Inverse 3x3 thread

Inverse 3x3 thread

Attached: hate 3x3.jpg (3092x3264, 3.73M)

1/9 thread?

good taste for everything other than CuckXX

oh nevermind, inverse. you're retarded


But you should have waited until some time where there aren't TWO other kinds of 3x3 threads on the board already. Honestly, how difficult can it be to pay attention and not start spamming threads?

Attached: inverse3x3.png (999x999, 1.8M)

Too lazy to even do this shit, but I'd put One Piece 3 times, Highschool DxD 3 times and Eromanga Sensei 3 times.

everything you posted is not as bad as the op 3x3

Tastes differ, shithead. You're probably just a shounentard who grew up in the mid-2000s, haven't seen Smartphone and think that low-effort game-advertisments like Yugioh and Pokemon are great because they featur such thought out game mechanics.

Also, both grids have Franxx. Are you honestly saying that Franxx is not as bad as Franxx?

I fucking hate shonen
but it least it knows it for kids and doesn't pretend to be deep, you retard

DxD is literally the best ecchi of all time

>doesn't pretend to be deep
Oh, and what in OP's pic "pretends to be deep"?
Do you even know what you're talking about?
Anyway, overreactions like yours are typically caused by some kind of butthurt, so I have to assume you're a massive fan of at least one of these anime.

The pervy teen MC cliche is retarded, that's why I can't stand DxD and any of its shittier clones.

i don't like anything on the list
it's just basic shit

Well, okay. You still thought you had to complain about another list not being as bad (in your opinion). That tells me a lot about you.

>The pervy teen MC cliche is retarded
That's true for most harem anime/manga, user. Why single out Highschool DxD?

it was the fact that you think 5/10 of the ops are good when there all worse


>you think 5/10 of the ops are good
Either you can't read or you're really bad at elementary school maths.
I've said that I consider 3 of 8 "good". That's not 5 of 10, moron.
Those are, by the way: Utena, Bakemonogatari and a shared point between VEG, Jojo and Tatami Galaxy.
You can find them as shit as you want, but attacking people for not sharing your exact dislikes is exactly what a redditor would do. You do sound like one in other aspects as well. And now fuck off (or at least post a grid of your own), I'm growing tired of your shitposts.

Because it's one of the worst offenders out there, if not the worst.

I can't really say that I hate many things, but this one I do

Attached: HATE.png (892x892, 959K)

Because it's the most popular one and has a stupid name

I couldn't come up with nine so I put duplicates of one I really hate.

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fuck you isekai smartphone is based

3/9 means you hate 3/9
that's not how you do it moron

You hate Yotsuba? Are you Yanda or just a massive troll?

if i was a redditor i would like everything on these lists
that's the best anime fate though

>that's not how you do it moron
That's exactly how you do it. Ratings don't magically invert just because the grids are inverse. They're still "liked/seen". And now fuck off to where you came from.

madokas good
berserk and yotsuba are good

>me no like him so he thing i don't like

Attached: 57218036_2390789044307210_6065043577765888000_n retard.jpg (303x311, 23K)

>madokas good
Sure buddy... You like watching dipshit lolis continually make wrong choices, I don't.

I seemed to have missed the point of the thread, these are my favorites.

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Not him, but you're a fucking tard.

going by liked/seen


0/9 but these are all safe picks

1/5 only counting your name once

damn well... sorry bud

this thread definitely wont provoke any flaming or shitposting!

bonus points if you guess which grid is mine from the other 3x3 thread

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I'm sorry for your awful taste

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>bonus points if you guess which grid is mine from the other 3x3 thread
Maybe Do you also have one in the "character 3x3 thread"?

>best monogatari season
dumb contrarian faggot

people tend to watch anime for different reasons. with that said, not everyone watches it for fucking feet fan service and pretentious philosophy dumps.
Bake is the only good season.

>pretentious philosophy dumps
There is barely any, it's mostly just a coming-of-age story mixed some comedy you brainlet.

okay samefag

well your favs are shit
all monogatari

ah crap, i didnt notice that there was also a proper 3x3 thread. i guess it wouldnt be fair to make you guess now

the execution of my point was done poorly, you're right

>i guess it wouldnt be fair to make you guess now
The filename and the formatting give it away (unless I'm very mistaken):

good taste, all of those are dogshit
death note isn't great, but it's definitely not shit
pokemon, naruto, bleach and one piece are normalfag shittery, but they're still better than what OP posted
include all the other fates as well
parasyte manga was alright, anime was a bit stupid, the rest are fucking horrendous

>death note isn't great, but it's definitely not shit
If you care about good writing, it's among the biggest piles of shit out there.

>pokemon, naruto, bleach and one piece are normalfag shittery
They are worse than that: They are zero-substance. I prefer things that try something and fail to those that never even take risks. It's as simple as that.
And most of OP's picks are taking risks and try to distinquish themselves in some way.

So you prefer absolute dogshit to mediocre safe kids shows that get the job done? Fucking awful taste.

>absolute dogshit
Debatable. Some of them fail, some of them don't.

>mediocre safe kids shows that get the job done?
They don't "get the job done", moron. Unless you apply different standards to them than to other anime (which you obviously seem to do, because you let them get away with much more incoherency and meaninglessness than anything else in this thread).
At least you express yourself better than that other retard that thought it was sensible to attack me for not disliking the exact things he dislikes.

you sly user thats basically cheating, ill give you the point though

Pokemon was a marketing scheme designed to keep children watching each week so they were more inclined to purchase the games or the merchandise. It succeeded because children kept watching each week, and that hasn't changed in 20 years. Children wouldn't watch Pokemon if it was irredeemable, so it's obviously appealing to them. If you were able to understand that Pokemon is not a story, you would realise why it works.

to be honest dbs was at least entertaining and funny at some points

what's your 3x3?

so what, like a 3x3 for my least favorite shows? sure, why not.

Attached: Fucking garbage 3x3.jpg (3988x3988, 1.54M)

just cause its a toy commercial doesnt mean it has to suck user. gaogaigar is in my favorites after all.

i guess the real problem is that saying you didnt like pokemon is about as informative as saying you don't like potato salad.

might as well pick something like VEG that actually had effort put into it, at least then it'd be interesting to debate whether it actually worked or was garbage

ill admit i kek'd

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oh im retarded i forgot to rate
based for hating shin sekai yori but fuck you for everything else
all of you should kill yourselves
half agree half disagree. the manga for all the shounen here are perfectly fine but all the anime for them are garbage with the exception of desu note

>Pokemon was a marketing scheme designed to keep children watching each week so they were more inclined to purchase the games or the merchandise.
So your argument is that it's good because it's intentionally cheap and shallow and that it gets away with being badly written because it'S just a prolonged TV ad?
As I've said: You're applying very different standards.

>Children wouldn't watch Pokemon if it was irredeemable, so it's obviously appealing to them.
"Children like it, therefore good." is not an argument for quality.

>If you were able to understand that Pokemon is not a story, you would realise why it works.
Beer commercials work. Would you argue that beer commercials are a better artistic endevour than some film you might dislike? Again, you're not using the same standards, and all this post of yours does is underline that even more.

>funny at some points
I'm not sure it was intentionally funny though.

Pokemon doesn't suck at being a story anime because it's not a fucking story anime. Treat it like what it is: an advertisement. If an anime wasn't made to be good, don't think about it because it's unimportant. Pokemon shouldn't be your favourite, and it shouldn't be your least favourite. That's like saying the Volvo commercial on channel 4 is your favourite piece of film.

>Beer commercials work. Would you argue that beer commercials are a better artistic endevour than some film you might dislike?
It's not a fucking artistic endeavor, you shitbrain. Stop treating it like it is.

yes you are retarded
zoom zoom

some was intentional some wasn't
it was a good ride

With the exception of Franx if you think these anime/manga are bad then you have really shit taste.