Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?

Watch Pochi's show!

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Pochi fucking sucks at minecraft.


Why is her twitch avatar so tacky holy shit? How can you be so good at character designs and yet use THAT to represent yoyrself?

Will MC fuck his mom?

It sucks Pochi was killing herself over working on this shit

I would take being able to draw any day.


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No. It's just her character design. Pochi I would say is a better writer than this LN guy.

Pochi has nothing to do with this show other than LN designs.


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of course he will

Why is mom so OP?

Nah. It's a typical tease.


Then what's the point if they don't at least kiss?

What is the point of 90% of ecchi and harems where nothing ever happens?

because Pochi is an エリアン

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yes mommy

Well, if you insist

god that art looks terrible, is this weekly or he just doesn't bother putting any effort?

The manga isn't drawn by Pochi, the designs are inspired by her LN illustrations, that's about it.

e? so this show has basically nothing to do with Pochi?


I want to sniff her panties

Bet Pochi sucked dicks to get anime

i fucked her

Pretty much, its not her story, and the manga isn't drawn by her. She just did a few character designs for the LN.

I'm going to marry Pochi!

Yes, he. The manga isn't drawn by pochi, only the LN illustrations.

She's the illustrator for the LN.

Isn't her series, she's just the LN illustrator.

Okay, thought he was talking about Pochi.

Wait, is Pochi a woman? Neat.