Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san + Hakka Shoujo

Here be Chapter 39th of Kitsune Loli Wife Mother, as Chapter 14 of Hakka Shoujo later on.
As always, please check for grammatical mistakes and weird phrasings.

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Thank you!

And that's it for Senko.

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Domo arigatto

>There are Modernized Yokai who are responsible for Spam emails and chain letters.
I like this idea.

>looking at lewd while at work

And here be Hakka Shoujo.

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Is that really the ed?

this isn't nagatoro...

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Aye, down to the exact word.

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And that's it for today. Have a good Sunday/Monday and praise the Loli Gods.

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>blue board

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You will never have a kitsune loli waifu much less a regular wife to exchange weird and long letters with. Why fucking live? ;_;

>Get home after 9 hours work day
>Open door
>Loli Kitsune living with me jumps and backflips me with her tail
>Recoil from the shock and she tackles my leg
>Trip and land on the futon she placed on the entrance
>Before I can heave myself up she's playing the devil tango on my back with her naked feet

Every fucking day

She could soon be sending him ones of just her tail.

First bubble in the first panel was out of whack.

As always, thank you. This chapter was especially cute and Senko is depending on Nakano which is nice.

Thank you

Attached: 09.png (1600x2274, 1.86M)

>please contact me if something happen
if something happens
>the day just go on forever
the day just goes on forever
>he responded with those hard to reply business email
I don't know what's wrong with this one but I'm not feeling it

Damn this artist really is underrated.


2nd panel
>how do my job
how to do my job

God damn that would keep me going for the whole day

Best time of the two weeks is finally here!

>I'll have to remember how do my job
How to do my job
>if something happen.
If something happens
>You've started using smartphone
You've started using a smartphone
>He desperately wants me to have one
"Wants" could work fine here but I think "wanted" may work a bit better.
>Though I did told him that
Replace "did told" with either just "told" or "did tell"
>So I entrusted the... sateing? To them.
"Sateing" seemed really odd here so I took a look at the raws. Is the word supposed to be "settings"? Like "I entrusted the settings to them". That seems to make a lot more sense to me than "sating"
>Have you found any app you like?
"an app" or "any apps" would work better
>Huh. seems like
Make the period after the 'huh' into a comma
>The day just go on forever
goes on
>Please tell me if anything happen.
anything happens
>how do you fare in these time?
these times
>I myself am faring quitewell
Looks like a space is missing between "quite " and "well"
>our business process have not experienced much changes
Either change it to "business processes have not" or "business process has not". I think the latter one works better.
And another thing, "much changes" should be "many changes"
>He responded wit those hard to reply business email...
I'd suggest something like "He responded with one of those hard to reply, business-like emails..."
>While I do not know how it work,
how it works
>A peculiar message have been sent to me.
has been sent
>The sender was transformed into a kitsune and have lived for a hundred year.
has lived
a hundred years

Thank you for all your hard work Stalker

That's some lewd Senko

Probably "I hope they won't put me by the window", or "next to the window."

Although, it's unclear why sitting next to the window would be bad.

Is "sateing" a deliberate mispronunciation by the author? If she's making a 'cute' mistake, maybe, the "sittings" would be better.

"This day just goes on forever." sounds more natural.

"Greetings". "How do you fare at this time?"

"I enjoyed it so much that I wrote quite a long message."
"He responded with one of those hard-to-reply-to business emails."
"Our business process has not experienced much change and is proceeding smoothly."

"how it works,"

"A peculiar message has been sent to me."
"The sender was transformed into a kitsune and lived for a hundred years."

Senko doesn't know how to prounounce "settings"

Why are his eyes screaming in silent agony? Why does he still suffer

Thanks Stalker. Any updates on this annoyed kouhai?

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Thanks Stalker!

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Senko is healing my soul

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Yukkuri Senko

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Thanks as always based Stalker.

>tfw no foxgirl gf to send you tail selfies while at work

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Last ep of the anime left a bad taste.

good, I hope all the anime-onlys fuck off



>It's fluff time!
>No Nakano no!

that's hilarious

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Thanks as always Stalker-kun.

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I love Senko's phone with the fox ears. It's perfect.


That selfie is too far. Poor Senko-san.

I dropped this the anime after 10 minutes what led you guys to be able to continue the show when you knew where it was going?

fuck off

Unexpected plot twists actually become boring after you seen them all. I'm not saying I've watched every trope in anime, but I do watch people in life and it's pretty much the same thing. This is just feel good porn for me because I'm a sucker for the wholesome content that this world is seriously lacking. And the manga was better by miles.

You don't understand Rimu's intention. This isn't meant to be exciting or dramatic. It's a comfy manga you read to unwind after a long week at work.

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Is the loli his maid?


Even though he is being healed, the pain will never fully fade.