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The original comic is pointing out that that kind of argument is super dumb. Also, /m/ would probably object at Eva01 being mecha technology.


It's a ridicilous strawman that equates their own champaigne socialism to real voices for change.
You don't need to buy a smartphone to get along in today's society, least of all an apple phone. The capitalist system is based on people voting with their wallets, if you're not prepared to do even that smallest thing, it's only natural that you should be criticized.
It's not the same at all as people that relie on as of yet imperfect but vital modes of transportation, or are trapped in a serfdom they can't escape from.

>You don't need to buy a smartphone to get along in today's society
t. boomer

How to spot a retard:
If someone uses "contradiction" as an argument against general observations like that because he thinks that two seemingly contradictory things can't be true at the same time, and, ironically, at the same time thinks he is smart for doing it.

This. This comic and anything by that guy is cringe-inducing, "I AM SILLY"-tier political cartoon garbage.

>You don't need to buy a smartphone
>it's only natural that you should be criticized
Oh, boy.
The irony of this statement is that the people most criticized by primitivists are not those who boldly embrace technological progress and try to make the best of it. But people like you who cuddled by the abundance of the technological societies wealth and oversocialication embrace victim mentality.

kill yourself, commie.

Indeed. Not buying an overpriced luxury smartphone created and supplied to you by child labor is like the tiniest concession you can make if you're such a strong, proud socialist/communist. But no, that would actually require some sort of concession at all- it would require conviction.

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Jesus fuck you are cringe, the right can't meme

You should probably return to plebbit, daddy's first rebel.

>apple anything

Based user. Comments from seething commies just further proving his point.

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The place I worked requires you had a smartphone because they only allowed applications through an app. If I didn't have a smartphone idof been unemployed.

They are necessary somewhat.

uh huh, sure.

Did it require you to buy an iPhone?

yes, it was an IPhone app developer