Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru
>anime about having the personal drive to improve and lead a healthy lifestyle hits ANN reviewers too close to home so they decide to bitch and moan about it under the guise of body positivity
gonna be a big hearty kek from me
You could do better if you just went on a diet.
As a start, cut down on the sodas.
Kinda expected this to happen desu
>Fatties object to the show because the idea of exercise makes them feel bad.
Why do anime-onlies try so hard to ruin everything
I know it's not everyone but the most vocal ones basically live out the stereotype now
Remember when SJWs whine about Elf-san wa Yaserarenai promoting fat shaming and being made by a sexist man while it was actually made by a chubby woman?
I remember SJW's bitching about something something sexualisation, and it turned out it was a series made by a group of fujoshis
I don't get how Elf-san promotes fat shaming when it mostly just tries to sexualize fat chicks. The "shaming" is at worst pretty inconsequential and for comedic purposes.
>made by a chubby woman
Well that explains it all I guess.
Nothing can be free from politics anymore. Will this sickness ever end?
Not only that. It also pushes breeders propaganda. Fucking het fucks.
>I don't get how Elf-san promotes fat shaming
they dont want to be fat
Fucking Gaijins unaware of the Japanese beauty standards for women.
How is the fasted cardio going lads ?
And no one should want to be.
Not only is it unhealthy as hell, your brain gets legitimately depressed and moody due to knowing there is something very wrong going on.
Like I said that's mostly just used as a gag, most of the series just sexualises it instead. SJWs hating on it for "fat shaming" makes no sense.
I was in love with this anime before it even came out because I knew it was gonna drive the SJW types mad and the nips don't typically give two flying shits what SJW think which makes them even madder.
>A girl wants to exercise to lose weight
>this is somehow shocking, unnatural, and disgusting
Have sex, incel. This time with a person, not with your waifu pillow.
What did he do to you?
I mean SJWs called Sony sexist back before the PS4 came out because a woman wasn't on stage for that 1 hour presser/tech demo.
Now look at them, biggest LGBT+ panders ever. SJWs try to ruin everything fun and people want to continue to deny they exist
fuck cardio and fasting. gonna start stronglifts 5x5 next week
i remember SJW’s bitching about literally everything
Threads for the series are going to be shit at least until the anime ends now
Same shit happened with Ubisoft too.
lose weight
I miss their cute vanilla doujins.
At least, sankaku themselves are literally rolling their eyes over this stupidity.
Go get some exercise, fat degenerate SJW fucks.
This will eventually arrive to japan. Even SquareEnix has an ethics department now. They usually aim at big companies. And then they'll move to smaller ones. Expect Capcom/Sega to go next. Atlus already censored the story of Catherine Full Body. Will they touch the manga industry, you and I know, they will, eventually.
>Silverman” is an incredibly common Jewish last name (thanks, Ellis Island!), but let’s face it, there aren’t that many Jews in Japan. Plus my family, especially on that side, is nothing that could be called athletic. We’re all still wondering where my cousin Gavin the amazing shot putter came from.
Why was this included
> the world of "anime" was all to do with dreams and illusions, and no one wants to see round women.
Because attentionwhoring, stupidity and "WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY"
So all fitness is now body shaming and harmful?
When are they going to close all gyms?
Seriously kill yourself fatties.
How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
I thought Silverman was supposed to be a reference to Gold's Gym?
Also, in the show they explicitly state Silverman's is an international franchise, not a Japanese-owned gym
Anime isn't meant to be watched by normal people. I thought we've been through this.
does this show have any girls who are FUCKING RIPPED?
I blame salesfags and their Yea Forums levels of obsession with forming fanbase wars and hating everything. It's clear how they've formed a few circlejerks too.
Thing is. This anime IS for normal people. Only SJWs are seething over this.
it's a s e c r e t.
nice. might keep watching then
>"They are pointing out my layers of whale fat are unhealthy and unattractive REEEEEE"
Go take a walk fatass.
Holy shit they actually expect fitness programs to tell them their fat is attractive and they dont need to lose weight.
Still living in the hope Kure lady or 2 shows up. Those black sclera are lethal for my dick