Is Inuyasha the source of all isekai?

Is Inuyasha the source of all isekai?

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Inu Yasha is time travel, faggot.

Rumiko wrote a different isekai manga over 10 years before Inuyasha.

No. This first isekai anime aired in 1983. It wasn't that influential but being an isekai mecha you could assume it was a potential influence for Escaflowne which was a very influential Shoujo isekai and aired in 1996 which was the same year Rumiko Takahashi started the Inuyasha manga.

Now that might be a coincidence, Rumiko Takahashi had played around with the core idea of Inuyasha prior in at least one other story she did called fire Tripper.

Authors tend to do prototypes.

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At least, they used to. Maybe that's why everything is crap these days. They don't put it through the paces.

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is it allowed to rework a series that was turned down?

It's called specializing in a genre and making a name for yourself with a readership. Stick with your life choices. Japan is about integrity.

try Dunbine, faget

Isekai was created by a Brit, actually

A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court was the first isekai

What titles did he put in it?

it is

This is Yea Forums - Anime & Manga you stupid nigger, fuck off.

then don't ask questions where the answer isn't anime or manga, faggot

OP doesn't have to prefix his question with "in the context of anime & manga" because he didn't post on Yea Forums

then he's asking a pointless question that doesn't need to take up a space on the board

That's Alternate History. And you do understand isekai is a genre? There aren't multiple isekais. Or a "first". It's 1 type of story given the name "isekai".
When you call a title an isekai, you're using a figure of speech called a synecdoche. Refering to a thing as something else it's associated with. In this case the genre.
It's a noun. Not an adjective. It's not some quality that you call isekai-ness. It's what the story - in it's entirety - does. Got it? The story. Not the setting. Not the characters. Not the tropes or memes. The STORY. That's what you're distinguishing by putting it in a genre.

Are Inuyasha and Connecticut Yankee anything alike? No. They're completely different stories. There're completely different mediums to be exact. So they're definitely not in the same genre.

>Reading everything literal.
You're not smart enough to carry a discussion. And the board doesn't exist to entertain you. I'm happy to educate, and maybe one day you'll be able to join a conversation without changing the subject.

>And you do understand isekai is a genre
You're the only one saying that.

Urashima Taro is the first isekai anime

>things in different mediums can't be the same genre
holy fuck you're retarded

>No. I don't know what isekai means
cleared that up.

People seem to conveniently forget there was an isekai boom in the late 80s and throughout the 90s, that got so bad that there were already manga and anime subverting oldschool isekai cliches.

>what is Dante's Inferno
Fucking americans thinking their shit is relevant.

Ok. What genre of photography would you put inuyasha into?

>noncanon Bible fanfiction
>literally "Everyone I don't like is Hitler: Renaissance edition"
even the first isekai was fucking trash

What? No.

Traveling to another world is literally nothing new, and Inuyasha is time travel anyways.

Yea Forums is filled with newfags who don't understand that cliches had to have come from somewhere in the first place.

Like why the fuck do you retards think that the generic hero archetype always wears that circlet

There were older mainstream stuff like Rayearth as well. Many tend to forget it, but it was big in the 90s.

Don't forget El Hazard, one of the most popular anime of the 90s (that disappeared into oblivion) was the precursor to nearly every single modern isekai cliche/trope/archetype under the sun.

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The only thing Inuyasha was good for was Kouga on Inuyasha yaoi

Literally all the Ultima games are isekai besides Akalabeth which has no story other than "dude kill demons lmao"

And one of Dragon Ball's first major competitors was isekai too.

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It wasn't isekai.

Hipster contrarians project their need for originality and individuality. They don't get that being generic is what it means to be part of a genre.
Anyone who thinks it's possible to reinvent a genre is a highschool dropout. It's a category. Like gender. It's not an adjective. That's why gender dysphoria is a mental illness. "You're confused" is just a nice way of saying "You're retarded"

You don't distinguish video games by narrative. They go by gameplay. Because they're games. That's the medium. That's what you distinguish.

How so?

People read books in the 90's.

Just watch. People will watch the Danmachi Orion movie with no idea who Orion and Artemis are. They won't immediately know that something is off. They won't know that Antares is the brightest star in scorpio.
They won't understand the significance of the sunset at the end of the movie.

It's like watching people try to decipher Neon Genesis Evangelion, but completely miss the significance of the title.

>he's not read Rumiko Takahashi's A connecticut yankee in king arthur's court

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It's a fairy tail.

>fairy tail
Fairy Tale*, been on Yea Forums too long.

Alice in Wonderland and Chronicles of Narnia count as Isekai.

They should be even older stories than that, though.

I can't for the life of me name the title, right now, but there is some famous Chinese story of a man dreaming of an alternate life in some Chinese city where he experienced childhood to his deathbed, only to suddenly wake up and wonder if everything was just a dream.

How does that not make it an isekai? They made an anime, and I assume you're the guy who said isekai can only be anime.

That is very doubtful.
The concept is just too obvious and interesting.

They're not. Alice in Wonderland is base Fantasy.
Chronicles of Narnia are 7 books with different cast and adventures that happen in and around Narnia. The Magician's Nephew is the closest thing to Isekai.

Which if you didn't know, is the obviously the source of inspiration for last season's The Wiseman's Granson. In more ways than just the genre, of course.

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I think it's insulting to refer to older anime about people thrown into different worlds as isekai. To me, the main characteristics of what is broadly known today as isekai are not the transportations themselves or the fish out of water element. Instead, it's the absolute laziness of the settings, the lack of world building, the reliance on video game systems and the brazen wish fulfillment what I associate with the genre. In many of them the travel is irrelevant after the first 5 minutes. That's why I'm so in favor of the native isekai tag. UchiMusume is the latest example: after watching the first episode I could have swore I had been watching another isekai, and it wasn't until I was reading the thread that I realized it wasn't technically one. That kind of swill could never register as fantasy in my mind when it's so clear that no effort whatsoever went into world building and that it lacks any sense of wonderment or discovery. If those are the expectations that come with the word "isekai", how could I ever refer to something like Juuni Kokki as one?

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Inuyasha was the source of my bones as a kid

That's pretty gay.


Pretty much.

Do yourself a favor and stop saying "is a" because you're only going to confuse yourself and others. It is the name of a category. It makes betters sense to say it goes "in" and "under" - then it can be intuited that it's a category and not an individual identity. It's a collective identity. It does what other stories do- and that group is given a name.

Fairy Tale is the genre. Fairy Tales end on magical consequence. In Urashima Taro's case, you might think it's Isekai because he's spirited away to an underwater palace (which has already been explained 100x that's not what isekai is), the point of the story is the magic box he's not suppose to open. And Instantly ages him.

Of course, "fairy tales" are classics that are so well now they get used as motifs in adapted and hodgepodge classical crossovers. There's a team in Yu Yu Hakusho that's uses Japanese Fairy Tale Gimmicks. The magic box (mist) from Urashima Taro is used on Kurama, for example.
You could say Yu Yu Hakusho is another case of being spirited away (to the demon realms) and I would argue that it is Isekai, but predominantly the genre is Martial Arts. The story places more importance on the training and upgrades than on the world.

It's like. The difference between Scifi and Fantasy is a story with space travel and a story about spacetravel. Scifi is speculative fiction that explores the consequence of science and technology.

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