Dunno maybe VN is better but as a standalone anime FSN UBW was fucking terrible

Dunno maybe VN is better but as a standalone anime FSN UBW was fucking terrible
Dense and irritating MC, generic tsundere fem character, shitty pacing in the second half
>lets stare at each other and talk about ideals for the whole episode with few blows here and there

Is Fate/Zero any better?

Attached: fsn_ub.png (1920x1080, 2.07M)

Fate/Zero is aeons better because of the mature setting in cast. It's a battle royale done right, not to mention they actually entertain the intriguing idea of having historical figures through time sit together and have a conversation.

>FSN UBW was fucking terrible
Kill yourself retard.

also this whole talk about being a hero of justice was cringe as fuck, dude we are talking here about guy who wants to wipe humanity and you are busy talking about things that you grow up from at the age of 8

Shit animation, shit fights, shit story, shit characters (except for based Cu). FSN is fucking trash.

Trying to fit it?

There is no redeeming factor to UBW, even VNfags think it was lackluster.

Zero is edgy garbage
FSN may be a bit juvenile, but at least it doesn’t pretend to be something it’s not

Thing is this is literally the whole point of the VN. First route was Shirou trying to be the shonen good guy he always wanted to become, UBW was his ideals still getting challenged with a direct example of what this childish mindset would result in, and HF was him finally accepting that his ideals are nonsensical.

>HF was him finally accepting that his ideals are nonsensical


>even VNfags think it was lackluster.
Trying WAY too hard buddy.

fate/cooking is the best entry in this franchise, change my mind.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.17_[2018.11.17_20.29.03]. (1920x1080, 282K)

>and HF was him finally accepting that his ideals are nonsensical.
He accepted his nonsensical ideals in UBW as well. He kept telling Archer it didn't matter how stupid they were, the act of saving other people is beautiful and worth pursuing. In HF he finally reaches a dilemma with no perfect outcome; no choice he makes will result in a happy ending where everyone is saved. This creates some more trauma to him, but like the answer he reached in UBW, he stumbled but kept pursuing the "save everyone" ideal.

Only now that Sakura is shown to be "the ultimate victim" and needs 24/7 babysitting, Shirou decided to stick around her forever.

>but at least it doesn’t pretend to be something it’s not
it pretended to be good

People who haven't read the VN need to be banned from watching the shows

People who can't appreciate UBW because there's "not enough fights" won't be able to appreciate the VN either. They should just shut the fuck up so they don't pollute the air with their illogical mouth noises.

Why do people need to understand the source material to judge an adaptation? I don't understand sourcefags.

>give Caster an extra three episodes
>still don't even adapt the single paragraph from the VN which actually characterizes her as a tragic figure while explaining
UBW wasn't bad the same way Zero wasn't bad, however it fucked up consistently rather than just the finale and still failed to deliver the experience everyone wanted from it

Because you cant squeeze 30 hours of content in 25 20 minute episodes

>>give Caster an extra three episodes
She was a prominent secondary villain what the fuck do you mean?
>>still don't even adapt the single paragraph from the VN which actually characterizes her as a tragic figure while explaining
You mean the "she just wants to go home" bit? That was adapted.
Almost everything was adapted perfectly, it just didn't fill you with unnecessary monologues when it can take a visual approach instead.

> is fate/zero better
No. Fate is a meme franchise and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Watch Prisma Illya if you're itching for cute and funny but otherwise stay away.

Because people like you can't into visual storytelling and get frazzled and confused when you don't have a side-character explaining every little detail to you like you're a child.

not an argument

I wish it did a better job at showing how fucked up shirou is, but at least it tried.

Attached: 1531726375620.png (1360x768, 751K)

Yes, read the VN.

>Why do people need to understand the source material to judge an adaptation?
How are you going to judge an adaptation if you don't even know what's adaptating?

the anime is shit
it's a bad adaptation, it's most people standing around talking
the VN works, a literal adaptation of the VN into an anime doesn't

Go back.

As someone that watched the anime before reading the VN, I agree with you to be honest. It's not cut out to be a standalone anime, after all it adapts only the middle third of one work. After finishing it for the first time I had the same reaction. I was able to appreciate it for what it is a lot more after having finished the novel. Nonetheless HF movies so far do a much better job at conveying Shirou's character and feelings.

>starting from a second route
Maybe you should start from FSN like all normal people do

No, judge the product itself (which happens to be an adaptation of something), not judge how it adapted its source.


It's fine to judge adaptation purely on its own, but with FSN adaptations there's a problem of them leaving out a lot cricial shit that was in source material. Then secondaries start discussing fate as if they know despite not reading source material it hence all "read the VN" posts and hate for anime onlys.