This story didn't need to be told.
This story didn't need to be told
Not every story has to be the Bible, user.
You didn't need to be born.
Except it was better than the original in every way imaginable. Fuck off with your shit taste.
This hella cash didn't need to be earned.
Also the VN is fine, fuck off.
Don't you think that's a bit rough
christfag please
This. Zero had way better pacing, characters and mystery than the OG anime. Very few retarded slife of life parts and no constant timeline jumping, which resulted in a way more coherent story.
Yeah some stories are actually based on truth and logic
holy fucking based
Please tell me you guys are baiting. Steins;Gate is one of the few things that keeps me alive, and even i think Zero sucks.
It's just an anime. Chill out dude.
This, OP is animeonly faggot.
Reading is for faggots.
>ywn have a Kurisu gf
0 was a fucking travesty. Was so excited to jump into it right after finishing "playing" the original. There really was no reason for it to exist besides just a few scenes that weren't horrible. The dumb joke spinoffs had more merit.
Maho is shit compared to Kurisu and Kagari was a mistake.
>just an anime
Anime is srs bznz and makes me forget that i have to exist
Anime only fag here. Originally thought Zero was gonna have more Okabe suffering, but it was basically him trying his hardest to avoid suffering. 0 was overall okay, but was worth it for the scene when Houin Kyouma rises from the ashes
holy shit some people just have no standards
neither will Okabe since both are too autistic to do anything unlike Chadru