Why this nigga having a receding hairline at 18?

Why this nigga having a receding hairline at 18?

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>pretending yours wasn't probably worse at 18

>self projecting this hard
Chill Saitama

>why this nigga
I think you need to go back

couple of questions
seeing how this guy is everywhere on this board I'm assuming this is the new cool cartoon of the season but why does he have the mass energy equivalence equation on his shirt? is it done unironically? is he one of those "smart, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor" type of characters? what's is this show about? and is it good?

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He isn't particularly edgy. But he is one of the few people from our time that has a scientific education. He considers that equation to be one of humanities greatest equations and uses it as his emblem to remind himself that we can figure out all the things that we have now. Humans have been turned into stone and it has been like 30 000 years or something and there exists a small number of humans that lives in a stone age so to speak. It's pretty good, but it's waay fast pacing-wise

i read like 50 chapters of this a while back.
the anime is dr. stone
it is not done unironically. iirc it has some special meaning to him.
he's more like super-intelligent logical science man
other main character is stupid, strong guy. so you have the brain and the brawn.
the anime is about the world suddenly turning into stone. thousands year later the mc and his friend (stupid, strong guy) wakes up and together they try to rebuild modern society along freeing everyone from their stone prison

He actually gave a reason for putting that equation in his shirt.

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...because most people do?

I had a receding hairline at age 12 and went bald at age 16

>scientific education
>high school science club
Worse yet, of all the fucking meme equations that exist they had to choose the one that's practically useless by itself.

>tfw receding hairline at 20
It happens at it sucks

Yeah keep telling yourself that great cope

Is it a receding hairline or is his hairline just perfect for a pompadour?

>Shoujo manga
>Seinen manga
Hey I can do it too and it took literally no effort at all

He's way over 3700 years old, user

Stoned people don't age so he's 18

>unironically using the n-word

its okay read the manga. One would assume since you are here you'd already know that.

Oh no

His brain consumes too much of the nutrients that get to his head, so he grows less hair. The hair he has now got to that lenght when he was a kid never grew again.

even though he is a high schooler, he has the moral to put that on the shirt, just watch the anime

From the author's perspective, it's an easily recognizable equation, and from the character's perspective, I don't really remember but he had a theory as to why he depetrified first. What I remember is that he thought that, since he stayed conscious during all the process (as oppossed to eventually going unconscious like everybody else), his brain kept consuming energy and that eventually started the depetrification reaction. I don't remember exactly what was the relation with e=mc2 though.

The guy made a rocket when he was a kid and went to Africa to study ebola, so he has a little more than highschool education. He's a toned down Dexter.

I had it too, at 18, but with some care I managed to not lose my hair. It takes a lot of effort to just keep it there though.

So some other equation? I know from reading the manga, this is a kids show so what else should have been there? Nothing?

What kind of care

he's technically thousands of years old.

>tfw 18 and worse hairline than that


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Worse than this?
Wew lad

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Dr.stone is AOTY

>popping out of stone heals you completely
>except the hairline

This is the page you're talking about

Did you really save the OP from the other thread just so you could make your own thread with the same image to ask this dumb question? It's because grass doesn't grow on a busy road.

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Why does his hair look like turnips

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Sublime message to get manchildren to eat more veggies

If you want over-the-top equations, Maxwell's equations, EFE, or Navier-Stokes are probably the fanciest ones.
For something that's actually usable without a computer, probably F=ma, wave equation, or polytropic process equation.

it's not that bad, come on

he looks like a fucking leafeon

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do full shave, just fooling yourself otherwise

Relative to the people who've been depetrified so far, he is the smartest scientifically, but there are others who are smart in different ways.

Never liked this.

Not him but go to a doctor. It costs a lot and isn't always effective.
Worse case you can get hair transplant with the follicles from the back of your head.


that's incredibly retarded on so many levels it physically hurts
has someone shown this to /sci/ already?

This is ironic right?

>kids born in 2000's can post now
wew lad

Nope. Rick and Morty the anime


2001 baby

Wew lad let me tell you that there are kids born in 2005 posting here

Stop falseflagging the fanbase.

So what this show about? He fights something or what?

Having a shirt which reads e=mc2 isn't anywhere near on the level as westerners tattooing "japanese bbq finger" on their hands.

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>the science behind people being turned into actual rocks and freeing themselves from their stony prison is in itself a false science and completely ruins my immersion

You could word yourself better user.

It’s about science.

Read the manga and every chapter is literally a trailer for whatever contraption the MC will build next chapter

>people aren't allowed to turn to stone without a proven scientific theory explaining how he survived for 3700 years
You guys have such big brains i'm very envious.

Op, I think you should question something else about the hair which is more outrageous.


Its commonly accepted on /sci/ that a lot of shit is pseudoscience but the manga is also respected for actually being very respectful of the scientific process and the concept of science as a whole compared to most contemporary media.

He spends most of his time in a lab so stress+chemicals probably did a number on him. Being turned to stone for 3k years also might have done something.

it's really not. it's more like minecraft the anime. thre isnt an ounce of nihlism or edgyness despite the opening theme, its just survival and making cool shit with chemicals

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Yeah, this. Shows like Rick and Morty puff up reddit "i love science" types by making it seem exclusive and implying those who practice science are better than those that don't.

Stone's attitude towards science is different entirely. It deliberately shows the process of science is not something alien that happens only in a lab that only the brightest and most enlightened can see. It stresses that the progress of science is as much the work of the blue collar laborers that keep the gears spinning as it is the eggheads in the lab, and that science is accessible and helpful to all regardless of skillset and outlook.

Show is for reddit-tier I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE brainlets. Basically the same sort who worship Black Science Man.

>stonefags think this isn't retarded
They really are underage

Watch the anime or read the manga

Fucking retards

>OP doesn't understand how hair grows

try studying anatomy retard

Why do blacks care so much about their hair? It almost always looks like shit anyways.

That is a receding hairline though

It's always better to keep it vague or even go the magic route than embarrass yourself with pseudo science.

if your a retard sure.

3700 years pass and this motherfucker didn't wonder how he was living without eating, breathing, or drinking water?

He has to quote Einstein to discover that? NOT NEWTON? NOT THE LAWS OF BIOLOGY?


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七 is seven , 輪 is ring

I guess it's like an Asian trying to write about a burning canine tattooing "Hot dog" on their hand. It's not really that wrong desu just silly

that's the point of the manga though

He's someone passionate about science, in a wholesome way. He truly believes that humanity is able to do wonderful things thanks to science and trial and error.

only his conciouseness was active. the cells of his body here in a state of hibernation

>Be me
>Receding hairline since i was born
>23 years later and idk how tf i still have alot of hair

Keep telling yourself that enough and maybe it'll come true.

>Bill Nye the anime

Niggle me this Batman, where does consciousness come from if not from active cells in the brain?

Because it happens to some people man, fuck.

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Actually not bill nye. In the very first episode, they were worried about not having enough women to repopulate the earth.

If it was a nye anime, the smaller man would have spent the first year turning his dick inside out with a twig, two stones, and some fish skin.

user....it happens to people.....trust me

Anime characters have immaterial souls.

The whole point of this post was to say that thinking is in the brain and requires energy That thinking would have needed ATP and would have generated CO2

Which doesn't make any sense because if his brain cells weren't petrified they would rot. No blood flow.
The only real explanation is a magical soul thing.
It's plausible for him to try to find a non-existent explanation in a world that requires souls to maintain any logical consistency.

Okabe-tier "science"

Genuinely don't understand what you're complaining about. The series literally just says "brain uses energy how could my brain work for 3700 years without any energy?".
Explain right now why this is such a retarded rick and morty tier statement?

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scientific method is just trial and error, and other times it's just being lucky.

"I don't know how the petrification works or how I could survive it (and one of my primary goals is to find that out), but whatever the answer to that is, it must have used energy, which means I used something in the stone as fuel." Does that make sense?


Because the e=mc^2 doesn't apply in that case you baka. It's just him worshipping science