To the user who wrote the AHEM manifesto, to you, 2000 posts in the future
First, your arguments are based on the premise that the Eldians and the FT are inherently bad, but that is only a potentiality. If you were to extinguish people based on the potentiality of them doing bad things, you might as well go all the way and kill everyone, seeing as everyone holds that potential - yes, it is called freedom.
It doesn't shock me that a Marley pawn like you would be against freedom; after all, you seem to revel in being nothing but a sheep and gobbling up their dehumanizing tactics, calling Eldians unfeeling abominations, constantly reiterating it to yourself to make it true, because admitting the shaky grounds of your "truth" would be admitting to being cattle: so Eldians cannot be anything else than "Demons! Devils! Unfeeling race of monsters!" despite the mounting evidence to the contrary. Eldians might be forced to be slaves, but you choose to be one.
And slave to whom may I ask? To nobody else than other Eldians. Eldians who probably made it possible for Marley to run in the first place. Eldians who recently cleverly removed many corrupt politicians from the scene, sacrificing much for the sake of the country.
You say it has been 150 rulers of the FT, yet have no evidence for your claims. As far as we know, it might have been just one, passing on his will and shortsightedness down the generations. So comes in Eren, a boy raised in an environment proud not for nation, but for humanity - Asian, African, he respects all without prejudice. He sees past the irrelevant categories of race and knows that all humans have the right for freedom. As the Attack Titan, this makes him absolutely immune, nay, opposed to the original FT will, and as such, he is the ideal candidate so far. After all, Eldians are slaves as you claim - but only if the ruler makes them, and even King Fritz never used his power constantly, letting the citizens live in relative freedom and peace.
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