Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!

Who was the best Wataten?

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the fat one

my wife noa


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Mya-nee. Good lolis are a diamond dozen, hell, they're good just by virtue of being a loli. Mya-nee, however, is pure wife material.

>diamond dozen
dime a dozen, as in "there are twelve to a ten", very common

For all intensive purposes don't worry about it.

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

But her lolicon tendencies are the result of her being unfit to be a wife while still desiring the benefits of being one.

Mya-nee is eternal

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Miyako needs to make her own lolis

god damn it Abe is this another partt of your master plan to raise birth rates by depicting more realistic forms of women?

The only correct answer

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How would a paizuri from Mya-nee feel like?

It's gotta be hinata, right?

S2 when? Never, right?

Like fucking two pizza dough balls

soft and warm

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What's in that bottle?

Triggers my autism

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Mya-nee's urine.

she should drink some water

Noa and Hinata together.

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Why would anyone want to bottle urine?

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to drink it you fucking degenerate, what else?

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Obviamente, Noa.

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i came here to post this

Mya-nee is wife material and mother material too. Waifu.

Noa is the perfect daughteru.

Walked right into it

Why did you post a cropped image? There's nothing lewd about the full image.

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Hinata. With Noa and Kanon a very close second place.

Attached: Hinata used Body Slam.webm (1280x720, 190K)

Uh, what are they going to do if Hinata gets Noa pregnant? Hinata doesn't even have a job.


Girls can't get girls pregnant.

The ending theme when they go yuki yuki was really catchy and I caught myself humming it at work once.

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As a best girl expert I can see with total confidence that all of them were.


Mya-nee and her big fat floppy sweaty milk filled BOOBIES


>no Hana chan autists
Thank god, she is an overrated bitch with 0 personality except being Mya-nee`s obsession

Mya-nee the best girl obviusly

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hips too narrow, shit picture

did somebody say narrow?

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Please post THAT webm.

>no love for Matsumoto

Why you must hurt me Yea Forums?


>It's a 'comedy' show
>The only 'joke' is that the adult character wants to/does molest the child character(s)
>This 'joke' is repeated over and over throughout every episode
Everyone who likes this show is low-IQ by the way

Nice pasta.

no u



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Mynoa a best

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DO NOT, thanks

Why was NOA! so best? Mya-nee!!!!! was good but has nothing on NOA!

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If I enjoyed yama no susume will this show be fun too?

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It's even gayer than the mountain dykes, but Mya-nee is a fatty who never exercises.

Could someone post that gif

The one with the most votes.

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I read some reviews, and some people said that she isnt a pedo and just thinks hana is cute like you would think a puppy is cute. But then I watched and mya-nee is obviously soaking wet, fucking pervert she is

Myanee probably masturbates too.


That doujin where Mya-nee was using her breast milk on sweets and the others got addicted to it was great


too bad it was so fucking short

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Imagine going on a cute date with Noa haha

This one?

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Noa a best flend!

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O hai I optimized you're gif.

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Who was the third involved person that recorded the scene and sent it to Mya-nee?


Hoshino Noa

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I hate (You)

So what's this anime about?
Literally just a pedophile and lewd lolis or is it a Colors thing where they just got memed into lewddom?

I love absolutely everything about Noa. I just wanna be close to her and experience what it feels like to be inside of her.

Cute lolis doing cute things, nothing really lewd happens.

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Its about a young adult woman using candy to trick kids in to posing for camera

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Which Wataten do you want to _be_?

I miss this show and every single of its characters.

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It was a good show. Characters wete cute and the show was funny.

>doggy dog
>huge ship on your shoulder
>kids Nsync
>comes around is all around
>down to brass stacks
>the pants in this relationship
>petal to the medal
>flying carpets
What those are supposed to be? I understood what other things are, but not these.
t. esl

Dog eat dog world
Chip on your shoulder
Nsync is a band
A song from ten years ago
Brass tacks, idiom
Pants in the relation, idk
Petal to the metal
>flying carpets
Peach of cake, but piece of cake

Pedal to the metal

>flying carpets
Flying colors

Hinata, then rape Noa.

It's not rape if she's into you

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There's a girl I like (hint: she has blond hair and is super cute) and I think she likes me too. The only problem: I am more than three times her age. What should we do?

Go back to your own board already, blogposter.

Every other character was boring.

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Shes the one fucking her tho

Learn to cook and make het sweets

Do men exist in the wataten world?

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Yes, but not anywhere near the girls. You can have a gay orgy, but that's it.


>grooming children for sexual abuse by making cakes

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Mya-nee is probably the most wife-material character in all anime.

She'll work as a genki.

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I agree.

Men gather around mustastations

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What would "it" be like if Noa was your girlfriend?

>dog eat dog
>chip on your shoulder
>everything but the kitchen sink
>down to brass tacks
>wears (instead of makes) the pants in the relationship
>Pedal to the metal
>Flying colors

Very :3

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What's this character about?

Lesbiotic :3's.

A smug erocute goddess.

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10 year old lesbian

smug but caring

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>looks like a completely smug slut
>is actually nice and pure
Why aren't there more characters like her?
Also, all WataTen's are straight (at least the JS). Yurishits can please leave.

Hinata may look a bit boyish but I can assure you she's a girl.

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Don't bother with that shitposter.

She's a girl and also straight. Why do yurifags always interpret friendship as sexual attraction?

Sorry but Kanon is a complete dyke
Koyori isn't though and it will be heartwrenching when kanon will inevitabily get rejected

Because it clearly causes asspain for you.

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It does. I just don't understand what you gain by lying about their sexuality. They're elementary school students.

What did she meant by this?

because he has fun making you annoyed obviously

They actually dont exist desu

Stop talking to the yurihating shitposter who goes to yuri thread just to insist that yuri manga in yuri manga magazines aren't yuri at all. It just encourages his garbage.

More like Whataflop

and it still looks like shit

But my dick is erect

Hinata mentioned her dad existing

Is this ACK

Are you retarded? ACK's writing style is completely different and he doesn't give a shit about the real problems in yuri threads.


God I want to ravage Noa's body.

I liked the ending theme

Wow, besides being a complete retard you even try to summon the dude


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why are her toes so pronounced, what the hell is with those socks

Looks like her testies are about to pop

toe socks

>there are people right now, right here on this board, who think she doesn't specifically do this to attract men (potential breeding partners)
Hard to believe people could be so stupid.

t.seething loliconshitter with a microdick

She's still a kid!

She's very mature for her age

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[duck noises]

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