Did you forgive her?
Seiyuu thread
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For what, the AV? I don't forgive her for not doing more.
Literally who?
Did she do porn and got black'd or what is it you're talking about?
>seiyuu thread
>posts a non seiyuu
What did he mean by this?
Emi Nitta , learn to reverse search nigger.
why did she do that anyway ?
she needed money as fast as possible ?
No, she's too fat and her black nipples are gross.
I meant as in who the fuck cares about some old and busted hag. Everybody knows this JAV, but fewer people give a fuck about her today.
She actually looks good now.
Did she really do it?
I saw it and I'm still not fully convinced.
I saw it and I'm convinced. It really did look like her.
That's what happens when a woman gobbles so much fat cock she becomes even fucking hot.
Probably a quick buck, just as you said. The AV industry is pretty big and smaller studios will accept pretty much any 4/10 chick and if you only star in one mediocre video, it will be quickly buried and lost. I read somewhere that you can go to pretty much any regular high school in Japan and at least one chick there will at some point star in an AV.
Code please?
I would marry her.
No. Nor do we forgive amamyia.
>she needed money as fast as possible ?
That's the most likely theory of why she did it. She was literally singing on the streets to make a living.
Forgive her for what? There is nothing to forgive or apologise for.
She did nothing wrong.
I don't care about what she did, she did nothing wrong.
Fuck off and kill yourself.
No-one should care about what she did but there are still people spewing bullshit. But it is good. A lot less crap in LL threads since the banner was raised. the war is taking its toll.
I don't care if it was her or not. She has my unconditional support.
True fans defend EMTN no matter what.
99% similarity, I don't care. I will always support EMTN until the day I die.
You show no mercy you will be given no mercy. Your death will be brutal OrcTaku.
I care not for her reason or her past. She will always be Our Leader.
She will always be a seiyu regardless of whether she was in those videos or not.
I wonder if we'll get another av scandal with aqours.
I stand with her until my dying breath. I will always support her.
My Honour is Loyalty.
I wonder if the OrcTakus will ever fuck off. Still it is a start. I am seeing a lot less of them now.
Apply heavy dose of exterminatus.
She did nothing wrong
schizo, autist, larp, or all of the above?
I was looking through the archives the other day and found out you had a tripcode and that you've been derailing threads everytime Emi Nitta was mentioned.
Here it comes again.
It means the OP is a shitposting faggot and a Warrior is needed.
Forgive her for what? She didn’t do any AVs.
I’m more pissed at how they got an incompetent seiyuu like Rikako to voice someone in Aqours, she can’t even play the piano for 5 minutes.
All. Plus a falseflagger.
I feel bad for her not because of the backlash but because she got betrayed. Being betrayed sucks.
Her pussy has already been decimated she'll go full blown bi/lesbian down the road just like Aya Hirano.
Kill yourself
I don't derail. I save threads and fight back against those who dare attack innocent maidens. I am also around to fight on behalf of fair maidens like Ayana Taketatsu.
I have made it my mission for it has to be done.
Theatricality and deception. Powerful weapons against the uninitiated. In the mind of my enemy I am more than a Man.
Reminder that literal who like Mikami Shiori could play piano while crying and still maintaining tempo.