When will your faves be as based as Eren?

When will your faves be as based as Eren?

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My faves have their heads on their shoulders


Wow how can one character trigger so many autists in this universe? kek


Sorry guys , posted wrong pic

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Eren is a bitchass motherfucker

I unironically might be gay for him.

Training towards Chadren mode, as are many more on /fit/. He's constantly posted in Goal bod threads.

Truly a Chad.

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>couldn't even replicate isayama's simplistic shading
NGMIs shouldn't make OC.

it's a copy and paste

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They added the fuhrer's shadow didn't they? Thats what it looks like

Oh, well, Rome wasn't built in a day

My fave was more based than that cuck since before she was introduced

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snk is the worst series ever written


t. moefag

>BTFO by a loli

Where are my Gabibros at? Post your face when /ourgirl/ did THAT

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My fav at least died in a much better way.

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Ok that's literally the Chad pose. The artist thought he was being clever will get all the meme kids attentions. Cringed.

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Eren unironically inspired me to get /fit/

yeah eren is AHEAD of everyone

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Eren and Sasha will meet in Valhalla.

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I prefer his western art version

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>Training towards Chadren mode, as are many more on /fit/. He's constantly posted in Goal bod threads.
If you going for the rare 10pack you better give up now, 4 abdominal tendinous intersections
happen 1 in 500 or so, so you have low chances.

This so much.

His body transformation is drop dead inspiring

>Training towards Chadren mode
there's nothing to train
its literally just do a few pushups everyday and dont eat much
its pathetic to have a goal that low

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