Moot moved on, why haven't you?

Moot moved on, why haven't you?

Attached: 1562529088974.jpg (638x960, 250K)

I thought he was a fag

kid probably isnt his

moot will return and save us all one day

End me

Attached: 1373562993813.jpg (281x218, 23K)

Fake. He has a boyfriend now.

That ain't moot

Thats not moot at all

>that face
Either op is a fag or he got plastic surgery

fake and gay just like moot

Even if I were to become a normie, I would still be antinatalist. So, no thanks budd, no family time for me

this just goes to show that all we're missing is a thick jawline

Fake, this is an actual recent picture

Attached: IMG_20190707_222825.jpg (552x656, 85K)

Post the one with ZUN

I don't have massive website to sell for hard cash.

hiro needs to get his dirty paws off ma boy

the only good thing hiroshimoot has done is BTFO mandrama from Yea Forums

Did they fuck?

Those fucking murrican plucked out eyebrows. Absolutely disgusting.

Legit question:
Any idea if the baby it's already circumcised?

Attached: 1562294327973.gif (500x375, 148K)

That's not moot because moot is still a fucking cuck that now licks the bootheels of his Google overlords.


Damn Moot looks like THAT?

thats a girl

It would be black then.


Attached: mootxico.png (600x449, 568K)


At least they don't get arrested for not having a tv license

Thats not moot

The virgin moot
The Chad moot


definitely not his

Moot is like a gayer look Idubbbbbbbbbbbbbz

Seems like his.

I'm sure they put on this "selfless, self-righteous parent" facade while telling non-parents how they should live their lives. These smarmy scum should stop polluting the gene pool with their arrogance.