ticket good sir. But I did go back and reread. It seems they only appeared in this part, and were on the front lines...yet they weren’t seen fighting nor participated in the torture. Just Bepo announcing he’ll protect his home.

At best they could have played along to kee the front, it is suspicious to me how they weren’t part of the torture or rather just straight up murdered...especially what is essentially a battle of the Heart pirates vs Beast pirates.

Unless they were part of it to begin with. I also don’t even believe it’s a recent thing. Law was most likely working for Kaidou before the timeskip, and now like with Nami/Arlong Luffy will recruit him for good after some good ol fashion betrayal. Not 100% just analyzing the situation and deducing possibilities based off suspicions.

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Hilarious that the only authentic black man in One Piece is introduced as part of a criminal organization, goes to prison, has a rapper name like "Daz Bones", and always works under the white man SIR Crocodile.

>Blacks don't really exist in the one piece world

Then whites don't exist either.

Shanks was right. What good are pirates that can't swim.

Remember to vote on Kiku's gender identity goys.

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>tfw the art 15 years ago looks better than the shit we have now

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>Immediately turns against her brother because he's an actual man and doesn't want assistance
What the FUCK was her problem

Oda took a page from Toei and realized that he doesn't need to put effort; lazy chicken scratch will sell copies just as fine as clean, thin, detailed linework. Fuck paying even a single cent to have an assistant who does careful inking based on your finished drafts.

She's mentally challenged. Just look at how retarded she looks. Its straight up assburgers.

Man that shit's cringier than the arguments on the wiki bitching about Franky's sexism.

Its sad really. The unique character designs and whimsical art were one of the things I enjoyed about this shit, but like so many elements it has since passed away as all things do.

Also doesn't help that Oda used to introduce maybe a handful of characters at a time in early OP, but now has to juggle so many minor yet named character introductions and environments within a single arc

How does OP not have unique character designs anymore?

Most of the designs are just ugly or unpleasent to look at. Only noteworthy designs we've had in years are some members of the SH Grand Fleet and some of Big Mom's kids. Other than that, the others are just okay or meh. But that's not really as bad as the declining art quality.

hackposters have no legitimate complaints so they have to pretend Oda's design and art has declined or sperg over nitpicks like haki color

>you have to be an autistic, discord-using wiki editor to vote
well of course the tranny option will win.

Its made worse by how his constant need to juggle so many characters at a time results in less screentime and interactions between the straw hats themselves. Hell we haven't had them completely together since Dressrosa which was more than half a decade ago and even then they kept getting upstaged by new characters. Last time they had any real relevance without too many characters introduced at once was in Punk Hazard.

>user who reads shitty rushed speedscans with atrocious scan quality complaining about art degradation.

>said the Oda apologist to the Hackposter
so Is Zoro the Oda apologist and Sanji the Hackposter, or the other way around?

lol seriously? What kind of stupid voting system is this? Its like its designed purely to favor the admins every time.

I haven't watched this in years, how is Luffy doing with such a weak ass power in late game?

Look at the detail in this background and compare it to the shit we get regularly now. And even though Thriller Bark had simpler designs, Oda was able to give it a unique look to resemble Tim Burton sketches.

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I am by no means a furry. I think it's probably one of the more degenerate anime fetishes........... so why the fuck does Carrot give me tingly feelings in my "No Daddy Epstien" zone

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It's astounding how many people don't know that WSJ is printed on recycled sawdust and toilet paper.

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The author gave him ki/energy armor like Goku. Now he's learning to shoot energy blasts, except you can't see it cuz its invisible.

He can fly and destroy his enemies from within with his haki so it's fine. His rubber powers haven't been referenced in years.

>Kubo and Oda were one in the same all along
I think that perfectly describes the current state of OP. It feels like its been irregularly written by Kubo since Marineford.

Congrats on missing the entire point of what I just said. Scan quality is really, really important, user, and the shitty rushed hack scans done by Japs who take photos with their phones of early copies of Jump stolen from a 7/11 aren't comparable with actual proper tank scans. Of course the more recent art is worse, because it's taken from a shitty source.

post panels in recent One Piece that have the cleanliness that older One Piece did (like or skypeia artwork), enlightened one

That means all of One Piece was consistently printed on the same material, so that itself isn't the cause for a shift in the quality of art.

>teehee let me just show this completely random page that just happens to be the invitation of a new crewmember ;)

What these guys said
The flight is some shitty geppo/gomu ufo thing. He can also do some shitty transformations that loosely resemble Nightmare Luffy if he were goofier. Like Balloon Nightmare Luffy, Fat Nightmare Luffy, and skinny Super Saiyan Kaioken Nightmare Luffy.

this is an extremely retarded post
Oda can clutter up his panels sometimes but the art and character design in Wano is as good as it's ever been

>post panels in recent One Piece that have the cleanliness that older One Piece did (like or skypeia artwork), enlightened one
I can't, because we don't have scans of that quality yet, dipshit. They've had over a fucking decade to get the best quality image rips of skypeia possible, obviously the new art is going to be worse until we get equivalent quality scans. How do you not understand this? It's not hard.

>That means all of One Piece was consistently printed on the same material, so that itself isn't the cause for a shift in the quality of art.
Do you fuckers actually not know what a tankobon is.

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Thanks to reading her books, Robin came to the conclusion that only BBC/Fish-Men/Big Cyborg Cock can satisy a mature, curvaceous Size Queen such as herself

>I can't, because we don't have scans of that quality yet, dipshit.

wtf I cant vote

not the same guy but I'm rereading Dressrosa right now and I really don't understand why I've seen anons say this arc has bad art

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Water 7 had such shitty artwork, One Piece's art and character designs have been in a steady decline since the old days.

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Remember when OP used to have good character designs? Apart from a few characters introduced post time-skip (Law, Cavendish) the designs are all goofy and cartoony now.

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Even if Monet and Vergo survived their initial causes of death, they'd still have died eventually anyway due to the lab being flooded with Caesar's petrifying gas.

Faggot if you don't have any nor have ever seen "good quality" recent One Piece scans, where the hell do you get any support for the idea that recent one piece has just as clean linework as older ones? At least people have even a shred of evidence for the idea that Oda's artwork is getting messier. And don't start with your "need time for better sources" guesswork, I can make just as baseless a claim in the opposite direction by saying the overseas manga demand has really blown up so illegal scanlators try to provide higher quality raws than was immediately obtainable back in the day. Also Vis has official translations using highest quality obtainable artwork that's delayed by like a week, it's not hard to refute your point that the scan sources are the problem, same goes for the material of the prints.

My big complaint is that it's been too cluttered recently and Oda has thicker line art. After the "God Usopp" scene where Lucy and the Gladiators are arguing about who gets to go after Doflamingo, that's when I first had the impression that the artwork is messier.

>He can fly and destroy his enemies from within with his haki so it's fine. His rubber powers haven't been referenced in years.
this can't be true, you're kidding about this right?

>he doesn't know about Ryou Haki
Of course you don't, it wasn't introduced until Wano. He had a whole training arc with sea-stone shackles so he couldn't use his DF powers and everything so he could learn to use a type of haki that he can project out of his hands and hit someone inside their body. It's full on Hokuto no Ken/Dragon Ball now.

it's true. Zoro can also cut through space to teleport.

what the hell is even going on
next thing you'll say that Usopp can shoot Kamehamehas out his slingshot

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I heard the novels revealed that he did have CoC, for whatever that's worth. I doubt Oda would dispute it.

You posted a rare exception. The paneling in that arc is messy as fuck. Oda recovered in WCI.

Although, have to admit, people who were reading weekly back then were reading Mangapanda's releases.

No but he has a magical healing potion made out of toad oil so he's basically got senzu beans now.

but there was futa porn of a character that didnt even have a name earlier

>If I don't like it, then it's chicken scratch and the assistants do all the job!

trolls dummy. anti-haki clowns.

I want Robin to pin me down and assert her age over mine

>magical healing potion
It's not working, please advise

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Isn’t Kikunojo reference towards male actors who played as female in Japanese Kabuki theatre?

As for Kikunojo’s feminine tendencies, has any of ever heard of effeminate men? Speaking of which didn’t Whitebeard’s crew have swordman who also looked very feminine and was also from Wano? Izo I think.

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give me your strongest potions, seller

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>Can't even read
I said what Oda puts out now is what I'd consider chicken scratch compared to his older work and that he DOESN'T shill out for assistants to meticulously do the cleaner inks for WSJ's biggest cashcow

>As for Kikunojo’s feminine tendencies, has any of ever heard of effeminate men?
my man, there's being flamboyant and there's straight-out saying "i'm a woman inside"

Anyone who genuinely bitched about that is not hardboiled and a massive pussy

Law is hot

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There was no question that he was a man, just look at his chest and face, and in the anime his voice was very gruff. The one that was questioned was Haruta.

He didn’t say exactly that. He was tending Zoro, which could mean also mean that he likes nursing others which are universally seen as a feminine trait. After all he does use a male pronoun ”sessha” when he talks about himself.

Usopp had sixpack abs even before the timeskip

>He didn’t say exactly that.
i dunno dude, couldn't be more obvious than "i'm a woman at heart"

Haruta's just a youthful looking character straight out of Peter Pan

I know but his gender was questioned until Oda once in for all stated that only males were on that ship for that battle and in general, not counting nurses and groupies or whatever. The other ships weren't counted either as they're allies, not technically part of the WB crew.

It doesn't make sense to me either. The paneling in that arc is fun and exciting. I don't see any difference in quality between it and other parts of the story.

>D: Odacchi! Question!! You know how there aren't any females in the Whitebeard Pirates? It bothers me! P.N. Apple

>O: Hrmmm. So back when they made their first appearance (volume 25), there were female nurses on board. These lovely ladies were actually the Whitebeard Pirates' official medical team. However, due to Whitebeard's own set of morals, he never allowed a woman on board his ship as "fighters". This is the reason why there wasn't a single woman in his crew when they arrived in the "Summit War Arc". He was prepared for "death" at this point. He had ripped off all of the medical tools that were helping him stablize his condition despite his illness, left the women of his medical team, who desperately tried to stop him, in a safe place while tearing up, and went back out into sea for battle with just his boys!! I ended up not drawing all of this, but that's basically all the drama that went down before Pops finally showed up in the house.

That took a long ass time for someone to ask. Glad that was cleared up.

Maybe they just assumed it because Kinemon had bleached hair when he was young.

Law and Zoro undeniably have the best wano outfits


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Sanji has the worst wano outfit

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But it looks so soft and comfy.

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I like beetlemode Franky

yeah but best raid suit design

When is the crew going to reunite?

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When Jinbe arrives in Wano.

>zoro asking sanji for more

Nami's outfit is a bit too short don't you think?

So much soul in this one image.

They don't need emergency food rations.

Not at all


that's how kuinochi used to dress, you bigot

sanji is kept around because hes a good cook. otherwise they wouldnt want or need him.

It is kinemon's fault, he is a married pervert

Don't doubt Kin'emon's taste, user

He's just really lean but is still average size. That level of buff but not some mass monster like Pica.

Yes, I too believe Oda should be more respectful to his women characters. Luckily we have artists who can fix the situation :) Even Sanji got fixed :)

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lmao go outside retard. tons of non blacks have nappy, curly hair

delete this

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There's one more if you don't like it :) Nami looks like a real ninja here!

Attached: tumblr_pgvau6B7941s4lqz1_540.jpg (540x636, 148K)

Too lewd, her face and ankles need to be covered up

That's pretty cute actually. Bust is emphasized and the ninja stars are placed at her nipples.

I'm sorry if I offended your religion of peace, my friend :( Didn't mean to.

We are>share the world>fight together=over the top

No! Stop! You can't view her as sexual object!

Of course not. I'm viewing her as a sexual ninja.

shonen fags ruin everything

As soon as you change the error of your ways I'll be willing to overlook your woman committing haram, my brother.

Delineated tits and crotch? You fucking shitlord pig MRA incel.

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Well yeah, but that's why he has Stealth Black, so he can gallivant around Wano like a Captain Harlock-looking asshole

Nami needs to have smaller tits and be fatter, it's still Oda sexist homophobic bigoted incel design


More respect to the Vice-Captain

Attached: Strawhats Vice-Captain.png (1028x434, 646K)

Honestly I'm surprised that didn't come with with Handcock being present at Marineford, you'd think that literal Amazons could've been goaded to fight a literal all-male crew that had enforced gender roles.

I got used to Sanji's dumbfaces, now he's looking unsettling

Yeah, Luffy should have officially appointed Franky years ago.

That's Gastino though

Holy shit thats adorable.

Attached: hiyaa.png (206x211, 22K)

Thank you.


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Ya hear about the newest turbo autism? It seems carrot's vivre card is a slightly different color from the rest!!!!!!

Carrot TrAiToR ConFIrmed!!!!!!!

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>sanji refilling with a smile
even cuter

I love her and her intense shamisen orgasms bros....

Laugh all you want but the evidence against her is growing.

where do all the normies go? they gather around the same garbage comics did, all shonen fags are as bad as new fag. they need to go, janitors should put these threads in the trash. tumblrshits facebook these fags infest Yea Forums through these threads

also I see the twatters here too

>people making fuss over one color

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Kaido adopted carrot like jack

Learn English, retard.

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>Chopper looks like a fucking green pea
Is he redeemable at all at this point?
It's been what, nearly 9 years since his last competent fight? There's not a single relevant feat he's achieved on his own against an enemy for nearly a decade.


Since OP threads are infested with degenerates, who should get Shanked?

Kyros traitor confirmed.

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Higuma beast pirate?

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You fucking retard. There's a huge difference between jewfros and straight up nignog hair.

>Chopper looks like a fucking green pea

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It's the "cape" thingy. It makes them look cooler.

Is this child's strange body because she's all womb?

>no spics, niggers and britbong option
Oh well

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as expect

Well he faced BM on his own while escaping, if that counts

Garchu'd too hard.

Hottest guy in fiction. Also best written character in all fiction.

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Shanks for nakama

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He has been boring as fuck since the end of Punk Hazard honestly.

He's always angry and bitter. He used to be fun.

Why are many Lawfags here?
Where are the sanjifags?

mods mods please purge

saving that for another day,we have time to waste during the break week

for now, let's focus on the degenerates

>He used to be fun
A constant smug face on Sabaody =/= fun

I don't like Orochi putting SMILES WASTE in the water that TURN THE FREAKIN' FROGS GAY! Do you understand that? I'm sick of being social engineered, it's not funny!

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Sanjifag reporting in AMA

He troll Luffy

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I liked his interactions with Bepo

Smug vs rivals and cool with friends
Now he's just always butthurt

Not always, it's just that Luffy does too much blood pressure raising shit.

Law is more entertaining now that he can't always be in his default smug cool guy mode where everything is happily going his way. Screwing with him and making him vulnerable improved his character.

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He's strong enough that he shouldn't care about Luffy's dumb shit. Also he knows him well enough by now to know what to expect.

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Doesn’t help that he’s voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya, who is basically hired to be the straight man character in every comedy anime he’s in.

tic toc lawfags

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Law is a meticulous person. When shit doesn't go the way he wants it to then he's going to get pissed about it.

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*audible nut*

Why Luffy screams at Shirahoshi when she tries to play with his body but he didn't try to defend himself vs Carrot
Luffy is M?

god i wish that were me

I hope Kaido feeds Big Smile a smile
He is supposed to torture Big mom

I want to get garchu'd too

He's also a nerd and a big Sora-fan.
Hawkins made a huge mistake. A man denied his talking Polar bear is a dangerous man.

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I mean
I hope Kaido feeds Big mom a smile

Honestly, I prefer young Law. He was a savage.
Fuck Rosi for denying us that version of Law.

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Which Germa was Doffys favourite?


i miss him, brothers...

Attached: ur a faget alright.png (338x545, 107K)

That version of Law is just current Doffy. Old Law is mix of both Doffy and Cora.
He's still ruthless when has to.

>Hawkins made a huge mistake. A man denied his talking Polar bear is a dangerous man.
He's gonna be used agaisnt SHs.
Poison Pink of course.

He didn't. He just realized Kiku was hidding a secret (and that secret was she was part of the scabbards).

>get off-screened so hard that not even the outcome is shown or mentioned
>by Sanji of all the people
Faget will probably be demoted to Jack's squad at this rate.

>Why are many Lawfags here?
I can feel it. Law chapter(s) soon. Anytime n-now.

The best thing is Law makes women cry

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I just wanna see the other Flying Six bros....

My favorite is when he made Sh*nobu cry. Fuck that hypocrite pig. Fack fatties I'm general.

He's done it to Shinobu but I want to see Toko or Robin fall victim to him as well.

>Where are the Sanjifags?
Reporting in.

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>more silly looking lizards
We could've had scary looking feathered beasts instead of this.

Qustion: did Law ever give as a honest smile? Not evil green, smug smirk, but a wholesome smile like Zoro had when seeing Luffy or talking with Sabo?

>I want to see Toko cry
So would Toko to be honest

I'm like 90% certain that one of them is going to be a sabertooth tiger. They won't all be dinosaurs.

fuck you, you furry bitch. lizards are awesome

Attached: Hebi_Hebi_no_Mi,_Model_Yamata_no_Orochi_Infobox.png (1071x759, 1.32M)

Yes at the end of Punk Hazard. When the shitty barts said they want to become pirates. Also when he was hugged by Bepo.

Well I want cute female lizards

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I'm hoping some will not be dinos/pteros. Two thrid of the calamities already fall in that category, it'd be nice to have other ancient animals akin to Jack.

Blackbeard is a fake D

Right D are immune to beautiful women

> Garp
> Dragon
> Luffy
> Law (Hancock, Komurasaki)

I bet Orochi and Kaido are friends because Orochi's fruit always makes Kaido smile.

big lizards gotta stick together

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Smilodon and giant sloth pls Oda


Garp and Dragon both fell for the pussy since they had kids, Law is a homosexual and Ace likes them young.

Attached: Ace's milkmaid.png (778x3181, 1.88M)

>yfw jack being the only non-dino ability user of the all-stars is yet another reason why he gets bullied

i hope you realize that no one piece character will ever look like that

What? No!

>Law's evil look is the cure to the crying diseases

>Law is a homosexual


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this is what you will probably get out of a female member in the flying six

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Boobs too small, does this artist even read One Piece?

it's a sports bra

Toei will ruin it, like always.
At least we got a baller opening out of it.

Truly an Oda-like answer.

Cute and well-noticed.

did luffy ever rely on something else besides brute strength to win?
Maybe its just me but I think the reason that post timeskip isnt as interesting as pretime skip is because Luffy keeps winning through brute strength alone and no longer gets to rely on lets say water when he fought Crocodile.

He's sexy

>in the middle of the most hyped arc in the series
>anime is finally good again
>stampede looks great
it feels so good to be a one piece fan bros

What will happen to Orochi when Zoro starts cutting his heads off? will he be fine as long as the main one is ok?

The chopped off heads will grow a body on their own.

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>Chopper cucked again
How Oda-like.

Cracker. But yeah, in Katakrui fight he outright rejects smart solutions focusing on haki instead.

This. Before the time-skip Luffy had to use his head to figure out his enemies' weaknesses (Crocodile, Enel) but ever since the time-skip he's just overpowered everyone.

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Fun fact: if Oda continues with "break every fourth week of publication" the next Oda break will happen alongside Obon Jump break making it a magnificient double break.

Hiatus shitposting has been pretty entertaining recently so I won't complain.

>Right D are immune to beautiful women
>Includes Garp and Dragon who are fathers
>Conveniently leaves out Roger
What did he mean by this

What week is all of Jump on break again?

Second week of August I believe.

Why does Katakuri have a short flashback?
It was just a chapter
Big mom has 3 chapters
Law's flashback was only 7 chapters

he's not a complicated character

Zoro didn't even reach a chapter if I remember right.

will oda stop with the more frequent breaks when stampede is out? do any anons remember him doing this with the previous films?

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Rocks flashback when?

when linlin arrives at onigashima

Law should've more chapters. Delete Riku/Kyros/ Rebecca shit, add more Law/Doffy shenanigans.

Rouge was ugly, just like her bastard son

Prison shit ending when?

Ace was Rayleigh son. Roger got c*cked.

one or two chapters left for udon, two left for rasetsu district and a final one for ending the act with linlin being in front of the kaido and the big mom's pirates finally entering wano. reverie break then act three starts with oden's flashback

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Throw a Denjiro reveal in there before the end of Act 2 and we're set

We are gonna have Impel Down 2.0 and you are gonna love it.

odens flashback will happpen way later, probably we’ll after the alliance gets fucked at the fire festival

Already revealed. Throw in A poo as the Witching Hour Boy.

I'm very curious what Luffy's relation to Roger actually is, they have too many similarities for it to just be a coincidence, but maybe the point is that even though Ace is biologically Roger's son, Luffy, a stranger in comparison, is much more like him because he carries on his will by wanting to be the pirate king himself rather than help someone else do it, among other things.


the denjiro's reveal can definitely fit into the final chapter of act two

I rather have Hawkins and Law shenanigans. Also some King.

2 episodes into Wano and the soundtrack is already annoying.

Talking about an actual confirmation. Because unless Denjiro is going to be in silhouette for the entire flashback then it wouldn't be fitting to start the flashback without a revelation.

It's hard to say since break has only really became somewhat regular (with "4 chapters then a break" being the most common pattern) in the last few years. So the only fair comparison would be with Gold and they get somewhat more frequent in the middle of the year, but how much of it is an effect of the movie is hard to say. Especially that Oda's job with the movie would probably be finished few months prior to release anyway. Especially that any work with the movie was finished some weeks ago. Oda generally dislikes showing publicly, so I doubt he's going around promoting it.

>Impel Down 2.0
the prison mines have a completely different architecture than impel down: you can techincally exit the prison through one of the five main gates

Katakuri is Lucci of the post-timeskip One Piece.

Impel Down had a tension due to being on clock, Magellan being there and Blackbeard fucking things up. Now we're not in a hurry, all the enemies are one-shotable for Luffy, and the "third force" left a chapter ago.

Luffy is Roger's reincarnation.
There are few other ways you can pull off "This kid said the exact same things that the late captain who died before the kid was born did."

Kishimoto pls

It would be disappointing if they took the concept that literally, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Lucci didn't even get 1 page. He got 3 panels with a random marine narrating over them. Lucci had the worst excuse for a "flashback" in the entire series

Well, the series made it apparent that Luffy isn't just plot armored/lucky, but that actual fate is on his side, Gloriosa even mentioned gods. It's to be expected we'll be moving more and more into some mysticism stuff. Roger's comment to Rayleigh might turn out to be not so metaphorical either. Which doesn't mean it will be good.

>implying Kishi didn't nick the idea from Oda like he did with the chakra fruit

Oda after was hospitalized a few years ago Jump started forcing him to take more breaks so their golden goose wouldn't overwork himself to death.
iirc it was supposed to be less breaks after a few years, but I can easily imagine Oda just doing work stuff when he was supposed to be on breaks and thereby not getting any better

Kaguya was probably based on Im as well.

>all according to keikaku

Inb4 Roger actually had the gum fruit.

Your brother Jack cannot handle my strongest potions, they are for the strongest and he is among the weakest

Attached: traveler.jpg (717x1024, 70K)

Oda sleeps 4 hours a day, smokes like a chimney and only sees his daughter once a week.
Im actually glad we are getting somewhat close to the endgame compared to a few years ago just so the poor bastard can get some rest.

2 times reading the same and that user is already annoying.

>Oda after was hospitalized a few years ago Jump started forcing him to take more breaks so their golden goose wouldn't overwork himself to death.
While hospitalization bit is true, Jump forcing Oda is a baseless rumor really, probably created by Oda Defence Force because they think taking it easy after 15 years of overworking yourself makes you look bad.
>but I can easily imagine Oda just doing work stuff when he was supposed to be on breaks and thereby not getting any better
Oda said he uses his breaks for traveling as he acknowledges he won't be able to get to certain places once he gets older.

That would be just bad after Luffy met dozens of people knowing Roger and nobody mentioned it once.

>Oda sleeps 4 hours a day, smokes like a chimney and only sees his daughter once a week.
I still believe these are wildy exaggerated

>he won't be able to get to certain places once he gets older.
Like what?

He never used it because he thought it was utterly retarded.

You mean like the strawhat?

>Oda smokes 4 hours a day, sleeps in a chimney and only sees his daughter once a week.

I can imagine he naps a lot during the day

He didn't elaborate if I recall correctly, he probably means that harsher wheather conditions might make it unmanagable, or maybe it's about going around the mountains. Dunno.

Roger dumped the SH the second he got a proper bicorne. It didn't mean shit to him, which is why he gave it to a random cabin boy.

>never used the fruit that permanently modifies the user's body and would be obvious in any fight
The only thing retarded is this theory.

That would be Oda enough for me to accept.
Strawhat wasn't really Roger's trademark, it was Shanks' even though Roger had it earlier. And Buggy recognized it right away. Plus, this straw hat doesn't really look out of ordinary, specific DF is unique.

Thank you user

He sleeps actually less than that/
>Oda sleeps from 9 to 12 in the morning. His staff sleeps from 5 to 12 in the morning.

I don’t know about his daughter, but I do know that he smokes because he had a cigarette package on his working table while he was drawing second Vivre Card collecting book’s cover.

What was the longest flashback in One Piece?

Luffys I think

That dry sarcasm though


Katakuri Flashback is boring

What are his goals?
What are his dreams?

Senior pink is more interesting than him

He's just a momma's boy, he's got no goals but to enjoy life and protect his status quo. He is, in a word, fulfilled.

>What are his goals?
>What are his dreams?
eating donuts

>yonko commander
>final boss of the arc in the yonko saga
Katakuri is the strongest yonko commander

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Plague and pat are pretty much the same, except for the level of enjoyment pat gets from being a wrong weirdo


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And that's all you'll get, artists don't care about Wano yet.

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what the fuck

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>mihawk taught zoro haki techniques that even fodder marines can use
did he get bamboozled?

I'll end up drawing more Fuuta myself.

lol no

Why would Mihawk spend any time trying to teach a retard like Zoro anything when he could be fucking Perona instead?

Do it user, make us proud. Do Speed or Kiku if you have the time.


Attached: weeehahaha.png (552x356, 307K)

Xusasu Basasu!

Wano is overall boring so far, setup, setup, setup, tiny payoff, everyone run away and hide again, setup, setup

They aren't under time constraints like against Big Mom.

What a story Orochi!

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Luffy has gains

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Pedro is the traitor
He wanted a poneglyph copy for Kaido


Why did Pedro choose a suicide mission? Did he lose most of lifespan beforehand and said fuck it?

Better to die in a place of your own choosing.

That's exactly what happened.

Good Morning

Attached: Hot tongue action.gif (640x354, 2.66M)

Way too ooc
I'd buy into it if not for the flashback with Roger, the one where he explains the meaning of Nox and the whole "I sacrifice myself for the dawn Luffy and the others will bring"

Pedro faked his dead when he fought Tamago
I think he's still alive.

oooh hai, komurasaki!

He was last minute-saved from his sacrifice against Tamago, you spee D.

Good morning

Attached: One Happy Family part 3.png (457x365, 143K)

Reminder that Wano ending was already leaked years ago.

>luffy, kidd, law, hawkins, drake alliance vs kaido
>kidd awakens and hits kaido hard
>luffy goes gear 5 and strains his heart so much he dies but not before knocking out kaido
>marines arrive to take out the tired pirates
>law makes a deal to only take him and luffy which the marines agree too since the samurai still have fighting spirit in their eyes
>law sacrifices himself to revive luffy on the ship
>now the strawhats must do another marine ford but this time for luffy

Him having CoC Haki is dumb

And Apoo?

Lets talk about what the Matchups are going to be when the Strawhats go against the Black Beard Pirates.

The way I see it , it's going to be Role on crew vs. Role on Crew. If this is the case, the definite matchups are:
>Luffy vs Blackbeard
>Jinbei vs. Burgress
>Nami vs. Laffiette
>Chopper vs. Doc Q
>Usopp vs. Van Auger

That leaves the picked up prisoners and possibly Kuzan. We could assume Kuzan is going to battle Robin because of their history together and she is the most unconventional crewmember considering most other pirates don't have an archaeologist.
Shinryu is the only one that has a sword so he'll probably fight Zorro who usually has his fights against other swordsman.

Everyone else is mostly up in the air but I think that unless a giant joins the crew, Frankie is going to be the one to fight Sanjuan Wolf with the biggest baddest giant robot of a battle Frankie.
Catarina will most likely face against another female Strawhat just because there are so few MvF fights in the manga (that don't involve Usopp) Carrot's Sulong form would match well against Catarina's Kitsune powers plus Foxes eat Rabbits
If Moria joins the black beard crew or if his fruit is just taken, I can see Brook going up against whoever has the Kage Kage no Mi due to his introduction arc.
Pizzaro could go up against Sanji just because he's from the North Blue and there seems to be something special about his hands (Hands vs. Feet fight).

Absolutely no clue who Vasco Shot would fight.

Nyamota said he might replace Neptune series with One Piece


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>his will is to protect his siblings from the world that hates them and his own evil mother
>has been a pirate for 40 years
Makes sense to me

He'll arrive soon.

>knees touching
It's just too lewd!

Chopper was literally only good in the Drum Island arc, he was actually really likeable and sympathetic there. Underrated arc in general.

>now the strawhats must do another marine ford but this time for luffy
I would like them doing a pseudo-tactical impel down.

Doesn't really line up with the whole "qualities of a king/conqueror" thing it's supposed to be affiliated with though, don't you agree? I guess Ace having it too was also a stretch though


remember when oda tried to force rebecca/kyros down our throats?

>Underrated arc in general.
I usually see nothing but praises for Drum. But you're right Oda really fucked up with Chopper, he really has no big memroable moment later, all his plotlines end up being disappointing. It's the same for post-EL Robin.

Ace wanted to become pirate king.
Whitebeard has destroyed his dream
He was captured and has Stockholm syndrome

reminder, rebecca has better observation haki than sanji

Someone with qualities of a conqueror can still be put in line by another conqueor.

>Chopper was literally only good in the Drum Island arc
kureha? hiluluk??

Rebecca got too much hate in my opinion. She was like a less whiny Vivi who was outmatched powerlevel-wise by everyone else around her (since it's the New World and all) but did the best she could anyway.

Based ESL

oh, i've just woken up

Ace was definitely charismatic. Kid Luffy was all over him, his crew went to fight WB Pirates for him, and WB saw PK potential in him (according to Sengoku at least). He might be somewhat angsty, but CoC fits him. Katakuri is also respected figure in BMP and a leader for them.

Jack is a fishman retard he breathes normally.

I want to believe!

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>random mooks can use haki but the straw hats cant

Urouge will stand atop Raftel's highest peak, place his mighty lightning rod there and summon Enel back to Earth.

Fucking kek’d.

Reminder that Katakuri WILL end up becoming the captain of the Big Mom Pirates. He's the one that holds the entire crew together
And no, birth order does not matter

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Absalom will come back to kick Blackbeards ass

the ope ope fruit does not have the power to revive anyone, brainlet.

Oi, oi! Birth order trumps everything, perorirn!

The immortal operation, luffy will be an immortal and wander the world as a sage.



Since the TS Ope Ope has any power you can remotely associate with a surgeon. And since surgeons save lives, reviving the dead is close enough It's an asspull bag, just like Usopp's pop greens.

Good job!

the ridiculous part was that kyros was a famous gladiator in the new world that couldn't even use haki. i would imagine if he taught rebecca haki basics along with his fighting style, rebecca wouldn't have been so outclassed.

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Let's use this one, not the drama queen's, lads.

lol, bro accept that your fanfiction makes no sense.

kill yourself

He literally taught her haki though.

no, he didn't. he taught her how do dodge and she developed it on her own.

I'm not even the first guy. But something like this is entirely within the limits of what we've seen., especially with the price associated.

it's your headcanon, bro.

It is a headcanon (not mine though, as I've stated). But it's something Oda could definitely do, given Ope Ope is already an aspull bag.