Dr. Stone > Every anime this year including AoT. So fucking refreshing

Dr. Stone > Every anime this year including AoT. So fucking refreshing.

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Other urls found in this thread:


watch more than shounen you faggot

Let me ruin it for you. Dr. Stone is soap


oh sorry what did you say? I cant hear what you're saying.

>Vinland Saga in a few hours

I'm a Dr STRONK fan myself, but it'll have to settle for no.2 anime of the season.

Twitter anus be gone fag

Why do people fall for such blatant falseflagging?

You just copied that from fucking twitter. That's a new level of lame.

Because falling for falseflagging is falseflagging itself to make (You) seethe.

So far it's cringe and zoomer as fuck. Now how will it become shonen is a real question.

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A refreshing premise doesn't necessarily make a good story, user. Dr. Stone is mediocre.

>Now how will it become shonen is a real question.
yeah, how will it define it's target demographics, what a fucking mystery, lets call sherlock holmes to crack this nut

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flOPMfags are already salty as fuck

> Dr. Stone is mediocre.
You can really tell that by its sakuga kwolity and story telling/character design if you watched around 500 titles..

keeeeeeeek XDDD
stupid faggot I don't read SJ

Vinland saga is already out

do you mean there's a sub coming out in a few hours??? when

What does that have to do with anything you retard? Shonen is not a genre

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Your opinion worths the same as fecal matter.

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Dr.Stone is SJ title, retardo. Means it's shonen. But we haven't seen anything shonen'ish so far. Is that really so hard to understand, 3rd worlder?

What the hell kind of name is soap?

l m a o

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> I've nothing to say, but shitpost duuuuuh
乙 for being retard, retard

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>shonen genre
I've had enough of this stupid meme, kys

t. dumb fag

>shonen genre

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Try harder fag

Try harder for what?

It's native isekai if you actually think about it

I'm gonna laugh if the anime does more for it than THE PUSH ever did.

I don't think my IQ is high enough to enjoy this. The e=mc2 on MC's shirt especially.

>I'm gonna laugh when the anime does the job it is intended for

Attached: confused-man.jpg (925x572, 246K)

muh le sience

Yeah, everyone knows its e=mc4

They are pushing this series so hard...it's a matter of time until it has a baby.

>builds a radio out of dirt
>and then a car and a ship
Haha nope.
This will end with him going to space, won't it?

It definitely has the most fuckable protagonist.

I don't see why not. Wasn't there some hick flatearther that built his own rocket last year?

Stonefags BTFO

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People are still doing these virgin chad edits? What's next? Rage comics?

This is a salty thread oh my

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heh... bet you can't even count for 3000 years straight, brainlet

Nothing is worse than AoT so you're not wrong about that at least

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wojaks are pretty much no different from rage comics

What's so refreshing about it?

It's not a battle shonen

Dr stone is fucking cringe

I hate the duchey hero and his retarded companion

Every thing about it is dude science LAMO

The only question is whether OP is underb& or falseflagging.

no wonder this bread is full of retards with such a superb OP
he means shonen is a demographic not a genre

If you're wondering why everyone's laughing at you, it's because you're confusing shonen with battle manga

Can he find a way to go FTL? There already one example of something the science he knows can't explain yet.


Way more than half of the anime ever produced and most of the anime this season too are NOT a battle shonen.

I know this is a bait thread but this fuckshit inbred character on all the promotional material makes me seethe with how ugly it is.

Why. Why. Why. Why.

I can't even fucking look at Yea Forums without seeing his shitty grin. Who thought this was okay? I hope this flops so bad it gets retroactively cancelled with all the previous issues recalled and shredded like it deserves.

This is a confirmed twitter poster. I love Dr. Stone but this kinda shit triggers me.

>An anime season that has a Symphogear season airing
>Claiming anything else as AOTS
Loving every laugh

Attached: _HorribleSubs__Symphogear_XV___01__720p__0.webm (800x450, 2.87M)

Back to Yea Forums faggot

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What blatant shitposting.

Muh le ignoramus. You and anyone shit talking this show. Science is cool.

Wanna know how I know you're seething?

Just report

Yeah but they're also shit unlike Dr. Stone.

Anyway I still dunno why you had to stress battle shounen in particular. Anyway it's a shounen and we get battles (instead of way more interesting believable civ restoration, that would be sweet).

There aren't many battles in Dr. Soap.

Not him but have you read all 112 chapters? There's like 4 instances of actual battles, everything else action wise is done in a single panel or two.

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Doesn't really go against what I posted.

Yes it does. It's 99.9% the thing you're asking for and the battles rarely happen.

I'm not surprised

So is every series that has even a fraction of action, is now a battle series?

Mods, just put this twitter nigger thread out of misery

>he spent 3000(THREE THOUSAND) years concious without moving
>not insane

He was wierd before.

>counted seconds
Fucking cringe. I can think of a handful other ways to measure how much time has passed, that requires less energy/time.
Also if he's so fucking smart why didn't he spend all that time thinking of something more useful?

>shilled anime will flop
>pushed manga gets axed
Toriko Redux. Only Toriko was actually good in the first place.

No it's not.

Lmao this shit is even deader than BC and TPN. Like it has almost no hentai at all.

All three together have less than a fifth of MHA lewds.

Vinland Saga shits on this reddit-tier science wankfest.

shit doesnt even make any sense

promare is better

*pisses on Dr. Cringefags*

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Mangafags, is this worth picking up?


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Dr. Stone and any other anime this season BTFO by absolute KINO.

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Is that Vinland Saga, the shonen that will pick up the torch after the best shonen of 2018/2019, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, ends?

>no le epic fights is not real shonen hurr durr
your retard is showing

>3 episodes and Thors still isn't dead

They should've done Sun-ken rock instead.

Spoilers,you massive faggot.

This part better be pure sakuga.

is that kid pissing with his finger?

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as a manga reader, I was not impressed

Yeah,how else do people do it?

in my country we sit

"Your country" sounds very gay.

>Yea Forumsnons watch shitty popsci anime

>shitposters seething
23 eps to go guys, can you handle it?

Keep exposing yourself as a weak-minded brainlet who can't keep up with school physics/chemistry.

That's like saying Robinson Crusoe is isekai you moron.

Love this show, most of the other shounen genre is getting a bit too boring with cliches.

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>science dork with abs
Gyms aren't labs, buddy.

This shit is filled with cliches. The MC even has his own annoying catchphrase

No training arcs or Chakra/Chi bullshit yet, though.

No competition or harem shit with op mc

>Measuring manga by their hentai.

Naruto had barely anything until Shippuden.

They're the cutest abs in the world.

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I can't accept he counted for 3000 years thats fucking retarded
he would be completely insane after that

Power of friendship actually makes use of friendship

>user is mad because he can only count to potato

I'm a literal chemist.
If you actually had triple digit iq you would be reading a real science book instead of watching the anime equivalent to black science man.

Muh e=mc2

Was the stone supposed to have an effect on the mental health? I forgot.

t. single core brainlet

Congratulations. You've completely missed the point of non-fiction.

Normalfags seem to like it a lot, then again some Yea Forumsutists tell you it's complete shit.
Who to trust...

>not forming your own opinions

I just replied to the mongoloid who implied that not liking this shit equals being a brainlet.
Learn some reading comprehension before posting.

Why is the fact that he counted for 3700 years unbelievable yet apparently a pure stone brain with no biomatter operating at all is still within suspension of disbelief?

Cause waifus make everything possible

seething isekaifag

>shitposting hunterfags constantly call Dr. Stone a boring farming manga
>get to the part where they actually start farming
>it's unironically more interesting than most of HxH

based retardposter

>he enjoys harvest moon manga

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I have the feeling all the shitposters hating on dr. Stone are just schoolchildren. Think about it, it makes perfect sense. They've been "slaves" in school for the entire year, being forced to study. But now that summer vacation started anything educational is taboo for them. Have we cracked the code?

$20 says Stone gets popular, then Yea Forums will hate it because apparently nothing is good.

Your abs will be visible if you are super-skinny like Senkuu.

What kind of mongrel doesn't like Harvest Moon?

>Not being able to enjoy things you like

Dr stone isn't even educational. Its just /pol/fags that associate anything remotely related to science with being opposed to religion and tradition, which means its bad.

Return from whence you came

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>isn't remotely educational
Gonna cast some doubt on this. How is making nitroglycerine not educational?

>all those anons outing themselves as twitter users
takes one to know one, faggolas

>dr stonefags revel in boredom
Suddenly it all makes sense.

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He's not wrong tho

>Harvest Moon
You can't even get a virtual GF? PHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Are you literally saying you got REJECTED by fucking PIXELS


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>Gon takes a step on the staircase
> 10-minute monologue about how great Gon is for going up the staircase

>he needs 24/7 shota livestream to find a show interesting
Lmao, here's a (You)

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>Better than AOTD
Weak bait, take this (You)

I hope the anime does well enough to get a second season. I really want to see based Ryusui get animated

They need to do Kohaku fanservice justice to attract the masses.

funny because togashi loves Dr stone so hunterfags BTFO again

Just watched the first episode. Why is it getting shilled so hard? It was decent I suppose

Kinda amazing that the shitposters aren't spamming /sci/ yet. But I guess they don't even know that it exists because they're Yea Forumsedditors.

Unironically the shitposters create the threads and those turn in dr. Stone threads. There's not much you could get from the first ep. You'll get the feel for it when they start advancing. You might not like it, but that's understandable, it's different from your standard shonen for one.


Reminder that that brainlet literally has a symbol of how dumb he is on his collar. Einstein's equations shouldn't have been used in his case.

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It's the most iconic equation and a symbol of science of sorts. I don't see why people hate it so much

It was mediocre at best.

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Why do you post 7kb images user?

AoT is a joke only shounen shitter like. It literally has no acclaim and the anime intelligentsia treat it with as much disdain and condescension as any shounen ala Naruto.

>I don't see why people hate it so much
because people saw the equation and got assblasted over Senku liking science, so when they get told that the equation actually means something and isn't just dude science lmao they double down and get even more assblasted

>anime intelligentsia
The absolute state of whispercucks.

Keep seething AoT will never reach the status of HxH.

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This shitty anime doesn't deserve me to spend my internets.

Of course not, AoT will actually end, HxH just goes on hiatus


You expected a battle shounen. This is not it, you have some "battles" but there won't be people.flying through boulders.

>A refreshing premise
It is literally a gay lord of the flies

The anime is finished, and even unfinished the manga will always be superior to AoT.


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>The anime is finished

Link the twitter post please, I want to read the comments

>All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.

No. I expected better VA choices, better direction, pacing and humor.

>hasn't read the manga and is judging it from the smug looking mc in the marketing

Tell me how does it feel to know your series to be so inferior compared to the universal acclaim of HxH?

HxH is a groundbreaking series that redefined storytelling in manga/anime, jezz it feels so good to be a Hunterchad.

>another shiposter
Not surprised. So which manga did you want to have animated but were dabbed on by dr. Stone?

this nigger only watched first ep of each and made this? what a fucking mong

Dude, the demographic for this are 12 year olds. What the fuck did you expect?

>he's projecting again

Don't you have a yaoi thread on /gif/ to post?

I'm baffled. I actually read the manga and I was expecting great things based on all the hype in our threads.
It's a fucking slideshow-tier anime. Very pretty backgrounds slideshow, but still. And the first episodes are usually the ones with the biggest budget.

i want to marry senku

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>it's the same guy replying to himself

>Dr. Flop


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"Shounen" is a demographic it is aimed a YOUNG MALES, shounen is not a genre

>I actually read the manga
no you didn't

Found the Bleach poster.

senku is lewd!

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user, I'm not even shitposting, I'm genuinely disappointed in the adaption. I can't understand what the fuck are you guys even praising. Was cola, lightbulb and Suika in the OP enough to forget about everything else?

That better be Gen he's lewd with

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I wanted Dr. stone to not be shit,

As if we didn't watch shit meant for toddlers that looks good.

Disgusting, it really needs Boichi's delicious muscles

It's pretty bland. You can't call it bad, but the lack of personality, especially compared to the source, is astounding.

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>he read a quick summary of popular scenes in OP but doesn't happen to know what went down in the first 2 chapters and is surprised

Is it fun to fight a boogieman in you head with greentext?

In the thousands of years that passes, I wonder if any survivors ever made a nude statue collection.

it is! it always will be

>"I'm a real hater, please believe me"
I didn't think it'd be this amusing

forgot to attach full pic

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whats so good about it? the concept seems like nothing special but i guess i should give it a try.

>It's a fucking slideshow-tier anime. Very pretty backgrounds slideshow, but still.
If you think science is mostly kinetic with flashing lights and cool explosions befitting a shounen show, please avoid real research labs lest your dreams be shattered.

>Gyms aren't labs, buddy.
He can make testosterone. He's not natty.

Oh no...
Now i quit it.

Hmm, I wonder, it won't be adapted to that part, we don't even know, but based on what's currently going on in the manga, a person like that could very well exist.

how many episodes is it going to be before based Gen gets introduced? Probably around the start of the second cour right?

They're perfect for eachother

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>with flashing lights and cool explosions befitting a shounen show, please avoid real research labs lest your dreams be shattered.
What the fuck are you even talking about? The manga is fucking gorgeous, one of the best visuals in WSJ right now.

>guy who only read like 5 chapters

my money's on episode eight but if they keep up the two chapters per episode thing (which i don't really suppose they would) it would be around eleven or twelve (he debuts in chapter 23)

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Late first or early second, yes.

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This is the first time I post here or about this fucking anime motherfucker. Fucking niggers.

oof ow my rubber nen

amen to that!

Attached: dear senku.png (263x266, 54K)

The anime is too, but until next ep comes there won't be any action to test out the animation capabilities. You watched the previews, you knew what to expect.

The entire statue shit is abandoned and it devolves into boring human shit.

Premise is kinda interesting, but fuck me do I hate the science nigga. Hes too "nothin personnel" for me.
Big hound bro is pretty epic though. Seems like a real reliable pal.

Makes sense this is your first time, judging by your posts.

Man I can already tell that this is going to be the anime equivalent of Rick and Morty.

A bunch of edgy pessimistic reddit kids trying to outsmart each other with pseudosciences bullshit.

Basically roleplaying Dr.Stone

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I merely pointed out the demographic you dumb nigger. Go back to MAL.

go back to world 1 Goomba!

The manga drops ball fucking hard after Tsukasa's "death". Did something happen to the author or what's behind it becoming so shit lately?

wow dr.stone is best manga fucking hype!

post cursed manga panels

Attached: magma.jpg (872x512, 201K)

it sounds like you just have shit taste desu

>Hes too "nothin personnel" for me.
How can anyone think Senku is edgy?

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>i was only projecting

sorry i only have blessed panels

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They're nicer.

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Can't wait for this part

he is but a kind science man

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I have some real cursed shit here

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T-too lewd.

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yes but in that same scene we got more blankey senku

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See, this is it right here. This is one of the major things that is going to make or break this anime for me.
Such an insignificant little panel in the overall scope of things, but it shows not only the process of what he's doing there, plus the idea that Suika needs shapes instead of letters, but is also a nice character moment as well.
If the anime takes time, even a few seconds, to show things like this, it's a success in my book.

Brimming in cursed thread

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Chrome´s escape gave us this

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I think it's important to them. If you go look at the first ep when Taiju brushes off the snow off Yuzuriha's statue, his hands turn reddish from the cold.
We'll see.

Until before the anime aired, the shitposting was almost zero, just some annoying flopfags. Now, with just episode of the anime out, the shitposting skyrocket to fujoshi no hero academia levels, I can't understand how this happened with just ONE episode. Hell, Goblin Slayer anime didn't go it this bad, the animeonly rapefags died even faster than the manga ones and all the shitposting disappeared.

How can this be, this didn't happen with Kimetsu yet, and it's like 14 episodes in.

Attached: cursedsuika.jpg (140x260, 20K)

It hasn't been even a week, give it time. Even Kimetsu had lots of shitposting the first couple of weeks and it died down.

It'll die down after a couple of episodes unless it gets really popular, in which case we're fucked

This one still haunts me

But I like Johnny Test, it was just a random show that you would be RETARDED to take it seriously...which is what all USA did.

Ok, who of you I should believe?

Kimetsu has no material to shitpost about. It's too boring and generic to pick apart in a way that's actually amusing

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We just don't know yet, we just have to wait if they baboons stick.
This one of Kars Jr. still does it for me, I fucking miss Tsukasa.

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It's really good, it's a bit airtight yeah, but it also has stuff to criticize if you go further in where the real good shit is too. Compared to Dr. Stone however, I can totally see why some of the apes here wouldn't bother, since the meaty shit is pretty far in the manga, like arcs in.

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Dows this counts? It scares me, I wonder how the animeonlys will react to Gin 2.0.

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I'll admit that I pretty much dropped all Kimetsu threads after the first week and only bothered with the manga threads once a week BUT it was pretty bad the first 2-3 days. As long as people don't take the bait it should be fine


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I thought he was shit at first but at the end of the day, even though ye olde 2nd in command double cross is a trope from the literal stone ages, it was great.

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She was made for blowjobs and cuddles

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That was a beautiful episode. I can see normies even enjoying this concept. The manga opening didn't gran me but the same material in animated form killed it.

Would you a 3D Yuzuriha?

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I liked the build up in the manga more, also the visual flare was better in the manga, but the sound etc. was spot on. I'm excited. Meanwhile have some more curse

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>Hes too "nothin personnel" for me.
lol no he isn't.

i hate this guy's wig
also gay

>258 posts
>100 ips
dead series

so is Black Clover but that didn't stop it from getting shitposted.

No Kimetsu is a slow and okay start which goes on to be great, BC is just shit, which makes it ideal for the flies.

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If the series is shit, it gets shitposters.
More like Dr. Shit.


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Well, if Lawrence of Arabia was the first chosen one.

>tfw read all 112 chapters in one night

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how was it, user?

Good enough to make me read everything in one sitting.

Did you like it?

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It cant be better than jojo part 5. I want to believe it could be, but I really doubt that.

Only one way to find out

dr soul vs soulless force


It was so boring and mediocre/cringy, I'm actually considering to drop it before watching 3 episodes.


So whats the appeal of this show? Should i watch it?

Lighthearted science adventures. But watch it yourself and make your own opinion.

Attached: Dr. Stone #23 - Page 2.png (1314x1920, 2.67M)

it's Primitive Technology: The Anime. I can't speak for the adaptation after only 1 episode, but the manga is the best thing in current WSJ

Watch it if you like what you see

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like the other user said, it's Primitive Technology but with anime characters

Attached: dr stone ep 1.webm (1280x720, 2.56M)

Theres only one episode out right now, so you might as well. Ive only seen the first episode but it seems pretty interesting. The only concern i have is if the characters are going to end up pretty shounen standard (the objectively morally good hero, his comedy relief oaf, the girl, the objectively evil villain)
But ill keep watching it, if just to see more of the really nicely drawn backgrounds

God, I hate his art.

This part was great, hope they do this again. Really gives you tbe feel just how tedious it is.

I'll watch it, i usually like shows more comedy in them like OP so I'll give this show a try, gives me some to watch

There's gonna be something that turns things on its head so this wont happen. Senkuu might be honest but he's not always moral.

Senku is definitely not objectively good (nor evil), he just wants to rebuild civilization, learn about the petrification, and go to space. As for the others, they won't stick around for too long, we'll be getting to the village anons keep talking about and meeting some new characters, as shown in the OP.

we were all expecting this actually. Ignore the shitposters and enjoy the best bread cooking manga we have

Senku isn't objectively good and the villain (of the arc that'll be shown in the first season) isn't objectively evil. Both are arguably correct and only end up in disagreement because of their mutual pigheadedness

how else can you do it user

okay i see, i havent read the manga so i was just speculating. Ive got high hopes for this show then

We don't know how they'll deal with the action scenes, so we're hopeful too. They seem to want to stay faithful to the manga so there's no worry of your fears coming true.

the moments where the series switches from a lighthearted comedy to serious business are great. The Treasure Island arc is fucking kino, and gives me some pretty decent Lost vibes

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What a Chad

Why is everybody so judgmental? I don't get it.

Kill yourself

What a shitty show lmao.

Everybody has their opinion but this feels like bait to get attention. Freak it. AoT had 10 ep this season which tied together the previous 49 episodes and of the series & fleshed out characters/story and Dr Stone has had 1 and to put Dr Stone over AoT already is ridiculous.

isnt this shit manga about to get axed? Watched the first ep and man did it look J.C staff levels of shit

of the course a Dr.Cringe is a redditor

No? It's had a fucking Times Square ad for the anime adaptation. That's how much money it's making.

It's blowing up big in the manga communities both western and Japanese. It will probably reach the levels of success the likes of Naruto, Bleach, HxH had back in the day.

>No? It's had a fucking Times Square ad for the anime adaptation. That's how much money it's making.
HAHAHA HOLY DELUSIONS even the nips dont like this shit

First episodes are gonna be just ok, but once he meets Chrome it's gonna become fucking amazing

No thanks. It's okay to be a casualfag that doesn't give two shits about your animes about high school girls.

Shounen anime ranking this season
Black Clover Elf arc > OP Wano arc > Kimetsu > Dr Stone > Fairy Tail Zeref/Acnologia arc > Fire Force

Did you see what the anime did for this page? If that's the precedent we're in good hands.

Attached: 16.png (887x1300, 680K)

I'm just here for Kohaku.

>Even listing Fairy Tail
>Black Clover ahead of Wano
Fuck off.

I don't see what that screenshot is supposed to prove. For example, it can be an instance of fake numbers by an unofficial site, doctored inspect element edits, and so on.

What matters is the popularity. If Dr. STONE was truly selling that little, there wouldn't be all this hype surrounding it. It just doesn't make sense.

So, the logical conclusion is that the numbers are not telling the whole story or are fake entirely.

Anime audience is bigger than manga, even if it sells like shit it can be huge in anime especially with streaming sales now bigger than ever.

How are you gonna compare a single opening episode to a season that is basically accumulation of previous 50 episodes. You can enjoy Dr. Stone but so far it doesnt hold a candle to AoT.

Dr. Stone is fucking WRONG! BAT GUANO DOES NOT CONTAIN NITRIC ACID! Potassium nitrate may be collected from bat guano, but not NITRIC ACID! Nitric acid may be produced from potassium nitrate, but it's going to be pretty goddamn hard to do so without glass or metal.

So how our fanart situation?

I dropped the manga once the conflict with Tsubasa ended, the setting was getting too advanced and thus bored me.

I liked the premise but both MCs were pretty annoying for different reasons. Do they get better?

after the 3rd or 4th episode, Taiju will disappear until probably near the end of the second cour and Senku gets more likable as other characters are introduced

Steins;Gate officially got dethroned as the Rick and Morty of anime.

Of course he would be completely insane. Sane people don't count for 3000 years. Being insane is HOW he counted for 3000 years. Then he just became sane again after it ended.

i spread it out over 2.5 days. Started to pass out after 80+ chapters and had limited time day 2.

I read up until they started trying to build a phone when I first heard about the anime, and I read the rest of the series in the 2 days since the episode came out. It's fucking great, easily one of the best things in Jump. The only problem now is whether or not the anime will get a second season so we can see based Ryusui

He sort of gave away how he might have done it -- he was almost completely asleep except for the small part of his consciousness that was counting.
If he can do the pic related calculations while half-asleep, just imagine how little awareness simple counting would require of him.

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>retarded friend stay conscious for three thousand years for pussy
I think we know who has the real problem here

The counting for 3000 years thing was retarded hopefully it doesn't get any dumber than that.

did you just watch the first episode?

Attached: D-2JITZUYAEwn6p.jpg (1200x675, 115K)

it doesnt. there is a tiny asspull in ep 2 or 3 but once he reaches the town it's smooth sailing logic wise

>thinking dr.Stone is anything like Rick and Reddit
opinion disregarded

I finished bingewatching the 1st episode and I don't really understand all the hype behind this series. How many seasons of Rick and Morty do I need to watch before I can enjoy it?

You bingewatched one episode?

I usually only watch anime in 5 minute intervals before going back to posting on Yea Forums, but I made an exception this time since I'd heard such high praises about it.

It's called read the fucking manga to find out why

I can say one thing - it's better than The Promised Neverland and My Cuckademia.

But I don't see it being better than black Naruto (Black Clover).

A soap opera?

Or is Dr. Stone Jewish?

>5 minute intervals

I’m not saying Dr. Stone ain’t fire but.....

Attached: D-zrFopXYAA-2on.gif (250x140, 535K)

>cringe and zoomer as fuck
what the fuck has happened to this board when retards like you are roaming free

First episode was a lot of fun, didn't like it at first but it grew on me. Reminds me of a weird mix between Rick and Morty and Nier: Automata.

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I'm guessing you saw that new Digibro video about Dr. Stone

Attached: Misuzu.png (106x82, 5K)

Fucking shounentards thinking they have any authority to say what's AotY

The only one I'd disagree with is Mob Psycho 100.

When Gon is going to be back?

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You watched literally 20 minutes of it and already came to this conclusion....

Nah bro Aot is more fire

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>shitposters completely assblasted people are enjoying dr. Stone
I love it

You find things here and there

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Why does it look like Senkuu is getting more annoyed/frustrated? He should be happier and/or smug instead desu.

Taiju just said something asinine

It's just based on the original expressions

I like the premise but I hope they tone the characters down a little bit. They aren't annoying enough for me to drop it but just annoying enough that I'm enjoying it less than I could.

The problems are too easy

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Once things shake up, so by ep 4, then you'll enter apex comfy

>Yuzuriha does't have a dick


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That's good to know.

Dr. Stone is the Star Trek Discovery of manga.
Which means it gave me cancer aids.

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Currenly it's just mega smart vs mega retarded, then things are changed up to Breaking bad esque master vs wiling to learn silly newbie

Can't expect lots of sexy fanart from first ep. Soon

Attached: tumblr_ovr0rm4VIQ1woffwoo1_1280.jpg (1280x1670, 626K)

it's like a drug

>follow Dr. Stone since day one
>go through weeks, months even, of people who don't get it shitting on it
>live to see the day the same thing happens again, but with the first episode of anime
This, oddly, makes me happy. And I feel a little bit of envy for all those people who are going to experience it for the first time.

fire force and this are both good.

Don't worry, the community will get so autistic by anime-only-fag that you'd wish there was never an anime made.

I highly doubt it, since I'm not going to hang around too much. Although, I can see this happening with Vinland Saga, simply because an anime adaptation could never come close to the original's greatness.

General reminder that Dr. Stone is in fact NOT a horror manga. Inagaki and Boichi just happen to be good at it.

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One last one, and one of my favorite underrated panels. Can't wait to see this animated.

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doesn't look more interesting than edgelord gunman

thats now how science works

Based Senkuu ignoring thot and keeping his lips pure for Gen.

>Dr. Stone > Every anime this year including AoT. So fucking refreshing.
literally only one episode out you easily impressed child

Reminds me of that one hentai studio that draws women in that style.

You're right, that is now how it works. However it worked before, this is the new way it works.

>the most unnecessarily long transformation sequence ever
and the end result doesnt even look that cool. cant believe this gets good animators while OPM is left to JC

The OP was made by a troll and was hijacked by stoneposters. Dr. Stone fans just want their comfy anime, they don't care about anime rivalries.

Attached: 56974005_864908883902398_5884924298115587030_n.jpg (240x288, 21K)

unrealistic anime is not comfy

You think that now, just wait till you see the roadmaps

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It is very comfy though

The ep isn't even out yet

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I just started reading the Manga a few days ago and I like it much better and I'm a bit disappointed with the anime.

The hot blooded and ridiculous reactions to everything are too downplayed in the Manga. They've made Senkuu into that mysterious smart twink that every bit of teenage media has rather than KEIKAKU MASTER 5 BILLION! He is in the manga.

So if it wasn't the acid from the cave that woke them up after 3700 years, HOW did they wake up?

Too early to tell. A lot of people had the same reactions when the manga started. Only real difference, you can hear Taiju scream now.

Attached: Dr+stone_11491c_7177832.jpg (900x1022, 219K)

Senku will explain it around like episode 5 or so. And the acid did help.

Is this the true My Hero Academia Killer?

Attached: D-2Jg6vVUAAnXs1.jpg (2048x1536, 406K)

It was a combination of the acid and them retaining counsciousness and it wasn't even instantanious like the depetrification formula is.

Attached: 56866531_523820374818485_2564217777373293229_n.jpg (480x480, 43K)

The hot blooded and ridiculous reactions to everything are too downplayed COMPARED to the Manga*

Damn that was royally bad typo.

Still too early to tell, Senkuu didn't start progressing yet. Taiju answering Senkuu's quiz question should be a good start.

>audience of mostly women
Can MHA even be called a shounen anymore?

All animeonlies complaining about nothing interesting happening are about to get the chad slammed at them on Friday.

Attached: tsukasa.jpg (676x906, 285K)

>he watches shit anime

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I hope they do the animation justice for Tsukasa "The zoomer grooming boomer doomer".

I hope they do his swirly movements justice.

Attached: tsukasaswirl1.jpg (564x770, 227K)

It was alright, the premise is interesting enough to keep me going but the character design of the MC and his 10 billion percent catchphrase shit put me off a bit
Action isn't the only time you can show off animation. The only time I felt like I was getting something out of the show I couldn't just get from reading the manga was the fast forward section where they're building the distillery

Just wait for next episode to set it up, then we'll have a fight.

Attached: chads.jpg (612x570, 193K)

Funfact in japanese it's 100 million percent as if Senkuu wants to either go over the top or reassure everything will be alright to the people he's talking to.
10 billion is just overdramatization for us filthy gaijins.

Yeah I've heard there's a twist that'll occur in the next few episodes so I'm going to stick around at least that long, and I enjoy the Primitive Technology aspect.

yikes nigga

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The ludite chads show up to prevent Senku from pulling his bullshit.

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She was made for being dropped immediately and replaced with best girl.

I wonder how many times she was raped in Tsukasa camp, probably a lot I imagine.

If you think about Taiju being there, it was probably Taiju who got raped in her stead.


Many shonen series have mostly female fanbases

MHA is hard shoujo, the same way the HxH is soft seinen

It can't be for real adults it the fanbase is entirely made of manchildren

Look at that Ginro

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Attached: hottie2.jpg (491x427, 87K)

Saturday rankings

10 9784088818818 Dr.STONE 11 集英社 Boichi 2019.7.4
215 9784088811840 Dr.STONE 1 集英社 Boichi 2017.7.4
236 9784088812595 Dr.STONE 2 集英社 Boichi 2017.9.4
302 9784088812885 Dr.STONE 3 集英社 Boichi 2017.12.4
310 9784088818016 Dr.STONE 10 集英社 Boichi 2019.4.4
455 9784088813417 Dr.STONE 4 集英社 Boichi 2018.2.2

(Fire Force)
132 9784063955675 炎炎ノ消防隊 1 講談社 大久保篤 2016.2.17
191 9784063956467 炎炎ノ消防隊 2 講談社 大久保篤 2016.4.15
233 9784063956986 炎炎ノ消防隊 3 講談社 大久保篤 2016.6.17
262 9784063957365 炎炎ノ消防隊 4 講談社 大久保篤 2016.8.17
300 9784063957778 炎炎ノ消防隊 5 講談社 大久保篤 2016.10.17
367 9784065148785 炎炎ノ消防隊 16 講談社 大久保篤 2019.4.17
406 9784063958232 炎炎ノ消防隊 6 講談社 大久保篤 2016.12.16
429 9784063958690 炎炎ノ消防隊 7 講談社 大久保篤 2017.2.17
466 9784063959161 炎炎ノ消防隊 8 講談社 大久保篤 2017.4.17

Dr. Stone not doing so hot but it could improve. Both are worse than Kimetsu boost so far

Can we attract some normies by saying we have a cute trap in the manga?

>liking traps

>Both are worse than Kimetsu boost so far
Even bokuben got all the volumes in top500 after the first episode. It wasn't high enough to rank on oricon but it was there.

Have you been living under the rock? Thanks to Astolfo and that other gray-haired maiden trap, normies all pretend to ironically like them.

>2 chapters
>Chapter length is 20 pages
>Episode 1 is 70 worth of content.

It's like all you retards forget the first chapter is 50 pages
We're going to get 3-4 chapters an episode.

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Can someone translate this moon speak?

A lot of full page panels and a lot was skipped. Hope they don'go 3 or more chapters per ep. Too fast and end would be in weird places

It might be that people knew what to expect from Bokuben and Fire Force so they bought all the volumes in advance
Nothing important to translate
Rank - book ID - title - volume number - publisher - author - release date

I think they're aiming to cover up to the Stone Wars.
A season of anime usually covers around 20-30 chapters and at this rate we'll probably go up to the Fight with Hyouga/ Freezing Tsukasa

Chapter 1 was short as fuck though, even some normal length chapters take longer to read

It's not important to me if dr. Stone does extremely well. I would prefer to see it comfortably sitting in the middle and let the story play out as it should

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>but the character design of the MC
shit taste

You think they'll go that far? I'd end it just as the start of stone wars is announced. And then the hype demands season 2.

Attached: kohaku_by_jkalsop_dc3bcff-pre.jpg (894x894, 88K)

>fast forward section
That was great, hope they do this often

Attached: D9zwT4GXsAACM-H.jpg (1200x1200, 185K)

Why would you like something that is clearly shit...

Maybe it's just shit in your opinion which is fine, you don't need to like it.

Attached: gen_the_cola_man_by_loshcomixfan_dcyjii8-pre.jpg (816x979, 74K)

Sure thing, each episode will be 40 pages padded to fill time

Don't be retarded

It's "hyaku oku" which is literally "hundred hundred million" i.e. 10 billion, not sure what you're talking about.

>thinking anime is either high school sol or shounen
watch more anime, read more manga

it's trash

shounen is almost universally there to described battle shounen and if you actually disagree with that you should get off Yea Forums for literally 1 day

Stone wars starts as soon as the Village games ends.
Village games is the perfect ending spot for Season 1 (Ep13)

And if they cut shit out of chapter 1, They'll probably gloss over more intricate content for the adaptation to keep it steadily moving on.

Attached: dr-stone-11004199.jpg (800x1142, 227K)

We're guaranteed that at least episode the first 12 episodes will cover up to the Hyouga attack as per the OP. The second cour will be the communications arc.

I hoped the "world ending" part would be longer. I don't mind. Also no need to be rude, where did the politeness from the weekly stone threads go baka

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animefags ruin everything, you aren't talking to the same people anymore

>Village games is the perfect ending spot for Season 1 (Ep13)
the season is 2 cours

>Ad populum argument

So if everyone uses a word wrong its magically got a new meaning?
This sounds like fucking trannies calling futanari "slurs" because some fuckers don't know that the word actually means Two form "Futa" "Nari" which equates Dick Girl or Cunt Boy or any permutation of two-forms and not their fake tranny bodies.

Fuck off back to resetera

Touche, but it's still technically spanning 2 seasons of time regardless.

If it makes your autism happy, "Episode 13 of the 1st season"

Why wouldn't Nikki want to have her message translated? I mean, I know she's a big girl but there's nothing wrong with telling your biggest idol etc.

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Does she technically count as Senku's imouto?

She counts as his wife.

she's his gorilla

Senkuu doesn't care, but Kohaku is turned on by the thought

Attached: kohaku_by_javymachinga_dc4i21j-pre.jpg (999x800, 207K)

Could we still get comfy manga threads every release day? I'm okay with 100-200 replies if it means no shitposting.

Prepare your anus for 300 "lol e=mc2 so cringe" posts per thread and you gonna like it
some of them might even say his hair looks like onions

Just ignore the shitposters like we always did

Attached: D-8Q5Y-U0AAhCao.jpg (1378x2039, 282K)

Why is this sleazy ferret so fucking hot?

What's this? Another shonen thread?
It's our thread now!

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It's his.biggest magic trick

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so far it's interesting
how long until it devolves into battle shonenshit?

it doesn't

................... Never

the manga is 112 chapters in and there are 2 fights that last longer than 3 or 4 panels

ok then I'll keep watching, thanks

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Any good twitter artists who draw Gen? I can't find a lot by just searching his name.

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The fanart is already building up. I'm glad, this is what mangareaders wanted from the anime.

Attached: DwhAZ_TVYAAC3pm.png (700x1082, 729K)

I mean that literally happened with multiple words over time. Easiest example is the word “weeaboo”

>used to be for mocking people who were japanese wannabes
>now it’s used like “otaku” with people willingly saying they are weebs

Something similar happened to “stan”
>originated from a rap song describing obsessed, crazed fans. The word is definitely not meant to be a complement or something people willingly call themselves.
>now it’s just used to say you’re a big fan of something. K-pop fags and otakus use it like it’s a nice little tag for themselves


Oh shit is that Sulfie-chan? And idk desu, I check around every so often, just going by drstone/dr. Stone

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it's lillian weinberg

Obvious seething is obvious. You think anyone sees this post and goes "Damn, dude's right. Time to stop liking this manga I've enjoyed for the last two years" it adds nothing but showing there are people angry that the first episode is doing better than they want it too. I'm sure you're the guy who posts Dr. Flop at the start of every thread.

Oh wait, nevermind, I see he's doing an impression

he is pretty fucking smooth

Attached: he is so smooth.png (200x498, 70K)

Just ignore them, replying only fuels their (You) collection.

Attached: D-z9wKgUIAAD4gK.jpg (1050x1035, 214K)

waiting for Kohaku, Gen and Chrome to show up is fucking suffering

>smooth Science man

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Attached: big poppa.png (152x74, 12K)

>Senkuu gains the power of petrification
>stones himself for half a year so he can binge his anime
>intentionally stops thinking so time passes faster

Attached: 1562454026585.png (485x421, 453K)

The shitposter is talking out his ass per usual, best to ignore him.

Here's a cute Chrome to help you through your hardships

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I'm excited to see where this series goes, the first ep was better than I thought it would be.

How is he gonna restart civilization? They barely have 40+ people to work with. Also Strongest Primate Highschooler dude has it all wrong, staying at Stone Age levels is stupid. Iron Age is where it's at.

>How is he gonna restart civilization? They barely have 40+ people to work with.
by finding a new way to make nitric acid and reviving more people

Let me tell it how it is
This is a sci-fi anime set in an apocalyptic stone age in the future based on real life science.
Expect nifty inventions, gags, lightheartedness, but also spooky and exciting over the top moments.

>His wife
Senku's wife is science.

...why is Ukyo a fat chicken?

They can theoretically revive almost everyone who got stoned

Actual spoilers.

Just fucking watch and see.

He's a birb, the mother birb bringing his child what he needs.

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Do NOT harass cola-man please

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>We must kill ALL THE Boomer filth lest society revert to the old ways of power struggles and social hierarchies
>Revive a corrupt police officer and put him in a position of authority
Tsukasa is a fucking mong.

Attached: latest[1].png (528x710, 411K)

Senkuu and his pup

Attached: 39760470_556941634739131_4834453486600978432_o.jpg (767x1130, 119K)

Good thing we're guaranteed getting at least to the end of the last arc that mattered this season then.

I mean, it means we won't get based sea Captain but I can make do.

>unnecessarily long transformation sequence
>end result doesn't even look that cool
I knew OPMfags were gay but I never imagined they'd be THIS gay

Attached: D8z1Xg7VUAEgtlk.jpg (877x1100, 144K)

Hey man, don't talk about Senku's brother like that. He isn't corrupt, just morally challenged.

>I would prefer to see it comfortably sitting in the middle
I hope EiC has the same idea. People would not call it dr. push if it stay at the middle of toc.

The news grill was the one picking out the people, blame her. Tsukasa boomer doomer did nothing wrong.

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But Tsukasa picked her you dumdum

I'm glad Kaseki is getting some love too, I'm sure he'd be very excited about it

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I know geniuses are asexual but cmon the must fuck part of his virgin brain should have been firing signals

cola man is for cuddling and eye-contact maintaining, hand-holding missionary sex with exclusively with senku

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>wanting to fuck a gorilla

Nothing wrong with liking girls user

That was a stark look through the window of your life user.

started reading this and just dropped it
such trash pacing that i couldn't care less what happens next

>We must do thing
>Oh no our means of doing thing is ruined
>Heh... don't worry I already know what we need to do to still do thing
>Haha Senku you have the worst luck now please listen to this message your adoptive father left you, who was one of six survivors of the apocalypse and founded the village that you are now chief of through sheer luck
And that is Dr. Stone summarized.

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He is faithful to his boyfriend.

Attached: 75150953_p1.jpg (659x931, 295K)

I saw this on twitter desu

Oh well, bye user

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gen is NOT a slut!

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Virgins cant resist vagina due to their brains not being used to it his lack of horniness from a beautiful woman in the heat means something is wrong with his brain.



>Gen showing bare feet

Attached: 41942304_573326686433959_8971307484358639616_n.png.jpg (800x716, 38K)

Poor boy is just too popular for his own good.

Attached: 70904714_p15.png (600x800, 473K)

>Never thought twice about the stone sparrow lying around prior to the Apocalypse
>Why the fuck is their a petrified sparrow lying around
>Why did it only affect humans and sparrows
>Byakuya survived armageddon somehow by being an astronaut
>Became an astronaut with Senku's help
>Byakuya laid the foundation for him to come back
>Senku says he's going to bring everybody back

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dr. Stone - 01 [480p].mkv_snapshot_06.36_[2019.07.08_16.31.06].jpg (848x480, 95K)

It's not a battle manga.

He seems to really dislike shoes, he is barefoot almost all time in the manga too. He only put on shoes during the winter.

>all this fanart ITT
What started the hype?

Yeah, he also set up a recording of him saying "why" and let it loop for almost 4000 years.

Brilliant deduction, user.

Why not?

Would he wear shoes if his boyfriend made him a pair?

Attached: 45073644_593017237798237_5593628465573134336_n.png.jpg (687x765, 49K)

Ur gay and not a scietsist.

post gen's delicious feet

Attached: imagine.png (515x861, 523K)

The anime, what else? First episode was pretty good, which is a welcome surprise considering it feels like everyone thinks the beginning is the weakest part.

Did you reply to the wrong post you fucking retard?

They are doing them long because it's only one of two for each girl per season.

A great way to end the thread.

Attached: 70904714_p14.png (700x700, 631K)

>no fanart for years
>2 days since anime dropped
>Stonethreads are fanart galore

The same happened with Goblin Slayer.

Still low on decent cosplay

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I still can't really accept that his hair are not white and red. I always imagined they'd be that way probably because of BNHA

There were plenty of color pages user

Attached: D-9kp2iUwAIurUt.jpg (2048x1823, 450K)

I know. Doesn't mean I have to accept them

When it's made by the artist you should. Also white-red is even weirder, I'd take white-black

Attached: 44948620_592538504512777_1108564796065710080_o.jpg (2048x1288, 338K)

Red doesn't really suit Gen in my opinion. Too passionate and "fiery", if you wish.