All 5 of them are going to be ranking together in 2 weeks. Do you anons thinks any titles are going to survive...

All 5 of them are going to be ranking together in 2 weeks. Do you anons thinks any titles are going to survive? All of them are going to die?

In my opinion Kamio Yui and Futari no Taisei are doomed, Last Saiyuki still has a very slim but almost inexistent chance of surviving, and Beast Children and Tokyo Shinobi Squad could survive depending on their TOC position in this direct competition between these 5 titles and maybe Yuuna

Let's have in mind Hinomaru could perfectly be ending in next weeks

Attached: jump2019.png (1322x1282, 3.53M)

I hope TSS survives. Enjoying it.

>3/5 are blonde
Kishimoto is laughing

TSS got really fucking boring these past few chapters, but I still think it has the greatest chance at survival

I think the one with highest chances of survival is Best Children. Rugby world cup in Japan next year + Hinomaru ending could be decisive.

In worst case scenario of the 5 series being axed + Hinomaru ending, I see Yuuna being stretched and a massive new serialization round

I've skimmed through Double Taisei and Beast Children and Taisei will definently not survive. Beast Children might survive the first point of axing, especially if Hinomaru is ending, since it frees a (unexisting) space for a sport series.

Beast Children since rugby world cup+Olympic+sport manga slot. TSS is 50-50. Kamio, Taisei and Saiyuki probably get axed. Yuna might continue if there's no service manga. Next round probably hvae one gag manga.

Kamio and Saiyuku should be axed soon since they ranked terrible on Amazon and Shoseki, but their recent chapters don't seem to be heading towards an ending despite the last few axed series starting their endgame around the same point.

move to jump+?

>Last Saiyuki still has a very slim but almost inexistent chance of surviving
First volume of Saiyuki is placed around the last volume of David on shouseki. This manga is fucking dead.

>but their recent chapters don't seem to be heading towards an ending despite the last few axed series starting their endgame around the same point.
Ne0lation started a new arc in chapter 18 and ended on chapter 19.

Saiyuki is dead, kamio might survive because the author had a popular series once.

Nah if Jump want to keep it they probably put it in the middle not the bottom 3.

According to M+ links, they are going to continue alive at least for the next 3 weeks

It will live because the new series are worse than it, that's how samon and spring weapon survived

they should just axe all of it if its underperforming. most of it is garbage anyway.

Jump doesn't do 12-14 axe anymore. They will axe the longer axe fodder first.

Those are gag manga.

New reprints:
7/19 Spy x Family vol. 1
7/25 Act-age vol. 7
7/25 Jujutsu vol. 6
7/25 Kimetsu vol. 16
No Dr.Stone.

Based kimetsu

>No Dr.Stone.

tell that to Illegal Rare