The Problem with Isekai Genres

Since this genre began there have been a number of Isekai series that are really promising and enjoyable. However, there are some that don't come close and instead follow the same route as the previous one. Mainly involving video game concepts, and the occassional Gary Stu MC (besides Rimuru who is great). We never get to see a more original concept of this genre and see an actual MC actually build himself up

Or an MC being reborn in a royal family in a small kingdom surrounded by enemies and decides to be both a protector and a conqueror based on his previous experience in his old world

We never see something truly new based on this, and I've read some of the mangas, with some having great art, but not a great plot

If you had the chance then what kind of an Isekai series would you like to make?

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Just give Isekai Smartphone a second season.

Would that series really matter? I mean the animation is not even that great, and a smartphone is just out of place

Just make a generic MMO isekai with the usual overpowered edgy MC that builds a harem of various fantasy race girls and is the only competent person around, but make the MC a girl.

I don't know nor care. I just had a lot of fun watching it.

How about a series were it takes place in an already existing isekai series, and the fantasy world now has a modernized city and everything, while the other kingdoms are still castles and old weaponry and such

All I want is more otome isekai adaptations.

MC gets isekai'd to ancient Rome during the invasions of the Visigoths... has his iPhone and a solar charger on him with an offline wikipedia mirror.
proceeds to get rich through advanced craft and invention of weapons, before reaching a position of leadership and organizing the empire to new heights of efficiency with modern-day scientific method/statistics/business acumen.

basically an Isekai retelling of Darius the Great from Persia circa 500BC. although that would make a great manga too.

Isekai replaced other fantasy series, to the degradation of the fantasy genre itself.

But it didn't.

>besides Rimuru who is great
He’s just a self-insert who lacks any real personality. He has a bunch of convenient and useful skills, an insane amount of followers who are unnaturally loyal to him, and is fairly powerful despite being a monster that’s infamous for being incredibly weak. He’s just as bad, if not worse, than other isekai MCs who also are absurdly blessed without doing much work.

What a great way to oversimplify things and delierbately ignore any facts that go contrary to your views. Escpacially when you say "no personality". You are just embarassing yourself, user.

>Since this genre began there have been a number of Isekai series that are really promising and enjoyable. However, there are some that don't come close and instead follow the same route as the previous one.
user, having various degrees of quality within a genre of fictional stories is not really something new or noteworthy. It's a concept as old as fiction itself.
>We never get to see a more original concept of this genre and see an actual MC actually build himself up
We do get to see that though. Not all isekai of course (there are many that fail at this quite hard), but those that do right usually take their time with it. Anime are unfortunately the worst method to measure that because they only present the first few volumes in a watered-down form. So any isekai with slow pacing will naturally not be done justice. Either decision of rushing it or doing a faithful adaptation would naturally not be able to present things if the major players had only been set up within the first 6 volumes and only the 7th volume onward shows the story get going, escpacially for isekai anime with only a single 12-13 EPs season. It can be even worse if there is no good stopping point for the anime, which can cause a "boring" ending, or an ending with a huge cliffhanger. Slime season 1 was basically in a dilemma where the anime production team had to choose between these two of either stopping early with a "boring" ending, or show a single scene more which would have led to one of the biggest cliffhangers in anime history. They ran with the former as we can see.

The problem of isekai is part of a bigger one. That is authors using a quirky or unusual story concept as a crutch to support a fundamentally weak story. This is a problem in every genre across the world.

>The problem of isekai is part of a bigger one. That is authors using a quirky or unusual story concept as a crutch to support a fundamentally weak story. This is a problem in every genre across the world.
It's not a "problem" though. If it is, then please explain it to me.
To me it's more like how there are successful businesses founded by people with education who built up their foundations first via college degrees, internships, etc., but there are also those who just went head-first into creating a business and self-taught themselves everything "during the process" and also made it as big as the other group. Of course the %-chance of success is different, but it is a legitimate, even if more risky way of handling things. For writing it's no different. You can have become a great writer by intensly studying literature beforehand, but it's also possible to become a writer by just writing and learning as you go.

>what a great way to oversimplify things and delierbately ignore any facts that go contrary to your views.
That's what this thread is all about. Whenever someone claims, "Gary Stu", "Unoriginal", or "Not an Actual MC", to simplify a character, show, or genre, he, through trying to portray himself as someone of superior tastes, is embarrassing himself with his oversimplification.

The poster you are replying to at least highlight's the op's lack of self awareness. He complains about everything in the genre being the same, and wants more MCs that "build themselves up", but somehow enjoys a standard, relatively unoriginal one, where the OP recieves a legenday dragon's power on the first episode.

As a guy who read shield hero I must say the LNs are boring after volume 4. The main threat are the waves of destrucrion yet the world is so stable you would think there are no waves this is shit worldbuilding. The antagonist are beings from other worlds rather than ones at home. This makes Naofumi's world seem dull and boring in comparison as there are no big bads like Kyo or Dura. There was this Tact dude but he came out of nowhere and had a godawful motive. When they can asspull other dimensional beimgs they use Kaiju like the spirit turtle or Quilin to serve that role. These are beast they have no motives its simply boring. What I hate is the slave village of demihumans ran by Nao on behath of Raftalia(I aint spelling that right). It makes it torture to read the volumes unless you self insert even then none fuck him. The author keeps adding characters no one cares about first was that Ralph chan thing then Sadina then Gaelion a schizo dragon now we have Sildina and Ruft who should have died. Atla is the only one who dies even though she is more interesting. Fohl her brother needs to fuck off too.
It was comfy reading the adventures of Filo Raf and Nao now its become a clusterfuck. Her rational is the slaves are meant to fight the waves but Kizuna's world has a taskforce to deal with the waves which is Glass so his rational is stupid and really waaah waaah Raf gone be sad when I leave so Imma just enslave rhese demihumans in her home to alleviate her. I thought moving on was a theme in this LN as Raf kills her childhood rapist yet Nao wants to stay in the past. Its just dry because this is done better in other isekais.The worldbuilding is terrible there are humans then demihumans which are anthro furries. Faubrey the most advanced state with literal guns and planes, Melmomarc, Zeltoble a merchant republic, Siltvelt and Shieldfreeden demihuman states, Q ten an isolated island nation that Raf came from, and Hourai a kingdom its so dry.

Fuck off then retard.

>That is authors using a quirky or unusual story concept as a crutch to support a fundamentally weak story.
Is that really true? It seems more like mental gymnastics to me. Reviewers run towards originality because it is a fashionable thing to talk about by people who role-play critics. When they get something original, however, but find they still don't like it, they are forced to call upon the even vaguer concept of being a "weak story".

What was desirable, originality, is now a bad thing, a crutch, a symbol of incompetence. People don't know why they enjoy the things we do, but they want to appear that completely rational and in control.

>MCs that "build themselves up"
I am pretty sure THAT is the "unoriginal" one though. Because that's the basic formula for like 90% of fiction altogether.
So in terms of rarity. "OP MC" is actually "more original" overall.
Really, what concept, at this point of time can even be considered truly "original"?

>MC slowly builds up from weak to strong?
Been there, done that, probably the most common and "generic" concept in fiction
>MC OP from the beginning?
Been there, done that, escpacially for isekai.
>OP from the beginning, but the enemies powercreep insanely to "keep up the tension" but completely mess up the lore in exchange?
Been there, done that.
>OP from the beginning, but the enemies powercreep insanely, only for the MC to go "even further beyond" to remain as being OP
Been there, done that.
>There are no fights in the series to begin with, everything is about interaction of ideas, politics, schemes, etc.
Been there, done that.
>MC is weak and stays weak and is just there to enjoy the protection of his OP harem girls
Been there, done that.
>MC is weak and stays weak, but got his strong points in winning via mind games, strategy, and tactics
Been there, done that.

At this point the term "originality" feels more like a buzzword, to be honest, escpacially is someone just complains about the setting. I mean that would contradict the very use of genres after all.
>Why write something involving spaceships when most sci-fi already do that? Unoriginal!
>Why write a swords and magic story when most fantasy stories already do that? Unoriginal
So yea, it looks like a meaningless complaint to me.

"originality" is a meme by retards who don't understand much of anything involved in creativity because they've never worked on making something, only consumed.

what matters is how well executed something is.

>essayfag thread

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>waaah, I can’t read more than 100 words per post!

Cosigning this, give me a bertia anime please

>i'm writing the same things as people did 3 years ago as though it's some kind of revelation

>>i'm writing the same things as people did 3 years ago
Perhaps the same could be said of all shitposts on Yea Forums...

>>i'm writing the same things as people did 3 years ago as though it's some kind of revelation
this is true of pretty much anything. people regurgitate what they've seen, some without understanding it.