Will anime be looked at differently due to the actions of Vic "c'mete and touch my dick" Mignogna
Will anime be looked at differently due to the actions of Vic "c'mete and touch my dick" Mignogna
Who gives a fuck about minor celebrities. Especially one as tiny and insignificant as a fucking dub actor.
Literally who.
all hail blue whale
He's going to kill Funi. The english dub scene will collapse but more importantly Dubs confirm OP is a cock mongling assfart
Dub VAs aren't Yea Forums related
No he's just some dub actor
>implying an irrelevant burgerfat va has any influence in anything
Absolutely this
Even with his relation to DB, he and his situation aren't significant enough to affect the west's views on anime.
Vic "hold my dick" Mignogna
Vic "i want to pummel bulma" Mignogna
Vic "Shes a fighter hold her tighter" Mignogna
Vic "if you want in on this dub give my cock a rub" Mignogna
Considering it’s just insane SJWs like Marchi slandering him, no.
Reminder that Marchi thought she could avoid being sued by refusing to leave her house.
Please go slam your eye sockets into a table corner and dive feet first into a meat grinder.
Theres proof now. Vic is guilty
Such as?
>SocJus drama
>Theres proof now.
celeb threads belong to
Vic swallowed one of Monica Rial jelly beans.
What more proof do you need that he's a sexual predator?
Right off her fingers and he erotically sucked them and winked at her
She wishes.
Well then i guess she got the dragonballs because it happened
>Well then i guess she got balls
I bet