ITT: ultimate brainlet filters
ITT: ultimate brainlet filters
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>if you don't like what I like, ur dumb
Shut up, retard
Why do people hate it again? I watched it ages ago but it didn’t have anything wrong that I remember
Nothing, people were stupid and didn’t understand to movie so instead of realising their ignorance they called it shit
There is nothing intellectual about Rebellion save a bit of entry-level symbolism. Imagine thinking you have to be smart to understand it. You are either baiting or are a brainlet yourself.
I was talking about the ending, which a lot of people dislike because "it's out of character and came out of nowhere"
Which is completely untrue and only people who are stupid or didn't pay attention would say that
I thought Rebellion was pretty good, has it's fair share of psuedo intellectualism but still good despite that. My problem is that it spends half the movie dicking around, just to fuck up the perfect ending to the series and ends on a cliffhanger for years and we're unsure if they can actually wrap it up well. To me, Madoka's (TV) main appeal was how tightly written it is. Nothing feels like a waste. The movie fucks that perfection.
Just so no one accuses me of this I thought it was perfectly in character for her
Glad we can agree
How is Rebellion's ending any more of a cliffhanger than the series' ending? Remember that the series didn't end with Madoka becoming the law of the cycle and stuff. It ends with Homura fighting those phantom things and growing wings. Rebellion's ending is open but there's nothing wrong with it being a conclusion. I thought it was a much better conclusion than the way the series ended.
Yea I can agree to that cliffhanger part, but if they someday announce a sequel to Rebellion (which I doubt) that point would be moot.
And to be fair, the series ending wasn't even close to be better in the cliffhanger department
OP post is saying that you fucking idiot
Sequel never.
Was confirmed in work literally yesterday.
Well, people like that might exist, but I don't think they really represent the majority. For example, I didn't like it that much simply because it nullified the conclusive ending of the original show, and I prefer the old ending over the new one. Another thing is it left me with a feeling that even though every piece of the puzzle eventually comes together, it feels a bit too convenient at times.
All in all, it simply comes down to a personal preference. There really isn't anything that would make me belive Rebellion is an intellectual masterpiece and I absolutely have to adore it unless I don't get the whole thing.
Yeah that ending part slipped my mind, point taken. All being said I thought the movie was able to do a lot with the series despite wasting half it's time. Also shaft confirmed a sequel to rebellion at AX the other day so I guess we're in luck.
Everything is filler when we're all waiting for the next SnK chapter.
Chadren is alive btw.
>snkfags invading other threads
and they say hxhfags are the worst go back to ur shipfest
Is butcher writing the thing? If no, it could go fuck itself.
Fuck. Nevermind. I was mislead, it's just a rumor still. Here's the tweet I didn't actually read till now.
An actual sequel or the MagiReco anime?
would anyone like to explain why its good?
A proper continuation, but no format, just that the main series isn't finished yet.
See for yourself
>irredeemable garbage that is madoka
>Also shaft confirmed a sequel to rebellion at AX the other day so I guess we're in luck.
>because unplanned anime sequels years after the original always turn out just fine
I'm not very hopeful at all user
I hate how they announce the MagiReco anime simply and cleanly but when it comes to a Rebellion sequel, the thing that people actually want, they beat around the bush.
My only complaint is that Nagisa was kinda useless. Otherwise it was fucking great, especially the OST, which is the best OST to anything ever.
They needed an even number of girls for merch, that's the only reason she exists.
>brainlet filter
Yet nobody in these threads has EVER been able to put into words why this show is not just "pretty good"
I think madokafags are the brainlets here, if they can't even properly formulate a sentence.
Mami found a use for her.
You never know user, it may be absolutly great, but it may also suck ass. I'll stay optimistic though
i'd say your just setting yourself up for disappointment. This reeks of cash grab to me
Are you excited for her anime?
they all did
Only brainlets want a sequel to Rebellion. Rebellion wasn't needed but it turned out well. Eventually if you keep making sequels you're going to make something that's trash.
If it turns out to be shite, we can just forget it exists, like what happened to psychopass. It might also just happen to turn out good
A lot of people can't do that. If they could there wouldn't be as much whining about Rebellion still.
w-what are they gonna do to that loli?
Yea Forums told me it was pretentious shit but it was actually very good
>I don't understand something hence there's nothing intellectual about it
Hubris leads to the very depths of ignorance.
when you just assume something about someone it makes you seem like the asshole
high impact loli cuddling
I did not need to assume anything. He spelled it out for me.
Can confirm these posts are 200+ IQ. The world is black and white and there are only two kinds of people. The smart ones who understood the movie and loved it and the dumb ones who didn't understand it.
How amusing.
Would you mind telling us what makes Rebellion so highly intellectual then?
Asking me to write an essay, in a troll thread no less, when you don't actually care to read it is quite the disingenuous request, don't you think?
OP here, this isn't supposed to be a troll thread
so no one here should take you seriously then
Perhaps, but then you have to forgive me for assuming you didn't understand it either based on this single sentence of yours. You spelled it out for me, after all.
Shitpost it is, no doubt.
What did you bring to the table?
>n-no u
i care user, i didnt like the movie and would like to see why someone who likes it would think its good
>>n-no u
I'm not sure I understand. You are allowed to assume that user didn't understand the movie based on a single sentence that doesn't actually say anything about his interpretation of it. I, on the other hand, am not allowed to do the same? I'm sorry, I'm not well versed in 200+ IQ debates, you will have to enlighten me here.
>I'll stay optimistic.
Honestly, Germans stayed Optimistic when they simultaneously were at war with Russia, England, and the US. But anyone with sense should be able to see that it's a losing battle.
This is exactly the same case.
It's a cash grab and you should just accept that it is.
Meguca is pretty straightforward, including Rebellion. I wouldn't say it filters brainlets unless we're talking a very severe degree. It's even somewhat predictable.
>black hair
>pink eyes
G-guys, i-is she HomuMado's lovechild? Automatically best girl btw.
She's just Dark Iroha.
Or Kuro
>Dark Iroha
Original Boogiepop was pretty subtle and hard to follow. Most anime is dumbed down, but just because something is dumbed down it doesn't make it bad.
too bad the new anime butchered the first book
Its main problem is that it requires you to read the LNs before for context, but still a good psychological thriller, especially for anime standards.
this thread is autistic
You'll fit right in. Enjoy the ride straight to page 10.
Agreed. I read the first book right after the anime finished adapting it out of curiosity, and I was shocked by how poor the adaptation was. Fuck, even the live action movie was a million times better.
There is thematic meaning to Rebellion that is very much consistent with the series
It's Kuro, Homura's new friend from one of her side stories in the game
I mean, that's great, but how does this make the show intellectual, hard to understand, and a brainlet filter?
Like you.
>new girlfriend*
No one said there's anything "intellectual" about it, there's not, in fact that only reinforces the point further that if you don't understand it then you're a serious brainlet.
yeah, pretty much this
Agree, but I don't believe understanding the movie automatically translates to liking the movie and vice versa. There are many people who did understand, but didn't like it (for example, because they prefered the original ending). There might also be quite a few people who didn't understand it, but liked it (because there are cute girls and a good amount of action, for example).
Calling the show "ultimate brainlet filter" implies it somehow filters the brainlets from the fanbase, and makes the people who enjoy it smart. But I don't believe this point stands for the reasons stated above.
Because it makes you think
It's a brainlet filter because a big portion of the people who disliked it do so because they didn't understand the ending and thought it was "really random and came out of nowhere, just for shock value"
Not because "you need 300 IQ to understand this movie, it's extremely deep"
It's a brainlet filter, not a genius only club
And yet I see many brainlets enjoying it, because "the Homura vs. Mami fight was lit" or "Nagisa a cute". Your reasoning isn't exactly wrong. It's just that I feel this whole thread implies some kind of a circlejerk, where "the ultimate brainlet filter" separates people into dumb ones who didn't enjoy the show and smart ones who did, and I don't really believe this is a sound idea overall.
Intellectual anime never receive the spotlight because the average individual shrugs them off as poorly written or storyboarded. Not because they are, but because they went for uncommon conventions or expected the viewer to keep track of information much longer than the average person is usually asked to do. Anime also has a lot of good drama, but its subtlety is invisible to people who are used to overflowing stimuli.
Never seen those people before. Not on here.
Well, you can look on /u/ for reference, they worship the entire franchise pretty much only because of the yuri relationship between Madoka and Homura.
i didnt think Humanity Has Declined was a brainlet filter, but over the years ive watched it with a number of people, and none of them get it. One especially took offense during the spider island episode where they said religions were created by people. Now i have to wonder how much of the show's wittiness do most people actually understand
How is pic related not the very definition of OP?
come on now, that's a low blow, at least talk about Yea Forums
Yeah, I agree. I admit I don't see people like this very often on Yea Forums. But hey, we are trying to find an "ultimate brainlet filter". And as long as the show has certain aspects even brainlets can enjoy, I wouldn't declare it as one.
I would consider calling a show "ultimate brainlet filter" only if it has nothing to offer to brainlets. There aren't many shows that could fit that description and in my opinion, Rebellion doesn't fit either.
I don't feel confident (or perhaps even arrogant) enough to declare a show an "ultimate brainlet filter" with certainity, but in my opinion, one that could fit this description is Texhnolyze. I will expand on this post in a few minutes in order to not immediately produce a wall of text.
fair enough, also
>check em
On a surface level, Rebellion's plot and message isn't too terribly hard to follow and understand, even if it takes multiple watches. However, if you decide to analyze all the themes and symbolism that the movie has to offer, the brainlets will be swiftly eliminated.
Gott ist tot.
Never sure whether to laugh at Madocucks or pity them. But I guess it's the western anime fanbase we are talking about. A group of people one can only laugh at.
Okay, so Texhnolyze is a show that didn't gain that much popularity, so I wouldn't say there is the same bandwagon effect as with Madoka. Pretty much the only people who tried watching it did it out of genuine interest. But most of them ended up confused, and to a certain degree, it did confuse me as well.
If you look at MAL reviews, you will see a lot of confused "brainlets" like this one:
>Texhnolyze is a show about heavy breathing, grunting, and a pissing contest between a group of gun and sword wielding alpha males in suits who speak in bad mob movie cliches. If you force your imagination enough, you may be able to find something deep in the recesses of this art, but the same could be done if you stared long enough at the textures on a rusty frying pan.
And that's exactly how it will seem to an average person. There is nothing enjoyable for someone who doesn't like thinking things through, deducing and thoroughly analyzing the show to find answers. They will simply think it's poorly written and average, while it's anything but that. I don't believe I can describe the true meaning behind the show in a single post so I will simply link someone else's analysis. This is why I would consider this one a rare example of a "brainlet filter".
To be honest, I think a "brainlet filter" can still attract brainlets.
People can watch something without understanding a lot and still find the experience enjoyable.
Both Bladerunner movies are some of my favorites, and I'd put them in the same category as Rebellion, as "movies that are quite deep if you analyze them, and that on a surface level, are still deep enough that a lot of people won't get it and may dislike the movie because of it"
But "brainlets" can still like Bladerunner movies because "cyberpunk looks cool, I love neons and flying cars" even if they didn't understand it
>tl;dr: movies can be "brainlet filters" even if they have some brainlets who still like them, it just means that most brainlets will dislike the movie because they didn't understand it
>There is nothing enjoyable for someone who doesn't like thinking things through
If you can't enjoy Texh's visual directing, its use of color and the acoustic directing, then you should stop watching audio visual media, simple as that. Fuck people who claim for it to be well animated, though.
I guess this is true. That's why I don't really have a confidence in calling it "a brainlet filter". It's just a show that comes as close as possible in my opinion. Trying to find the "ultimate brainlet filter" is even more futile. That's why I tried to argue against OP, and it's also why the whole thread seemed just like a typical circlejerk to me at the beginning.
Also agree with this
Not him but Texh's visuals are incredibly desaturated and the environments are all uninteresting to look at. I've seen images showing it copied some paintings (which makes it intellectual for some people) but that means jack shit if the visuals themselves aren't as interesting as the paintings it's copying. The sound design is nice though, I admit. Probably the only thing it did right imo.
I can agree with many points you brought up as well. I'm glad that a stupid thread such as this one was able to generate an interesting discussion.
Same, it's good discussion
I'm actually the OP, but as a Yea Forumstard, I know the templates for threads that can generate discussion instead of speedrunning to page 10
I don't like using them, but you gotta do what you gotta do
>I'm actually the OP
I definitely give you props for staying. To be honest, I don't really mind these kind of threads unless it's just bait, collect the (You)s and leave. If I compare it to an average thread with its opening post saying something like "Are you looking forward for the next episode?", it doesn't really come off as more meaningful either. It isn't all that important what the OP states as long as we can discuss something and the topic belongs to this board. Hell, I guess it can definitely generate more discussion than a thread with its theme being "admiring character's thighs" or something like that.
No problem user, I just really like debating/talking about stuff, i'm not the type of person to bait and leave to farm (you)s
OP is right, you can immediately recognize brainlets just by seeing who enjoyed Rebellion
>Gott ist tott
>something something Ubermensch
Am I still a brainlet?