Can anyone explain to me why in almost every manga -not only shonen, even seinen- the main characters never have sex?

Can anyone explain to me why in almost every manga -not only shonen, even seinen- the main characters never have sex?
Its always like their weakness, they are too shy, dont care or they avoid it, even if they like too much the girls.

I mean, Im not asking for a hentai manga or explicit scenes, but something more. Heroes or main characters do plenty of other things like eating, fighting or talking but when going on a date it ends up with a small kiss if it happens.

Why is this? It because the low rate of relationships in Japan and trying to not deppress more the main public and target? It is for all those virgin and incel people? Or is it any other reason?

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because sex before marriage is a sin

-These shows air on TV in Japan, so content ratings to take into consideration.
-Virgins have more worth in Japanese society so off-screen sex is devaluing your characters pointlessly. It's a cultural difference.

But even not tv shows, in mangas its always the same. And Im not really asking for explicit scenes, nipples or anything like that. Just showing something more or implying the characters are going to have sex.

I guess its just like idols and jpop, the moment the crazy fan knows they have a boyfriend they get ignored forever

Besides what said, there's already hentai and eroge and shit to satisfy that need

>its just like idols and jpop, the moment the crazy fan knows they have a boyfriend they get ignored forever

Has any author ever just gotten sick of a project or series and sluted up the fanbase's favourite pure waifu solely to piss them off?

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Gal Cleaning. It was getting cancelled so he basically did a whole rape arc for one of the characters. Nobody really enjoyed it

There has to be at least one.
The only examples I know are raped characters or such, so involuntary sex.

Even the sluttiest girls in mangas are just pretending, and they are not what they say.
Maybe the usual student from abroad, but even them get shy in the moment of truth

Courtship is ripe for conflict and drama and it provides a safe climax that won't ruffle feathers, so authors usually aren't concerned with what comes after the mutual acknowledgement of romantic feelings and a cute kissing scene.

Plus as says, being more explicit and casual about romantic sex would push ratings up.

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manga are placed in magazines which have content restrictions just the same. plus it's every mangaka's dream to get their anime adaptation. Many anime are scene for scene clones of their manga, dividing the two mediums as separate things in your mind never made sense to me.

There are some adult manga out there that aren't completely hentai but they're obscure for obvious reasons. They don't get placed in a magazine and don't make money. Try to find them on

Because why don't you try hentai? They have a plenty of sex there.

Try josei.

But then, there are some other examples like To-Love-Ru which is extremely popular and they dont care to show lots of explicit scenes.

And to be clear Im not asking for hentai or such scenes, just as the same the characters evolve through the chapters in other aspects like fights, challenges or new friends/enemies, why they cant evolve in the love/sex terrain? As Ive said, nothing too direct, just fade to black and next page something that indicates they just had sex.

Of course in shoujo that is more common

And even if it nots the same, in western teenage novels most of the characters experiment sex and learn new things

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sex outside of marriage is taboo in japan

japanese audiences don't like that "fade to black" crap, they like to see their characters eat food, bathe, walk to school and shit in the toilet

>And even if it nots the same, in western teenage novels most of the characters experiment sex and learn new things
Japan is not the West

Let me ask you the opposite: why does every story feels the need to include romance? It doesn't matter if it's a movie, an anime, a book or a manga - it's almost always present. There's so much more to the narrative and character interactions, yet every writer is obligated to recycle the same tiring relationship tropes you've seen thousands of times before. Just why?

>fade to black before every food intake
The only right way. Watching people chewing is obscene.

They dont need to have romance, but they do have a lot of fanservice, boobs, indirect sex and similar stuff. I dont know, just look to Evangelion, or all those other mangas where the MC just slips and falls over the girl. Or hot springs, or dressing rooms.

The only win they get after one arc its getting stronger or doing something better, but in the sex theme its just a small kiss, a smile or something like that. And thats its if they care, just look at the regular shonen manga guys like Luffy

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Romance is a basic part of the human experience.


Simple, because sexual acts with people of interest would eliminate romantic tension and introduces a whole new slew of emotional attachment that comes with sex.
Unless your story is romance based (e.g. bonnouji), introducing sex among the main cast would detract from the main story so much that authors would just completely stay away or spin it off (e.g. itagaki drew a special book just to depict baki having sex)


>Romance is a basic part of the human experience.
Yes, I truly love engaging in all that, eh... romance!

Let me just remind you that there isn't a single worldline in which Daru does not get laid, at least that we know of. Also, Okabe got to fuck the trap in one of the endings.

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Maybe with success of Domestic na Kanojo, more authors will take risk.