Fall 2019

Fate vs Granblue
Who will win?

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Beastars unironically


>anthro = furries
>anthro bad
Tell me what you’re excited for this Fall and let me laugh at you

Fgo already win

I'm not excited for anything, it looks like a pretty meh season.


Depends on what's included as a bonus with the disks. Does FGO have something like those gold bars from GBF?

There are ISEKAI(different world) UNKO only...

It's tough

>that one show done by the author of seikaisuru kado
Bracing myself for another glorious trainwreck.

please dont tell me this is the next season

I hope Chihayafuru is good considering they delayed it for 6 months

probably 75-80% of next season
Expect few more announcements in the coming weeks

Either way, looks like a shit season (worth than spring, if I dare say). Way too many continuation, which will only appeal the fans of said series. Hopefully Beastars ends up being good. Maybe one of the isekais will end up being half decent.

So was Shokugeki no Souma S4 planned before it got canned?

Why is Saki Yoshida one of the protags?

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Are you talking about BD sales or popularity on Yea Forums or western fanbase overall? Because I doubt GBF will be commonly discussed but it will sell BD due to codes.

It's not like slideshows are expensive.

Where's Black Fox?

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Which one?

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It's movie

Can't wait for another spoofboi genocide



Radiant is unironically the best thing in this fucking chart, I think now we can confirm
Summer > Winter > Spring > Fall

Didn't he mention in an interview that the producer made him change his planned ending or something? Maybe it wasn't his fault.

Chihayafuru is better, your eurotrash comic is shit.

Three pretty nice isekai. Better than the isekai from this summer season at least...

What's that wrasslin show?

It's apparently pro wrestler isekai. Hataage Kemono Michi.

t. badboi with a jew star who's getting kicked by danchou because he can't get honors

That sounds fun.

GBF is going to be a trainwreck. All FGO has to do is focus and provide as much fanservice as possible.

>Psychopass 3
Excuse me? Dont tell me I have to watch 2 now.

Don't. Never watch season 2, you'll get upset.

They better deliver on the moments with Ere-chan, she was one of the best things in Babylon.