Reminder that she fed rapists to her wolves.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I really like this manga. Many thanks to whoever is scanlating it.

>she fed rapists
her rapists?

Unlawful rapey intent user.

>Agricultural High School
What's that? Kind of like a college?

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It's a common thing where i live, altho it's usually frowned upon because, you know, lmao farmers or something

Read Silver Spoon.

One shouldn't underestimate farmers.
I have like lumber technological college nearby, it's higher education on paper but you could wipe your ass with graduation diploma.
There was anime about farming stuff few years back, it was boring af.

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manga name please


Holyshit the new chapter is out...

The promise sounds benign. Is there really rape in this manga?
I only read manga with rape in it.

Then you should try A World that I Rule.

>I only read manga with rape in it.

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Apparently she becomes an army commamder later so rape is less likely

>raping defeated army commander
That's warfare 101 user

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Anyone know a pict for Queen in Otome Isekai?

Which otome isekai?

Shizuko is so cute

Terraforming and engineering farming machines, genetically engineering animals, plants isuniversity level stuff. So is being a successful farming consultant trying to teach those retards in Africa anyhing.

The one with Angelica and Olivia.


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I like this manga because
>the isekai is the past, my powers are my modern knowledge
is a trope that I've thought about a lot.

any others?

For some reason the series completely skipped all mention of how she dealt with periods without modern pads/tampons.

Why nobunaga has not fucked her yet ?

How did people manage to deal with it before pads and tampons?

usually a male author is to blame when this happens

they literally went "on the rag" for a week

How often do you see periods mentioned in Japanese fiction?

My friend has a dog, that's how she does it. He just wipes blood after her.

He might be married by this point. Even if he isnt, he can probably get way more attractive women than her.

Well, there's the Sengoku period, for a start, and then there's the Edo period, the Meiji period, the Taisho period, and so on.

Fuck you.

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Its weird how pretty much all sengoku era fiction portrays Nobunaga as a relatively nice guy and skip over little details like how he got mitsuhide's mother killed which was probably what caused him to rebel in the first place. Think there was also an incident where he bitched at mitsuhide infront of other vassals because he didnt think mitsuhide was offering enough hospitability or something, which seemed the exact opposite of how he is normally potrayed.

>history whitewashes notable figures
Imagine my shock.

kek walked right fucking into it god damn

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she needed to be stealthy or else they would have sent her to the menses shed

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>menses shed
Christ just use magic to pull it all in giant blood ball

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>manlet wish-fullfillment

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I thought parturition-houses were for isolating pregnant women? Or are you talking about a different class of isolation structure?

Why does it remind me of Sengoku Strays?

More like nobunaga no chef

I dont remember seeing that in the manga.

this is my fetish

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This seriously can't be that tall in japan

Well that's gateway out of manlet abyss even in my country.

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Will this get an anime adaptation?
I'll prefer it is made as ovas

Your countrymen are subhuman.

Certainly but for reasons other than height.
Well manga and novels are popular enough, why not? Even bookworm is getting one.

you could read Lest the Darkness Fall

Dashing Through The Blue Sky
Risou no Himo Seikatsu, to an extent

>leaving the village to avoid shacking up with his cute sister
this is actually the lamest and stupidest initial incident that I have ever witnessed in my entire fucking life
I hope the cretin who wrote this gets struck by lightning and burns to death slowly

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I bet u dont have siblings

I have two little sisters and real 3d incest is fucking pig disgusting. That doesn't change the fact that this is the most pathetic start to a hero's journey ever written in mankind's history.

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It's the same guy as Dragon's Egg. I think he just likes having a complete idiot for the mc. He's not incapable of writing intelligent characters, he just doesn't seem to want to use them as the mc.

>guy moves out mums basement where he can't even jack off in peace
The logic is sound.

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See, even that would be better since it smacks of self-awareness and parody.

Dumb MC are entertaining.

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So can he survive a nuke?

Japs surely do love to portrait Sengoku Jidai as a bleakiest period in human history. But how many really died in that time? Christianity wars redused German lands population by good 30% and no one bitches about it.

I see no reason to complain, whitewashing your history is actually far more appalling.

Probably less percentually than during smallpox in 735-7

Shizuko is cool and cute

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>Nobunaga knows that she could fabricate a weapon
>Know arithmetic
>Understand some war chit-chat.

it is inevitable that she will be sent to the battlefield.


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Kinda like a community college but easier/stupider. We have the same thing here in the Netherlands only it's the lowest form of advanced schooling (after highschool).

>advanced schooling (after highschool).
Is it like, a low-end Trade School then? From the name I'd have assumed it was done instead of High School.

Eh it's same here in Russia: basically dumbed down college that gives some professional skills like mechanic, electrician, carpenter, cook etc.

Here in motherland you can enroll in college after graduating middle school for 4-5 years or you could finish high school and enroll into college for 2-3 years. That's considered "middle-tier specialized" education or something, different from uni.

>new chapter is out.


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Picked up thanks

Wouldn't those points favor a backseat tactician/producer position though? "sent to the battlefield" kind of requires some actual fighting ability, you know. Sending her to the battlefield means risking her life and knowledge for no benefit whatsoever.

I want to eat Ruphas-sama's apples

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>gimme those research grants
I guess the research master is the PhD?

>research master
How much INT?

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>Wouldn't those points favor a backseat tactician/producer position though?

You still need to be on/near the battlefield to do that. They are in a medieval period.

You mean smack in the middle of all those heated, sweaty males?


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She's way more useful doing what she's doing instead of being tied down by the retarded amount of baggage a married woman would be in that era.

This looks like one of those events where jaded samurais eat sushi directly from naked geisha body. Even the table is fitting.

Go to Japan, tell me how many people over 170 you see.

I love this manga. It's so comfy.

Can raws be had somewhere?
I can't find any.

He can ___be__ the nuke.

>i don't believe this because muh science
>literally had soul recycled into a world with magic

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Who? Tanya?

Did they find her book about modern weapons?

You know, after all the times I've seen this art I only just noticed his footwear is gutted penguins.

the guy that ran away because he doesn't want to fuck his sister

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Well Tanya also didn't believe Sonzai X is God, more like extremely powerful being aka "God" from Greek myths who weren't omnipotent nor omniscient and could be killed.

Spy-chan got to read her chuuni notes but couldn't understand majority of it due to language difference

From my experience, people that complain about heights especially if they're a male are usually the short ones that's very insecure of their own height. I know a few 6~7 feet guys and they always tell me being tall isn't all that fun because it cost more money for them to exist and they never look down on other people's height figuratively of course and usually the most genuinely the nicest guys I know. You act like somebody with a Napoleon complex, user.

Most state colleges have an agricultural sciences program, and I wouldn't be surprised if more rural areas do it at the high school level as well.

Can someone recommend me something similar to this?
This artist/writer doesn't have any other works out as far as I can see.

It's not an isekai. Several cultures throughout history did really have a private bathroom for women on the rag though.

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>time travel not isekai
It might as well be considering it's almost never historically accurate.

First world problem much?

Thanks, but...
>Magical isekai
>Chinese isekai

I don't think it's that he doesn't believe that souls are recycled, but that he doesn't think it adheres to the beliefs that they have. His soul wasn't recycled in that world, but came in from another world entirely, as where the belief that he's mentioning is that is specific to souls being recycled in that world alone. It's not the science in his memories, but that he has memories of a different world in the first place.

It's as magical as my sexual life.
It's mostly crafting paper and selling shit.

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Is comprehension too difficult or are you speed reading at tachyon speeds? He literally has evidence that it's not 100% true in the form of his memories.

the absolute state of fairies

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Tell me she pays for it

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Ok, I'll try giving it a shot. I'm just on edge regarding cookie cutter isekai, despite the genre being one of my favorite.

It's basically low fantasy with magic being exclusive to secretive rich fucks.

>Reminder that she fed rapists to her wolves.
That's only in the LN or WN right? Anyway Shizuku is a miracle and I want to make her my wife and live a comfy life ruling over our domain together.

I'm surprised Nobunaga hasn't tried to get her a husband.

She can cook and rule over domain what good would you be for? Sperm bank?

did nothing wrong

He would've been married and considering her role he's not going to just make her a concubine. He'll wind up marrying Nobutada off to her once he's of age I bet.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the rape thing is bullshit.

>this is my fetish
Ossan x JK is the thinking man's fetish.

>He'll wind up marrying Nobutada off to her once he's of age I bet
Makes sense.

She is like 23 in the LN and not married yet.

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She never feels like an actual bookworm desu.

Do you feel like a man while being a virgin and never venturing out to explore the world?
She don't have much books around to read user.

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You havent been here for long if that is the most stupidest for you.

It's probably hard to write an actual bookworm in an interesting way.

Basically an old hag in those times, and already almost a cake in modern times.

"Actual" bookworms don't fucking exist since the only criteria to be one is to read a shitload.

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>Novel translation is almost a year ago.
Someone pick it up. Please

So its basically Uni of applied sciences?

Did she start out older in the LN, or did that much time actually elapse in the story?

Komachi really is an old lady at heart. Look at her face in that bottom right panel; that's what she's going to look like in her 40's.

More like high-school with applied skills.

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Has she been shaving her arms/legs/pits?

I know she's been living the peasant life, but I'm wondering how "native" she's gone since literally everything is made by hand and her goading the poor village blacksmith into making incredibly complicated shit with his wood-driven furnace.

I certainly would have gone "fuck it" and stopped having my face to the skin if I had to live in that era, but I'm also a guy so it'd be pretty damn common to have a full beard and mustache anyways (even if more well-to-do men had to keep their pates shaved to keep topknots).

Start at 1565, it's around 1575 now in the WN I think

Japan might be a little different. Shizuko doesn't seem to come from an extremely backwater rural place but I'd imagine she comes from somewhere pretty heavy in agriculture (i.e. Saga, Toyama, Niigata, etc.) so a school like that would actually be useful.

>I certainly would have gone "fuck it"
Why did you not?

I only know she forcefully brush Spy-chan's teeth a lot of times as soon as she got a basic toothpaste.

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I like how it's not even "my modern knowledge" because she largely sticks with Meiji era innovations which seem a lot more reasonable for Sengoku peasants to adopt. Only part that kind of seems unbelievable to me is her being able to grow, harvest and refine sugarcane in Owari. You pretty much need more tropical style environments for it which is why it's only grown on part of, I believe, Kyushu. That's to say nothing of how dangerous and labor intensive the cultivation and refining of sugar is.

It's more about the relativel level of bullshit it was for them. The various wars through Europe and the near-Middle East didn't technically affect ALL of it in the sense that the Sengoku did Japan.

All of Japan was at a perpetual dull roar of about 250 years of constant (if semi-regionally-localized) civil war and feudalism that ground economics and innovation nearly to a standstill across the entire island. At times, even the Imperial household was in such dire straights due to the daimyo independently ruling their lands (i.e. "countries" in Japanese), they didn't have enough money even for a proper burial of a dead Emperor and nobles were starving in the capital.

It's less about the pure death count and how it completely fucked their nation over in a needlessly shitty piss contest for about as long as the later Tokugawa shogunate existed.

They were REALLY hurting in terms of how far behind comparatively they were technologically even before Nanban/Euro traders arrived due to the constant civil wars and wastage of most of the resources (people, material, wealth) Japan had in said wars.

>forcefully brush Spy-chan's teeth
Wow, that's lewd.

>2nd chapter
>MC invents crossbow even though it has been in use for hundreads of years
>Fences lmao
>Agriculture lmao
It had potential but is shaping up garbage

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>That's to say nothing of how dangerous and labor intensive the cultivation and refining of sugar is.
Dangerous? How?

>Shizuko goes from cute, enthusiastic farming and history autist JK to samurai cake over the course of the series
Dios mio...

Because I'm not reliant on NEETautismbux to maintain my lifestyle and have to instead work as a wageslave to afford my weeaboo consumerist goods to ignore my loneliness.

I also work in healthcare, so keeping clean-shaven is a good fucking idea because various patients are disgusting/crazy/mean and you want as little of anything being able to be caught or catch any contact with them as a safety and psychological precaution.[/spoiler[

I probably should be more grateful then.

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>work as a wageslave to afford my weeaboo consumerist goods to ignore my loneliness.

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Well sugar cane really only grows properly in hot environments which is why it tended to be cultivated in the Caribbean for example. The actual sugar cane is, I believe, tough and can cut you pretty easy. The machines used to refine it cause injury and death pretty easily and heated sugar is sticky and leaves some pretty nasty burns if it gets on you.

He should order her to marry for the sake of her psychological well-being.

Here in motherland we extract it from some sort of turnip.

>not knowing japan history of crossbow
I think it's just your lack of knowledge

>a field the size of Ireland is instantly planted and ready for harvest

user, I don't think this ends the way you think it does...

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Every time I see that word, I remember Aoi fucking Toori.

>Math/Aritmetics lmao
Just kill me

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*slaps his dick on the head of lolibaba Yoshitune

>why it tended to be cultivated in the Caribbean for example
It grows better in those environments, yes, but she would just get less yield unless Komachi moved further northwards in Japan (if she's in Owari, it shouldn't be an awful attempt especially with isekai plot armor).
Most of the Caribbean and South American plantations were mostly because it was just closer to Europe's colonial trading routes in their sugar-slaves-gold trade triangle.

And while industrial harvesting of sugar can be dangerous, just making simple jaggery-level sugar shouldn't be awful for Komachi (hell, I find her finding oyster shells in the mountains to grind down for purification material more outlandish).

Her blacksmithing demands are also sort of beyond the par for what a village blacksmith can really do. A lot of what she's demanded (like certain parts of her crossbow and especially her MULTIPLE rice harvesting mowers) demand metallurgy technology and knowledge that he can't really provide without a much larger foundry (for both heat and purity) and access to ores than one man can provide.

Like, ONE of her rice mower devices would probably take him one to two months to make since he has to not only smelt his own steel (or cheap out and use pig iron), he also has to make a lot of it for a guy to hammer out manually, in various shapes that he has to fit and measure (again, and adjust with a fucking hammer and whatever anvil equivalent he has) for both sides of it.

Komachi is a fucking slavedriver.

So what did she do wrong? Enlighten me oh great lmao user

Sugar beets, nigga.

The fact that she built a medieval one instead of Chinese is retarded too. The fact that crossbow is somehow considered unique or special is even worse

fucker I've been here since before the shield hero manga started getting translations

>I'm surprised Nobunaga hasn't tried to get her a husband.
If Komachi gets married and has kids/family to take care of as a medieval Japanese woman, she'd lose time and energy that could be devoted to his war industry and economics. It's easier to just keep her unwed and living a pseudo-monk/scholar existence as a direct vassal, due to cultural demands of the time period.

>Komachi is a fucking slavedriver.
Blame Nobunaga.

You wouldn't want to be her sperm bank?

Haha, is that it? Talking about grasping at straws.

She can have maids to take care of her kids.
Do you think medieval Japanese noble/high status women did everything themselves?

Literally a fucking newfag lmao.

He does that and he's shooting himself in the foot because a married woman in that era has a billion things to take care of.

Technically they both are. If Nobunaga is portrayed as a mercurial and somewhat-unreasonably demanding daimyo, then Komachi is the exact same but innocently naive of what she's demanding.
But nobody can complain because complaints mean an execution in that time period.

Also, anyone thinking crossbows were novel because they arent mentioned in Wikipedia need to read Samurai, Warfare and the State in early medieval Japan. It highlights how mechanism behind crossbow was well known but disregarded.

He's talking about the manga, so he's probably been here since 2015-16.

I'm just sceptical either of us would beat competition for such simple task.


Do you actually know how the rice mower works? I've been looking it up but couldn't find anything. It looks like just a few simple strips of iron attached to a wooden frame to guide stalks into a blade. Seems easily doable and nowhere near as difficult as you make it out to be.

It's opportunity cost.

Komachi can very certainly die in pregnancy complications as well as family-related matters being able to drain both her personal energy/focus as well as, in the worst case, lead her loyalties astray (something incredibly difficult to guarantee and believe in in the Sengoku, since even Toyotomi Hideyoshi was some punk who went AWOL with some money from one of his earlier lords, even before he was a samurai). It only makes sense to keep her as a cake since he doesn't keep her for her lineage, but for the ridiculous innovations she keeps coughing up so long as he keep giving her demands. She's like a magic wish-granting cunt to him.

>People used fences
>People knew about crossbows well before Oda
>Aritmethics rarity is overblown, its simple math required in every day life even in smaller villages.
Nigga, if only niggas who can do basic math are high ranking officers then how do villages function with complex quotas, farming and seed distribution

Use your head nigga

I guess we'll see how it plays out but considering she becomes an actual samurai I'm going to assume it's less about "wow, a cross... bow? how magical" and more "so it turns out you have knowledge of Nanban weaponry too, eh" since it's obviously not a Chinese crossbow.

>She's like a magic wish-granting cunt to him.

>People knew about crossbows well before Oda
The japanese didn't. Just because other managed to invent them doesn't mean that nips had them.

Again, literally a fucking newfag.

It's not how it works that's difficult (it's just a push-mower that has an angle adjustment); it's that making the metal for it is incredibly demanding for a village blacksmith. Metal for a tiny foundry like his is incredibly difficult unless he had at least a full team of apprentices and a good source of ore nearby.

These guys are working only slightly behind what he'd have access to (since the village blacksmith character seems to have a pretty nice furnace and workshop), but it would be an incredible pain in the ass to make one mower the way Komachi demanded it.
It'd be easier to believe if she had just demanded a blade behind a wooden frame without the quality of life gewgaws complicating it like the manga portrayed (which may be just oversight).

But they did, we know this because we have written storage sheets from 800s to 1000s.

Dude the maths she did should fucking look like witchcraft to them

japs did use crossbows, they were aware of chink technology. crossbows fell out of use after the 10th century in favor of bows.

>it was too Duwang for me.
MTL w/ glossary

Komachi can provide the materials he needs for that in the form of sheer wealth. Her sugar harvest alone, due to isekai plothax, would make Nobunaga freakishly wealthy even beyond his historical dominance. She's getting his steamroll train of the sengoku era started early, with the equivalent of literal cheating in the form of trade materials and fodder for his military (as well as vaguely healthier foods than just rice and miso and pickles and scrounged-up game, as they'd generally feed everybody on campaign).

What are you even talking about? You're complaining that he can't get some iron and make a few bars out of it? Komachi can just go ask, trade for iron, or grab a few knives and sickles and bang, there's the material. What is a blacksmith good for if not smithing?

She is just introducing crossbow back to nips like 30+ years earlier. I don't get the reee from that user

Getting a pretty strong Youjo Senki vibe from this one.

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No they fucking shouldnt. Fucking Babylonians had more complex math in place in 3000 BC, Greeks had even more complex shit in 500 BC. Youre telling me a mor advanced and bigger civilization cant do basic /+*? Jesus fucking christ. No wonder Nips shit where they eat since they were all mentally retarded

>overlord vol 1 with ainz sending the death knight to save enri but this time with changes
I wonder how isekai would be like without overlord's influence.
Many series uses it's format to make their plot.

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You're both informed and really hitting the Dunning-Kruger effect hard here, retard user.

Villages could only do simple maths and rarely got very large to the point where quotas and seed distribution were beyond what they could handle at an illiterate level. Larger villages had a monk/merchant/noble of some level of education who could handle it.

But most importantly is that only merchants and some wealthier samurai/nobility could do more advanced math and higher logical calculation because of how they were taught. They were using Chinese calcualtions, which were fucking ancient (if still correct in their overall theories) and actually not even in base-10 if I remember correctly.

Math as we know it, with Indian numerals later stolen and modified through historical time by the silk road and Muslim transfer to Europe, is genius compared to how they had to work in an almost Roman-numerical arithmetic system, due to how Chinese works. They had to work a lot harder and slower for the same result until you teach someone how we do mathematics in the modern day.

Read the newest chapter. Just the Shitake and the sugar cultivation are the equivalent of printing money in that era. Combined with her agricultural reforms that increased the rice massively allows Nobu to have near unlimited food and budget supply for his campaigns.

>it was fences with cattle grid
You totally show me your knowledge user

Don't be retarded in assuming how easy it is to do anything at a village level in preindustrial, Sengoku-technology Japan. One, Komachi has to find other villages to trade with and they have to haggle over getting that shit (which would be incredibly valuable to them as well). Otherwise he has to smelt his own material, which is fucking hard to nearly impossible at the speed and scale at which she needs it (and good iron ore being difficult to find without an extensive mining industry that may or may not exist in their area). That video was to show you how inefficient it is to just generate a small amount of iron and steel (which will still be largely different in terms of metallurgy with each batch).

Two, everything has to be hand-fitted by him after he gets either pig iron or steel, which creates even more issues, as he's not exactly got standardized punches.

>He needs base 10 to count.
Chinese abacus isnt hard as you make it out to be harder. Nobody expects them to calculate Pi with it, just count n/3

Development isn't linear and global. Granted I don't know what kind of math was in Japan at the time or how it was done since I'm not a math guy.

She should spend time making charcoal in her village. Even if it's shitty for the local environment (a lot of soot and gases not good for breathing), it'd help immensely in her industry and also just plain keeping warm in winter. It's also really easy to do for most peasants since it just needs mud and dry wood.

The charcoal is also good for gunpowder production and water filtration stills.

It only took nearly two years for her but this is basically printing money
She also gave him 400 bales of rice instead of 25 bales (which is pretty big for that time)

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You're misattributing something then. Her control of mathematics were surprising in the context of the story BECAUSE she can do logical mathematics and division at all (which nobody would expect of a random farming girl, since most women aren't even expected to even know how to read their own names even if it was fairly common for noble women) as well as her obviously foreign mathematics formula written in the dirt. THAT is what surprises Nobunaga and his vassals. Komachi knows a ton of shit she otherwise shouldn't be able to do, not that it exists at all.

Is that a mushroom farm or something?

lol, buying some iron is sooo difficult.

The shiitake thing was really incredible to me. Wood-eater mushrooms are a pain in the ass to get started from spores. She got lucky as shit.
They are really, really fucking finicky to get going unless you're being lazy and starting from pre-colonized wood plugs like today (like when I tried growing oyster mushrooms and enoki as a hobby).
Or maybe I'm just shit at amateur mycology, which is fully possible.


Ah so he is a speed reading faggot?

I'm very disappointed that we never got Roland's threesome. Fucking CCP

Yeah, it fucking is, brainlet. She lives in a shitty time and era when just having enough food to eat is difficult and any visits by samurai either mean death, rape, or demands for people (for rape, soldiers, laborers, etc.). Travel itself is difficult due to bandits and, again, iron is valuable to other villages nearby moreso than food because they need their own tools. You're either trolling or willingly being retarded of the historical context that Komachi's in.

>fucking commies ruining good shit again
Imagine my shock

>visits by samurai either mean death, rape, or demands for people (for rape, soldiers, laborers, etc.)

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It's just hard work, what's the problem? It's unskilled labor and he's a smith, it's his job. And you're making a lot of assumptions about how long it took for him to make it.

I still can't believe Nobunaga wants to feed his horses basedbeans. That's a fucking lot of good protein and calories he could be giving his soldiers.

It's probably a lot easier to grow from spores, if you are growing them in their natural environment and climate, and with them already growing in the area.

What the fucking fuck? There's a fucking filter for those now? Jesus christ.

She did failed and took quite some time for it

a mushroom farm that would let her buy castles

>Calling someone a brainlet while coming up with brainlet tier reasons why a village under the personal attention of Nobunaga himself can't just get a trivial amount of iron.

Probably because horses are more valuable than men.

Konachi had already proven herself to be a exception in that context. Plus
basic mathematical ability doesnt really require education, its more about intuition. I doubt you break out the abacus for 180/3 right? Even if we consider the malnutrition lowering the IQ every human should be capable of doing that in their head.

She hasnt shown control, only something 7 year old can do in their head. Id be impressed if it was rudimentary Pi but it was something a child can do, something adult should be able to do without education. Manga portrays people of old as literally mentally challenged

I can guarantee you that if he fed them to his soldiers someone would be complaining that he didn't feed them to his horses, which are clealry more important.

>a mushroom farm that would let her buy castles
But those are fucking hard even today.
LIke you literally had to hotburn the whole shit to the ground after only a few harvests because it's the only reliable way to deal with pathogens killing mushrooms in confined farms.

It's a Shiitake farm, a mushrom that couldn't be cultivated until the 20th century. Back in the days of the Sengoku that stuff was so expensive that 60 Kg of them could buy a castle. That farm on the picture is basically a money tree for that era.

There's been a filter on them for a while now, on every board but /ck/. Pretty much every version, like basedsauce, basedboi, basedmilk, basedbean, onions, probably some others that I'm forgetting.

>if you are growing them in their natural environment and climate, and with them already growing in the area.
If you've never tried home mycology, you'd understand that that's actually really hard unless you're going on the industrial scale (which would have helped Komachi a lot).
It's a crapshoot since most spores either don't do anything (they just don't "seed" or colonize at a microscopic level onto their substrate/food) or they get contaminated with something more aggressive instead (usually a mold or bacteria) that will not allow them to grow.
Home mushroom growing today works by seeding spores into a "substrate cake" of some sort (usually grains, straw, manure, dependent on the mushroom species), waiting until that colonizes in as close to sterile conditions as possible (to prevent contamination by aforementioned molds/bacteria), THEN breaking it open to seed desired substrate (in this case wood). That's how it works for oysters, not sure on how shiitake works myself since they're apparently fairly hard to do (not only are they wood-eaters, but they actually need some form of nutrient deprivation to induce fruiting into mushrooms rather than just mycelium bodies in the substrate from what I've read?).

/pol/r9k/ were a mistake, holy fuck.

Assuming the historical timeline is still roughly consistent, that means Nagashino soon. Takeda about to get BTFO hard.

/pol/ overused the word after they grew tired of cuck. The same is probably going to happen with the word NPC if they continue with their shit.

What the fuck happened here? What did this filter out?

Attached: rxnfaggotpekoe.png (393x390, 109K)

>What the fuck happened here?
/pol/ fucked it up

Tranny is the new hotness, no?

Filter test
basedsauce, basedboi, basedmilk, basedbean. soya

Wasn't it Clown?

s o y. when the filter went up there was a competing meme that o n i o n s boosted T levels while s o y lowered them.

The level of newfaggotry is amazing.

you mean honk, the aspect of clownworld. it's also now old. npc is like a year plus old, and tranny is an immortal meme.

You are all trannies to me, Yea Forums.

Oh god, that's retarded.

Attached: rxnsuicidebread.png (720x715, 627K)

dilate, incel.

Everyone that is not me is an NPC though

She might have kicked their asses a bit earlier

Attached: sengokukomachi08.jpg (400x569, 151K)

She's rather dashing in armor.
I'd totally eat her muff.

We all would.

>mens shed

Why? Thin-skinned mods for getting their feelings hurt every time someone mentioned s󠀀󠀀 ‌ ο ‌y.

She's a girl.

Having Komachi is the most cheat-mode Nobunaga isekai I've seen yet. She's literally just spewing money and food into his war machine, much less new war technology. He may be able to break his previous stalemate and losses with Uesugi Kenshin with her help.

>onsens are revolutionary
I thought japan always had these?

Are you a girl?

Will the manga ever reach this point?

We all are girls.

I feel like the family and others around them raised the two sister for that reason and they were supposed to isekai together but things went south before the event was ready.

This goes back to how shitty sengoku conditions are when people were discussing it earlier this thread.
Only certain areas had onsen since they're dependent on fairly rare hot springs (so depending on where a lord or samurai was, he'd never have access to them). Even then they were rarely developed into something comfortable since most of every resource was dedicated to furthering a lord's war resources in an almost grimdark 40k-esque lifestyle for nearly everyone. Takeda's onsen was a rarity because he saw the political usage of a comfy, luxurious hot springs area for more than a passing amusement as well.

I think even heated bathtubs were a rarity? But I'm getting that from Nobunaga no Kyosoukoku than actual historical research. It was just lukewarm standing water, a river, or hot towel baths for most people with enough luxury to bathe.

Probably? But scanslator drama/laziness/group-dissolution will end translations far, far before then, ESPECIALLY if Komachi ever gets an anime or western license.

>scanlator drama
Why are they all such a sissy bitches?

Makes me wonder why they start scanlating in the first place. If

Take your pick:
- translator leaves the group for some reason
- typesetter leaves the group for some reason
- everybody gets lazy and new releases die and other groups are too lazy to try and snipe the series even if nothing's happened for a year (lol, fucking LOLscans)
- group gets too big for its britches and tries to hold their releases hostage in some way or another (lol again, fucking LOLscans)
- anime release for whatever reason absolutely kills otherwise healthy manga translations usually
- a western license and fear of legal trouble makes the scanslation group drop the series even if the later license later dies due to poor western sales and is aborted (lol Viz/Tokyopop)

They never learned not to shit where they eat.
Parents being too self-centered to bother parenting was a mistake.

New volume cover

I wonder how would this alternate history remembers Shizuko.

Attached: sengokukomachi11.jpg (363x516, 142K)

>- anime release for whatever reason absolutely kills otherwise healthy manga translations usually
This shit baffles me

>I wonder how would this alternate history remembers Shizuko.

Random ultimate feminist token famous historical figure bar none, along the lines of Leonardo da Vinci in terms of vision/genius probably. Which makes one question if our own timeline's da Vinci was also an isekai MC who stole technology and science from yet another alternate history timeline.

Yeah. In the context of the matter, Nobunaga demanded for her to figure out how many warehouses were needed to store all the food she brought them. Like she was supposed to bring 25 bales of rice to Nobunaga but she used the wrong measurement for bales. She used 60 kg when at the time 30kg was the norm so she quickly started doing calculations on the ground.

Now no one probably could understand the calculations she was doing but because she managed to figure out how many warehouses were needed after doing so, just from that context they could tell she was calculating using an unusual method. Considering calculation methods were apparently guarded family secrets during that time then it also wouldn’t be that strange either.

Probably in a similar way Zhuge Liang was remembered as being the guy who did all the work behind Liu Bei.


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If she really wants to change history, she should convince Nobunaga to enforce standardized measurements in the metric system (though there'd have to be a lot of calculation involving an arbitrary STP site's water). That'd blow most pre-modern economies of the time apart in terms how it'd streamline things for, like, a mass production assembly line.

Considering Tesla died barely remembered to the modern age when he became a hipster science historical figure as a semi-martyr from Thomas Edison and the anti-foreigner sentiment at the time, he wasn't a very good candidate for an isekai protagonist. He lived a sadly pretty shitty life despite his (where legitimate and not insane) innovations were counted. Or maybe he got a lot of pigeon sex not recorded by history?

I praise him every time I use AC.

sengoku shounen ai > sengoku otome

Do they eventually figure out that she is from the future?

>shounen ai > anything
t. homo or fujo

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Da Vinci was a genius, but he clearly was working within the limitations of his own time. For example, the use of multi turn screws instead of modern fan-shaped propellors, or his "tank" which uses medieval design cues for tankery. There are many people who would seemingly advance technology by centuries, but they would typically be inside a very narrow sphere of interest or while revolutionary, did things in strange ways that someone with hindsight wouldn't do. Like the pioneers of metrology or steam engines for example.

It's just funny that she needed to do it in the first place since it's simple division, not even long division.

pretty pointless since i don't think she knows how to start industrialization
she just knows agrarian shit


>It's just funny that she needed to do it in the first place since it's simple division, not even long division.
I mean, not to dispute that, but I'd write that out in the dirt too, to make absolutely sure my train of thought was correct as possible, like checking if 7x7 still makes 49 on a calculator during the stress of a test.
Fucking up her calculation in front of Nobunaga generally means (unreasonably brutal) punishment.

Da Vinci could have been an isekai protagonist from the far flung future of...THE 17TH CENTURY

It's probably just a new habit she got after getting isekai, she supposedly has a stick on her for that always.

What a fun read, thanks for the rec

Maybe not all those who get transported one way or another to a different place get that happy ending.

Very true, but isekai gives us confirmation bias of unreasonable successes and cheats, because who the fuck wants to read a tragedy?

I hope so. I get the impression Shizuko was kind of a Takeda fangirl (though I do wonder who her daimyofu was) so I'd love to see her put a bullet through that faggot Katsuyori's eyes.

Isejai Ojisan is.
For the Elf.

That's some nice armor unless her military buff sister got isekai'd too or something.

To those who can read moon and have read the source material - does the spy girl stick around? And what happens with Nobunaga's son?

Welp, that explains it.

Yeah can't help but think I'd get killed on the first night 2bh.

Obviously Kenshin is the best daimyofu.
>a bishonen since he was said to be so good-looking he was sometimes rumored to be a woman
>brilliant, if unambitious, tactician and strategist
>noble pedigree and Imperial honor of Kanto kanrei
>had no waifu, perfect for an otome protagonist

Attached: rxnpoutmiku.png (275x241, 101K)

Immediately after being isekai'd you are set upon by a lord and his soldiers.
You have just a few brief moments to convince him of your otherworldly knowledge and usefulness, else you will be killed.

what do you say, Yea Forums?

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Sugarcane harvestting was generally some of the shittiest work back in the day. Field slaves in Haiti had a life expectancy of 5 years harvesting sugar. Also without antibiotics any cuts are extremely dangerous.

"I'll suck your dick. Right now. Drop those pantaloons and I'll cup your balls too."

Iirc this is a mass isekai. Quite a few ended up dying fast.

>Field slaves in Haiti had a life expectancy of 5 years harvesting sugar.
That's also because they had fairly unreasonable quotas and living conditions, you know, what with them being chattel slaves and all.
Being a peasant serf harvesting the fields for your feudal lord is marginally better, since he would just take a fairly flat percentage tax/tithe every season regardless. Otherwise you were left on your own to go mostly your own pace (so time for sleep, recovery, and other human needs) and hope that the harvest was good.

>Soldiers, this pale, bepoxed man possesses within him the spirit of a great goddess; so great is his art in the way of pleasure.
>We will build him a great temple that he may teach his arts to our women.

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>black windbreaker
Just say jacket like a normal person, goddamn. Fucking chinks.

>got killed by a Ninja hiding in the toilet

I usually write things out like that anyway because word problems are tricky for my little brain.

>The lord asked for 25 30kg bales of rice. You deliver 200 60kg bales of rice. Each warehouse can hold 125 30kg bales of rice. You have 1 warehouse already. How many more do you need?

this is some next level faggotry

Attached: x8.png (985x1400, 621K)

Sounds neat, too bad both the manga and the WN seem to be translated at a snail's pace.

>"Many dicks and balls did user suck. Honor and fear were heaped upon his name and, in time, he became a king by his own S U C C... but that is another story."

Attached: gongs.jpg (151x294, 22K)

Was probably a woman as well since Kenshin was known to have painful stomach cramps every single month

Or, from cancer from his own rampant alcoholism in later life.

Attached: rxnshockingtruthereshkichaika.jpg (214x253, 54K)

That's also possibly due to whiskey shits. Dude had a truly bad habit that's probably downplayed in history: he apparently drank like a fish all the goddamn time.

Oh I know. I'm a Kenshin fanboy as well but some times you like others too. I'm a Yoshiaki Mogami kind of guy for instance.

onions onion test

>I still can't believe Nobunaga wants to feed his horses basedbeans
could be talking about just the bean hulls. plant fiber is plant fiber

>this is some next level faggotry
That's par for the course for most male MC.
>golly gee, a cute girl is showing outright romantic interest in me?
>wow, I'm so scared and put-off for inexplicable reasons
>I'm going to run the fuck away every encounter without even verbalizing my discomfort to her like a functioning human being

Its a shame though. We need way more farmers than those hipster basedboys studing philosophy, sociology, psychology etc...


They didn't rape her. It was her birthday and they gave her a free massage.

Or they just drew unflattering things on her back and giggled about it like gradeschoolers.

But it wasn't rape!

Technically, the beans would be excellent, high-quality fodder for his horses. I'm not sure if the Japanese had charger breeds of their own, but the protein, iron, and calcium they give would be highly valuable in their diets. They even have a very small amount of vitamin C.

Whats the sauce?

If you're going to get a mortal wound from anywhere, a manlet dude who's been hiding in your shit and piss for hours waiting for you to need to poop suddenly shoving a spear as far as he can up your innards probably is where it's going to come from.

>Kenshin is the best daimyofu
True. Especially when he is she.

Attached: Anime-art-uesugi-kenshin-sengoku-rance-195011.jpg (2000x1414, 854K)

Samurai of the Sengoku weren't really using cavalry the way you think of. It was more like knights where you come in, dismount and fight especially as horse archery fell out of favor. Sengoku cavalry might have been used more for pursuing fleeing enemies but that's it. The only real instance of a cavalry charge that's recorded is the Takeda's failed one at Nagashino which got exaggerated over time and turned into the whole "mighty Takeda cavalry" thing. Japanese horses were too ill-tempered (due to not being castrated) and small to charge effectively.

did people know enough about nutrition back then to give animals special diets?

floor(125/2) = 124/2 = 62
ceiling(200/62) - 1 = 4 -1 = 3
Assuming a warehouse can hold half an 60kg bale for every 2 30kg bales it is designed to hold.
I would expect it to hold even less 1:2 but I suppose the 60kg bales could be broken down to 30kg if that were really an issue.

It was because of the author's wife, not because of chinese values.

Are you suggesting his wife is not Chinese?

Then why was it heavily implied that Roland, Anna, and Nightingale all got together at the end? The only reason we didn't get a scene was because the CCP removed it for a while near the end to make sure it didn't have any 'bad' content(ie. political, sexual, or excessively violent scenes).

HIs wife is apparently a jealous and projecting cunt, so yeah, she's certainly Chinese alright.

I wonder whose fanboy can be behind this post

Attached: akechi_mitsuhide.jpg (826x1169, 476K)

It's 200 double size bales with a warehouse holding 120 normal bales.

Too complicated, just do addition. 60, 120, 180, 240. Yep, that's over 200, therefore 4 warehouses total.

>at the end
WAit, this shit finally ended? I gave up somewhere after Roland took the kingdom capital because the church shit was meandering and confusing.

NobunagaxHideyoshi is kino and you know it.

Well, the author was Chinese yet he wanted a harem, didn't he? Yet woman of the house said no.

kuro no maou

speaking of RTW
the nuke finally dropped. feels like the story should end here somehow. Roland doesn't have any other tech in the pipeline. but I'm sure something can be slapped together from the tangled mess of side plots.

>female Uesugi
>she will never be your combination mommy/oneesan

Attached: Aya-sw4art.jpg (2000x2857, 1.28M)

It was briefly taken down after censorship laws changed and the author wrapped it up in a hurry after getting it put back up.

the church shit ended ages ago. it's all about the demon and double demons.

>the most popular Samurai Warriors character is fucking Mitsunari because of fujos

Nobunaga is a very, very difficult historical figure to nail down personality wise (hell, all the daimyo of the sengoku were), since there's not much historical evidence for his personality aside from the net effects and a whole fucking lot of hearsay and rumors that were added or outright invented through time after it became politically safe to actually talk about these vaunted figures (especially since Tokugawa and Toyotomi heavily respected Nobunaga as their lord, even though he did dickish shit to them, like ordering Tokugawa to order his son to commit seppuku out of the CHANCE he may rebel against him). There's evidence that when he chewed people out, it was for a good reason (like the failed, wasteful long-term campaigns by one of his generals against the Ikko of Hongan-ji), but other times that he's just a dick. We'll honestly ever know for sure, but he gets a good portrayal because of him being the one to nearly bring Japan out of the hell that was the sengoku period (albeit that had to be finished with Toyotomi and Tokugawa after Akechi shit everything up).

Fujoshi have more disposable income than NEETs.

Nobunaga had Ranmaru though. I want to believe that Hideyoshi was straight. Although judging by the amount of women related to Nobunaga in his harem I think that he might have had a hidden desire to fuck his lord.

Attached: Oda-Nobuna-no-Yabou.Nobuna-Oda-iPhone-4-wallpaper.Yoshiharu-Sagara.640x960.png (640x960, 412K)

>Although judging by the amount of women related to Nobunaga in his harem
I think he just had a nobility fetish as only SMART men prefer hime-sama girls the most. He probably had a chip on his shoulder since he was born a peasant and rose to become the most powerful man in Japan for a time, but got cockblocked to becoming shogun because he couldn't get the court to give it to him for not being of verifiable noble pedigree (which Tokugawa obviously had).

The raws are over, but I don't know about the translations. If you want to know the ending: It turns out that the devils, humans, and sea race were pitted against each other by a collection of ancient advanced races who opened up a space rift to deal with entropy. The rift gave birth to magic, and they wanted to create a race that can properly use it, forcing them to fight each other for faster progress. Current races are just part of a long cycle. Their problem wasn't really resolved though(at least, the sea race was supposed to be a product, but the AI guy was too scared to bring them into the rift and test it out in case it didn't work)and Roland took over the job of finding a new path because war wasn't working. As for his reincarnation, it was because some mumbo jumbo about the rift opening that sent him across the universes.

what chapter?

No, it is an High school
Why you savages from beyond-Alps are so fucking dumb? It's an HIGH SCHOOL.

the one that got translated today

>Nobunaga had Ranmaru though.
I think it's weirder that Nobunaga actually gets Kichou-hime as his waifu in most forms of manga/anime.
They probably fucking hated each other, since he killed Kichou's father to gain his territory and married her politically to cement it, then spent his time fucking a favorite concubine rather than her.

Attached: x15.jpg (1125x1675, 951K)

>If you want to know the ending
I sure did, since it's behind a gay microtransaction paywall. Thanks, user!

...Shit, this story should have just resolved somewhere around the time Roland became king, because that's a clusterfuck and a half.

>It's just funny that she needed to do it in the first place since it's simple division, not even long division.
"And if you get it wrong you die because the angry screaming man is holding a sword" tends to make people double check.

honestly I hated it when it started too but 9 chapters in, it somehow redeemed itself for me.
Anyone's going to be put off when the feMC is perfectly trained and set up to be time-travel isekai'd. How else do you explain her sister asking her to get a gun catalog magazine just as she gets isekai'd

Hell man. Kichou didn't even have any children with Nobunaga. Her line ended with her.

soi sauce

>gets Kichou-hime as his waifu in most forms of manga/anime
I think that this is simply because Nobunaga's sex life is a difficult topic to cover if it doesn't fit thematically to the story that you are trying to tell.

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Where the heck is that screencap from? If Kitsuno was a cute fluffy ninja girl then hell fucking yes I'd fuck her than the angry girl who hates me because I killed her dad and stole her lands.

Why its is alwways Nobunaga? Why not some shitty backwater small clan?
I want to play EU4 now.

>original run
>been here since 2011

I'm aware but as long as I can just kick and sword smack everyone with my boy Munenori I'm content.

>Why its is alwways Nobunaga? Why not some shitty backwater small clan?
Because Nobunaga's Oda WAS a shitty backwater clan in the middle of nowhere that DID almost conquer Japan. THEY ARE the underdog that steamrolled their way to (nearly) ultimate victory.

All because Nobunaga has the bright idea to suicide charge a guy who was en route to Kyoto with his whole army to demand he become shogun in poor environmental conditions for any army...and fucking succeeds.

japan loves nobunaga so much that they turned him into a girl so they can fuck him

because it's easier to relate to when people are already familiar with the original timeline. No one know who the Ryukyus are

When will shizuko introduce them to the wonders of gunpowder ?

Naw man we're going straight to the metallic cartridge and remington rolling blocks

>When will shizuko introduce them to the wonders of gunpowder ?
Nigga, unless she can summon saltpeter out of the air or she knows various methods of isolating various mineral acids to jumpstart nitrocellulose and smokeless powder, they already have gunpowder. Japan had guns for like a decade before she even starts her isekai. They probably knew about gunpowder in less useful applications from China/Korea but just couldn't use it for anything good.

I think she hated her father and family in this series. She might even be an accomplice in oda's plot.

>Middle of nowhere
Literally they're beside the capital. And they stole the idea from Tokugawa.

Guns already exist on shizuku timeline, its brought by the dutch.

>I think she hated her father and family in this series.
I guess I'll never fucking know because shitty LOLScans releases a single chapter every year.

Which modern Japanese foods did the MC give to Nobunaga so every Japanese readers can masturbate to more Japanese foods supremacy?

But indrifter they created gunpowder with shit.

In the other isekai where that kid is favoired by a griffoth they also made gunpowderrelatively easy.

IIRC, Japan already had guns by then, but Nobunaga was (one of) the first warlord(s) to use them effectively.
Nagashino is the go-to example, but I think there may be another battle before that.

>Literally they're beside the capital.
Geographically, yes, but their territory was small and their clan was vassals to larger, older ones. By literal feudal rights the Oda should have been some toady bannermen-equivalent that you stop your army off for food and rest (and sluts) before continuing your way to Kyoto (otherwise you obliterate his entire clan right then and there with your larger army). Nobunaga's rise to fame is like winning the lottery several times over in how much he defied convention and odds in his string of victories and talented generals.

Unless she builds a fully functional tank it will be hard to impress anyone because Oda troops already had firearms in their possession .

Is the kid she meets in the latest chapter someone important in the future ?

That's oda's son.

Then why did he look so impresed with the crossbow ? It is more effective that those guns ?

Army of Darkness

Wonder if she'll warn Nobunaga when/if Honnouji draws near.

>But indrifter they created gunpowder with shit.
Extracting saltpeter that way is possible, but incredibly laborious (and Drifters sort of did it wrong and handwaved a lot of the labor involved).
It's a pain in the fucking ass (and actually more efficient to use bird droppings and urine rather than old shit, which probably would have leached its minerals over time into the surrounding soil and decomposition processes).
It's very low yield and laborious without modern chemistry to provide the necessary reactions. It's certainly doable, yes, but it's easier at the time period to just buy it from traders.

Logistically yes, since it was simple enough to be constructed by a village blacksmith, doesn't require gunpowder, and can be handled by a teenage girl without difficulty.

So what kind of Japan would come out from this?

is he gay?

Worse, he's a male main character.

But already conquers the ming and australia. Maybe already have colony in north america and own siberia.

Attached: 1543384307517.png (1024x1024, 334K)

Attached: .jpg (2048x1152, 245K)

If Shizuku had real power, she'd get Nobunaga to beeline colonies all the way over to Northwest to central coastline of the Americas despite the challenges of navigating the Pacific.
1. It's too good for the perfidious Spanish to own.
2. There's gold, silver, copper, oil and other natural resources aplenty all through that region that would be valuable later in the Age of Colonialism landgrab.

After reuniting the land i think they should just conquers the north instead genocide the chink.
Even the mongol don't trying to colonize the north, so thats just a freelands.

Based grandpa

Attached: 1533523701057.jpg (840x1193, 333K)

Despite how much I like this series, some things are just too convenient.
>her fucking Grandpa has a fully equipped botanical genetics lab and, what, a fucking SEM or something?

Attached: Y8.png (1350x1920, 745K)

IIRC in the first Samurai Warriors game they had her in a relationship where she both totally wanted his dick and wanted to kill him when she had the chance. But SW1 Nobunaga was more overtly villainous than the haughty, well-meaning pragmatist from SW2 on and her relationship with him got changed as well.

Actually, that looks more like a TEM than a SEM. Any labrat Anons here with any more ideas to identify that microscope he's working with?

Disregard that, I suck cocks. That's probably a fucking STEM that was modeled off of this thing here:

Her grandpa feels like a rich guy with a big hobby and too many connections

i mean they almost did that in the original timeline.

Dis shisuko pay her grampna goldcoinfor those knives ?

>Oda troops already had firearms in their possession
early matchlock guns were far from perfect. their success was arguably more due to their effect on moral than actual killing power.
the competition between early guns and crossbows would be more contested than that. how complicated and expensive a crossbow is depends on it's draw weight. Japs werern't big into metal armor so that alone could be enough to put it on top if you assume no further development in body armor.

>WW2 Japan
i wish this guy would make videos faster

>nobunaga no chef
Isn't that kind of useless in the long run?

If you read it, its quite good, but incredibly romanticized about the effects of food (albeit the main character's use of modern cooking techniques would probably taste like magic and heaven to the medieval Japanese).
Overall it's a good read...but the scanslation team behind it is jackasses so I'd actually recommend NOT picking it up (it's near-eternally stalled; they release a new chapter like once a year despite other series they work on getting regular releases).

The faggiest isekai MC.

Well they'd have shitty arquebuses. If she's able to introduce them to at least flintlocks and bayonets well that's pretty significant I'd assume.

which is why he's really more of a bystander in that manga, Nobunaga's respected toy at most. It's not really the same kind of story other than the Nobunaga flavor. It'll probably end up with hi, going back to normal Earth.

And the gourd is a live octopus
and he's siting on a giant spider

Anyone knows who translate the webnovel version?

Fuck you, Norin wasn't that boring.

The octopus is probably a giant blue-ring octopus from Australia. His fanny pack is leaking more spiders.
His hat is covered in stylized dick and ball glyphs.

this manga is pretty good, no op powers just the power of a modern education

Same people who are handling the manga.

Pumpkin, corn, sweet potato and tomato i.e. all foods that would've been native to the Americas. Pumpkin might have been introduced by Nobunaga's time but the others would've come around 20-30 years later.

Attached: x11.png (1352x1920, 735K)

hard to imagine just how blown Nobunaga's mind would have been to have been fed an entire multi-dish meal composed almost entirely of ingredients and flavors never tasted before in his country.

like an alien showing up with a lunch buffet of delicious things you don't even know how to describe the flavor of.

As well they're modern bred varietals, so they're far sweeter and larger and hardier than what they'd have access to back then.

>18 chapters after 2 years
whats the fucking point
why haven't i learned moon runes yet after so long

>Shizuko wants something like Winchester M1873
Is it possible for her later on?

He was allegedly the first man in Japan to try a banana (according to Nobunaga no Chef).

Attached: x5.jpg (1111x1675, 754K)

>a huge drunkard
>secretly a girl

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>secretly a cute sociopathic abomination with a god-like mind that disregards human niceties
Sometimes the Fate universe fucks up history in good ways.

>119 WN Chapters (Ongoing)
Cut my life into pieces.

Korea might be hard but with all the Nanban knowledge Shizuko provides who knows? Imperial Japan like 3 centuries early would be great though.

>humans invented foods migrating
Nigger, they wash up due to the seas as well, that includes animals.

>Imperial Japan like 3 centuries early would be great though.
Technically they always were an empire since the Yamato unification. They stopped being relevant in the Asian sphere due to the Kamakura shogunate getting complacent and disintegrating into the chaos-filled Sengoku.

this the thread?

some manbun sporting soiboi triggered hard

If it is time travel.

That's basically it. Her grandfather is likely a pretty big deal in whatever prefecture she's from.

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They should've gone for the easy modo and conquer injuns in Hokkaido -> Kamchatka -> Siberia/N. America.

Some anons keep implying her family knows their grandkids will get Isekai'd, that's why they trained her so much.

Maybe anons are just bullshiting though.

>retroactively correcting the mistake that is cuckifornia

They SHOULD have, but Akechi Mitsuhide fucked it all up.
>Toyotomi couldn't hold the sway of the conservative nobility and wasn't the best strategist anyways, especially with the stress and decadence of being Taiko leading to complacency and fucking up the Korean invasion
>Tokugawa decided to shut the entire nation up since the Jesuits and Portuguese/Spanish WERE an external threat that could have turned all of Japan into a Papal colony, and the Korean war fiasco left the nation in a bad state for further attempts at conquest anyways
After Nobunaga, they had no chance of going for any more expansion beyond Hokkaido and the Ryukyus.


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It certainly feels like that way desu.

Sengoku is essential to the japanese founding myth.
Its like the civil war for americans, or the 100 years war for english/french etc.

Going for Korea is a mistake.

>invade Korea in the 600s, got their ass kicked by Silla and Tang
>invade Korea in the 1500s, got their ass kicked by Joseon and Ming
>invade Korea in the 1900s, got their ass kicked by murrican.

Based Korea going for the diplomatic victory.

learning a dead language is a lot harder when you have no one to converse with

>you will never join Shizuko in a hot bath

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How are spy-chan and the lords going to think about this info? A clan of wandering sages?

wouldn't that imply that she comes from a family of time travelers and every time they send someone back to improve Japan's status in the world? rinse and repeat until Japan dominates the world by 1950?

Nothing much different.
Japan couldnt expand into asia proper without industrialisation

Thanks, this was good. This is the kind of isekai I like, the MC uses her knowledge as apposed to some power to strive.

According to Google translate, Shizuko at least thought she was caught up in someone else time slip.

Their mistake was always aiming for Korea without proper naval support and ability to establish a strong beachhead, as well as underestimating how mountainous Korea would fuck them over in trying to conquer it (it's naturally fortified and a bitch to invade, much like inner Japan).
WWII Japan made the right estimate in trying to invade China directly and taking the fringes as a beachhead for further inland invasion. The Ming, while powerful, were torn in too many different directions to adequately deal with most threats on the fringes of the empire, which is what happened when the Portuguese fucking conquered Macau and claimed it as a colonial holding and the Ming couldn't kick them off (eventually negotiating a "rent" agreement).

And some user thought that it was supposed to be her sister's.

That's one interesting family.

Does she earn a unique title for herself like "The Demon Queen of Agriculture and Knowledge" or some shit?

Man, the Nobunaga no Chef live action is pretty shit. It's a shame the manga itself is languishing with shitty scanlators.

>"The Demon Queen of Agriculture and Knowledge"
Komachi's not violent enough for that. She'd be called a boddhitsatva or living goddess or something sent by the kami/buddhas.

>invade Korea in the 1900s, got their ass kicked by murrican.
Wrong, they won so hard they raised the population and tech level from cavemen to semi-modern in a mere 2 decades.

I expect there will be a battle in the near future and Shizuko will expect to lead Nobunaga to a crushing victory with her weaponry, only to be routed by the gatling gun company of her sister.

The live action shares nothing with the original story but its name and the recipes used. It was low budget as shit and rewrote the story so that Ken is some twink idol high schooler or something, instead of the mature and HUEG 30-something man he is in the manga.
A great isekai live action adaption is Jin (the one with the surgeon sent back to Edo Japan on the cusp of the Bakumatsu).

Most will likely think she is a goddess of agriculture, an agent of one or loved by one.
She will be dietified after her death for sure

>being able to befriend wolf
>flourished a village from being an Auschwitz starvation tier that was about to be razed to a revolutionary agriculture frontier
>has shittons of modern knowledge in her sleeves unbeknownst to everyone there
I wouldn't doubt if someone named her as an envoy of Amaterasu or some god.

>Inari is also sometimes identified with Uga-no-Mitama, the goddess of agriculture. An artisan goddess who made a mirror for the sun goddess Ameratsu. In Japanese Shinto-mythology, a primordial goddess and personification of the Earth and darkness.

Did Spy-chan ever stop doubting her and finally realize that it's okay to be relaxed around Komachi?

Could be. It kind of implied that the wolf was isekai'd/time slipped too I think.

>She will be dietified after her death for sure
oh no they're going to eat Shizuku's dead body

Renaissance-onwards is too late for deification.
but the world will probably have a bunch of isekai-fiction related to time traveling back to Shizuko's time.

>Renaissance-onwards is too late for deification.
Not in fucking Japan. They deified Tokugawa Ieyasu immediately after his death.
They keep on doing this for important figures all through Japan up until the Meiji and Westernization opens up the nation.
There's one famous one of a local tutelary diety of some kid who was so dedicated to getting a schooling he never, ever missed a day of school despite how far away it was from his family farm and his own poverty making it difficult to afford tuition until he became a merchant or vassal or something and was deified after his death.

>Shizuko doesn't get deified but she does get enshrined at Yasukuni

Speaking of deification, I always found Taira no Masakado's to be hilarious. His angry evil spirit essentially threatened the imperial capital into worshipping him as a deity to appease him.

IRL Nobu literally used dead bodies and shit to make gunpowder once he learned how to.

>Kill monks
>Use their corpses to make gunpowder
>Use gunpowder to kill monks even faster
>Use the extra corpses to make even more gunpowder
>Repeat until out of monks

>elven bone bolts

>bullets made of heaven send men to hell
What a poetic warlord he was.

Here they only take a few students in, so it's a specialized school even among the vocational schools.

The only correct answer. I wanna drop Ash into an edgy isekai and watch deadites rip the edgy ass MC and his harem to pieces while Ash manges to screw the MC over.

Why are they acting like crossbows are some super invention when arquebuses were already widespread during the Sengoku period? Hell, the Qin kingdom spammed crossbows troops to victory 1700 years earlier.

Aren't those quite fucking expensive? How do i achieve those setups bros

>it's just time travel

Still a fun read but it's not really a different world, just timeline.

Don't you have specialised high schools in your country? In my school, engineering school, we had 8 hours mathematics and physics each per week (physics teacher even had a doctorate), but only one foreign language (normal is two, special schools offer more). Left me well-prepared for my computer science studies. Didn't have to do much before 5th semester.
When your parents are old traditional farmers who left school after 8th grade, struggle with basic math and "don't believe in evolution", then a profound modern agricultural high school education is worth a lot for your family business. Provided the teachers are good of course.

by spending the money you have from a lifetime of work

i'd buy her bath water desu

Come on, a biolab is not that expensive. Are you Russian or unemployed something?

Its weird how Shizuko has no sex drive. She should masturbate or get her maid to help her.

>Why are they acting like crossbows are some super invention

They don't. They surprise that the random schmuck can do it.

Her grandpa's equipments based on that small frame alone worth six figures and probably many more

Isn't the family name Ayanokouji usually used for those kind of posh old money ojou-sama families?

She's agrisexual, you dingus. She only get off to those long, hard wooden shafts of farming implements, and the scent of rain-sprinkled farm dirt.

Is this good isekai for real agricultural/industrial improvements? I found out I like when there is something truly useful done (like thousand tooth thresher in Bronze Age in that one isekai)

It's alright

Or her grandfather must have been some plant scientist. Usually, you aren't as restricted by cash when you have the resources in your occupied field unless it obstructs or depletes too many of a company's resources,etc.

Actually, korea was more exploited rather than raised. Unless it's for NIPPON BANZAI, koreans got the short end of the stick.

Apparently, crossbows weren't widely spread for japan during that era. Supposedly also resource limitations and the more widely used bow/yumi at the time were more preferred. Also, I assume there were religious implications that made the preference for bows over crossbows.

Weird choice of attirement to wear in a lab

When you are old enough you can do virtually anything. Especially in a country that respects seniority as much as Japan.

Or he could have borrowed his old lab or something along those lines.

So basically Shizuko would be useful if she introduced the way to produce saltpeter

If you think that will work, throw yourself into the ocean and see how fresh you are when you get to the other side

I thought this was finished because they split it into different parts iirc? I'm waiting on the 2nd volume(?) right now.

LN/WN fags, please spoil me what happens.

>book loli



why the fuck did she waste her time trying to create papyrus like seriously fuck papyrus

>base matters

are you a brainlet by any chance?


Attached: Q31.png (1350x1920, 771K)

It's been more than a year since she got time slipped by that point, what kind of bag is that to be able to preserve a book perfectly against the elements?

>picture encyclopedia on various weapons teaches you to build them from scratch
Lol right

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Haven't consumed that much isekai but I always thought this was a common thing in them since Kazuma thrives from modern inventions a lot

>I'm too dumb to build anything therefore nobody I don't believe anybody else had that ability either.

Do people who Isekai in Sengoku period ever come back to the present

Maybe it goes into a lot of detail in how they work user, they won't be as perfect as the real deal but having a solid idea of how they work under the hands of some top tier craftsmen of that time trying to replicate it would most certainly get them to fabricate a few of them with enough time.

>he can't figure out how to manufacture a fully functioning F-14 just by looking at a picture

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So what is this mangas name again? Grimdark Isekai with female protags is what I live for.

Reading it rn. Where's the rape?

I can't help but feel the color is too gray. Everything is so gray they look like they are ghosts

Crop rotation gives you +175 Farm foodyou know, but Japanese shouldn't be able to research that

>Older generations are mentally retarded and cant do math

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The gods from Greek myths couldn't be killed.


>Be 6'5''
>Always have to shop at the Big and Tall Section which is usually small in the clothing store
>They never have the type of clothes you want and they're more expensive
>Some of the stylist shoes aren't in your size.
>Most people you meet are short as fuck
>Can barely fit into certain cars
I can't wake up.

Just dont think about it, its Isekai.
You can now install gentoo

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Sick AOE reference bro.

I'm interested in this. Where do you guys read it?

Or should also be noted that Arabic numerals were probably largely unknown in Japan at the time.

I like this manga, glad it's getting some attention.

>He had calculators in his test
baka sempai, we went through calculus without calculators. Not the easiest ones but not the hardest ones

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Sorry for insulting you, but I don't think she brought her log and sine tables with her either..

Literally what manga. It doesn't show up when i search "Sengoku isekai" this thread shows up ironically on the search engine.

sengoku komachi kurou tan!

Only 9 chapters? Unfortunate... I'll be feeling real empty if I finish it now. I'll need more isekai to fill the void.

>this thread shows up ironically on the search engine
I really miss google from the early 2000s, back when search results were based on matching the query instead of looking up your internet history and using that as the basis of the search combined with their "ethical database". Congrats google, you've shown me what I've already seen.

Use saucenao.
