>Aoi Yuuki is 145 cm tall
>Tatsumaki is 150 cm tall
Aoi is shorter. How the actual fuck?

Attached: pic.jpg (632x427, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?iie=1&q=average height of a japanese person

Aoi Yuuki isn't actually a real person.

The power of IMAGINATION

>>Tatsumaki is 150 cm tall
she's 130, at best

That must be so weird.
Most girls I see areat least 160cm+ and most guys I see are at least 180cm+.

How do you get so small?

Not a fan of Yuuki Aoi's new haircut.
I'd still walk around while grabbing her with my dick.

Attached: 88B62E38-6C53-4E88-98E4-7146522F3540.jpg (608x613, 112K)

>Tatsumaki is 150 cm tall
She is 137-38 cm tall, this from a panel with her and Child Emperor
>B-but Murata made a mistake
Regardless that is her assumed height until contradicted by another similar panel.

Murata is always inconsistent with the height of characters

>142 cm

Attached: 72082562_p0.jpg (1500x1814, 728K)


This. I doubt Murata consciously thought of Child Emperor's height while drawing him and Tatsumaki, especially if he never does it with other characters

I am smaller than your estimate for guys.. ;_;

Attached: 1420998176915.gif (171x269, 510K)

>Aoi Yuuki is 145 cm tall
>Shuten is 145 cm tall

Attached: Shuten.jpg (1302x1842, 212K)

see Unless another panel similar panel contradicts this, this would be her assumed height. Also Murata had said that before drawing this panel Also if you use the webnovel she is as short or even shorter.

Aoi Yuuki also voiced the best Pokegirl. Absolutely, cutely based.

Attached: 684ebc90cbf4d4f85ecf60145c95f095.jpg (448x465, 42K)

This kid looks really happy to be on stage with her favorite actresses!

Attached: 1472853392533.webm (1280x720, 1.7M)

Murata being a hack is well known. He can't even draw the main character consistently (he sometimes does a HunterxHunter job and leaves out all detail).

I thought for a minute I clicked on Yea Forums but I somehow clicked on the containment board for yellow fever incels known as /jp/

What a twist.

Attached: aoi on bike.jpg (1200x1600, 475K)

more like 145 cm small

The shortest person I know is my older sister. She's a perfectly healthy (no hormonal issues or anything, believe me she's checked) 29 year old woman and 139 cm "tall". I matched her height. I matched her height at the age of 7 (she was 14 at the time) and towered over her for the rest of my childhood.

My mom is 170 cm tall, my dad and I are both 185 cm. Genetics is fucking weird.

Whoa, somebody better tell that little girl to get off the bike before the Hell's Angels get back.

ONE makes her smaller, Murata's 135+cm height saves her

Attached: file.png (1221x853, 744K)

your mom got raped by hobbits

Attached: frodo.jpg (1130x1076, 488K)

If she's levitating, her knees probably aren't straight, so she could actually be shorter than usual. It's only possible to get a lower bound for her height from this image.

Shuten is literally Aoi Yuuki with horns.

What am I seeing here? What is Frodo doing in my doujins?

Attached: 927.png (680x680, 215K)

it's a ShindoL classic, more than a decade old at this point, might be his oldest doujin online

>implying saitamashi is anywhere over 180

is aoi yuuki a hobbit

we need to have a good look at her feet for research purposes

Given her levels of genki in and , more like a Kender.

And it's a good thing.

Attached: Shuten.jpg (859x953, 152K)

How tall is Tanya?

Attached: Tanya_in_LN_2.jpg (400x500, 251K)

Attached: [Symphogear Live 2013][BDRIP][1080P][x264 Hi10P 24bit FLAC].mkv_snapshot_00.18.21_[2014.09.09_20.14. (1920x1080, 273K)

Kekked even harder upon realising her platforms add another inch.

She's gradually getting older and somewhat taller.

Attached: Vol11.jpg (1050x1500, 447K)

Attached: duck.png (1164x797, 1.37M)

I wonder if she was secretly creeped out or flattered that they designed a literal semen demon after her irl look and specifically wanted her to voice the character

I don't think she was. She looks like a very open minded woman who has fun doing what she likes in life. Of course it could be just acting, but I want to believe she is genuienly happy.

It's one of those dumb things you do when drunk

She admitted she's a shotacon without hesitation in an interview, you think this is gonna weird her out?

All Japanese women love little boys.

>can easily pass for a middle-schooler
Japanese FBI are monitoring her.

picking up people her own size


I knew a girl as short as her back in middle school but she had a genetic condition
bullied the shit out of her lol

>Madoka is 150cm tall

wtf bros why did she take voice acting, she could´ve been a female kohei nishi...

>bullied the shit out of her lol
Absolute cunt

Attached: 1376347556048.jpg (302x225, 9K)


You kidding me? It probably isn't creeped out and not even flattered. Most likely along the lines of "About fucking time"

Kids are bullies. I was both bullied and the bully at times. It's something you have to grow out of.

>Kids are bullies. I was both bullied and the bully at times. It's something you have to grow out of.
Yeah I know was bullied and beat up daily as a kid. I don't think they ever grow out of it they just have less opportunities to do it

I think the ones who will get it the worst are kindergarten bullies who didn't realise they got the humanlet genes until middle school, when everyone is suddenly towering over them. If they didn't get enough leadership during their brief period of power, they're fucked.

>Aoi is shorter. How the actual fuck?

Attached: Aoi.jpg (2048x2048, 663K)

Attached: fsp8d6i.webm (640x360, 2.88M)

Jap girls can be really small. I fucked a girl in a soapland who was 148cm tall.



Wow, I wish I had a gf like that. Just imagining it.... being 20cm taller, I would TOWER over her. Fuck.

Imagine those plump legs wrapping around your waist.

Attached: (Dolphin Noises).png (994x738, 903K)

so smol

lol Im 20cm taller than you. You could become my woman

>everyone thinks smol is cute
>meanwhile your super height makes you look like a monster

Poor Medusa.

Attached: __rider_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_choukoukou_no_diaosi__dfb83dc19b7b4a1b80ea3be43c1b130d.jpg (1240x1748, 1.47M)

She's 5'7".



What a womanlet

That's super tall for Jap standards.

Attached: __paul_bunyan_and_rider_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_isshoku_shiki__3de0c17d947a0fd5c2a1a2376b1 (800x870, 325K)

Also use centimeters and not your meme numbers no one knows or cares about.

Attached: 1559235682584.jpg (673x720, 165K)

What is the average height of a japanese man/woman? Looking at these images makes me think that most if not all western men, compared to them, look like some kind of demigod/primarchs.

Attached: Unremembered-Empire-banner.jpg (1280x720, 906K)

Jesus, and those heels are giving her around an additional 2 inches and she's only barely taller than him

>What is the average height of a japanese man/woman?
158.8 cm (5' 2.6") compared to the 161.8 cm (5' 4") for the average in the world.
Aoi is a (cute) midget even by japan's standards.

You just know.

>Mongoloid burger can only measure with his feet and thumbs

Can't make her taller or she would be out of the game's frame.

Nope, one 2d and the other is 3dpd

Aoi is 2.5D


Based on scientific fact?


citation needed

Dude, trust me.

Some 3D are less PD than the others.

But she's been penetrated already by some dude. I don't like 3dpd and will never like 3dpd. 2D god is calling me

>But she's been penetrated already by some dude.
Citation and pictures/videos needed.

I just know it because she's 3dpd, all 3dpd sluts succumb to that norm

I wonder how many cocks she's had inside her and how big was the biggest one.

It's probably only a single inch. It just looks like 2 because of her already short legs.

Maybe that's her real reason for being shotacon.

>Aoi Yuuki is 145 cm tall
>mfw half a meter taller

Attached: 78f.jpg (492x362, 51K)

why are you spending your time thinking about cocks user?

Attached: zg7uQ2k.jpg (1920x808, 90K)

>But she's been penetrated already by some dude
By me

We all can agree this girl is the magnum opus of Aoi Yuki's performance right?

Attached: 1492196481473.jpg (1280x720, 45K)

You fucked a girl in Israel?


>But she's been penetrated already by some dud
You mean some shota.

Attached: 1562507241438.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

I want to fuck her while she's doing her angry Clementine voice.
It gets my dick so hard.

Who is that lucky gaijin?

Her foreign shota lover.

Fuck, i wanted to make same joke.

With 8 inch aryan dick?

Fuck off. Fuck this normalfag thread

das not boogipop

>f-fucking normies, get out
What a typical bet/a/ LULW

You know why.

Attached: femicide.jpg (961x669, 295K)

Not a normalfag man. Im fucking autistic and women hate me and I spend my free time watching anime. I just went to some soaplands while I was traveling around Japan.

Who in the world would get turned on by this shit?

It's closer to 5'8"

Attached: 1532405117186.jpg (1050x1500, 388K)

Who indeed.

Attached: thomas.jpg (1080x1081, 125K)


>she berates your terrible performance in her tanyamaki voice
>ram her even harder
>she smirks as you dance to her beat

t. Middle school boy

You won't fool me. That reverse psychology won't work on me

Attached: D-3G9loVAAAhdUj.jpg (415x739, 56K)

>tie in breast pocket

Attached: nienami.png (311x355, 72K)

>commit femicide against me

Attached: 1465437293314.jpg (559x613, 81K)

Good for you

>20 cm taller
Manlet spotted

Sauce my man.

use yandex you fag
yes the source is in that thread

Attached: 01VpwUZ.png (518x132, 25K)

Found it, thanks.

Figured this is the best place to ask this question: what's the average height for individuals in Japan? I mean, other than gender, what about taking into account age?

10/10 translation

You could just literally google

I want to use her as my personal human onahole

Attached: 1472852605740.webm (640x360, 546K)

BASED, don't let these cucks tell you otherwise.
She has a good voice but she's a roastie like 99.99% of women.

lmgtfy.com/?iie=1&q=average height of a japanese person

>Small mature women
Holy fuuuck, I know this has a doujin and it was godtier too. I think it had a tall girl and she was the sister of her and she had daily gangbangs with a twin shotacon.

How to soapland as gajin?

And then she voiced best Pokemon

Attached: eevee-high-five-pokemon-lets-go.jpg (1000x563, 98K)

don't bother, Yea Forums has been slowly transitioning into 3DPD insectoids for a while now

Me 2 user ;_;

Stupid cute oni.

Is this her mating dance?

Attached: __shuten_douji_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_jikatarou__133275f1e3b5f29093b9163ab4563192.jpg (1464x2048, 212K)

It's a technique used to confuse her pray and compell them to obey her. It's usually reserved for luring stray shotas to her home, but against older people, it just makes them give her stuff.

Don't feel bad. Manlets are cute!

>New story chapter after 7 months with new servants
>Artists ignore them and draw Shuten's new art instead

Attached: Shuten 185.jpg (1183x1300, 254K)

Zombie Shuten is much cooler.

Attached: __shuten_douji_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_rei_kun__1a75156009baa1dff4277d63e1768bb2.png (816x1000, 861K)

>we could have jiangshi Shuten instead of whatever the clusterfuck is Halloween Shuten
it hurts

I won't disagree with you. Especially since she is nopan.

Attached: Shuten 195.jpg (1000x1652, 190K)


Best Aoi commin through

Attached: 1562431856413.png (1280x720, 1.27M)

no such height among human beings

Attached: RoppongiRaws-2019-07-07-17h14m02s769.png (1280x738, 1.2M)

If you check her twitter she constantly talks about Shuten. She even got her in the arcade game.

Attached: 1557590084714.jpg (1920x1080, 1.04M)

I want to make her smell my dick

Is there a source for this broadcast? Are there subs?

That's hot, and Aoi Yuuki's evil voice is hot too.

I want her to say mean things to me.

I like Medusa and think she's probably the best girl out of that franchise.

>Strongest hobbit
Well I guess ShindoL isn't wrong on the account that Frodo did technically beat a demigod dark lord


She also voices sheep which is 142cm

Attached: 1544489406433.png (960x800, 206K)

In case anyone was wondering, the Japanese actually did use 雌殺 “femicide” in the line. It wasn’t just some funny translation.

Attached: D19WCN2WoAAoq_j.jpg orig.jpg (636x900, 106K)

I thought that was a common joke with her
Futaba from Persona 5 is taller than she is too and they had Aoi Yuuki in mind for her voice the entire time

No, someone else made that joke about little boys being the only males she could dominate

HOLY SHIT! How it's possible for an adult woman to be THAT small? I AM ERECT right now

>tfw 160cm
Yes! Finally someone I’m taller than!



There are shotas on Yea Forums.

Attached: 1491414772750.jpg (500x283, 75K)

>25cm shorter than you
I wanna bully her!

Cute is not sexually attractive. Puppies are cute.

130-140cm Japanese adults are rare but they exist.

Speak for yourself. I am sexually attracted to cute manlets.

I want to hug Aoi Yuuki!

kekeke, we have a virgin with rage here, don't we?

Attached: tumblr_mu4nrcfH1B1rb06tgo1_1380861768_cover.jpg (500x500, 40K)

Any woman with a height of 170cm and over is considered tall by any country in the world except Northern Europe.

Send help pls
>tfw still get ID’d for age 15 rated films despite being 25
Life is suffering

based shotanon

Any women over 165cm is dead to me.


Attached: img_0.jpg (544x408, 32K)

Based and shotapilled

Jesus Christ, you really must be cute.

>Aoi has her own anime now

it's a reference to Genjuro you baka

Seems legit

Attached: 14618432.jpg (509x700, 65K)

You mean womb hug?

Her acting in thunderbolt fantasy was amazing.

>loli Aoi

Attached: 1543885660254.jpg (450x1225, 106K)

Attached: 1464310757621.png (557x456, 134K)

I uh. Can still get child tickets on trains so it’s got its perks tbdesu

Yeah, I mean, I'm the same height and when people knock at my door they ask me where my parents are. Height is usually a reliable marker at a glance anyway but still.

Her role in boogiepop is my favorite one
Truly a goddess

Attached: Boogiepop-wa-Warawanai-2019-16_20.01_2019.04.15_16.12.08.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

That's actually a pretty useful advantage.

I'm 183 cm and had to show ID to buy a 16+ rated movie when I was 21.

I think shuten is probably closest thing to be an Aya's self insert.

Attached: 75328169_p0.jpg (1000x1415, 1.25M)

The thing is because I look underage the only girls to show interest are actually underage. I have to make up excuses to get the hell away from them asap. Don’t want none of that desu

Explain joke please

I envy this man.

I guess being a manlet really is a curse unless you're into guys.

What with the "jiangshi Shuten" anyway. I found them pop-up everywhere but I don't understand since I don't play FGO.

Oh no in my case I just stay home and read books so I never encounter that, but I know what it is to constantly be asked for ID/taken for a child by people across contexts in your 20s. It's all fun and cute until you waste time clarifying for them.

If never say it irl though, it’s barrasskng but it’s probably obvious without me even saying really. Also get other child tickets in general so at least there’s that

How old are you now man? I still get ID’d every time I’m out and try to buy stuff Also nice height desu

I'm 22 now. Haven't bought anything age restricted since that movie but I'm sure I'd get ID'd if I did. I'm guessing it's my non-existant facial hair.

>Same height. weight, three sizes and haircut than Aoi Yuuki
I'm still sad that Aoi Yuuki said that she will never cosplay as Shuten , because it would be embarrassing.

Attached: 1549765790921.jpg (2330x1555, 2.93M)

Is she a fujo or am I just projecting her Ben-to character onto her?

The artist designed Shuten to look like her after he found out who they'd cast for the voice.

Being straight and only attracting underaged is terrible desu. But at least I have my cheaper tickets right?
It’s a compliment in a way because it means when we get older we’ll still look really young, imagine being 40 but looking mid 20s?
My mums 50 and gets mistaken for my sister all the time because she’s 4’7

Yes, Satan.

It's an old meme related to the soap incidents of 2004

I get facial hair but it’s useless it doesnt do anything to make me look older so I just keep it shaved

The same happens with my mother, but she's five feet tall instead. We also have longevity, I guess, and lower risk for various pathologies. And yeah, we might age slower, but people still make height jokes at my expense in adulthood.

the heels, they do nothing

Attached: 1491654320963.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

Wouldn't it at least make you not look underage? People are always surprised when they find out I'm not a teen anymore and it gets kind of embarassing. Can't even grow decent facial hair to make myself look my age.

>Same height. weight, three sizes and haircut
At some point i thought that you are talking about yourself. Fuck, now im aroused.

I thought the same thing. Need to stop thinking with my dick.

Based Raita

She seems to largely stick to cosplay thats not even remotely lewd. It's either cute or ... well, something like Tanya's uniform.

My unit in Japan had a Japanese civilian supply clerk. She was under 5 feet tall.

Well, I was fucking 15 and I had to show my ID to demonstrate that I was underage.
Fuck, that's horrible.


Attached: tenor.gif (284x170, 1.49M)


>145 cm tall

Attached: IMAGINE.jpg (1015x1014, 87K)

Aoi Yuuki somehow isn't the most childish looking woman in this.

When talking about work she actually comes across as having huge amounts of professionalism and perfectionism. You can tell by stuff like making her own anime now, apparently. She carries herself very maturely when it's not a stage show or just radio topics that have nothing to do with work.

Evil lewd sword is best sword but pic related is best girl

Attached: Xing Hai by isa (peien51).jpg (600x849, 93K)

Tatsumaki confirmed womanlet not loli

OniCure Shuten dressed like slutty folktale Kintoki is great.

F/GO will have a theme park and a lot of Servants got new illustrations for it, Jiganshi Shuten came from it.


Attached: martial arts.png (534x302, 226K)

Tell me about Genjuro. Why does he pocket the tie?

pure sex

Attached: 1551660140938.jpg (1378x2039, 261K)

You mean bareback?

>sex with Aoi as she shifts between her Boogie voice and her Shuten voice

I like the voice/tone shifts she does during Los Los Los.

>>sex with Aoi as she shifts between her Boogie voice and her Shuten voice

Attached: 1561567646536.png (237x186, 63K)

She ships Sugita and Nakamura pretty hard. And during the last F/GO stream she was fangirling so hard over Karna she started to have teary eyes.

Can't have that flapping all around or in your face when you're punching giant swords and shit

Are there subs of these streams? I don't play the game.

what's the maximum acceptable height for girls?

Attached: Nakolet.webm (800x450, 2.68M)

>Harashima Akari
>139 cm tall
>Nakatani Iku
>142 cm tall
Imagine being shorter than own 10 years old character.

200 cm

So... a horny Y.Aoi then.

I don't think so user.

A horny and drunk Y.Aoi.

Attached: Shuten.jpg (624x799, 90K)

for me imo the jokes aren’t so bad, I just roll with it and play along in a way that isn’t self insulting though. Can have a decent laugh desu
>hey come now, I look up to you guys
Strange how you can end u the sage height when the mothers heights are different I think
I have eternal baby face so a beard does nothing for me sadly.
seriously? What situation did this happen?

I never understood why I find these kinds of Japanese traditional clothes so appealing


Showing too much skin kinda destroys any "mystery". Japs are smart by not using rvealing outfit.

Not speaking Japanese truly is suffering.

That shit makes me want to commit war crimes.

I actually listen to it because somehow I find it soothing to have Y.Aoi yell at me for 3 minutes, even if the lyrics are about piling up corpses.


It's pretty motivating.

He technically did not. Merry technically did though.

You seem like a decent guy so I hope things go well for you. Don't let your height bring you down.

Jesus, she looks like a little kid.

>a beard does nothing for me sadly

Even a long one? I have a pretty long beard and apparently it makes me look at least 7 years older than I actually am since I can usually buy alcohol without having my ID checked (which they're supposed to do here if you look under 30).

The guy who enchanted the knife he used thousands of years before did most of all, really.

You pull the ribbon and it all comes off. Underwear is prohibited for girls.

Appreciate that, thank you. I guess I’ve been lucky in that I’ve never had any real problems from other people over it. Never really paid it any attention desu

Oh I tried that too lol I just looked like a kid with a beard. I’m an eternal kid it seems, didn’t look older at all according to some people kek. Well I suppose it’s better than looking twice my age right?

That's good too know. A lot of short guys tend to hate the fact that they're short but being tall certainly doesn't magically fix all your problems.

Imagine, just carrying her around the house looking for things to fuck her on


When I imagine it, she yelled at me to carry her and is angrily giving me directions telling me where to take her.

I honestly don’t even notice it unless someone bring it up lol, never really saw the problem personally desu

Let me tell you that constantly being told how tall you are (even though you're just a bit above average) just because your family is full of manlets isn't that great either.


Attached: aoi-zmove.webm (832x468, 1.15M)

There must be some similarly obsessed guy actually capable of subbing all these random streams she appears on. Heck, its nearly impossible to even learn about or find them all without Japanese.

best girl/boy

Attached: D-gXM0XWsAAorqr.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

I could literally destroy both with my huge black cock.

Attached: 1552621711626.jpg (1920x1080, 107K)

I wouldn't bet on it.

Attached: drunk.webm (132x160, 185K)

That is adorable.

Well, silver lining is you got the height genes right? Never understood the fascination with height tbdesu but then that’s just me

I guess so. Weirdly enough my fascination is more targeted towards short people rather than tall people.

The smallest Japanese women I've fucked was 148cm. I still want to know what it's like with someone smaller.

it is different from comtemporary trash

Take On Me, the older sister and the twins were the best part.
You also forgot to mention that the twins were brown traps.

That’s interesting imo, why’s that? Tell me I’m curious now tbdesu

Her feet don't even touch the rail.
This is peak IMAGINE.

I just have a thing for height difference and I think short people are cute as fuck. That might sound a little condescending though. Also helping them reach stuff that's too high up for them makes my height feel useful.


I will marry her.

You just know Yuki Kaji has had a threesome with Petit Milady.

Such thoughts are not allowed in this thread.

>helping them reach stuff that's too high up for them
By picking them up by the waist, preferably.

I don’t think that’s condescending, sounds fine to me, you like what you like there’s nothing bad about that, you sound like a decent person user

when was it confirmed tatsumaki was 150cm

That would make things slightly awkward.
Thanks, user.

God I wish that were me

I'm 1 cm taller than you. When are you transitioning that twink body of yours?

I'm 194cm, I'm picking you all up

Kino's actual 1st encounter with Hermes, colorized.

Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi~

yes please

Please don’t im only 150cm

Mildly serious, how the hell would someone that short take a dick that's even average? I know it's elastic tissue but even still

I don't believe you.

Shortness is in the family were all p short

That's not just pretty short, that's insanely short.

Aoi-san is pure!

I’m the shortest, I’m the only one under 155cm

I'd love to meet your family.

>all these anons using metric units
>have no fucking clue what they're talking about

Attached: based2.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

check out this dopey little fat fuck

Attached: ScreenshotFat.png (560x449, 356K)


Attached: smol kondo.webm (696x614, 539K)

Attached: fix.png (608x613, 317K)

Gonna sit you shorties on top of the fridge

So anyone else find girls that short gross?

>her mother was a femlet too
It all makes sense now.

just carry me around and drop me off at various places

A pupper is fine too.

I'm only 180cm and it already wouldn't be worth the back pains when I'm old

>tfw lolicon
>but also giantess fetish
What do?

Giant loli of course

Be a fucking manlet

>south amerika
Lets just use Europe for "world" statistics, chinks and poos are way overrepresented and everywhere else is a shithole not worth mentioning.

Ask them how old they are, then claim your parents want you to concentrate on your studies so you can't date them and to look for you again in a couple years.

Oh, and here I thought it was because soap can be made from human fat.

Did they have to help her down after? Her shoe already came flying off when she tried hopping up, I can only imagine the risk of her snapping an ankle trying to jump off.

Cockpit pussy. Anything much bigger and our interaction will be more akin to a human vs insect.

Smol girl big bike.

>13-14 is the best age
She's weird. That's the age most boys actually grow out of the shota phase.

that´s what makes it good, user

shes 4'7" (139) Aoi is 4'9" 145
even shorter

So he had a haniwa doll threesome?

Attached: cute.webm (672x378, 553K)

depends on the frame for me, if they are short and thin it's cute, otherwise not so much

Japan does not understand height or weight. Like, at all

if you could IMAGINE with Aoi what voice would you want her to do? For me it's Noel

Attached: noel.png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

it must be exhausting being the voice of so many recently very popular characters. keeping up with all their events

Small and portable.

i want an aoi wife NOW

Attached: poplarzilla.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

You don't always have to go. The Konosuba stuff for example is mostly Rieri but rarely any of the other heroines unless the entire main cast shows up. It can depend on the kind of show, though. Certainly she can't not go on the Youjo Senki roadshow considering how much that show is about that single character.

Her normal voice

Then randomly, without warning, switches to her Boogiepop voice

>seriously? What situation did this happen?
Back then, in my country, if you were an high school student who take a bus every day they gave you a special card to show to the driver so you could ride the bus without any trouble.
That day there was a bus inspector who didn't believe that I was underage and that card wasn't a fake one, so I had to show her my ID.
Even a working guy (who must had back then like 30 years old asked me how the hell did I had that pass and if it was some sort of special
worker ticket).
As some curious date, when I hit 12 years old, I already was near 170 cm tall and I already had a big moustache that I had to shave every week. When I was 14 I already had a beard


I got curious and see how many roles our smol girl's been in and holy fucking shit.

How the utter fuck has she played so many roles in just the last three years alone? It is ridiculously impressive.

She is going to get throat cancer in a few years at most if she doesn't have it already.

Legitimately insanely talented at voicework and extremely professional about quality checking it.
Also able to sing to the point shows like Isekai Quartet have her be the only person to be in both the intro and outro. And also able to draw which now has her designing her own anime.
Plus literally working in TV since she's 12, see stuff like that Downtown clip.

Actual seiyuu prodigy.

Or get her vocal cords strained...like Aimer


Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear - 09 [BD 720p AAC] [C314E8CE].mkv_snapshot_11.16_[2015.01.27_19.19 (1280x720, 62K)

she bathes in the blood of shotas to heal her injuries

Her natural voice is actually very soothing but I am a horny degenerate so I'd want her Shuuten voice.

How exactly is she not at something like Romi Park, HanaKana or Rie Kugimiya level? I mean, I hear about her a lot but it's not as much as them even though she's been in so many shows

You evaded the ban successfully bro

Attached: 1401329729283.jpg (464x523, 71K)

They don't call her Y.Aoi for nothing


>Tfw she looks more childish than an actual little boy

I feel you fellow burger. I wish metric was the norm

I only really learned my own stats in metric

Everything else is a guessing game based on my own numbers just because I don't care enough to convert all the time

The absolute opposite
My waifu is just under 150cm, so for me I want them either short or taller than me
And I'm over 200cm


Reminder that CVfaggotry is 3DPD

Seiyuu are 2.5d

This, she was a genetically constructed life form created to voice only the purest waifus so otaku couldn't complain about the VA being a slut. However, she went insane and overthrew her creators and will now make her own anime that will delve into the madness of a man made life form.

I have a guess. Think about it this way, when you think of Rie, you think of tsunderes, or archetypes they're known for because you've heard her voice for that type of character.

Aoi have never been that case. Because her vocal range is wide enough that you really don't recognize her natural voice in many roles she's played and since she doesn't stand out in a particular archetype (I guess tomboys kinda fits the bill, but not entirely). Hell, I didn't even know she was in SSSS Grdiman until midway through the series.

>Shuten cosplay
>Shuten voice
Aoi's a filthy degenerate, she'd totally be willing to do it.

She's also openly said otaku purity sucks shit. She's the realest.

>overthrew her creators
>but still working with the system

She's the biggest tease. We haven't so much as seen her bare shoulders.

Attached: aoichan.png (492x658, 338K)


You forgot:
>Kirara's voice




This. My boss is in her 40s, and an old customer says she used to attract a lot of young men to shop back when, but I can't look past the stubby limbs and middle aged arse.


>tfw you will never have a gf as cute, genki and smol as Yuuki Aoi to soothe your broken soul after a life of hardship and suffering

It is okay. It hurts only a bit.

I'm gonna do it bros.
Its ok.
I'll live my life for all of you.

Where can I donate blood to Aoi?

But user, you are not a shota.

if everyone on Yea Forums is a loli theres no reason why he can't be a shota

wholesome trips of hope

Fair enough. He can be a shota than works for the Japanese FBI.

Boogiepop normally, Shuten if she could be coerced into cosplay

believe me I'm trying

Especially in Eyeshield 21. The MC was anywhere to half a regular player's height to only a head shoulder, and Kurita was anywhere from a little taller than the average player to 1.5 their height.

Look at those monster platforms.

Attached: 1562291897963.png (436x433, 224K)

And she still looks like an 8 year old girl who found all her moms clothes and makeup

Attached: 24564-24330-29475.jpg (600x600, 63K)

>8 year old girl
Just the right strike zone for this board.

More like troll
Niggers would be orcs

She wants to fuck kids. I doubt she'll be creeped out

She's fucking that kid, you just know ;_;

Honestly, if I had a Yuuki Aoi gf, I'd be having her demean me, not comfort me. Mean Aoi is pure sex.

user, that's implict as well. But having someone as her beside you, knowing that you could have choose more beautiful, but not better, is what soothes my broken soul.

ITT: tastelets
superior Aho and superior Geah reporting in.

Attached: 1478541349665.jpg (200x200, 10K)

The european average is only 5'10", a mere inch taller than koreans. You should cut out the non-nord manlets to the south, in which case it seems like it's almost 5'11"

I feel like she would be super chill when out of the public eye.
>hang out on the couch and let her tell you about her day
>just nod along because you don't understand a fucking word she's saying
>princess carry her into the bedroom after she falls asleep

Attached: 1561675485571.jpg (617x616, 104K)

>>just nod along because you don't understand a fucking word she's saying

Attached: 1541169365504.jpg (1300x1083, 696K)

Imagine getting stepped on with those monster platforms.

Aaaaaaaah I want to marry Aoi Yuuki !!!


>princess carry
In her case, it would look more like a dad taking his toddler to bed.

Normalfags don't go to a soapland, user.

I've accepted I'll never be able to IMAGINE with Aoi Yuuki herself so the closest I'd get would be to do what did and fuck a sub-150cm loli-type in a soapland while listening to Aoi's voice with headphones and my eyes shut.

Why do people do it? Shitting on the people you profit from is really weird strategy even if you think their weird. You chose the job on your own.

No doubt

>>Aoi Yuuki is 145 cm tall
fucking what. how can an adult human being be this short. does she have dwarfism?

Smol womanlet genes. Her mother is tiny too.

They are people, not unfeeling automatons created to entertain you

My wife Aoi is so cute.

I am imagining

short women come from an area where rape was prevalent. Ugly women come from an area where the men have low standards.

You mean MY wife?


Attached: keiyaku.jpg (600x400, 63K)

Nips use metric so I will too. Not a weeb btw

>short women come from an area where rape was prevalent.

>Murata being a hack is well known.
1/10 bait.

Being professional is in big part about letting go of your personal opinions, emotions and prejudices to better do your job. Having your own views is a one thing. Sharing them publicly is another. And as it turns out, they earn money mostly because bunch of fat losers want to fuck their voices. I don't think they're exactly in a position to act all superior and alienate their fanbase. There's also a matter of simple respect. But maybe otaku don't care what they say? I don't know, I wouldn't take the risk if I was in that position.

easier to catch

>tfw potatoes have taken out more of Tanya's men than grenades

I don't recall her shitting on Otaku purity in some overt manner.
The best I can recall, which the other user might be hyperbolically referring to, is a tweet from 1 or 2 years ago where she muses on the fact that if seiyuu get into a romantic relationship they're considered to have "betrayed" their fans, and speaks on how at her age there's women who've had children and all that, says she thinks the way she lived her life isn't worth praising, and vows to continue looking for the person she loves, lamenting her single status.

While it's true that people like to imagine themselves with her, those that genuinely feel thankful for the existence of her work and music and performances, obviously also want her to be happy, so demanding she live some sort of lonely life is just the case of the rotten eggs among the bunch being the most obvious and others genuinely hopeful intentions being mistaken. Things get muddy when you're dealing with people and their desires, where one side desires something of the other but also has to respect the other sides. It's a realm of imagining things but having to respond differently to reality in action.

I wish the translations were faster... we're only about to get volume 6, but the covers get ... well, very noticeable from 8 onward. I still feel ominous after reading the warning in the Afterword of Volume 1. Like Zen promised to hurt me with how her story ends.

She didn't drink enough milk

>best I can recall, which the other user might be hyperbolically referring to, is a tweet from 1 or 2 years ago where she muses on the fact that if seiyuu get into a romantic relationship they're considered to have "betrayed" their fans, and speaks on how at her age there's women who've had children and all that, says she thinks the way she lived her life isn't worth praising, and vows to continue looking for the person she loves, lamenting her single status.
Well, I don't know anything about her, that's why I was careful to refer generally to "them" as in more the practice than a person. If that's the only thing she wrote, than it's perfectly respectful and professional.

This is what they're referring to.

Also, otaku purity types should be institutionalized

Attached: 9875897q36.jpg (732x1044, 269K)

>Also, otaku purity types should be institutionalized
Well, to be honest, I can't imagine many normal and adjusted people buying anime and merch en masse. It's the fact these guys are like this that allows the industry to print money. But yeah, what she wrote is perfectly okay.

You can see that she still is legitimately considerate of her fans. "If I'm going to get hurt like that." refers to being told she would have "betrayed" her fans.

The second paragraph, especially what the ellipses lead into, is a little bit unclear in the translation. I'd honestly hope for someone to be able to interpret from the japanese.

so PURE!!!

Attached: tatscuteface.png (528x468, 279K)

>I will do my best to meet the one I love in the kindergarten
You forgot the last sentence of that tweet which was deleted for professional reasons

Nah, the same radio she talked about loving shota on she also talked about rejecting the guy who sat next to her in college and hit on her. She basically just seems like a mix between not having the mind for romance over her career and really looking for that special romantic connection rather than a tentative relationship.

jesus christ, she's literally the height of the car if she was barefoot

Yeah, the guy she rejected wasn't a shota. He never had a chance

IMAGINE-tier is also "I can just carry her back to my raep cave"-tier

You're fucking blind if you actually think that. Apart from her legs being really stubby, Aoi has the proportions of an adult woman. She's just short.

Taketatsu Ayana has praised her boobs on air several times. They're the smaller pair of Petit Milady's but apparently still very impressive when the clothes come off.

When you say "on air", do you think you could specify which show?

Yeah I know someone similar.

S-shup I’m not short I’m compact sized

You're fun sized.

The Petit Milady radio, of course.


Lol if she got knocked up she'd have as much issues with the pregnancy and birth that a 10 year old would get.

I don't suppose theres a project to sub those?

30cm is 1foot tall, so just divide by 30.

Attached: 26a64c53cdd67c16feffa4a1bc439486.jpg (1472x800, 620K)

Yes, because
>she's just short
Most women with dwarfism, which she might have a mild form of, have to have c-sections, but they aren't children.

You can find random clips all over, but there's no sustained effort to sub the whole thing on a weekly basis. Seiyuu radio shows tend to be a lot of fluff, shooting the shit, and self-promotion, and not that many people would watch them especially if there's no video.

>Seiyuu radio shows tend to be a lot of fluff, shooting the shit, and self-promotion, and not that many people would watch them especially if there's no video.
I have come to expect better of the weaponized autism found on this side. How is there no obsessed fan minutely tracking down and subbing everything she appears in? It's so far off the norm.

Most people interested in these kinds of things already know moon and (rightfully) despise EOPs

It's not like English is my first language. The possibility of learning Japanese at all didn't really crop up after I'd already had to learn a couple live and a few dead ones for education. At this point I'm also simply lost of how to go about it without formal schooling, considering the three alphabets and whether I should just start focussing on being able to understand spoken Japanese instead, much less where to get actual good self-teaching material for either variant. Plus being a weirdo that does it solely to better follow a seiyuu.

No one cares, ESL-kun. Blogpost somewhere else

I'm also English-as-foreign-language and I had to learn another (useless) foreign language in school, hasn't stopped me from learning Japanese. Start by memorizing the hiragana and the katakana and then get the KanjiDamage deck for Anki to learn the kanjis, you can learn the language way faster when you have the prerequisites to actually talk to Japanese people online.


But I can't into math user

Attached: 456567970.png (123x340, 25K)

Attached: 25356-16606-10433.jpg (970x474, 44K)

If you can't into math that simple, you're hopeless.

Til what?

Attached: 1559619244541.png (581x849, 244K)

t. got cucked by the USSR
Sorry I'm Canadian we were never colonized by foreigners

Today I learned. It's a reddit term

>US province

Attached: 9504238509.png (165x220, 41K)

>145cm · 46kg

Is the weight also right? When you look at other FGO lolis Abby is 152cm・44kg, Helena is 145cm・38kg.

>Is the weight also right?
I hope so

Attached: DnJn5JFUYAEOfuh.jpg (720x950, 97K)

Now we know why she never shows them.
It's because her shoulders are UGLY! ugh!!!

I'll cut you

Is it even possible to survive sex with Shuten.

Attached: 26a293542d1102b397c5143235efb814.jpg (1000x1972, 1.19M)

I'm teaching my Jap girlfriend the British system, fuck Cucktric

>that skindentation

Yes, be Kintoki.

Attached: Shuten 101.png (657x738, 307K)

Attached: m0zsr84qry831.jpg (599x838, 124K)

island dwarfism

>my Jap girlfriend
We are in the presence of the blessed.

I like that anime give a very wide height range for the characters, I just don't like when they give everybody long legs that doesn't match their bodies.

I love when there's an awkward tall girl then you look up her info and she's like 160cm

Pic related

Attached: 3.png (836x1200, 361K)

Long legs are long

Attached: 4.png (836x1200, 360K)

Except that anime girls who are 160-165cm in height range are hardly described as "tall" in-universe, it only happen when she's over 170cm which is tall by female standards by any country.

Mio, for example.


>Japanese FBI are monitoring her.
you mean PSIA
sounds like something straight from Mother

Boa Hancock from One Piece is 192 cm and she isn't described as tall, actually even OP characters over 200cm tall are considered manlets.

The Japanese like Mogudan are so good at drawing Tatsumaki, but they speak alien language so I can't commission them. Does anyone know who I should commission for Tats hentai?

Attached: Tornado.jpg (850x1191, 105K)

>yellow fever incel calling anyone a virgin
Oh right, you're autistic. That explains your zero awareness.

Surely for something like that you could manage with translation software? Maybe run it by a japanese speaker quickly afterward.

>run it by a japanese speaker
Who? The legit translators cost even more money and fags on Yea Forums just troll whenever asked to translate.


And here we observe a crab outside it's natural environment /ic/...

Frodo was a pussy, Sam was the actual hobbit Chad of the story

Typecasting, as she should be.

Attached: tanya_coffee.gif (540x304, 1.81M)

>tfw ugly lanklet and i'd rather be cute and small

Samuel was the hidden mc.

Attached: 1562030662670.png (480x480, 148K)

yeah but women are into big ugly ogres that can dominate them

She has an incredible voice, but a tiny body.

Attached: 75252087_p0.jpg (861x1145, 793K)

She isn't actually typecast, though. She gets plenty of other roles, yet at the same time when a role Tanya comes up, she doesn't just get it because she's good at that kind of voice and character, but because that show is 95% about that character's exterior and interior. You need a strong lead.

>get ID'd all the time
>tfw 29

That how called "Miracle of Universe"

Just short enough to qualify as a manlet.

Didn't she start seeking out villain roles specifically to avoid being typecast after the gigantic success that was Madoka? With the class rep role in Yurikuma Arashi in 2015 being her first one and being considered "playing against type"? Overlord came a few months later.

I don't think it was trying to not be typecast as the hero so much as not being typecast as a mahou shoujo forever. Being able to play someone mature, being able to play someone serious, being able to play someone intellectual, all that. Tanya for example, despite the terrible choice of English title for the series, isn't a villain, but she's extremely intelligent, devious and zealous. You don't always want to get stuck in the role of the insecure little girl doubting herself.

>aoi in tatsumaki costume

Attached: DkwkQhyXgAAvO6r.jpg_large.jpg (620x465, 34K)

I mean, they have literal Giants, plus those fishy faggots like Arlong, so the numbers are skewed.

To be fair, she wanted to be shorter than her crush


She doesn't do lewd costumes.

She did some cute cosplays quite often though.

Attached: aoi-yuuki-tanya.jpg (742x1024, 79K)

Attached: C7fSRhY.png (709x704, 955K)

She did that for a live performance of Los Los Los, with added angry military shouting before the song starts. You can also tell she isn't moving from behind the podium because there clearly is a box she's standing on behind it.

this oni looks extremely soft

She will eat you

Attached: Shuten 186.png (754x900, 348K)

Reminder that Shuuten is an NTR'ing harlot. She does not love (You). She is only using you as a meat stick for goldenbro

Attached: b7a0eaecebe915464e54bdce4d95449e.jpg (1050x1469, 185K)

>his waifu is not 0cm

My waifu is the urban legend woman that lives in all the cracks in your house and just looks at you

>That's hot, and Aoi Yuuki's evil voice is hot too.

Attached: 1549628935848.png (1920x1080, 1.95M)

>his waifu is not a 500 feet tall monster from the Triassic period
Might as well just die alone lmao.

Attached: Shuten (1).png (1920x1080, 2.69M)

Attached: Jurrasic loli.png (900x3810, 473K)