>[HorribleSubs] Re Stage! Dream Days - 01 [1080p].mkv
Please watch Re:Stage
Re:Stage Dream Days
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Why? What is it?
It's good.
It's a yuri idol anime that's practically a mobage adaptation
It's already doomed on multiple levels but I'm an active player so please try it
>low budget kusoge adaptation
Say no more.
I got you, buddy. Back in 25 minutes.
Picked up.
When unpopular mobage got anime adaptation, thats mean its their last chance. I'm gonna watch it for you user.
Holy shit my sides.I'll watch the first episode just for you since you seems desperate to shill, its still gonna be watched by many though, no need to fret.
The costume designs are MUH DICK though.
Big brain anime.
terrorists invading OP's house to make him give up on this franchise so he doesn't kill himself when it dies!
How odd, I always assumed this was one of the all-male types of idol show, purely from the impression the name gave me. I almost missed out.
A fang not made of flesh is a rare blessing in these troubled times.
I'll watch it, I was looking for things to watch this season, so this works, thanks user.
They got enlarged lesbian lobes.
>already checking out titties
Old meme reference? Confirmed for bros.
2D choreography in my mobage adaptation?! Something about it does look a bit off in full body shots though, maybe very well disguised CG.
Finally some real fang for nibbing your dick.
>yuri idol anime
>nibbling on your dick
Come on OP, you need to take a side here to get some decent level of pity from either groups.
I'm not OP, I'm just touched by somewhat sincere OP request for people to watch.
Is it really yuri or is it just the usual bait?
Use goggles if required.
Let's save OP's game!
Oh it's definitely yuri
The main 6 girls are basically 3 pairs of lesbians, you've seen 4 of them and the remaining two are so lesbian for each other they call each other 'Princess' and 'Angel' instead
It's idols, obviously bait.
This reeks of a absolutely 0 effort work.
More budget than I expected.
By not buying the BDs?
Are there really only 6 idols in this?
Cool shit.
Having JC terrorists shoot up the school in the first episode was unexpected.
What is she doing? Is she autistic?
Its a mating dance.
the symbol of the patriarchy? Ok she won me, I'll watch your anime OP.
This is the most budget ever put into an overhead plane.
Shits kawaii yo.
These desu
I was planning to watch this anyways
>Pera pera
What did she mean by this?
Give her a pole.
RIP in peace animator san, thank you for your service.
I know where this is going.
truly that single man must have done his last sacrifice to manage to give in such animation to a dying mobage adaption.
>side tail
Fang is max cute
Jesus this choreography is bad.
Sup MireiP.
Why'd she stop being an idol?
This sounds like a show for good times.
Who's the girl in OP's image anyway?
You're bad fag
These 2D choreographies caught me off-guard, I was expecting the usual, crappy 3DCG.
The start looked cg but then I dont fucking know anymore.
best fang
best seiyuu
girl of the season
Why didn't she join the sabagebu club?
>user finding out its idolshit
That's a different show.
I thought her voiced sounded familiar, it's Noa/Aru.
such a surprise
What did you mean by this? Are you trying to pay respects to the storyboard artist?
Is this the WUG of our generation?
We ballroom dancing soon.
how unfortunate
Is this another self-insert anime where the male self-insert shows up late like Circlet Princess and Cinderella Nine?
>running after the love interest riding a vehicle cliche
This is gay.
Why is Kaguya in charge of a dancing club?
The girls are the self-inserts.
>already using the run after someone in a vehicle
Oh shit, pack it up everyone, s1 ended.
No, it's worse.
It's genieric moe yuribait idolshit.
>bus animation
Its not the worst but I laughed due to the model seems to be fucking up while moving.
Is the megane also an idol?
Sounds good, picked up.
if i tolerated idol jihen can i watch this
>get on prism stage
>It Ain't Me starts playing
Pretty good first episode, if they keep the quality for at least another 3 episodes then I'm good.
I thought i was watching something else until it cut away from the op
Wheres the yuri though?
Fuck off back to your Hibikek thread, retard.
Low budget, they said. The clubroom dance already had more budget than all of Ongaku Shoujo, Idol Jihen and both seasons of WUG combined.
Brat (and worst girl).
Will it give me the same dose of yuri as revue?
It looks like just typical japanese cringy dance choreography to me. You should be used to it by now. Japan thinks it looks good for some reason and always has.
This is unironically good, that kansai-ben (?) almost melt my heart.
Thanks OP.
>JC idols
meh not interes-
>shitty mobage adaption that is meant to fail
Picked the fuck up.
am i watching yama no susume
I wish.
Triple yuck
Looks more like Oka no Susume so far.
Says the user as he posts stupid 2hushit.
The episode was actually interesting, as expected of this type of anime.
The first quart of the episode does a good job at showing us how lonely the main girl is. The second quart then begins with her walking though a dark underground structure from which she reaches a new light. This is the classic imagery of the rebirth in mystery cults. This is highlighted by the dance itself, which represent a non-verbal language that you need to be instructed on.
Buchou and Sayu represent two different types of feminine. Buchou is the ideal traditional woman in Japanese culture, but she is manipulative and clever. Sayu on the hand is raw sexuality, showy and unashamed.
They are the archetype of the woman the man fear, the tigerr they can't domesticate and the cat they think they domesticated.
As we saw, our MC was just born new and thus should be pure. But she has an original sin, one that she is aware of, that prevents her from being good enough to begin her training.
Also, noticeably, this sin comes from outside the world represented by the school.
We can conclude that this anime will be a sort of purgatory for our main character, when she finally sheds her past and is able to become a new girl.
ok i've found a reason to watch this for 12 episodes
I'm only watching this show for you. user.
I-I'm picking this up just for you
Kyoto-ben to be exact.
> abe no seimei from eiyuu senki
god this accent does wonders for my dick
It's Kansai-ben in classy mode.
gyoza appreciation club anime when?
i'd watch that
I'll give it the 3 episode treatment out of pity for your post.
Do I have to watch Re;Zero first?
> yuri
> idols
> kusoge adaption
picked the fuck up, thanks for shilling this to me user i was on the fence
>no sabagebu idols
Missed opportunity. Fun first episode, I hope the 2D dancing wasn't a one episode thing.
Yo/u/'re cute.
I will watch it with you.
>they call each other 'Princess' and 'Angel'
Ah, such example of friendship.
Surprisingly good.
Fuck, it was unexpectedly tanoshii
I really hope they can handle with their budget
nice try, little shit
I love the way she talks.
Is this Hanayamata downgrade?
I will watch this show until the end tho.
U wot m8.This is just your seasonal normal idolshit mobage.
I thought it's the OP starting and hoped that for once MC would be in a goth-loli band.
Because of her sister, duh.
>aw shit nigga
Based, I too love these budget adaptations.
my japanese wife Chiya-chan
Smart move avoiding this one. Nothing good ever comes of joining a sabagebu.
A sport where 2 girls grab each other's chest nice
These shows with small filesizes but full length keep confusing the shit out of me
It all depends on who is doing the subs.
Fansubs and funimation: bloated.
Crunchyroll: normal
Hidive and others: small.
>215MB is small
I too thought I was watching gochiusa, same studio or character designer?
Especially when you have Funishit at 600+ MB per episode in the same day. It just feels weird.
This OP makes it sound like there will be battles with giant laser swords.
Some people know what the shit they're doing. Others.. not so much. Super weird.
I'll watch it for you user, see you in the threads
What a cinnamon roll
What kind of autism is this? Or are these? How many autisms are we even talking about? Five?
So I wasn't the only one then.
Maybe she just doesn't want to die.
>JC idol anime with a very cute art style
I'm interested enough. I hope it gets popular enough for decent amounts of porn.
>Surprise insertions are Newtonian
Too bad 3D is still PD.
Very cute traditional Japanese woman (and dork)
Enjoyed it
Great anime so far
6 is a good amount, not to big, not to small
How blessed you must feel
I'd watch it. How is this not a thing already?
I actually feel horrible but thanks
All right user, I’ll watch it when I get back in a few hours. Hope the thread’s still alive by then.
We will all watch your anime senpai
Why? It was good
Great first episode
it means being fluent
>MC doesn't want to do thing she has a natural talent for because of successful older sister
>Wait a minute ...
She did elevate this from just being acceptable to being fun.
Just remember that every positive thing we say about the show over the next three months will be purely out of pity for your sad existence.
wait I thought she was the idol and that she transferred because of that, since she doesn't want to be in public my idea was that she couldn't deal with their classmates fawning over her/bullying her so she went to a literary who school
please don't tell me my headcanon is wrong
you speedwatching retard
seriously go watch the episode again
mana's older sister (who we saw in the OP) is the big idol, not her
When did Cinderella Nine have a male self-insert?
in the anime for cinderella nine, no male insert ever appeared
Cute lolis
you self insert as a ghost?
ok then
I wish I was dead
Only because you asked so nicely
Why isn't she in track team instead?
It's fun. I had no intention of watching this before so thanks.
That opening song sure was different from every idol song I've ever listened to. Probably the only good one too.
Sadly I doubt we'll get another song like that.
>Sadly I doubt we'll get another song like that.
There's enough Re:Stage music up on youtube if you want to know what sort of music is in the series.
Is this another instance of an Onee-chan losing her wife?
They seemed like the average visual kei/gothic idol group to me, those show up as rivals or supporting characters quite often.
I was directed here from the Cinderella Nine thread. It's looking pretty fun and gay so far.
how do I learn moves like these?
Glad to have you onboard.
I'm glad I posted about shows like this and Million Arthur in threads for similar shows when you can see that sometimes people watch and like them based on it.
Well, that was super gay. I love it.
I saw the poster at anime expo and the lolis were cute so I’ll masterbate to it just for you fren
I thought having active threads on some random western image board is how you measure success.
This is pretty fun.
I don't care about mobages, but that's enough for me to try it.
Why is it that whenever somebody uses this word that the guy who used it is the retard and not what he's describing?
Is there some ancient magic hidden in there?
When do they fuck?
>white supremacist yuri idols
picked the fuck up
>doing pretty poses is /pol/ now
wew, thanks Yea Forums
he means the "ok hand" hand pose
which the media has labelled as a white supremacy symbol for some reason
i have no fucking idea why
>i have no fucking idea why
Because /pol/ made it happen.
man those guys have a lot of free time don't they
FUCK idolshit
What a dork.
No matter how much dancing together makes them go full dokidoki suru we know nothing further will happen.
I'm fine as long as it has just silly yuri elements throughout.
Is this better than that similar idol series from last summer?
I felt a lot of sexual tension between them there.
thanks pal, one less to check out
Those 2 went on a sweaty date at least.
>cliched idol shit where bimbos "dance" on a 1m² square
>softest character of the season
The shit I put up with.
What is she looking at?
I wonder how this Nadeshiko-Kong is going to do the idol bimbo dance. Her attire isn't quite appropriate for this purpose.
That was strangely romantic, and kinda gay.
I like it.
needs a tongue edit
She's thirsty.
japan should go back to kimono as school uniforms
Yamato Nakadashi
Woman of taste.
She's so sexy.
She looks like a pink version of the other vampire from the vampire neighbor show
Finally a cute show this season. It was very nice.
How popular is this show in Japan? I enjoyed it and I hope it's getting positive feedback in Japan.
Well that was nice and gay indeed, reminds me of a less retarded mermaids.
Who here followed Re:stage aka JC Idols from the beginning and AKOGARE FUTURE SIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!
It kind of feels like a ringing insult that this got a anime before T7S and it premiered on July 7, the 4th birthday of one of the deutaragonists.
I'll be in your care for the next 11 weeks
T7S will never get an anime user, give up.
Two of the girls in this are AuntxNiece. You were born just in time to see AuntxNiece JC Idol Yuri.
Yes that looks like my thread. How has the ride been? I haven't cared too much about R:ST in past few months since I've focused more on T7S.
It's been great
I'm now well-known on /@/ for being that one retard who whaled hard into a game that's even less known than 8bS
Idols have taught me never to give up hope nor give up. I'm not giving up.
>JC idols
>Side ponytails
>smol Sakura
This is my AOTS already.
Better wait until 2034 then
I want to fuck la la
Isn't that shit ded?
Actually it's going great
One of the VAs (who were voicing characters in both T7S and 8bS) retired a few months ago, and 8bS actually announced the replacement VA before T7S did
Sloppy for yoppi
>Favorite anime is card captor Sakura
>MC looks exactly like Sakura but smaller and it's an idol
>Sakura and idols, some of my favorite things
I can't describe with words how excited I am for more episodes
Fun fact, they actually play songs of this series on a local government-sponsored radio channel in my country.
SBS PopAsia
I wonder who runs this show? Love Live, Bang Dream then they skip over Idolm@ster in favor of Re:stage?
Is this actually some kind of really popular franchise that gets big blazing gatcha money stream blown up its arse?
No, it's a lukewarm-at-best franchise that gets less gacha money than almost every other idol gacha games on the market
Less than T7S
Less than 8bS
Less than SB69
Less than Tokidol when that was still running
>really popular
No. I's at the lower-scale and was one of the many Idol franchises that popped up after the LL boom and everyone wanted that Idol moolah. The difference is that it is surviving (for now) whereas stuff like Tokimeki Idols, Idol Jihen and others backed by bigger names died.
If it makes you happy I guess. Personally I prefer to stay F2P in these games.
Actually Tokimeki Idol is still here and releasing songs
Its idols and mobage. Destined for success!
Another Non for the collection.
>already using the run after your lover in a car cliche
>talented but doesn't want to be an idoru like her sister because she fucked up in the past
She's just Miho
>Has a Non
>Prism Stage
>wants to be the top idol
This is Pretty Rhythm for plebs, isn't it?
It's cute and gay, the soundtrack is nice too
I like it
Let's hope it is.
Is this your first Kansai-ben character?
I once predicted one of the Kirare girls would voice at least one character in LLPDP.
I came within two clicks of getting it right. Akari Kito (who plays Lala) ended up playing Kanata. Looking back I should have read the signs better. Out of the entire cast Akarin has boomed much faster and quicker since the Project started and she has gotten multiple MC roles from Blend S to that Grancrest.
It's a good thing that T7S doesn't have an anime. Unless you really hate T7S, you shouldn't want it to get an anime.
What's the worst that can happen?
As far as I know it's still unclear whether the self-insert sensei is male or female, but either way I don't think they'll appear.
I thought you said you only spent like $100+ on Jihen? And Re:Stage was doing somewhere in between T7S and 8bS in terms of revenue?
The game goes the way of the dodo, obviously. Which is what will happen when it gets an anime. I've seen this shit happen far too often already.
>yuri idol
So remind me again why I should other watching or playing it?
I was refering to Re:Stage there and 8bS and Re:Stage tend to juggle each other in the revenue rankings
I hope they incorporate more lesbodynamics into their dances.
The character designer really went overboard with the pink/purple hair.
The original character designer worked on porn games. Must be a thing.
>Less than 8bS
It's doomed for sure.
Tracing CG is a thing. The way their feet very slightly change direction and shuffle around is a sign, as is remaining on-model for so long.
That long pause
This is a damn lewd show, she's practically ahi her fue
Touhou marked the peak of doujin otaku culture, it's way above the level of low effort coporate pandering gachashit garbage that companies shit out every 3 months nowadays.
Made for nakadashi and other things as well.
If it makes you feel better, this didn't start off as mobage but they joined in because they couldn't resist.
How are the songs? How's the animation? Is this the cute girls in a cheap mobage adaptation of the season?
I glanced over the description for this and actually thought it was some sort of Pretty Rhythm or Prism-whatever spinoff thing.
This isn't a Idol show aimed at little girls. It is for big sisters.
So this will die like the others that got an adaption.
So what's Re:Stage's gimmick? What makes it different from all these other idol franchises?
Is it me or do the uniforms look like the ones from Haruhi.
Cute JC Idols doing Idol things in a school.
It's GuP/Saki/Shakunetsu except with idols
Also the rhythm game is kinda unique
Isn't it just LL with JCs?
>Also the rhythm game is kinda unique
Sounds really generic.
The art style is very cute. Also fangs everywhere it seems.
Looks like SIF to me, to some extent.
Is the megane also an idol?
If she was the vice president, then apparently yes.
KinPri just finished and was for big friends.
I’m just happy to see a full Non dance in 2D.
LLSIF- Basic three note rhythm game
Idolm@ster- Slide Notes
Bandori- Flick and slide notes
T7S- Lift Notes
Re:Stage: Button-swapping
And what about Idol Jihen? Why did that fail?
Pit service seems to have become more popular lately. Which I don't mind since it's really hot.
>Lift Notes
They're called sky notes, stop mislabelling them.
Nibblers and flippy wigglers.
Idol Jihen failed because it was an awful game with a retarded costume gacha
But if you're asking about its rhythm game section it was basically pre-renewal T7S, just two buttons moving sideways
>awful game with a retarded costume gacha
You have all the idols to choose from since the start so the gachas were for getting new costumes for them, like Theater Days
Problem was they divided every single costume to top, bottom, shoes, and hats, and they'd never match, not to mention the 3D models were chibi freaks-of-nature anyway
Now that I've typed all that I realize I sound like I'm just griping on the minuscule details but believe me the game was bad
Even the story or other mechanics?
Also did the game really close because the game was bad, or because the company behind it went bust? IIRC the creator's site died shortly after the game closed.
The story was really bad. I mean it's a franchise where the idols are law-making politicians, where some of them are literal kids, and it was supposed to be taken quite seriously. How would anyone salvage that kind of setting?
The rhythm game was also badly implemented, lags, mispresses, and even badly-designed beatmaps everywhere. The MV, like I said, was a bunch of cheap chibi 3D models.
Just look: youtube.com
I think the game was bad and so the company went bust so the game closed. They just entered emergency maintenance one day and never came back up.
>How would anyone salvage that kind of setting
The premise actually makes sense. Old generation were corrupt and senile so it's up to a younger generation to take power and fix the boomer problems.
Although you have to strike a balance. How do you combine those silly Idol stuff with political reform? Sometimes the anime did that well- Conservative, MSM using fake news to discredit others and other times it didn't - random filler swimsuit contest.
It's more like retards at Blizzard and game journos took shitty b8 from /pol/acks on twitter and passed off being rused as a matter of fact.
Twitter is where normalfags, politicians, and corporate leaders go to kill their brain cells and become trendy but retarded.
Not just Twitter: youtube.com
I miss them.
There is still RGR.
Nothing without yoppy
Nope they didn't.
>They just entered emergency maintenance one day and never came back up.
So when they announced the game was closing, they didn't even bother reviving the game for that last week or so of operations?
It was kind of obvious things were ending by the time they started the maintenance so it wasn't much of a surprise when the maintenance never lifted
But yeah, they didn't. Game ended with a maintenance notice
I liked the music, surprisingly
Will those dorks getting their own show?
Was Tetrakhia in the episode? They pretty Loli Rock.
20 minutes of the show + 5 minutes of furious masturbation
I doubt Tetrakhia and TroisAnges will be in the anime for a quite a while
Maybe around Episode 6~7, but we still haven't even got the full KiRaRe experience yet
Yeah no these are garbage designs. This anime looks like it was churned out from a moe-machine. Dime a dozen bullshit.
You know, in the original novel, Mana doesn't join the club until she and Sayu are forced by Buchou to work part-time in a maid cafe
I mean that'd break the yuri-ful pace we got this episode but I still would've liked to see some maid dresses
>first thing she does after meeting a new girl is checking out her rack
Honest girl.
All the normalfags from LL fan base will support Stellamaris.
>like Circlet Princess
He appeared for 5 seconds.
>gay JC idols
Holy shit this is wonderful.
>loli Roselia
I expected a cheap forgettable Love Live ripoff but this was actually rather fun and well produced, and even the music was surprisingly decent as far as idol Jpop goes. Reminded me a lot of Saki too.
The question we're all wondering, though, is T7S anime when? It's been the Year of the Idol for like four years now and everyone's still waiting.
What the fuck is even going on? Shit like this makes me glad I just lock myself inside 99% of the time.
The setting worked well in the anime, it was the type of dark humour that makes you laugh at something for how absurd it is but leaves a bitter aftertaste of reality behind.
It's a shame people slept on it.
I will go to 5L and they will not announce T7S anime.
>T7S anime when?
Hopefully never. It's better for T7S to never get an anime. Only then will it be able to survive.
The rhythm game is shit. It doesn't even have long notes. Or slide notes. Or flick notes.
I see gween tea & cawfee
Swear it's the most enjoyable show this season, or even these past few seasons.
The industry can fuck themselves for only ever giving zero budget to shows like this anymore, it's gonna be like Cinderella nine again
Crappy summary
KiRaRe- Main group
Stellamaris- Gothic look the Guilty Kiss of this franchise.
Trois Anges- Soft Ballads. Reminds me of AZALEA.
Tetrakhia- Rock-like group who wear bandages over their chest for rock look. Kind of like Queen of Purple.
Ortensia- The duet. Probably incestuous.
>idol anime
I love this anime.
Getting ready to watch the anime by watching the full AKOGARE FUTURE SIGN
> Ortensia- The duet. Probably incestuous.
> incest
3D Cute and Adorable MVs.
Akogare Future Sign
367 Days
Purple Rays
Heroic Spark
A shame the seiyu don't actually play the instruments. If they did. They would be perfect like QoP.
So game is flopping? Why? Usually this kind of games makes good money.
Oversaturated market I guess
>cheap mobage adaptation
>it's great
Every fucking time.
It's hilarious that when a big mobage like FGO or GBF get anime it's trash.
Because even T7S is better.
>cheap mobage adaptation
>mobage dies soon after
Every fucking time.
Spotted Keio Takao Station in the beginning. I'm guessing Re:Stage is based here.
Huh, Mount Takao. I guess and Tama area. I gues that explains the hiking video by the main group.
>JC BanG Dream
Game must be really bad or something.
Will actually be in Tokyo soon. I am now half-tempted to drop by Hachioji.
In summary
Akihabara- Love Live
Toshima/Sugamo- Bang Dream
Odaiba- Love Live! Perfect Dream Proect
Hachioji- Re:stage
I wonder if we can associate every Ward with a music franchise?
Haha oh wow. They actually made what is obvious a tourist centre a branch school and the ad banner is still there.
Tbf Bandori would have flopped if not for Bushiroad aggressively pushing it.
>JC BanG Dream
It doesn't seem like most of them are bands though.
This seems gayer than I expected. Wasn't there a self-insert? No this is a improvement.
I'm kind of surprised 8BS doesn't have a anime yet since it's more more topical for it's audience than 'our school closes down.'
It's about Robots taking your jobs and Idols must stop them.
Stop watching idols and take the bandpill.
But there is a band in this.
This was more up my alley than anything else that's aired so far.
Will this be the Ongaku Shoujo of the season?
We have Re:stage, Enstar. Anything else?
While we are here. Happy Birthday to Yukari whose birthday was on 5 July.
Timestamped Live from Re:Stage if anyone is interested.
Theres that S3 of male idol or something.
Uta Prince?
I'm going to watch (and love) both.
Ongaku Shoujo with a budget.
LLSIF also has a (female) self insert but that doesn't mean they have to appear. In the case of Re:Stage the sensei's gender is unknown as far as I know.
QoP's music is better than anything Bang Dream or Re:Stage can put out, and it's nowhere near the best music in T7S. The bandpill is objectively inferior.
Because an anime will kill it. Its position is arguably even more volatile than that of T7S.
These shwos are good exactly because of the low budget. It lets the passion and ideas shine.
This but unironically