
Part 5's production officially finished the other day

Attached: D-8RDY_VUAEK2Vj.jpg (1200x801, 161K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_bizarre_adventure:_vento_aureo

worst part

best part

Well it has been a good ride, even if sasuga-fag and some hunter-fags tried there best to make everything worst.


I'm glad it's over.webm

Now we just have to wait for part 6.

3rd best part that has been animated. 4>2>5>1>3

Good times watching the episodes live, hope the wait for part 6 isnt long

They're all so fucking ugly holy shit

That girl is very cute.

>Tfw we are literally getting a bit closer to heaven from now until the day part 6 inevitably airs

Attached: Heaven.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

>Golden Wind
>124 sakuga clips
>all other parts had 50 or less clips's_bizarre_adventure:_vento_aureo

why did this part have so many sakuga moments compared to the rest of the series?

Freelance animators

>Hyped for Pucci
>not best Dio son who almost succeeded in taking his "Heaven" for himself if not for those fucking snails.

Attached: after telling weird guido priest to shut the fuck up.png (489x337, 330K)

It's been a blast.

>That ugly chink is having sex with HanaKana
It's not fair, bros.

Only 2 more years we need to get MiH to make everything faster.

No u

Attached: They_cope.jpg (324x400, 42K)

Damn, im saving this.

Copenhagen is shit.
Wow, the marketing there really says it all.
"Some men could be chewing good tobbacco (Red Man), but instead they choose the copenhagen"

>the opening song for when MiH is introduced into the series is going to get progressively faster with each episode until the OP is only 2/3 seconds maximum and then the final episode will have a new OP playing at the end because of the universal reset.

They should start the opening at that point normally, then speed it up, go through every opening from part 1 through 5, then end on the first part 6 opening. That would be great if done well but I don't know how they'd do the sound for it, since having each opening's audio played at 3-4x speed or more would be a clusterfuck.

Are we getting the final OP with Golden experience requiem?

In a strange way, I would actually just speed up the visual images while keeping the song set at normal speed as a way to infer that stuff is speeding up.
That way with your idea you go "MiH activates and the OP shows the scenes from Part 1 to 5 once" and then as the episodes get further and further on, you'll get the visuals repeated twice in the next episode then three times in the episode after that etc.

>DP will add a clip of 25 yr old Giorno at Disney World as all the rides start breaking down due to rapid aging and he's saving kids from falling to their deaths and shit just because Araki teased that he might be in Florida for some reason around the time MiH manifests.

So when exactly are the last two episodes airing?

with what? That part 5 is the best adaptation in the series so far and everyone agrees other than contr/a/rians?

all done in-house.
>b-but part 5 has no animation

We'd already be done if they hadn't dicked around with the fucking recaps.

It doesn't. The other Parts just have poor documentation on that site.

yeah but we'd also have a fuck ton more QUALITY. The recaps do 0 harm and only do good, that's why the anime has been entirely consistent from pretty much every ep other than Clash and Talking Head 1's first half


Rate my OC. Did I WUB enough?

>King of Kings
>Waking up in New Jersey and getting stabbed by a bum

Attached: wake-up-in-jersey.jpg (780x1200, 792K)

If it wasn't for the ghost street, how would they have beaten Cheap Trick?

I'll have the second from the top right, please