Scans fucking WHEN?

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Other urls found in this thread:



Goddamn Yuta is a lucky fucker.

Holy shit, I wish I were Yuta

>Yuuta has that sitting on his face every day
Lucky bastard.

Too much ass

>The way her bikini bottoms sink into and indent the fat of her asscheeks
Fucking based, my dudes

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You've lost me.

How many children can she safely deliver?

As many as Yuta demands

Yuta is for Akane.


Rikka's ass is so fucking FAT, goddammit.

Never. Ack gave up after being mocked for thanslating only yurishit parts of an anthology.

Literally who.

has the schizo even been posting lately?


I want to use it as a pillow.

>hettards still seething

Attached: 1472913333934.gif (480x270, 414K)

Now that is one THICC booty.

Attached: 1474922500630.jpg (480x484, 21K)

Don't forget the other artbook as well
it's not funny, someone fucking scan that properly now

I'm a poorfag far away from Japan, so I am utterly useless ;_;

Akane is a lucky girl to have a friend like that to play with.

god fucking damn, she's officially THICC
Yuta is one lucky guy...

Her lower half has kept getting bigger in every promotional art after the show.
I wish it got a remake movie or something all with these proportions.

Too gay.

Attached: getALoadOfThisFaggot.jpg (720x600, 149K)

Legitimate question. Are these 2 gay for each other? Because they're constantly together, like OP's image and drawn in weddings dresses together etc. Whereas Yuta is just tossed off to the side or not in it at all.

Gridman doesn't have a fanbase that would buy anything with a male on it plus has a sizeable yuri/waifufag fanbase in japan that just wants to see the girls.

>Are these 2 gay for each other?
They're the same person.

Attached: 1550217617379.jpg (972x1296, 95K)

Are you new to anime merchandise? Literally every other show has posters and artwork like the one in the OP where two girls are messing around with each other even if they're straight as fuck. Otaku aren't going to buy merchandise of their waifus if male characters are slapped in there as well. As for your original question, no they aren't lesbians. But Trigger does yuribait with them a lot.

Was this by Handa or Kengo?

p r o n e b o n e

The character designer, Masaru Sakamoto.

Came for the mecha, stayed for the thighs.

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>Are these 2 gay for each other?
Only in fanarts.
But who would ever want to see an ugly boy thrown in with them if they can fap to two hot girls together?
Still I don't understand the people behind this show, they could easily make one or two roamnce Yuuta and shipping problem solved, or they could make both kiss each other on-screen and gofull yuri way.
But no, lets all leave everything ambigious on every front so we could take money from both part of fanbase and tease them in side material.
Another shitty Hibikek type when they up the yuri or hetero whenever it fits the media model.

Was the ending some inception shit? I seriously hope not.

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> they could easily make one or two romance Yuuta and shipping problem solved, or they could make both kiss each other on-screen and gofull yuri way
This is what I don't get either. At this point Trigger might as well just make Rikka and Akane canon and just give Yuta to someone who'd appreciate him. Trigger get their sales with the yuri and Yuta fans get a ship that is actually canon and works and has fanart. Win, win.

>Yuta fans
Does this exist?

The story isn't about romance, it's about self-acceptance. I'm glad you people got the finger, go watch FranXX or some other shit if you want teenage shipping.

I never said it was. I was just stating with how hard they push the Yuri shit, which i understand because they're hot as fuck, just make it canon. Their sales would go up even more and give my boy Yuta to someone else. Never said that was the series' main focus. I enjoyed the show for what it was. I would've preferred no romance period.

>make it canon
What is that even supposed to mean? Akane and Rikka will never see each other again anyway, and the agreed upon interpretation is that Rikka is a digital rendition of the real Akane, thus the point about self-acceptance. Shipping Yuuta with someone else would also undermine the meaning of Gridman choosing him out of everyone (he was the only one in love with the real Akane).

I wish another studio produced this anime. The retarded staff at Trigger can't help themselves. They don't even care about the actual show, they literally just want to yuribait with Rikka and Akane which leads to retarded yurifags that plague these threads.

>I wish another studio produced this anime.
Meaningless tripe. The show is 100% Amemiya, his passions and his quirks. Without him there is no show, you might as well watch the Ultraman Netflix show.

I wonder who is behind this.

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some said it was a copycat

nah it was definitely him

She wants to jam her tongue deep inside Rikka's anus

Lmao I missed it

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And this is why shipping is so much a shitty thing, but it's not the fans fault, just the creators who specially leave things ambigious to have all ways covered if needed.
Make Yuuta kiss with Rikka? Make Akane kiss with Rikka? Make Akane kiss with Yuuta? No one of these would hurt anything storywise but at least choosing one would give some finality to the pairings which fans could not change.

Aside from Yuta's crush on Rikka the shipping is nonexistent int the actual show. Most of the retarded shipping shit comes from staff like Kengo who keeps milking illustrations of these two for all they're worth.

>and the agreed upon interpretation is that Rikka is a digital rendition of the real Akane

Attached: 1552580025076.png (254x149, 20K)

>No one of these would hurt anything storywise
They would, see

So it would hurt one Yea Forumsnon who has his own fixed view on the show, so nothing of a lsoe to majority.

If you exclude the schizo, it's the agreed upon interpretation, yes. Do we need to list all the hints? What I already mentioned about the lesson of the show and the meaning of Gridman choosing Rikka, live action Akane having Rikka's cardigan and both Akane's and Rikka's sets of headphones, "A God in the form of high schooler", "It's because of me?", "This is a place where useless things get thrown away", Akane outright taking Rikka's place in episode 9...

What part of "Gridman is not about romance" didn't you get? Everything beyond Yuuta's crush would be pointless tripe detracting from what the show focused on. If you want pointless relationship drama you can watch Kiznaiver.

>Akane having Rikka's cardigan
She doesn't.
>and Rikka's sets of headphones
She doesn't.
>Akane outright taking Rikka's place in episode 9...
She didn't. In fact that wasn't the point of episode 9 at all.

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>Yuta and Rikka were two strangers that barely interacted before and after the show
What went wrong?

>She doesn't.
>She doesn't.
Watch it again.
>She didn't.
She lived in Rikka's house, Rikka's mom was her mom and she oturight took the place of Rikka in several scenes from the first episode. Are you serious now?

A show doesn't have to be about romance to include romance, you silly little autist.
I'm pretty sure Naruto isn't about romance either but, well, here we are.

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I miss him bros.

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>fucking Nardo
It's disheartening to know that these are the people I discuss with.
Fuck off Narutard

Miss who?

Hetfags BTFO

I don't even watch the show, Anonymous. But I don't have to, to notice the shitstorm its relationship drama created.
Nice to see it isn't just Gridman that you're so easily triggered by, though.

>to notice the shitstorm its relationship drama created
It's literally just one person causing the drama though.

Ignore him, he's coming from one of the most nefarious fanbases on this board when it comes to shipping drama bullshit, so you can easily disregard every point he tries to make by using Naruto as a positive example.

I don't care about hetfags or yurifags
I just want ACK back

>She lived in Rikka's house
She lived in her house. She and Rikka were still neighbors. Are you sure you're not the one who needs to watch the episode again?

But more importantly, as I was implying, the point of that episode wasn't so much to replace Rikka (Rikka of course still existed and was never Yuuta's gf, nor was she that chummy with Utsumi), but to put herself in a position where should could be close to all 3 of the Gridman squad.

>using Naruto as a positive example.
If you can't even interpret my post correctly it's no wonder you jumped to such wild conclusions for this show.

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They were 100% gay in the anime but yuri hating retards will never admit it.

People were screaming yuri since like episode 2 and those idiots were denying it until finale raped them so hard they are still salty.

Attached: [DeadFish] Aria the Origination - 13 [DVD][480p][AAC].mp4_snapshot_23.53_[2016.01.15_03.13.16].png (848x480, 824K)

>People were screaming yuri since like episode 2
That's when ACK showed up.

>She lived in her house.
Now I'm sure either you haven't seen the show or you remember nothing of it.

By the way, here's 3DPD Akane with BOTH sets of headphones, expecially significant considering the emphasis the show put in the girls using them, and Rikka's white cardigan. Then obviously there's her looks, but you already know that.

Attached: 2372311762.png (1280x2156, 2.45M)

I just wish there was a concrete answer desu. Obviously there never will be for obvious reasons but some are 100% sure they are not, others are 100% sure they are. idk what to think anymore.

And as I said, that's not Rikka's cardigan (which is striped), and if you're going to post a picture at all there's no point showing the headphones without also showing what you're implying they're referencing. Never mind the fact that Rikka's earbuds were blue.
But that being said, it's more likely that scene was to focus on the train pass holder Akane'd just received, which actually was something of significance.
>Then obviously there's her looks, but you already know that.
Asians gonna asian.

>Rikka's cardigan (which is striped)
>Never mind the fact that Rikka's earbuds were blue.
And guess what, Akane's headphones aren't the exact model referencing Transformers either. There are simply the limitations of an animation studio shooting a live action scene for the first time with what they can find.
>it's more likely that scene was to focus on the train pass holder Akane'd just received, which actually was something of significance
Every in that scene was put there for a reason, especially the things right there in the forefront. The broken phone, the Midori doll, the Promare poster, the keyboard which references the live action. I'd be curious to hear you justify the two sets of headphones, which were specifically the trademarks of the two girls.
>Asians gonna asian.
They could have easily chosen an actress with hair as short as Akane, but nope.

he's not gone