would you kiss a boy?
Would you kiss a boy?
I don't want AIDS.
Just kiss?
Only a chad would do that.
Already did
Hell no.
Not even if they were aesthetically pleasing in a way that would make me admit they are handsome at least.
I just can't go beyond that because i'm not actually a fruit or curious about being a fruit.
Not even a fucking trap would I lock lips with.
That boy in particular, sure.
Hmmm, he/she is what he/she thinks is. You should respect everyone no matter what.
99% of Yea Forums would rather kiss a trap then a female (female) despite their claims to a contrary.
i'd kiss a girl(male)
Glad to be the 1%
The 1% in the closet.
Already have, guess I could go again
Literally no.
At least not me.
Traps are gay, dude.
Traps are indeed gay, but you aren't fooling anyone claiming to be a s*raightoid
I'd kiss Hideri's lips, and then his butthole.
If he's cute and I don't have to see him ever again after he stops being cute, sure why not.
2d ones only.
I'm not some dirty whore, so yes, but only on forehead or cheek.
I would think that kissing a guy would be pretty much similar to kissing a girl.
Yeah, sure, why not.
And then lick his butthole
You don't know me.
Obviously, but I would need to sniff it first.
I'll be dammed if I don't
Like the way italians/greeks greet each-other? Sure
On the lips?
It would have to be a very convincing trap; and i'd have to be 15 IPAs deep.
>weebs turn out to be trannies again
>user on Yea Forums posting in a trap thread
>not gay
God I wish that were me.
You can't stop me
Who are trying to convince? Some random weebs online or you're self?
I mean, it's not like lips have a particualr standout feature that makes them one gender more than another. Kissing doesn't make you gay as much as Amerifat Biblebois try and tell you it does.
Really not kissing a dude is gayer than going "no way fag!"
In 2D sure, in 3D no. 2D aids probably looks like cat ears or something.
I would kiss him all over
I have when I was drunk
Yes, specifically him
Someone has to object to a question asked to anyone who happens to be lurking the board. That's how opinions work. We all got them, and yours probably hasn't been washed in a week. If I just said nothing, the thread would be full of gays. At least there's a little objection now and a false consensus cannot be pushed as easily.
Would you?
Hideri is my trapfu :3
Chocolate trap is the best
Boyish trap > Draw a girl, call it a boy
whats wrong?
scared of your own sexuality?
Get out of here, homo. Or I'll be forced to give you passionate kiss on the lips after forcing you to cosplay for me.
came here to post this piggy
didn't think much of it when I was reading the manga but fucking ufotable is making me gar all over again
I’d slap him silly if he tried that gay shit with me
Slap his ass you mean
well i guess i've got to continue kimetsu no yaiba now
That's not what is being discussed here
I kissed a boy
I liked it
Yeah I want to suck a dick desu
>tfw a pig turns everyone gay
s-sasuga ufotable