Vinland Saga

So what did you think of the first three episodes? Also reminder that Askeladd is based as fuck.

Attached: askeladd.png (1920x1080, 1.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Very comfy. Also am starting to like the OP since it reminds me of Kaiji S2 OP.

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So the Dad's gonna die next episode?

CG during the fight scenes at the start was a bit offputting but at least it wasn't Berserk or Overlord levels of bad. Judging from some of the PVs it seems like not all the fight scenes will use CG, the Thorfinn vs Thorkell one in particular looks pretty good.

Attached: fight1.webm (720x404, 2.78M)

Not even 2min passed from first episode and they already had a scene with Thorkell
Im in love with the show

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Reminder that Thors is a deserter and Floki did it all for Baldr's boipussy. Don't pretend you wouldn't do the same

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Mangafags, how's the adaptation?

>tfw no big viking sis to share warmth with in bed

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 01 [1080p].png (1920x1080, 743K)

It's great. They started with the flashback but it works fine so far

It's not that faithful because fuck WIT

Looks good also heard they gonna add some extra backstory which wasnt in the manga

Attached: fight2.webm (720x404, 2.76M)

Askeladd made the fucking story what it was. A part of it died with him.

>Thorkell looking like he's having the time of his life.

I thought summer season gonna be a shit, but this animu redeeming all other crap

feel like watching this again

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Thats basically Thorkell in every fight he had ever

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I was surprised at how awesome it turned out. The crappy CGI didn't bother me at all. Overall kino as fuch.
Pretty much amazing.

The ED should have been this

hinga dinga durgen

Jesus christ this looks so bad. Thorkell doing some sort of dimensional slash, Thors literally just casually mowing down bodies like they're made of paper.

Thanks for posting these, I'm not bothering watching it, I'll keep the good memories from the manga.

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>"fight" is guy killing like 30 people who don't react
Is the whole series going to be like this?

Little did Ari know this shitty proposal would actually work and he'd breed a 10/10 vikingfu three times and probably more in the future.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 03 [1080p].png (1920x1080, 1.93M)

Go die in a ditch, retard

>bleach fag

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>has the nerve to call anything trash while posting bleach
My sides.

he wasn t even alive back then

>Askeladd made the fucking story what it was. A part of it died with him.
First part you got completely right. Not so much for the second. Vinland Saga was a story about the path to peace from volume one.

Askeladd? More like Askechadd.

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Very sad best girl won't be animated.



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Damn, you're right. He's like 10 or something? Well he's cute so it's okay anyway

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Was good before the woman started singing.

Þungur hnífur

Attached: Thorfinn.jpg (1280x720, 419K)

Thors is supposed to be pretty much the best fighter ever.

time to expand my Thorkell pic stash
tnx user

you'll be the one getting raped bud

Attached: vin sleep.jpg (1920x1080, 148K)

>random reaction pic
>you're an x fag reee
Like clockwork.
Please set yourselves on fire.

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bummed they went straight to thorfinn's childhood.

Why did the first 3 episodes release at once?

You make that sound like a bad thing. Please tell me nothing bad happens to her.

they are taking a break. episode 4 release july 28th and then it will continue to be weekly.

How do I achieve Thors mode?

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It's like Berserk started with Golden Age

Like it or not, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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She becomes a mommy of three.

where can i get/watch it with subs guys

She's fine. She gets married to Ari and they have three kids.

Just get it from the usual place.


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>Moeshit reactionpic

Is there any rape?

>hurr this looks like shit how come everyone has superpowers
>same series that had Askeladd casually bisect some nigger with an axe with an "oopsies" look on his face and was best known 10 years ago for that time Thorkell punched a horse
Why did you retards even give him (You)s? VS was never entirely grounded in realistic action

She gets to cry a bit but in the end she'll be fine

i really dont see why they couldn't have aired the episodes normally since its a three week break, but yeah WIT is fairly dumb. i couldn't be surprised if they did a split cour

Get proper nutrients from healthy livestock.

Attached: thorfinn perparing for farmland saga.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

Some imminent rape when Thorfinn is sleeping in a haystack and some dudes come in dragging a girl along. They ask if he wants to join but he leaves.

>all the incest /ss/ doujins that will spawn from this
Sometimes life is okay

>not saving the slag
Not gonna be any Lagerthas in this one, is there?

Nice song user.

Literally no strength on any blow, this shit went even more shonen than the manga

Attached: THIS.png (392x200, 40K)

To be fair, that was Thorfinn in his edgelord phase.

You mean some feminist power wank character? No. There's Hild but she's just an annoying cunt with a crossbow. Any half decent fighter could cleave her skull open in a few seconds.

i wonder if IMAI will pull some great sakuga off.

Wait so they dumped all three episodes early? And now we're going to wait for two more weeks before the new one?

White-fag much mad nihongo people didn't key in thousands of hand drawn frames so he can buy the blue-ray and keep it on a shelf.

Yes, aren't you happy?

I can work with that. 3 episode rule has won out.

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>you lived long enough to see a decent adaption of vinland saga

Always bet on WIT

How hairy is her pussy?

I read a long time ago that medieval people actually shaved. Could be untrue tho

just watched the first episode and why does it just look so fucking ugly?
wish any studio but wit did it

not if you’re looking for CUT content. and with an even lower budget than shingeki no kyojin, it won’t entirely be eye candy

Read this

>VS getting doujins
Do doujin artists even bother with anything but mobage these days?

yeah nice one

I don't get how this is a problem, an episode a week.

Great water.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 03 [720p].webm (720x404, 1.35M)

> hairy onee-san /ss/ gentlefemdom doujins

Attached: Full erect.gif (598x386, 1.45M)

My nigger.

Attached: thumbs up.jpg (456x337, 20K)

Only doujins you are getting are yaoi ones and MAYBE one YlvaxThorfinn /ss/ doujin.

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Poor animeonlyfags, they've not felt the joy of fapping to Ylfa for the last decade

isn't this just a regular relationship

we don’t get any episodes for three weeks because they decided to air the three episodes now. the 28th is when episode four would air normally, and it still is airing on the 28th

Will they do this legendary meme scene justice?

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 03 [720p]1.webm (720x404, 252K)

Name a more BASED character, I'll wait

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> longboats
> on land
is this just a elaborate power move / intimidation tactic

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I am already accepting that they'll CGI it fully.

I literally can't.

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We both know they won't

his death was the death of the manga

To help with the 3 episode rule.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 03 [720p]2.webm (720x404, 263K)


I swear it will be hard to fuck up this up

Vikings do the attack on wourder so these based vikings attack on land.

No episode for the next 3 weeks?


> heh vikings wont use longboats on land
did D n D have a hand in this

yep. ep4 airs on july 28th

so much keks

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Reminder to ignore the mentally retarded phoneposter. He's been shitting these threads up nonstop out of pure spite.

Vikings was a total shitshow, even costumes were a joke. Vinland saga put it to shame in terms of visuals at least,

Will we see the vikings KINO in the anime format?

Attached: Vikings.jpg (1332x850, 297K)

Vikings did that shit all the time. Longboats are quite light.

>we kinda-off forgot viking long-boats weigh 10tons

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>next episode airs in 20 days and 17 hours

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Well maybe they took the cargo off, eh?

Do you know what the fuck cargo means?

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This is the same series where a guy sends a horse flying with one punch along with the person riding it. The same guy casually tosses around boulders and tree trunks too. Just shut the fuck up already.

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was three episodes at a time worth it? if you guys have self control i recommend watching an episode a week at the normal air time

Come one now.

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I'll just reread the manga during the break.

Yeah, I read the manga anyways and no over expectation from the adaptation.

Got bored to tears a dozen of times and I'm still wondering how I got through that.

Dropped after the next batch, when the father die.

pretty great so far

i am joking dont feed me to the wolves

first episode was an 8/10 then 2+3 were a strong 9/10
Basedladd is going to steal the show

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Is Ep 4 coming out next week?
Or do we have to wait longer?

read the fucking thread


But most importantly FUCK VIKINGS

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>it takes a bunch of nips to finally deliver a Viking show without stupid costumes, strong feminist shield maidens that need no man or shoehorned minorities

This is my wife Canute. Say something nice about him

Attached: vin canute.jpg (1920x1080, 961K)


Why do every old timey show always go for the black leather gay biker aesthetic. I hate it so much.

fr*ck off

D&D made everybody think "studded" leather was a thing that actually existed.

angles, saxons and vikings were all pretty much the same people

He has awesome wave-bending powers.

They spoke slightly different languages and had different names for the same gods, that's more than enough reason for them to kill each other.

canut really pisses me off post timeskip

Just makes me remember the times when Vinland Saga was good. I hope it will have anime original ending and no farmshit.

>next dozen episodes confirmed to be GOAT just because askechad is in it

>You just have to put up with Viking martial arts, inexplicable Japanese values in a european setting and an arc about farming that went on for long enough people argued that the manga should have changed its name

have you read any sagas? this is pretty tame compared to them

based as fuck. animeshills need to be gassed

>Yea Forumsfags drooling on a shit "historical drama" series based from a Kirk Douglas movie that tramples on both historical and mythical records of the Viking conquest.

Attached: Askeladd.jpg (318x518, 96K)

>this is my first seinen why couldn't we just keep carrying longboats forever.png

I mean, about as similar as latins and greeks, no?

And yet, he's the one who came the closest to achieving a peaceful society than Thorfinn's failed attempt at colonizing Greenland.

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Hopefully the water will be as good through out the series

>why couldn't we just keep carrying longboats forever
This but unironically

Oh yeah? Provide examples

Reminder that Thorfinn's son goes full Dues Vult and brings Christianity to the filthy pagans of Iceland.


not that user, but basically all of them, e.g. Njal, Egil, Laksdøla, the list could go on... -- and in short: read a fucking book, nigger

Maybe the real Vinland was Jesus all along

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Only about to watch it now. I just hope the CG isn't as bad as I've heard.

It's not too bad.

Holy shit man, people were saying you were dead. Welcome back.
>I just hope the CG isn't as bad as I've heard.
It's mostly just in the first scene very briefly. It's honestly not that bad. Other than that the anime is gorgeous.

t.roastie still mad about attack on titan success

spoiler retard

Read the manga fag.

>ends when shit finally gets good
These next few weeks of waiting are going to be a pain

Fuck off animeonly.

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not him, but snk adaptation is dogshit. of course its successful because of animeonly normalfags. anyone with a brain will tell you that the manga is obviously better

There you are. What happened with the last chapter? Were you on vacation or something?

I was just busy and the last 2 chapters have been both short and rather unsubstantive in plot progression, so I deprioritized it. I'll just release them together along with this month's chapter when it comes out.

>why couldn't we just keep carrying longboats forever
Why is that? It was fun and everyone liked it more.

I can't wait for the Canute kino

Attached: vin12.png (1710x1200, 681K)

excellent so far

Farmland saga working as a pleb filter as intended. It's okay, not everyone has what it takes to become a true warrior.

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Any news on Historie?

this x100

>8 sheep for a dying man

>3 weeks to next episode

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Why is smug Thorfinn so based? He needs to channel his inner Askeladd more often.

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That spear throw scene was pretty fucking cool, thought the mercenaries were just going to be some fools who get played by the elite force, nice to see they are badass too.

these thread's have already gone to shit because of the anime only's. maybe it should of just stayed a manga. FUCK . i FUCKING HATE ANIME ONLIES

I almost wish I was an animeonly just to experience the madlad that is Askeladd for the first time again. You're in for a ride.

They've also gone to shit because ESLs like you won't fuck off.

built for based black men

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.16_[2019.07.07_22.01.09].jpg (1920x1080, 296K)

Nope. Iwaaki still hasn't resumed it, which is odd, since this is much longer of a break than usual for Iwaaki. However, has set the release date of volume 11 on July 23, meaning that Iwaaki is most definitely done retouching the artwork for that. So if I had to bet, there'll either be a new chapter this month or the next.

>throws his own people under a bus during a cold winter for some dying toilet cleaner
Thors is a dumbass

>implying he didn't fake his own death.
You know we will meet him again in Constantinople.

Canute >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Griffith.

Sorry Yea Forums, there isn't a single black person in this entire series. Try Netflix for satisfying your cuck fetish.

I'm glad to be pleb if that is a pleb filter. It was just pure garbage.

So is episode 4 next week or are they gonna re-air 2?

>I won't kill anyone
>in a manga based on viking era
There's a limit to a retardness.

Did the author ever go back to polish his art from the earlier volumes?

At least we'll get muslims in Miklagard

>it's viking era so everyone was an edgy 15yo psychopath like me and has to kill all the time lmao

i want to fuck canute

>manga is obviously better

>shitty art
>no hiroyuki sawano ost

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Nice strawman.

It tends to work better In manga format I think. Just from the nature of the medium being more focused on key images and moments rather than real time

More or less, yeah. You either kill, or end up like that priest.

Wow, you discovered why pacifism is interesting in this setting. Congratulations.

>strawman meme

isayama's art is top kino, brainlet. just because the OST isn't in the manga doesn't mean you aren't a retard who can't read.

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Early Canute is fun, but I don't really like him after he turns into Daenerys. Though the talking head scenes are pretty amusing in a creepy way.

Yes I absolutely meant everyone should just be killing everyone at all times.

Yeah, that's the point. He's reaching for an ideology that is extremely difficult to make it work in that era, and in doing so, he gets shit from everyone around him who grew up accepting violence as a natural aspect of life.

Thanks for clearing that, and also to the work you do btw.

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>that time when some dude killed a farmhand for riding his favorite horse so the farmhand’s dad spends the better part of a year gathering up an army to then go to the dude’s house, tie up all of his men upside down to a tree, slice their achilles’ tendons and let them slowly bleed out before proceeding to mindbreak the dude by throwing his favorite horse off a cliff, burning down the temple he spent years building and forcing him into slavery

You have no idea

canute is definitive fucked in the head it will be interesting to see what role he plays in the future. as we haven't really seen him recently at all in the manga.

Yes? That's what you said.

Mispronounced his Welsh name utterly.


/s, but I am Welsh.

I figured this show would draw all the newfags and redditors but it's still hard to watch the threads go to shit this fast

RIP Vinland threads

Oh you are just an idiot, my bad.

>hurr it's retarded that he doesn't want to kill because MUH VIKING ERA
>i-i didn't say that lmao
ok kid

>Mispronounced his Welsh name utterly.
Okay to be fair? FUCK WELSH NAMES.

That's not interesting at all. Being pacifist is stupid today and it was just completely retarded back then.

> muh all human life is precious
fucks sake

>inserting and comparing GoT tv shit tier to Canute's moral questionings, not to mention the way they handled the Targaryen Madness
Yea Forumsnon was right, animeonly normie fags make threads worse

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give it a while for the hype to die out. the normie fags will go back to their assorted threads when they get disappointed because there is no lolis

This is why I said you are stupid, no reading comprehension.

Get lost edgelord

Attached: trigun.jpg (1280x1772, 661K)

>Hacksayama can't even remember what happened 1 chapter before

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Oh sorry nobody knows how to pronounce shit like Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch (actual welsh name)

>comparing history based story to Shirow's Sci-Fi hijinks

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I can tell from this post you're part of the problem.

People insisting on faithfulness are the reason so many adaptations are shit. Studios go out of their way to adapt the works panel by panel instead of thinking of how they could take better advantage of the medium or fix some inconsistencies that the author retconned later on

21 pages in 2 days due to overworked schedule and exhibition

At least I don't think it's retarded that a traumatized child soldier would want to stop killing even if he lives in MUH VIKING ERA which happens to be the very reason he wants to stop it

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And that's why they keep fucking up

Defending your family or country is not edgy.

Dany was already frothing at the mouth and killing ruthlessly before s5 began and the show went to shit.
>"animeonly normie fags" when talking about the manga
oh this was bait, my bad

kill yourself and go back

You don't even know what you are talking about. It's like you were complaining about two different types of people and you clearly don't understand either. You're the normalfag, user.

>but I am Welsh
no you're not, burger.

I hated Trigun. Actually I think I always get mad at pacifist protagonist, they are just done in such stupid and simple way.

That's Nightow tho but i agree with you user

He should have just kept on farming and the story should have ended then.

Go back, Plebdittor

Yeah,they fucked up SNK so hard its now one of the most iconic anime of the 10s. Get fucked.

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>defending your famiily or country
I think you should just drop Vinland saga right now.

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>its popular therefore the adaptation was good

I'm for sale.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 01 [720p]_00:13:30_38.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

That's what he plans to do, just in a different location

I did. Though I always end up checking if it became good again.

oh yes i am the normal fag pls tell me about how since I have a gf I don't belong on Yea Forums. superior neet fag

Iconic AKA over rated, it's just another 3/10 shounen.

>its popular therefore the adaptation was shit
That's proper Yea Forums's logic right there

You're only proving my point. Go back.

So he and you are both similarly retarded then?

Hope the anime ends when Askeladd dies, because the cool part of the story ends there.

Wish they showed first battle and manlet lord.
Same with berserk - action and badass MC introduction first, tragic backstory - later.
Also it ruins Askeladd for animeonly, in manga he is that smug guy that gets all the treasures and leaves with smile and crown on his head, so first impressions of him is great, and only later you learn that he killed Thors. Here he will be remembered as an assassin and thug, until his backstory shown.

He's supposed to be retarded, as Thorkell pointed out just a couple chapters ago. But I guess you are too retarded to understand that

Our subjective opinions are worthless. You cannot ignore the fact its iconic. The manga would literally be axed right now if it wasn't for the anime. Had the adaptation been shit if wouldn't have been so well known.

based and redpilled. askeladd's death was the downfall.

The fights in the manga have actual weight and sense of motion despite being stills.
The anime is just pathetic.

It will never become "good again" for you.
From the very beginning what you considered good was just a shortstop of Thorfinns character development.
If you seriously believe that Vinland Saga and Thorfinn will return to violence focus then you dont understand the author, as unsubtle as he is.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-07-07 23.29.05.png (1600x900, 644K)

>Had the adaptation been shit if wouldn't have been so well known.
that does not make sense. most of the people who watched the first season are animeonlies and are also retarded. snk was also popular as fuck, so it wouldn't have gotten axed if it didn't get an anime. watch s3p1 and say to me with a straight face that the anime is better. you would be a brainlet.

Go shag some sheep, Llywelyn.

SnK was one of the hottest new shonen manga when it came out even before the anime was made.

Absolute trash.

Wasn't the reason S3P1 got butchered exactly because Isayama admitted that almost nobody liked it in the manga?

do you really believe he drew that panel? lol. Its clear much of the Marley arc is drew by assistants

For comparison this is from the most recent chapter which he drew almost entirely himself. You can tell because of how terrible the chapter looked

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uprising was pleb filter, much like the farming arc of vinland saga. its a shame isayama is retarded about his own arc. at least we can expect that if WIT does a season two of vinland, they might not change the arc around.

have sex

>do you really believe he drew that panel?
yes. maybe not the background, but he drew the people.
also the pages were rushed for for 119. isayama left an author note about it.

Will this anime have nudity?

Cool monument that lights up at night too. Sunnmøre chads where you @.

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I'm welsh and what the fuck are you talking about, there wasn't a single welsh name said in the entire 3 episodes.

And his other name is roman, not welsh.

I haven't been keeping up with the news, why did they release 3 episodes at once?

To give us blueballs waiting for the next one.

For 70 chapters and then a jarring whiplash. It's just stupid.

I don't remember anyone asking you a goddamn thing

But they can achieve the same thing by releasing it on a weekly basis.

Maybe as a tactic to get people to signup for amazon prime trials.

Edgefinn adventures last for like a bit over 30 chapters in total

3 weeks wait all at once is pretty bad, especially when they didn't even finish the flashback during these three eps.

Everything before Farmland is literally called "The Prologue" and Farmland starts around chapter 55 and not 70 IIRC.

>The Prologue
I'm pretty sure it's only after the fact. It was a shounen in the beginning too, the author is a hack.

What exactly do you define as "after the fact".
The last chapter of the first part is called "The End of The Prologue".
This is getting stupid.

Yeah, but it went Berserk level retarded when the chick with the crossbow and the tomboy showed up.

l-listen guys... I'm norwegian, and I've barely, if ever, seen any scandinavian characters in anime. I never thought the day would come when I would familiar names, both of places and people... especially Askeladden
The beautiful bastard is names after a beloved, obscure, troll murdering norwegian fairytale hero
I am so happy

Attached: askeladden.jpg (652x494, 42K)

Am I going nuts or was that motorcycle studio logo originally for MAPPA and not Wit Studio

no, I saw this on dororo

>Vinland Saga threads used to make fun of filtered plebs
>now they're all back
Filtered edgelords, get out

Attached: nevershouldhavecomehere.png (912x599, 721K)

why can thr characters just jump 10 meters high? It's really unrealistic for them to do that

Yes this is the thing breaking my sense of immersion.
Not Thorkell having a dimension slashing axe.
Or Thors being able to bisect people like they are made out of paper.
But them jumping really high OHNONONONONO how am i supposed to believe that???

Thanks for the correction
As much as Gantz or any other run of the mill shonenshit

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It doesn't have anything to do with him though, the author probably just liked the name. They did mention Harald Haarfagre in the first episode too, exposing that Icelanders descend from eternal cucks.

If you want realistic fights you better drop it right now.

i dont give a fuck what you niggerz say hild is the best girl.

I saw it in Karakuri Circus and thats Studio VLON (???) or something according to MAL.

oh my god Leif "the guy who discovered 'murica before Columbus" Erickson is here
someone hold me

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Are there any books about Norwegian fairy tales?

it was good i liked it, im so fucking tired of pseudo-videogame-fantasy that felt refreshing

So episode 4 will end the flashback. Then episode 5 is anime-only stuff about Thorfinn's first kills and maybe the Ylva bonus chapter? Then 6 could be the Frankish fort and 7 could be Thorfinn vs. Askeladd duel plus the first English war chapter? Hard to predict desu senpai

Yeah, I'm liking it so far but I do wish the fights were a bit less Dynasty Warriors-esque

its an anime... yeah some of the characters were real people and the big events are largely historically accurate but there is plenty of creative licence used throughout.
not sure why you were expecting anything different

yeah I remember seeing it in dororo and kokkoku as MAPPA
I wonder if they're all part of the same parent company

NGL, Leif's travels filler gaiden episodes would've been better


user why are you so negative?

There's so little left of the flashback that I'm assuming the first half will be the end of the flashback and the second half the anime original stuff.

Asbjornsen and Moe made a collection of Norwegian fairy tales like the Brothers Grimm did for German Fairy tales

best part was where the chad anglos btfo of the faggoty Danes having homo times in the river

its a cartoon

>guy gets shot with arrow
>barely notices it
>it doesn't leave even the slightest wound
What gives?

i hope that all anime onlies die of cancer desu

Could be, yes. I might be remembering wrong how long they chat before Thors kicks the bucket

You don't notice wounds in battle.

He was wearing gambeson and chain mail I think

he's the Troll, they heal super fast

Thors is level 100 Jesus.

he was wearing armour

His muscles were flexed to hard for mere iron to pierce them

Thanks for the hint

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this is very inaccurate because even Canute is a christian and ends up btfoing vikings.


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the reference is still appreciated

Reminded me how much I love this series. I'm happy it seems to be getting a good adaption.

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Canute basically turns into a satanist when he says fuck you to god

fuck no, it's finally gotten readable instead of edgy shounenshit

Did he plant the seeds for Anglicanism?

canute loves god. idk what you mean proved proof or fuck off.

wasn't in manga said that the name meant something like "born from ash" because he was spending all the time with the smith or something?

What? He thinks God is evil because muh love

Askeladd literally means "Ash Child", and yeah, he cleaned the smithy

Askeladd is a nickname meaning Ash Lad, which I think means someone who helps the smith by blowing embers or something. It's usually a job for useless old people, so I think the manga character and the folk hero having that as their name is supposed to say something of their perceived potential or their innocuousness.

god is lover nigger.

>tfw your real name is torfinn

Brailet here
Why did Leif believed in Virgin Mary?

Tell that to Canute

Read the manga or fuck off you fucking retard.

Yeah, that's what he thinks until he realizes how fucked up the world is and decides that he will build his own paradise because God won't give it to them

Many Norsemen were Christian at this point. It varies from country to country but I think in the next 50 years or so Scandinavia and Iceland will be Christian except for some parts of Sweden.

>The last chapter of the first part is called "The End of The Prologue".
This is after the fact. "it was just the prologue, sike!"

>hurr strong independent womyn genuis that somehow didn't get enslaved after being found in the woods

>hurr strong independent tomboy who didn't somehow get the shit kicked out of her after running away from being married off

>hurr muh Floki was only the baddie to because he cared for his cute shota

>hurr Halfdan's son ends up being some good guy greg bullshit

But yeah, that's not so bad. You know what's really retarded?
Thorkell just let Thorfinn go... without a fight.
That was fucking inexcusable.

I'm half expecting Askeladd to come back as some cool wine uncle.

Thanks user

yall really think canute is a atheist


What? He's not an atheist. He believes in god but he considers him evil

Umm I hope I am wrong but you realize that atheism means not believing in god and not hating god, right?
A person who hates god is clearly not an atheist as you have to believe in the existence of god to hate him.

Just becuase you want to become god does not mean that you are not a christian retards.

Okay, I checked. The flashback still has 5 chapters left. Even though they are pretty action-packed it's hard for me to see them going through them in half a episode.

What the fuck are you talking about? He doesn't want to become a god and nobody has said that he's not a christian. Do you speak English?

Impressive reading comprehension.

There is a lake behind the castle, they are bringing the boats overland from a nearby river so they can sail towards the unprotected pier.

Basedkelchadd's laugh during that scene in the PV is so infectious.

True, Anglos should had been drowned in their sleep, and their babes tossed to the sea when they were born, and the world would be a better place now.

Your language abuses the letters L and Y so thoroughly that mispronouncing welsh words is an act of mercy.

yes it means (the)"ash boy" or "ash lad. In the fairytales he is called that because he spends all day playing/digging in the ashes of the fire/oven/thing

Ohhhh, so they pronounce it like Aschelad because of this?
The more you know huh.

Fuck now I wish AD Astra and Historie got an anime.

I stopped reading Vinland a long time ago. In that farm segment, did it went more forward?

Well, they pronounce it like that because that's how the norse pronounciation works for a word like that, not because of the english word.

Farmland saga has ended. We are now in the merchant saga

It's not really a norse name so I don't see how you would know the correct norse pronunciation of it

I thought they pronounced it incorrectly tho?
A bunch of people claimed so.

We know they carried them from river to river.

Also I haven't watch the show yet so I don't know if it's something dumber than a whole crew lugging it between rivers.

.... I wonder if archeologists will ever find the remains of one deep in a forest, abandoned because something happened to the crew.

It probably wouldn't be preserved unless it sank into a swamp or something

Hey guys how's the manga going? Any sign of something like an end?

Didn't it take ten volumes for him to say "End prologue"? Like wtf how long is this thing going to be?

That's not how... wood works. The only ships they've found are from graves I'm guessing

It predates them an awful long time.

Go watch Jason and the Argonauts, the fifties one.

End is nowhere near. Probably over a hundred chapters left and that's still assuming he doesn't come up with more arcs that we can't predict

Cool I will pick it up again.

You know, there is tons of euro comics that do good historical shit but are so buried and have no advertisement, and its been so dead lately. Kinda bothers me Japs do more historical drama comics these days than we. Its sad.

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Not close to the end, it's clear they want to make it for a long time. I hope the next arc is better than the Baltic one, it's the only arc I haven't liked.

Fuck me that was way better than i was expecting. God bless WIT.

They are currently doing a long, long, long trading arc.
After that we will probably have the actual Vinland arc left.


I know. I'm just spitballing that something like that would be neat. A spooky abandoned camp with the clear remains of a hull or something.

No idea it was ever translated.

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They've gotten preserved in swamps and bogs. Or the exact kind of water, like the Dead Sea. It's not very common, but yeah, they've found a few.

Thanks guys.

So minimum 1.5 arcs left, but really who knows?

I loved Planetes, one of my favorite manga and anime of all time, so I wanted a huge chunk of Vinland piled up before I started. I guess with the anime around I might as well start.

That's all I need, coincidentally, I'm actually translating these kind of comics albeit, at a really slow pace, mind you.

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God's work user. Save all these euro comics. They deserve to be reborn one day.

Not before we go through Rus

Please post on Yea Forums whenever you get things done. Also thanks. Also if you've already posted things, lol whoops I'm out of the loop.

Eurocomics to me tend to look fantastic, have neat details, but are too short for any real deep dive character creation. They're sort of more like a fantastic themed artbook than a story.

Can't wait for Thorfinn to practice fishing in Russian rivers for 50 chapters while anons are pulling their hair out

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They are usually short because they are very dense.

This one I posted is 92 pages but the dude went to crazy detail to make the portuguese battle as authentic and historically correct as possible.

I do agree I wish they were longer.

Vinland Saga pacifism is anything but stupid and simple

I can't wait for people to complain or meme about swedish vikings actually doing something.


Much better than I thought it'd be CG wise, I'm bummed out knowing what happens though, fuck Askeladd.

I'll be sure to make fun of how fucking boring and irrelevant Swedish vikings were when we get to it

Exactly. Rich in detail in art, short on emotional nuance in story. It's a frustrating mix. I can't exactly blame an artist for not doing 300 pages of work like that on a single character or subject, but it leaves the work a bit frustrating for me.

There's like an arc between Japanese comics, American comics, and European comics between how dense they are and how much they dive into all aspects of their story.

I really think American comics would be the best if not for the utter lack of good writers and artists these days.

Who knows, maybe we'll get to see them put some finns in the bins.

The show died with Ragnar, Aetlestan and Eckebert

You know what bothers me? There are tons of historical accurate works from the early to the late medieval period, that shows how battles actually worked. But because Hollywood has no sense of historical accuracy and the avegare american viewer couldn't care less about things like history of geography, we are inundated by awful tactics and free for all scrimmages in everything. At least that Scipio Africanus series they are making in Spain hired the original author and some other history professors, so there is still hope it wont suck.

>Everybody is a hack who tries to do something interesting
The only reason Vinland stays so popular is because it tries to do actual character development. Current Sigurd story is the best example of that.

I just wish i could have sex at this point desu.

go fuck a whore then

I'm Finnish so I sometimes fantasize that they stop by here even though it won't happen

no they all come from germanic tribes, they pretty much ethnically cleansed the Keltoi living in Great Britain

How come? I thought it was a place filled with atheists and Muslims.

This is what I've done so far, previously posted pic is the current project

Do you have to get close to Finland to pass down into Rus? Then they might stop there, just to make a point about vikings raiding everywhere. They did raid the finns, but not as much as everywhere else.

Trading slavs was probably a more lucrative business anyway.

>Japanese works better for pronouncing Icelandic words than English

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I have a feeling we'll see some Finnish characters.

Swedes were probably the most pagan out of the Norse countries back then.

Why did the quality of the manga drop so hard after chapter 100? The anime should just end with Thorfinn coming home with an end card telling you to go read the actual story of Thorfinn Karlsefni.

Yes writers are complete shit, and everything is in a swamp of cape stuff.
But there are good artists.

I would settle for short and sweet instead of epic and meandering like manga.
Wolfsmund felt more like Euro comics in structure but had all the emotion of a manga.

Shit that captain alatriste is high art, chasing that for aeons now. Fucking thank you user.

What the FUCK did they mean by this?

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It depends on which route you take. There's a river route that goes through where modern day St. Petersburg is but there's also a route that goes through the Baltics or Poland or something. Either way there's nothing for them to do in prehistoric Finland

A man can dream

From the anime director

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I mean, when you say in the next 50 years it will turn to christian, you mean in this century?

i dont recall even one

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this director is boring af and you can't deny it
the guy had only directed inuyashiki up until now

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>In Vinland there are no slaves

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maybe when you grow up you can learn to be a true warrior

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How he dies? Spoil me.

It's very likely they wanted to hook the audience and start with the backstory stuff in one go

They messed up, she isn't as funny and doesn't make fun of thorfinn when he goes to get a sword

gets drunk and falls into sea

canute kills him, but you wouldnt know canute

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The story started in 1002. In a little over 100 years I think the Crusader king of Norway goes to Sweden to btfo some more heathens, and those are the last openly pagan people in Scandinavia.

no problem, glad you liked it, tho watch out for deleted posts, I fucked up a bit along the way

thors beats him up next episode

Is the pacing always this slow?

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Helga I mean dunno why I replied to you

Jesus thats one SWOLE cow.

I think it was smarter. Sure you could bait plebs with the frank fortress pre-flashback, but that'd take 2 episodes at least and you'd lose all your serious watchers in the process.

Better to be upfront and show that this is more a series about talking, rather than fighting.

Take your ritalin and fuck off to Yea Forums.

>sea monster ahegao

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I wonder if we're gonna see any byzantine stuff in the next arc.

It would be dope if this went to Constantinople.

This period in History is one of the most under represented and most fascinating periods in history. Europe learning from the Byzantines, complete chaos.

Its like actual real life Lotr and Constantinople has been for centuries like Gondor being besieged first by Persia then by Islam.

True but some movies are okayish. If only for eye candy like Gladiator.

I like how the battles were portrayed in that farrel Alexander movie, but the rest was really bad.

Old Hollywood since they had no money for big scales battles or shit like El Cid all the time actually did some interesting forgotten and entertaining movies compared to today.
Focus on entertaining not historical. Stuff like The War Lord (1965).

These days its only garbage. Pictures are just getting worse and cant compete.
Stuff like Total war games even with their inaccuracies created a generation of young peopel interested in historical warfare more than any movie ever made I bet.

It's likely that there will be Eastern Europe arc before that. Leif said that the trip is dangerous and he doesn't know the way so would be weird to skip it

>ED by Aimer


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The dates don't match up completely but maybe we'll see Harald Hardrada. We're definitely getting the Varangian Guard, I'm sure of that.

They are on their way there right now

probably there will be both eastern europe and byzantine arcs. Maybe something too when he will be returning back


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Why most of the vikings don't have blue eyes?

how can women even compete

It's alright

I mean all mad max Europe before the plague is such a great period. Crusades, cute Anna Comena.

After the plague and the 100 year war its fast forward as fuck to powerful maritime empires, 30 years war and siege of vienna.
Its chaotic as fuck and had more focus from literature, musketeers later and all that, compared to the byzantine era.

It has a mystical aspect as well that was preparing to burst open in the renaissance.

Classical Rome and Late middle ages get all the love.rant over.

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I really liked this. How many cours is it?

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Two. There's enough material for three seasons but who knows if that will happen

This is actually really interesting. The setting is very refreshing, despite some Japanese customs being thrown in for seemingly no reason besides "it's anime."

>ED by Aimer
I did not expect that.

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poor girl ended up getting cucked hard

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>three seasons
Hell if you don't abbreviate farm and baltic there's enough for 5 seasons. I still think baltic was stretched to coincide its end with the anime.

Farm and baltic are both roughly as long as the prologue. Less action though I guess

Is yelling "UMI DA!" a Japanese custom?

I counted it as one, as well as the *clap clap* anime trope that Thors does to end storytime.

Those are more anime tropes than Japanese customs. Besides, clapping is a pretty universal way to get people's attention.

You're right, but regardless it took me out of the mood each time it happened.

Stacylva gets the top pick in men

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>3 episodes
>now nothing for 3 weeks
whats their endgame

Imagine a world without anglo-saxons.

Prologue is ~300 pages, or 1.5 volumes. Baltic is currently at 36 chapters, 5 volumes and ~900 pages. Add 3.5 volumes to that if you count Fettered Tern and Hunter/Hunted arcs as being part of baltic. Farm was 6 volumes.

But if pacing goes fast how will I enjoy the backgrounds and feel the weight of the words that vikings are saying.

I'm not even a christfag but I'm glad this isn't another viking show against the "evil christians" (I'm assuming at least) which for some reason is where so many of them go. There is a lot more to viking/norse history than that crap. It's looking pretty promising so far.

clapping for attention and a child being excited to see ocean all around him for the first time are "japanese customs"? are you retarded?

What? Prologue is 54 chapters and farmland is a bit shorter than that

Dos any of the events portrayed in this story overlap with the ones in History channel's Vikings TV series?

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meant for

Goddamn Yea Forums roaches

damn this is so slow

He dies like a champ archiving everything he wanted save for probably one thing

No, Vikings is a fictional show that takes some events randomly from different stories and awkwardly fits it into the story of Ragnar. The Harald mentioned in episode 1 though is the same Harald that conquers Norway in Vikings.

Do you just consider everything before Farm the prologue? A prologue is a separate, preliminary section meant for establishing background. I had assumed you were talking about the flashback.

Funny those "evil christians" were on the wrong side of a Viking sword for centuries as Charlemagne power waned.
The propaganda is so obvious now.

Honestly user, a good historial book from the era also never focuses on that. But mostly on the relation between pagan and Christian europe.

Viking era spans centuries user, why should it? Also that show is trash.
I am on the mood for some Mountain Blade Viking Conquest to be fair.

he kills himself because he is a emo faggot

Yes? Chapter 54 is literally called the End of the Prologue. People generally divide VS into the prologue, farmland saga and baltic sea war/merchant saga

I hope they will animate Farmland Saga one day

How does it feel to be indirectly responsible for the anime's existence?

IMAGINE the rage.

This, the threads are going to be insufferable

Seething plebs soothe my soul.

>everyone hates it at first
>But it's really comfy

No need to get so glutemangled, I'm not from Yea Forums. I simply watch more stuff than just animu
Yeah I'm aware, it's just that they mentioned Harald and the sudden attack on the viking encampment in england in the first ep so I figured I'd ask if it's gonna cover any of the actual historic events they "patchworked" into that tv series

It's thrash now, the first 3 seasons were very good

can't believe this got an adaptation, now all I need is a new Air Gear anime so I can die in peace

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I like to call it England Saga, Farmland Sag and Danmark Saga.

HC's Vikings is wildly innacurate

I mean, this is what AoT manga fans said about Uprising arc in regards to anime-onlies but a lot of people seemed to like it once it got animated

>not that priest that taught Canute what true love is

I have gotten tired of anime set in medieval Europe because I've never seen one that felt realistic. Language aside, the characters are always Japanese in their mannerisms, etiquette, acting, etc. The setting in Vinland Saga so far is like a medieval Japanese village with Japanese villagers that's been re-skinned to look like Vikings.

nigger these events happened 10 years ago in the mango, go read it or suck a dick

>animu is more accurate than western tv series about vikings

someone save us...

man I last read this like 5 years ago, finna relive this series lads
forgot how qt ylva was

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>finna relive this series
Are you underage?

How is the reception so far among the Scandinavians? Do they approve of this show?

Japanese also works better for pronouncing German words than English.

I understand Thorfinn's pacifist idea, but reflecting on it, he really is putting that idea at too high of a pedestal. Not wanting to kill is completely understandable, but if you're in a true battle, hundreds of swords and axes swinging, and (at least where I left off) a man trying to kill you, specifically, I don't think that a man could be faulted for saving his own life at the cost of the other's. And if Thorfinn is serious about settling his new land, then he has to be prepared to at the very least defend it.
Maybe I need to reread the series to understand better, but I doubt even Thorfinn himself believes that you can talk everyone down. Some, probably a lot of people, but not everyone.

I think the reason is that they're trying to make every character have a philosofical trance of some shit, even the ones like Thorkell who are the antithesis of it.
He straight up crushed one of his subordinate's head for interrupting his second duel with Thorfinn, and now you're telling me he's gonna let him go just because some chick likes him? Like "oh I see, that's the true essence of a warrior" crap. That's not Thorkell at all.

I def do
I love seeing stuff and people I heard off growing up getting seen by other people, and now being in the anime scene. Also very historically accurate (unlike Vikings) so that is much appreciated

feels good

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>Farmland Sag
Saggy farmer titties!

Thorfinn can pretty much defeat almost anyone without killing them. Yes he is autistic about it but it makes sense given his history

Chill up, he is his gruncle so he probably wants to see some kids, it is also not like they will not run into each other again

boring as fyck

>3 weeks until next episode

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Probably because half of the uprising arc got cut

Is that Leif the same Leif that actually went to America (vinland)? he's not lying about his story?

are you retarded? I just didn't see this series in a while and am glad I get see it again animated by a competent team

>air gears

nigga u gay

Yes. Lots of historical characters here, including the main character

He's calling you out for speaking like a nigger zoomer, retard.

Looks so much better than I expected. Gonna watch it.

Yeah, there are no double D's in Welsh at all.


Anyone who speaks Welsh can pronounce that.

Yep. From outside Llanelli.

zoomers don't know how to spell "finna" its beyond their vocabulary. at best he is a millennial

jesus the last episode ended so abruptly

i just want to end it all bros

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true oldfags don't give a shit about whats "nigger" vocabulary dumbass
the sekrit club is dead. stormfags like you took over and ruined this whole fucking board. I bet not a single one of you knuckledragging mouth -breathing retards truly understands Thors or Vinland Saga. Probably just here for the "based rape hehehehe"

Kill yourself.

>using "nigger" means you're a stormfag
what has this board become?

How else is his mommy and sister going to the afterlife?

alright normally I let this retardation slide but if I don't call you out here you're just going to keep acting like tard
saying nigger isn't what clued me in that he's a stormfronter, it's the idea that saying "finna" is speaking like a nigger zoomer. Dumbfucks like him probably were the types to get their panties in a knot before t.b.h was wordfiltered.
you people are like women, you literally just run on hormonal emotions and can't fucking THINK to save your lives.

this guy

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Fuck off retard.

Honestly that looks completely fine to me, maybe Berserk desensitized me.

a few might have done it

The way user used finna is 100% niggerspeak you larping newfag.

im finna dab on ur ass faggot

Just get the fuck out.




Any stormfag attempting to claim this series is gonna end up disappointed anyway. Strongly anti-slavery, pro-women, anti-violence, and using vikings as an example how how NOT to be. Is there anything they could hate more?

Don't engage the tourist, user.

>horrendous subs
What the actual fuck is it?

True oldfags wouldn't be responding like this or would have just ignored the conversation entirely.

Also they wouldn't use finna but we're past that.

It's very nice, looking forward to seeing the farmland saga animated
t. Swede

Just another sub rip group

Stormfags may be faggots but they aren't muslims either.

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its not bad but its not great.

not really sure how to feel about it

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this is a thread about the anime. or were you just pretending to be retarded?

dont bother, mods never bother to enforce spoiler rules

I'm just glad the CG wasn't Berserk-level.

It was never going to be, just doomsayers wailing as usual.