The greatest emotion a series provoked from you?

For me, nothing feels better than waking up on a fine sunny morning and remembering that my elevated taste as a Stonechad is shared with many other anons
I don't even have to worry about paying for rent now and there's already a steady flow of fresh tears delivered to me every day so I don't have to worry about that, too
Truly, being a Stonechad is the greatest blessing to be given in this world

Attached: the only gamble id take as a stonechad.jpg (480x480, 51K)

I'm glad this garbage board has devolved even further into anime Yea Forums even having it's own version of le epic console wars

Yeah, because my waifu > your waifu was always completely different than console wars

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>farming manga
enjoy the axe once the anime finishes bombing

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hows the haitus going hunter fag?

No stonefags care who the best is, stop falseflagging

It's just some fat autist false flagging because he hates Hunter x Hunter for some reason.

I know this is bait but reading Dr Stone is one of the highlights of every Friday to me. It's a ton of fun to read weekly

I knew the anime was going to ruin the threads but holy fuck.

Profound boredom.


This anime is basically r/iamverysmart

so is your post

We're all very smart

Post all the Dr. Stone fanart you can find.
>Inb4 Johnny Test Senku.
Johnny Test was fun!

Have a smug Science man

Attached: 43688346_583791298720831_3884597614842216448_o.jpg (1134x1462, 292K)

the threads had already been ruined, now its just even more ruined
Yea Forums is arguably one of the worst boards on the site

oh you poor naive soul

Cope more, lonely neckbeard

>Yea Forums is arguably one of the worst boards on the site
user, you have no idea.

More smug science man

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I thought this was a girl for a moment

is that pic from the avatar comic or some doujin?
i need to know because i cant use it if its from the comic, i dont want to be assosiated with garbage

Silly user, girls can't be smug science men

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It was a good run boys. But all things has to end.

Attached: Axe.png (408x481, 282K)

Attached: 74004546_p25.jpg (1240x1748, 2.01M)

23 eps to go, sit down, grab a cola

Attached: 39623998_554951321604829_66241430930063360_o.jpg (1548x2048, 343K)

Arigatou (and every other mangas by this artist) made me feel empty and bitter at life.
Sundome made me feel aroused and sad.

Attached: 1550947338838.png (1024x671, 1.47M)

New reprints:
7/19 Spy x Family vol. 1
7/25 Act-age vol. 7
7/25 Jujutsu vol. 6
7/25 Kimetsu vol. 16
No Dr.Stone.

And you enjoy your hiatuses.

Attached: stone laugh2.webm (658x720, 302K)

I've jacked off multiple times to Arigatou and Sundome.

enjoy being axed
