What Shonens avoid doing this? It might be the most immersion breaking thing for me. From the top of my mind, HxH has the main kids just trying to survive against the adults.
Then you get Ichigo awakening powers to defeat thousand years old Samurai spirits who live fighting demons and training in military squads, Naruto catching up to the adults and and surpassing the kage level after 2 years of training where he only learnt how to do a bigger rasengan and to control up to 3 tails, and One Piece which is fine for the most part, the enemies Luffy beat like Crocodile, Moria, Kuro and Don Krieg were explicitly not at theit peak... But then it had the team of rookies defeating the CP9, a trained band of secret government assassins with Lucci being a prodigy kid who killed tons since birth and supposedly mastered all techniques, and lately Luffy is beating commanders who have been feared in the sea for the last 20 years.
Every single fight in One Piece is literally "My Ambition > Your Ambition" That matters more than the actual on paper strength of characters every time
Parker Mitchell
Most of the time Dragon Ball. Fighting Manga are usually pretty good about this, so Kengan, Baki, and Teppu.
Hudson Baker
JoJo avoids this from part 3 onwards because no one needs to train for anything
Cooper Perry
Naruto only clearly got Kage level with the Sage Mode doe, which came from shadow clones hax, but the point still stands
To answer the question, FMA maybe? It was never very about power levels so the problem never came about I think
Jason Hill
Big Mom hasnt lost a fight yet
Juan Hernandez
>15 year old takes down entire mafia through asspulls >JoJo avoids this
Matthew Richardson
Beastars, by having the main character train for 1/4 of the manga and then proceed to get immediately slammed against a brick wall.
Aiden Gray
HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY OP is fine. Rubber-boy getss his ass handed to him plently of times not to mention them running away from almost every other fight.
Austin Wilson
Lucci and CP9 killing since young doesn't make them strong. They were probably killing innocents or weak criminals without Devil Fruit powers. That and in the end most of CP9 only ate Zoan-type fruits, Leopard, Giraffe, Wolf etc. Luffy grew up fighting with Ace and Sabo or training under Garp (Much stronger than any CP9). Then he got a rubber paramecia that makes him almost immune to blunt force and increases his attack's strength by storing elastic energy and releasing it as force.
Jaxon Barnes
>has help in nearly every fight >it took him like a billion years to almost beat one antagonist Touma doesn't seem to do this. Although Accel has cheated his way to the top.
Oda showed CP9 main members were vastly superior to the Strawhats when they 1st faced eachother in Water 7 doe
Isaiah King
Kenshin is 28 yars old and has already gone through most of his training by the start of the series.
Angel Clark
Are you going to post this shit thread every day now?
Blake Jones
>s-stop making fun of muh one piss!
Juan Reyes
When everything is an asspull, nothing except the most egregious violations are asspulls.
James Adams
From Renji onward, Ichigo has never won a fight on his own.
Luis Nelson
I'm not sure if I'd consider the invention of the Zangetsus to be not "on his own".
Isaac Gonzalez
touma has god-level mc luck though. There's no way in hell he should have been able to beat Accel in their first fight considering both abilities
Luke Cruz
You are ignoring that Luffy himself is considered a monster since the beginning of the manga.
Grayson Gomez
Connor Wood
>expecting realistic character growth out of a shonen
user, you do realise all shonen manga are, as the name implies, targeted at young boys? The average kid doesn't have the maturity nor attention span to understand and appreciate the meaning of reaping the fruits of hard and long-worked labor; they expect positive results to bear fruit the same instant they've put in the effort. So no fucking shit they won't wait around for 5 arcs just for their fantasised self-insert MC to finally learn a new trick, they want their heroes to be talented and powerful enough to master everything in a week. Because then otherwise that would be so uncool, and most shonen authors know this.
So next time instead of shitting up my board with this same inane complaint, why don't you grow the fuck up and stop reading/watching shows/manga directed at elementary school children, and pick up a seinen action manga instead you fucking nog.
James Edwards
Toriko made sense until his ultra powerful inner demons start taking control and doing the fighting for him. The series was rushing to the axe at the end, that was probably the only way to keep up with the endgame powercreep.
Angel Perry
>From the top of my mind, HxH has the main kids just trying to survive against the adults. doesn't Gon effortlessly run something like 50 miles while half of the adults end up failing?
Cooper Ward
And he still had help from the sisters
Samuel Roberts
>"Go ahead and break all the bones in my body! I won't quit! I'm the hero! I wanna see my dad!" He's your typical shonen mc mary sue from the beginning
Owen Williams
thats the biggest lie i have ever read about OP you weeb piece of shit.
Jose Gutierrez
>trains hard for an entire week thinking he could close the power gap between him and his opponents >gets trashed by the guys with years of experience anyways I have to admit that it's painful to read if you're used to MCs instantly improving or getting handed easy powerups after a training arc, but if reasonable development is what you really want then it's definitely worth the read.
I liked that he was a just a normal guy with no special lineage whatsoever His masters just decide to fuck around and actually train him. Pretty fun series. Dare I say underrated?
Cameron Hill
naw, just watch hxh
Kevin Evans
Nope. It was made by Toei and they tried to turn it into a sentai show for whatever reason.
The also inserted filler arcs so some of the character development between events makes no sense. For example you have a filler arc where Osamu develops and improves but in the canon match immediately after he just gets completely shat on.
James Bell
No, it's complete garbage. Read it instead.
Adam Parker
Berserk had Guts as a 6 year old child wield a sword adult men carry around. Kaneki went from everybody college student to the strongest entity in the series. You "muh seinen" semen slurpers are by far the most annoying fucking children on the board
Zachary Murphy
So you never read it then?
Lucas Fisher
I mean you can just go ahead and say what you're referencing. Like let me guess because the anime adaptations are pretty trash and left out a lot I might get this wrong. Does he have that incredible iron will and mental fortitude because he played in the forest?
Anthony Long
I was so fucking mad. Really wanted the guy to finally have his time to shine but he just had to go charging into the fray because he thought he was finally hot shit, and then that happened.
Thomas Hill
I enjoyed the earlier parts of it, but as it started to focus on the masters more, it went downhill. Every female character getting more of their clothes punched off as it went on was a silver lining though.
Brody Peterson
Nathan Russell
yea i never actually finished it lmao. i stopped after the miu retrieval arc. wish it would get animated.
Jayden Morales
As someone who sat through that entire filler arc I can guarantee you he didn't improve at all. Instead he did stupid shit such as spamming Chika's trion at unknown enemies and attempting to spar with top agents knowing he wouldn't win. Which makes it even worse because he spent a week wasting his time doing unproductive activities that he would've never done in the actual manga.
Dominic Roberts
Certainly didn't come from being raised by his aunt.
Not much to explain, the green text is childish. Aside from wanting to see his dad, none of that passed through his lips.
The rules of the fight enabled him to win, since he couldn’t actually lose without dying, and by killing him hanzo would be disqualified. Hanzo forfeits and easily wins the next one.
Blake Gomez
Why didn't his next opponent do the same thing?
Landon King
His next opponent also knows that losing that fight doesn’t actually make you lose the hunter exam. It was designed so you had multiple chances. He was rational and did not want to get tortured. Gon has some autism or something, he doesn’t care about his life like a normal person
Asher Evans
>Gon has some autism or something, he doesn’t care about his life like a normal person and apparently, exactly like what I said, he's going stupidly high pain tolerance and resolve like most shonen MC's
The kid is 11 years old.
Michael Green
Touch. Tatsuya has all the talent in the world, but isn't able to properly utilize it until after 2 years of practice
Jack Martinez
the elrich brothers are busted from the start of the manga
Alexander Garcia
It was already established that Gon wasn't normal. Same as anyone else taking the exam quite literally but I guess it does take less thinking to speak in generalities. You might as well complain about Guts if you're crying about high pain tolerance.
Blake Rogers
Are you telling me most 11 year olds don't just shrug off having their arm broke in half? Damn, I thought Gon was a based chad by being different from most shonen protagonists
Connor Gray
That's whole point of this fucking thread you utter retard.
Jason Nguyen
You dont have an argument. Most of these empty slights applies to alot of protags in fantasy series regardless of demographics. This dishonesty is honestly embarrassing
Kevin Rogers
This entire god damn thread is about hilariously overpowered MC's in shonen despite barely training and being young kids. You haven't proved me wrong you're just arguing it's not a big deal because it happens in other genres too >This dishonesty is honestly embarrassing the fuck does that even
Blake Bennett
don't you have pitou to spam?
Michael Roberts
>The fuck does that even. It's not that hard, you damn smoothie. Talented prodigies aren't "genre" specific, These traits appear almost anywhere, writers use it to make thier characters distinct. If you see it more often in shonen, the reason is pretty evident but some of you think that is only applies to shonen like this drooler here . Characters getting giftwrapped solid wins due to how special they are is more attributed to bad writing than anything else. And what does relative age matter in a story about superpowers?
Brody Rodriguez
One punch man.
Brayden Long
>If you see it more often in shonen, the reason is pretty evident but some of you think that is only applies to shonen like this drooler here I don't know why you are making assumptions like this. This whole thread was about the talented prodigies trope. No one said they were genre specific, just that shonen had a bad habit of using them. OP wanted to know which shonen avoided that type of bad writing and mentioned HxH as one of them and I disagreed. Once I proved you wrong you suddenly went on this tangent about how it's not really that bad of a trope and how everyone does it.
I am thoroughly convinced you have a mental problem or are just female. You're talking in circles here.
John Thomas
Kenichi isn't just "not special", he's actually fucking terrible, but he gets stronger because he has the best masters ever and he wants to work hard to be able to protect Miu one day.
Jayden Murphy
Pic related is pretty good for most of the series. The major powerup he DOES get later on that lets him fight against stronger characters actually makes sense as to why it lets him keep up and is based off of established techniques, and even then he's still not really on par with the other top tiers by the end. Haven't read UQ Holder, so I have no idea how it went after MSN though.
You speak like Gon took the arm breaking and completely shrugged it off to whoop Hanzos ass. He screamed like a bitch and didn’t actually beat his opponent in combat.
Dylan Green
The whole idea is that it didn't matter and Hanzo could have broken all his bones and he wouldn't have given in. Also that same strategy could have been used by everyone. To just not give in despite the pain. And for some reason only Gon did it.
Like if you want to argue that Hanzo felt bad for the kid or just admired him and wanted to give him the win because he was confident he could win the next one then sure. But Hanzo goes on this big speech about the rigorous training he endured from bitch, literally OP's opening pic about training for an absurd amount of time.
And then this literal child comes in and shocks him with his resolve so he either forfeits or just gave him the win out of respect.
Sebastian Cox
Toriko gets massive power ups and still gets his ass kicked by much stronger opponents. He got rekt by Tommyrod, and then Starjun, and then got fucking one-shotted by the Horse King.
The there's the Monkey King, who could one-shot all 4 of the Heavenly Kings if he was serious. Toriko had to train to resist 100x gravity by learning to recruit every cell in his body into his movements, and then he had to match the exact movements of the other 3 Heavenly Kings just to engage in a fucking mating ritual with Monkey King, which has 1000 moves in less than a second. Goddamn...
>Once I proved you wrong you suddenly went on this tangent about how it's not really that bad of a trope and how everyone does it. So you are just stupid then. That makes it simple. You never proved me wrong on anything. The green text was pretty goofy. The point was never about making a trope seem "less bad" by pointing out what you're complaining about is present everywhere else. I think crying about tropes at all is for thumbsuckers like present company. Execution is the only thing that matters in the end. But of course, actually taking things into context and delving into specifics with each series mentioned takes more effort than most think it's worth hence the green text.
Brandon Ramirez
time=/=quality training + experience
just because you've been training for 100 years doesnt mean that wntire time it was done intensely or under rigorous circumstances.
Crocodile might have been a lot older than Luffy, but he spent a massive amount of time scheming. Versus Luffy and his crew have exhaustively non-stop been on adventures learning new things and practicing their powers.
The Yonko might be incredibly powerful, but they peaked a long time ago. They don't train anymore. All their time is dedicated fo administrative tasks or trying to out-smart the other Yonko or play politics. Meanwhile, all the Straw Hats do is physical training and constantly improving.
In essence, main protaganists have a lot better quality and intensive training. Kakashi might be notoriously powerful, but he built thay reputation and skill very slowly over very peaceful years in comparison to the fast-track, hard work Naruto puts in during Konohana's warring years.
The ending is the biggest fucking blueballing ever and I'll forever be mad.
Hunter Lee
it's not like he curbstomps everyone with them, the ability is consistent too with it's limitations. you want asspulls watch part 2, hamon is nothing but asspulls. That's what makes the series so fun. part 5 has the best fights in the series btw
Gavin Torres
They spent literally years studying before the manga starts and have seen shit only a handful of alchemists have seen due to their human transmutation attempts.
Sebastian Morales
In KnY, Tanjirou spends like two years training before he even fights his second demon. And then spends a pretty lengthy amount of time healing and training after major fights.
Alexander Jackson
One Piece doesn't really count because it's literally a manga about ambition. Strength is completely determined by ambition. Some major fights Luffy wins explicitly have him weaker than the person he beats but he just has more ambition than them. Even losses like being crushed by CP9 were because the Straw Hats were in disarray and lost all their ambition. Once they got it back, they came and finished the job. The fact of the matter is that nobody who is content being the sidekick of a Yonko who is content resting on their laurels will ever have as much ambition as a guy who is genuinely pursuing the status of Pirate King. Power-levels do obviously still come into play like Luffy just wasn't knowledgeable enough to be able to injure Kaido yet but when Luffy was unconscious his ambition was still so strong that Kaido saw it and knew Luffy hadn't given in. Meanwhile, when Luffy's beating people like Crocodile, Doffy and Katakuri they are just lying there waiting for someone else to resolve the situation for them because they have no self-motivation to get back up.
Kayden Perez
I do like that, but also damn. My man has gone for way too long learning new techniques just to get his ass kicked, have someone else bail him out or even have the villain kill himself instead.
Very well said.
Blake Phillips
Because nobody wants to read about a kid sitting for 20 years under a waterfall or carrying buckets up endless stairs, which is what it takes to become really good without an advantage like Naruto's geneology and tailed beast or Ichigo being half-everything.
Besides, being young and incredibly gifted can get athletes a lot of wins since they aren't scouted to death and they have stamina for days and no lingering injuries.
I like the series well enough but Tanjirou learning said new techniques in the middle or end of the fight is a pet peeve of mine. Needing that extra backup in spite of it kind of makes it a little better for me.
Jordan Allen
>And for some reason only Gon did it. The kid with the hat tried the same thing Gon did but conceded because he couldn't take the pain. Not everyone can do it. Also that tournament was weird anyways almost everyone passed and Killua kills some random old guy for pretty much no reason..
Camden King
Hikaru no go. It took him years to become good in his own right, but he learned from the best master
> You "muh seinen" semen slurpers are by far the most annoying fucking children on the board This but shonen and moefags
Gavin Adams
Is this chart supposed to be finished? Because Asta is definitely a little closer to hardwork than Deku.
Jacob James
That chart looks different every time I see it so probably never.
Ian Anderson
Dragon Ball is filled with ridiculous power gap bridging, though. The fact they aren't all kids isn't relevant since the dynamic still holds.
Grayson Gutierrez
I want to say Kinnikuman because the Power of Friendship is a legitimate, tangible force in that universe, but since it takes over 400 chapters to establish this fact it comes off as convenient asspull bullshit for the entire first half of the series.
The fact it was incorporated into the plot later doesn't make it less of an asspull.
Bentley Martinez
Giorno gets fucked up severely throughout the fights with la squadra members. He almost died against Babyface.
Ryder Williams
Yeah, and it doesn't help that the reboot that justifies the power happened over a decade after the original saga ended. For a lot of people the manga and all its nonsensical glory ended at the end of the Five Princes arc.
Ian Flores
“Dying” in jojo world means nothing, see Bruno, Kira in DMQ, Joseph in part 3 etc.
Thomas Scott
Because shonen manga want to somehow have the two conflicting morals that hard work matters but naive good overcomes practiced evil. The irony in all this is when you have a protag who clearly is overwhelming in power to make his inevitable victory unambiguous, Yea Forums loses their collective shit and throws a tantrum.
>HxH Kurapika with half a year of training defeats Uvo. Gon survives a direct ball from Razor. Killua holds off Yupi.
Eli Edwards
Kurapika killed like two of the phantom troupe and had chrollo at his mercy after training for a while.
Adam Thompson
That's so much bullshit in so few lines.
Tyler Morris
Michael Morales
You're a piece of trash garbage human being who should be killed in his sleep. It is never okay to be upset when the protagonist wins. It is NEVER okay to be upset when the protagonist wins, you neckbeard, faggot piece of ass cancer.
Fuck all of you. Die and fuck off back to lebbit. It is not okay to think this way. IT IS NOT OKAY TO THINK THIS WAY. The point of the genre is for the hero to win. End of story. No, the hero should not have to train for ten thousand years. No, the hero should not have to lose constantly so you can get your beard-stroking erection at how mature and edgy you are. Fuck off. The point of these stories is for the hero to win, you piece of shit.
Joshua Bailey
Do you see what this is? This is the biggest franchise in the history of the nation of Japan. Do you know what happens every story arc in this series? The hero solves the case and saves the day. Every time. Because he's the hero. And people read it to see him solve the case.
You're not mature for wanting to see heroes lose. You're immature. You're a manchild. You're a bearded, overweight fanboy going through his edgy phase.
every thread
Cameron Perry
The point of the story is to see the hero win, you stupid manchild. Fuck off back to your NTR hentai if you want to see the protagonist lose.
Noah Ward
Yea Forums is a pro-NTR board, newfag
Brody King
opm got where he is by training, he just has amnesia and doesn't remember a chunk of his life
Josiah James
Touma is based
Chase Baker
>Soma loses to Erina in BLUE No wonder everyone hates Shokugeki no Soma
Bentley Rivera
WRONG. The Hero's Journey trope has been around since we started scratching cave walls and is universal in all cultures. In fact, the trope survives to this day probably because it is used as a teaching tool for kids to become adults. Just because you are afflicted with ADD doesn't mean everyone have to get dumbed down storytelling.
Jaxson Kelly
it's not through sudden power ups though, apart from GER. it's usually just some bullshit 10steps-ahead-of-you thing where they use the powers they had from the beginning anyway
Jonathan Russell
But Kinnikuman wins every match, all the time, and the fun part is guessing which string of whacky moves he’s gonna use to take the baddies down. The “edgy” drama lies in whether or not his friends can do the same. I don’t see the problem here.
Juan Ward
JoJo does to certain degrees. Part 6 is probably the best in this regard, Pucci is so fucking competent and experienced that they only manage to stop him with a gambit that required the death of all but one of the protagonists to set up. Whenever Pucci shows up you know he’s either in control or has a ploy already in motion to gain control, and they’re actually surprisingly well thought out for this series.
Robert Foster
Radiant, it takes dangerous powerups to get to just below the level of experienced villains and months of training to beat the lower ranked ones.
Ethan Smith
It's hardly an asspull. They make it very clear in the original series that friendship power is a real physical thing. They point out in the Throne arc that friendship power can make up for Kinnikuman losing his burning inner strength.
Kenja no Mago. Dude surpasses mages who have trained and fought for decades within a span of a few years. Not sure why I still keep reading it, now that I think about it.
yall got it right. my boi Kenichi worked his ass off, his only talent being hard work.
nigga just made one mistake: not settling with the right girl
Oliver Peterson
The protagonists train, the antagonists do not. And he protagonists normally train a lot, like a ridiculous amount.
Anthony Jackson
>Frieza trains for 4 months and goes from weaker than SSJ1 than slightly weaker than SSGSS Hilarious.
James Nguyen
is that from komi san?
Brody Moore
Exactly the point. The antagonists are far better than the protagonists, if only they bother. Cell would be capable of getting even stronger, even Fat Buu turned far stronger in the manga, and Kid Buu would be a freak even by Broly's standards. The protagonists have to train much much harder to achieve results
Joshua Reed
>komi san i think it is, does anybody who reads the manga recommend it? does the romance advance or is it a painfully slow crawl? i stopped reading it after several gag chapters, currently giving mino chan a go hoping it's different
Camden Fisher
The first high school year developed gradually, it was pretty cute. Starting from year two, it introduced a rival love interest, but absolutely nothing of importance has happened. It has gotten really boring. Just introducing new characters, giving them an entire arc and then repeat. Mino San is much worse though.
Nathaniel Jenkins
Search "youngest ultramarathon runner".
Benjamin Wilson
is the love interest male or female? either way it's awful but it's worse if it's male since it gives fuel to the ntrfags stupid love rivals have made me develop an intense and deeply rooted hatred of triangles mino san has been awful as of chapter 12 are there any good tall girl and short guy stories? i read saotome senshu and it's fine, witch craft works is cute
Brayden Lee
It's another girl aiming for the guy. A pure gyaru vs universally loved school idol over an average guy, reminded me of Saiki Kusuo. Haru X Kiyo is a decent tall girl X short guy rom-com.
Owen Jackson
isn't Saiki Kusuo an absurdist comedy? so i guess it's not out of place there, tho school idol/gyaru and average guy is sorta wish fulfillment, i just want a cutesy comfy romance without that idol drama >Haru X Kiyo thank you based user, you are a pure soul and you will go to heaven
Liam Wilson
Kurapika was just abusing what minmaxing and silver bulleting does in the setting. It would be the equivalent of ambushing a boxer while wearing sword and armor.
Nathan Rogers
Nice try user, but most of these fags are egotistical manchildren that wont admit this
Wyatt Rivera
i am serious, this is so cute my heart is about to explode
The Saiki resemblance was just a joke. The MC of Komi San is actually pretty good despite being "average", as for drama, I guess there is none. I mean it when I say nothing happened. I also looked in my catalog for more Tall girl X short guy stuff, and while I found a few, I don't think all are worth recommending. Komori San is a decent one, made by the same guy as "I can't understand what my husband is saying" and "Ojojojo", there is romance, but itsore of a high school slice of life than a rom-com. "Looking up to you" is fine, but it might be heading into drama territory. First couple of Houkago Play, the manga is pretty different from normal stuff though. Can't believe it took me so long to think of the most common one, "Fujiyama San was shinsuki". These should be enough for now.
Josiah Cook
have sex
Camden Cook
Fucking hell, what got up your ass and died?
And anyway, when the focus of a shonen involves combat, it'd be kind of pointless if the hero didn't work at least a bit or lose when they're starting out. Losing in a shonen doesn't have to be done out of edginess or need of realism, it can be done as a twist or even be used to propel a character's development like how in Dragon Ball, Goku losing to Jackie Chun taught him that there'll always be someone stronger.
And isn't Case Closed a mystery series, where the entire point is to see how a mystery gets solved? I'm not exactly sure how comparing properties that involve combat to stuff like Scooby Doo's supposed to invalidate losing of any kind.
Calm the fuck down, dude.
Isaac Bailey
Are you the same person as? If yes see this list too
Alexander Carter
>Komori San i am not completely against drama, just don't like when it's clearly there just to pad out the story to sell more issues "looking up to you" looks really promising from the cover because the malemc looks like me Komori San and Houkago Play are 4koma, so i could read through plenty of chapters quickly and decide if i like it or not all around these are pretty great suggestions, thank you user yes, and thanks again desu
>because the malemc looks like me They explains it Also you seen to have missed Fujiyama San maybe, do read it.
Jonathan Scott
berserk is shonen
Eli Campbell
i didn't notice fujiyama, but i also already read it, maybe my brain automatically scanned it out since i already read it it had a bit of an underwhelming ending but all around it was a decent ride >They explains it he's blonde and blue eyed, i couldn't not selfinsert, it's about time the dark haired /ss/ set down and let us blonde boys have some fun
Adrian Fisher
what the fuck are you talking about it's literally about treating your friends right, liberty and willpower to persist.
Luke Green
I thought you were referring to the Manley status. Yeah Fujiyama San never even having a kiss scene was disappointing. Especially since the initial first chapters had a lot of fanservice. But it was still pretty cute. I do love recommending manga, so welcome!
Thomas Gonzalez
>I do love recommending manga and you're a wonderful person for it c: if fujiyama had comfy couple fan-service like in saotome for example it would had been a godly manga >Manley status can you explain, i am not sure i follow, what does that even mean?
Ethan Carter
Manlet status, sorry.
Wyatt Hall
>manlet oh no, i'm just about average, which makes finding a tall girl hard... thanks for the recommendations again, truly can't thank you enough
Jaxson Howard
The side characters are the only thing that make it worth reading. It is otherwise "Autistic but beautiful girl falls in love with the dense Mr.Average MC-Kun because he said "hi" to her #53".
Xavier Cruz
Tadano did a lot off stuff and despite being "average", he most definitely isn't bland like most other self inserts.
Jaxson Nguyen
I really fucking hate this shit. The worst culprits of this are always shonens, but Dragon Ball, Fairy Tail and One Piece really took too far with this shit, although in fairness Goku might've gotten a pass since he wasn't even human. Bleach might've been the worst of all though since they've had training periods of only one day for a teenager facing off against people who have been training for centuries.
Cameron Howard
In a 0-10 scales, It's easier to get from 0 to 9 than 9 to 10.
Charles Diaz
>the hero experiences no danger or risk Wow what a good story!
Nicholas Ramirez
Again with Dragon Ball, when did a single antagonist train more than the protagonist? Goku trains every single moment. No one trains more than him.
Bentley Wright
DBZ villains are notorious for not training
Landon Ramirez
Because his power is explained by the rules of magic in that world, probably. The entire reason the MC (can't even remember his name) is such a strong mage is because mana seems to work as shorthand for manipulating matter, and if you have the proper knowledge of say, how an explosion takes place, then you can use magic to create explosions instantly by simply recalling that knowledge. MC is from the modern era so basically his insane power is explained away by knowing about atoms and cells and shit. The potential of this is that if anyone else ever learns the same things, then they could have the same power.
Kayden Carter
People hate SnS for completely different reasons.
Cameron Jenkins
I think Dragon Ball's problem is the power up formula, he's always training but only the in arc related training seems to matter when it comes to him becoming stronger >Goku trains every day for years >New villain(s) appears >Villain is clearly stronger than Goku >Goku does some extra training to make up for this >Goku reaches new SS form >repeat
Ayden Bennett
People are mad that he didn't win the Erinabowl.
Kayden Clark
>Naruto catching up to the adults and and surpassing the kage level after 2 years of training where he only learnt how to do a bigger rasengan and to control up to 3 tails
Only some Kage's were weak. Also, 3 tails of ninetails chakra put him above 99% of shinobi in history
Noah Sanchez
There are still 2 chapters of epilogue, Tsukuda will probably give pairings unless he wants the japs to lynch him, considering a good amount of them are still following only for the shipping.
Henry Sanchez
This really sucks but on the flip side the villain just happened to be brought into the world earlier than the shounen protagonist. If being handed a headstart on a silver platter is allowed then why not an asspull?
Daniel Powell
the user who recommended me looking up to you, i really hope you're still here, this is just what i needed, this comfy feel good manga brought me to tears several times already, it's so beautiful you're a wonderful person
In Naruto, there are characters like Kakashi and Itachi who were jounin-level when they were 10-years-old. Kakashi even says in the very first arc >In this world, there are people who are younger than you and stronger than me. 15-year-old Naruto and Sasuke were actually pretty weak compared to how strong the villains were at their age.
Ian Hill
>and no lingering injuries Its become such a trope in and out of anime that people forget that this is a real thing and constantly ends athletes careers
If a joint hurts like fuck after a normal day's walking its going to impede your ability to compete
Cooper Johnson
Goku got billions of times stronger by holding hands for 5 seconds
He got thousands of times stronger in 1 week in namek saga by abusing zenkais
Gohan is poster boy for bullshit powerups
lets not pretend like db doesn't have horseshit powercreep either
Carson Mitchell
That's not the question here though.
Nathan Bell
9 year old Gohan surpassed everyone because Muh potential when he was a weak shitter pre Rosat which was 1 real day so...
Parker Johnson
Again, the OP referred to protagonists getting beyond the antagonists who try harder. But the protagonists in DB try much harder then the villains.
Elijah Johnson
What about a character that was just stayed to be stronger than everyone else from the start? I'm not sure of any anime that does it, but would it be asspull if the MC was just declared, in like volume 1, that they are better than everyone else?
I know OPM uses this and has been successful, but a show that does it in a serious manner? Not sure.
Jeremiah Nguyen
OPM does deal with it in a serious manner, Mob Psycho is another such series. And then there are tons of isekai which are all complete crap.
Two ways of doing such a series: 1.) Show the MC's mental condition in regards to his strength and how it changes through the series, and how the MC causes changes in the world and other characters through his actions. 2.) MC is extremely powerful but lacks other stuff, the MC gradually gets more relationships and goes to hardships unrelated to his powers and gets through them. The first is OPM, the second is MP100.
Jack Reyes
Kind of unrelated but how do you guys feel about the violence and Gore level of shows like this?
It always sort of bothered me that someone could be punched through mountains, or hit with a blast that carves a 100 foot crater through rock and emerge with only a few scratches.
Yet simultaneously, other shows seem to go too over the top, with enemies exploding into Gore and viscera ad nauseum. Do you think a show that featured broken bones, severed limbs and more would be successful or is it just ancillary ?
Asher Parker
>it's literally about treating your friends right >willpower to persist. Is that why every character always has a permanent case of "blowjob-face"?
Cooper Thompson
Just give them a senzu bean.
Aaron Wood
It all depends on how entertaining the fights are and how much charisma the MC has. Kazuma, Izayoi and Alucard are overpowered as fuck but the way they face their fights and how they interact with the rest of the cast is what makes them so fun
Liam Hall
>the ability is consistent too with it's limitations.