Why do so many anime, that are created by men and tageted towards a male audience...

Why do so many anime, that are created by men and tageted towards a male audience, feature weak men who get strung along by women who act like men?

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Its japanese culture thing. Being weak is perceived as being polite there and it is easy for their audience to relate to. Sucks to watch but you arent their target audience.

I doubt most Japanese men are this weak. Sounds like a pretty bad explanation honestly.

Strong girls aren't acting like men.

>Its japanese culture thing. Being weak is perceived as being polite there

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The "strong" women in anime mostly just act and think like men. Like the male author imagined a male character and then put tits on him.

Because tons of men want to be dominated by strong hot girls? Like seriously are you really even asking this?

Yeah, because femdom exists only in Japan.

Remember the defining trait of most men who read and also create this kind of anime/manga. They are weak and like the fantasy of a woman that is strong, but at the same time submits to the self insert protag in some ways. Also those people usually did not have a drawn out relationship with a woman, so they can not really relate to actual social dynamics between the genders. What they certainly can relate to is the dynamic between some wimpy dude and a dominant guy. I kinda see these kinds of circumstances as the reason for tsundere/yandere profiles. Manchildren delusively living through their traumas basically, without the ability to reflect on them out of some stubborn and absolutely unjustified pride.
Mind you, I am referring to the usual set-up in haremshit or general stories with wimpy protags dragged along by female side-kicks. Of course there are some pieces which are more than some obscure form of misunderstood self-help therapy, but the flood of manly female characters has its source right at this point. Yurishit is kinda an expansion to this concept, born through guys who feel so pathetic that even self-inserting is above their ability to suspend their disbelief.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with enjoying some of those stories, if there is a story to be told in the first place. I manage to bite through some of them despite the blatant pandering which turns my stomach. But you should seriously ask yourself why you enjoy some shows with female characters like these in them and whether you are currently going through some seriously dysfunctional escapism. I know that I was doing it back then.

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Didn't he try to make an uprising at the military base, but then soldiers just mocked him?

They're not acting like men, they're just assertive and that's attractive, no one really wants a doormat with no personality

Try understanding jap culture.
Women are irrelevant here.
The men were all nuked during ww2.

Shut up.

It’s literally just fetish shit.

>they're just assertive and that's attractive
Psychologically healthy men don't find assertive women attractive. I suggest you see a shrink to deal with that childhood trauma you're living with.

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The protags can "develop" into having a spine while the female characters only become more incompetent and thus less threatening over time. No one, even nip guys actually care much about who or what the male is like though. The less personality the easier to project and self insert.

The protags never develop a spine tho

>Psychologically healthy men don't find assertive women attractive
I always wonder how people with lobotomy can watch anime

Quite a few apparently, seeing as how many of them find ""assertive"" women attractive.

>Being weak is perceived as being polite there

You're confounding weakness with selflessness and humility

She was raped by a beta and the show never mentioned it again and pretended like it didnt happen. Still mad.

Being confident in yourself is attractive. Being aggressive and violent is not. 90+% of the time in anime it ends up being the latter, unfortunately.


Ah I see you are japanese.

This thread smells of mudslimes.

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I miss hot-headed male protagonists.

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Because the anime audience consists of weak men who would like to get strung along by strong women. This is a wish-fulfilment fantasy.

Yes, and then he killed himself out of impotent frustration.

Confidence is attractive in MEN, to WOMEN

Target audience

Also what's your idea of a woman who acts like a man in anime that isn't a tomboy? Hopefully not your example in your pic

Ah, I see you side with Rei on the Asuka v Rei debate

>Being confident in yourself is attractive. Being aggressive and violent is not
And yet we had the modern tsundere trope for so long that tended to have the most popular girls be violent and beat up the MC for a pretty long time

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Because manly secondary characters cannot be stripped naked for fanservice for target audience. You get this stuff here and there but overall you can't have gender balance in animes exactly due to male gaze

Anime exaggerates everything though.

What makes you say that, user?

If girl rides you cowgirl style you will feel like a woman and turn gay eventually. Scientific fact.

The weak should fear the strong.

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>be weak-ass herbivore japanee
>no gf
>can't imagine yourself as someone who actively changes his life, because you've been hammered against it since you were a little kid
>imagine a girl who does that for you instead and is also for some reason madly in love with you
>both problems solved without ever addressing you being a weak-ass man or your culture pushing everybody down onto the ground



Because it is actually an anime targeted towards women.

beta male self-insets

Why do people like you say they appreciate anime for how it is but ask questions like this as if there's a problem with it?

There's two other threads asking about why shojo has specific romantic interestes and another asking for why there isn't more sex in anime. Like what the fuck? Do you like this medium or not? Leave them alone, if there's something you don't like, don't watch it.

Selesia was hardly acting like a man.

Now Altair, on the other hand, is a man with tits.

Femdom is correlated with higher IQ, so people who end up in positions to dictate what is made usually lean more towards the femdom side. That's why the maledomshit is mostly relegated to doujins and other cheap, one-man endeavors.

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He was one of the last men to die in japan, now it's just manchildren, boring salary workers who kill themselves and metrosexuals

Murica nuked all the remaining men in WW2, and converted the rest to basically borg drones, mindless, underpaid manchildren

Logically speaking, a truly intelligent man will seek an assertive and dominant partner because she would also be a good and reliable mother for his children.

You do realize that the bushido/ww2 soldier mentality moved into the workplace with salary men working until they die? Same extreme patterns the japanese has had for hundreds of years just different fields.

The birth of a new pasta...!

>Psychologically healthy men don't find assertive women attractive.
Oh yeah user... this bundle of brittle ego doesn't sound unhealthy at all.

>beta male self-insets
Beta male self inserts are the "alfa" power fantasies. The more ridiculous the bigger the amount of bitterness and fragility on display.

>Being aggressive and violent is not. 90+% of the time in anime it ends up being the latter, unfortunately.
OP pic chose would be a bad display of that. Selesia was a good person and her actions in that instance were understandable and not random violence.

Because it's a popular fetish.
End of thread.

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Why would you do this to yurikids

The real answer is that the Japanese are creatively bankrupt and can only write manga about things they've already seen in other manga.
It's rare that you'll find a manga that breaks the mold, e.g. Death Note, and those manga are usually praised as super amazing works of arts, when in reality they're just not shit.
It's comparable to the American movie and TV show industry and how everyone pushes race mixing and diversity. Then someone like Nolan and his all-white casts comes along and everyone praises his movies like he's the second coming of Kubrik.

>and then he killed himself
Actually, his boyfriend was supposed to chop his head off, be he failed to do so after three attempts, so the boyfiend's boyfriend finished the job and then the boyfriend's boyfriend chopped the boyfriend's head off too.

So you like insecure women? Is it because they're the only ones that would settle for a low value male like you?


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Can't tell if you're baiting or damaged.

>acting like men
They're just acting though and still are very fucking feminine you're just a pussy

I prefer hot-blooded male mcs

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>Because it's a popular fetish.
>End of thread.
This. It's hot, there is nothing more to it.

Altair is currently my favorite anime character.

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Is it the idea of a hot woman dominating you or more the idea of yourself eventually dominating the hot dominant woman?

Altair being a dude would have worked better

Who cares. Ask your friends on twitter.

Are you too stupid to answer a simple question?

Strenght define manliness, therefore, strong girls are juste manly girls.

[citation needed]

Actually betas prefer protags who are as pathetic as they themselves are, because seeing other people that are like themselves makes them feel as if there's nothing wrong with them, and that even they could get a harem of girls who love them for absolutely no reason.

Logically speaking, a truly intelligent man would not go into a relationship if there is even the slightest chance that she use the law to take his wealth and children.

Altair wouldn't be as precious if she was a guy. And it's not like it matters since she gets the girl either way.

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ngl dude Altair would've been just as precious if not more when the dere for Sestuna eventually came out.

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The only ones happy with that design would be the animators and Meteora.

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Seek help.

True but he still cute

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You might not know this but the japanese have as a culture is very male centered. It's only after america nuke them that they act very beta. Maybe a kind of kink that got awaken after the trauma they got from being dominated by america.

Women love for the hot guy to beat and abuse them.
Women are the reason this world is garbage.

>It's only after america nuke them that they act very beta

Psychologically speaking, a man will be attracted to a woman who is similar to his mother, only better (ideally)
Men who had a warm and loving mother will be attracted to an equally warm and loving woman who will give them the same treatment, but they will strive to reach a certain bond with them as well, not just have a superficial submissive relationship.
Conversely, men who had a cold and emotionally distant mother/one who was too dominant over the father figure of the house will be attracted to a dominant and assertive woman, but they will strive to balance her out by proving dominant enough themselves and thus "fixing" what was too one-sided during their early life.
That's ideally speaking, of course.
These men can also fall into fetishes such as brutal femdom or wanting to be babied by their partners.

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I prove you wrong, my mother isn't my type and she isn't super loving or cold.
The specific fetishes part is for weak men, I have every fetish imaginable from baby to feces.

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But you just proved me right if you're mother was truly balanced, user.
That means that she wasn't leaning either way on the spectrum, allowing you to grow up "neutral" so to speak, and develop your own weird attractions.

>they dont know the real best girl

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Because some of their target audience identify with shy, reserved men and prefer women who are extroverted and assertive. This isn't rocket science, retard.

Neither insecurity nor confidence attract men to women. Confidence is a healthy quality for one's own good, but not one that attracts the masculine to the feminine. Only the other way around. Insecurity just so happens to lack that same attraction effect AND be a unhealthy quality. Confidence is good in general, but not something that attracts men to women. You do know it’s possible for a woman to have positive qualities that do not attract the opposite sex, right? Surely you’re not implying that confidence in women is useless unless it’s for a getting a man. As if implying that it’s not something that’s going to help a woman get pregnant is an insult. Now THAT is sexist of you

It's because the males in their target audience are weak and helpless people; they're not physically fit, they're not rich, they're not powerful, etc. A male protagonist who is inherently capable and powerful, as well as mentally well-grounded as a result, is a character they can't relate to (this is why isekais have to have some kind of system where a weak MC is given cheat powers of some kind as wish fulfillment).

It's a lot easier for them to imagine coming across a powerful woman to drag them along their fun adventures than for them to imagine becoming powerful themselves through their own efforts.

That's why we've got yuri

I think this type of content is targeted at woman, ashkually.

Arrogant men usually tend to want to conquer a confident woman who shows them no interest, though. It's an ego thing.

Freud was a hack

Strong women that act like women are STRESSFUL AS FUCK!

Nobody wants to fucking deal with Lois from Malcom in the Middle when they can get an inspiring peptalk from Kamina with Tits.

Haha that comment touched a nerve didn't it

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Sad thing is, Jap MCs were Chad-tier in the past. It's only the last 10 years that we have reached this low.

Because the writers and producers think that the average anime viewer might feel emasculated by watching a macho man who they can't relate to (or even that they feel genuine animosity toward) steal their love interest. In a lot of cases, extra female characters get added to give a show some additional sex appeal/cute appeal. Wimpy guys who don't do too much on their own, and don't have strong desires/opinions of their own, are easier for these viewers to self-insert as.

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>people with lobotomy
You don't even know what the word means, do you? Do you think "lobotomy" is some sort of illness? Jesus, dude. This is the typical idiot who finds assertive women attractive.

>if you're confident in your masculinity, you wouldn't mind wearing a dog collar and letting a stronk wyymin lead you around
How about no. There needs to be order in the world.

>So you like insecure women? Is it because they're the only ones that would settle for a low value male like you?
Women are inherently insecure. That is completely normal and natural. Since they are physically disabled by childbirth and the demands of raising a child, they literally can't survive without a provider. It's natural and correct of women to look for someone who can provide for them while they are raising children. If they didn't have this instinct, the next generation wouldn't survive. It's as natural for women to be insecure as it is for them to eat and drink.

>Oh yeah user... this bundle of brittle ego doesn't sound unhealthy at all.
Female assertiveness is divisive to a home. It's going to result in divorce in a lot of cases. That's not a good thing for a family, and despite what you've been brainwashed to think, it's not normal. It's a horrible, horrible thing to do to children and all results from such a simple misunderstanding of how men and women should act.

>triggered low IQ maledomfag has to sperg out in the thread
This happens every time. You're such a dominant Chad, yet you are upset enough over this to write lengthy posts on an anonymous anime imageboard telling people they are the downfall of society for wanting a girl to step on their dick.

>Female assertiveness is divisive to a home. It's going to result in divorce in a lot of cases. That's not a good thing for a family, and despite what you've been brainwashed to think, it's not normal. It's a horrible, horrible thing to do to children and all results from such a simple misunderstanding of how men and women should act.
Grow out of your diapers.

>1. Having an opinion about female assertiveness makes you a maledomfag
>2. Writing more than one sentence in your post makes you upset
>3. If you're an upset maledomfag, you're not entitled to an opinion
>4. Therefore, whatever an upset maledomfag writes is invalid and I don't have to reply to it :^)

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Eh, these day they prefer no male at all

Oh man this post is actually embarrassing.

>It's a lot easier for them to imagine coming across a powerful woman to drag them along their fun adventures than for them to imagine becoming powerful themselves through their own efforts.
"Powerful woman to drag them along" -- Where have you seen this? This doesn't exist.

Not an argument.

Re:Creators. Also watch more anime.

What's the chinaman referencing?

The fact that people find you so autistic they give up on trying to debate you entirely from the get go (my case) doesnt mean that you're right, buddy

>Re:Creators. Also watch more anime.
The typical anime has pathetic women who fall over themselves for some douchebag MC. The target audience you are referring to doesn't want powerful women.

To be more accurate, they're comparing webnovel MCs.

It's amusing that you think the "chad" in those images is supposed to be praised

So average nips can self-insert.

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It doesn't mean that I'm right, but it does mean that you have nothing to say. If it were clear to you that I were wrong, and you understood what was right, then stating your case would be as simple as correcting someone for their faulty math. Seeing as you not only couldn't do that, but you chose instead to express your emotional reaction to my arguments tells me that something I said caused you to be uncomfortable. Maybe I forced you to look at your own life and contradictions, which led to cognitive dissonance. Like someone suggested to you earlier in the thread, I suggest you find a competent therapist so you can work some of these issues out before you have a family and inflict them on others.

user it's plain stupid and shows your lack of life experience. I don't know how else to say or where to begin. I don't what you are conflating assertiveness with. Plenty of women are assertive. Including my mother who's been married to my father for close to 50 years now. Whatever redpill crap you are reading better sort those things out better than you do.

You asked for an example of powerful women dragging a weak guy into an adventure, that's one of many and doesn't change even if the girl falls for the idiot later. That audience exists no matter how much you move the goalposts, considering you just have to look at the last few years for evidence.

>I don't know how else to say or where to begin.
Maybe you should think about it for a few more years before trying to reply to me, then?

Maybe I should it's not that ease explaining to the infantile set in their ways.

I can't self insert into Sota like I do with 8-man. Can you guys explain why?

Can you do us all a favor and work on your spelling while you're at it?

Bad writing. The writer forgot who the protagonist was.


>Strong girls aren't acting like men.

Yes they are but it's not a bad thing.

Typical Yea Forums user then


God I wish Altair was real so I could lift up her skirt and see her panties.

wish ironic weebs would just drop dead desu

>Can you do us all
Nobody is on your side here. You've outed yourself as the saddest of autists and you are speaking only on your own behalf, son.

Because a lot of you freaks are faggets and take it up the ass.

>why is a popular fetish portrayed in shows produced solely to make money off the pathetic freaks who like said fetish
Really makes my noggin joggin'.

>stop criticizing bad anime!

looks like xianxia

Nothing wrong with silly fanservice anime that features boring generic Japanese male characters surrounded by generic but prettily drawn female fanservice character that has a standard template applied to it.
After all, it's just about fantasying what kind of sexy porn thing you can do to that female fanservice character.

Literally have sex

Stop that.

Because it is relaxing to have everything taken care of by someone else.

Engage in intercourse.

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How about you do the world and not just us a favor by killing yourself

Bump uglies.

Let's not kid ourselves, everything the Chinese make is awful.

Not true. Ever heard of Huawei?

Both acted like men desu

Lot of words to say Beta Anime Faggots Want Mommies


substitute "sex" for "gender" and it's pretty good, fuck off with this neomarxist bullshit words

This is the correct answer

Are you insane?

Because he was a homo

>kancolle has literal pre-WW2 historic roots
Suddenly its bizarre popularity makes sense.

He was not, that is slander

Then why did everyone make fun of him for being a homo?

Because I want her to step on me

something something bombs

Grow a spine.

>Femdom is correlated with higher IQ,
The levels of delusion are off the charts!

Triggered samefag

That proves nothing. People call others faggot all the time.

triggered is such a retarded insult

Brainlet, I'm not attracted to confident men at all, and if you are you don't belong on Yea Forums.

Men and women are attracted to the same things, you know.

my penis

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I like how 1937 haruna is potentially a smug.

Because we'll end up with a Daenerys type character

>Femdom is correlated with higher IQ
>That's why the maledomshit is mostly relegated to doujins and other cheap, one-man endeavors.
Guys in happy relationships and otherwise successful life have no need for escapism.

>>if you're confident in your masculinity, you wouldn't mind wearing a dog collar and letting a stronk wyymin lead you around
Congratulations brainlet, that's the exact opposite of the point I was trying to make.

Get help. I'm serious.

Murica is all soi now too

late to the party, but no I agree with that guy. women being "assertive" is generally code for the woman gets to do literally whatever she wants and I've seen that mundane female narcissism tank nearly every relationship i've observed, each receiving a pass because the behavior of the woman was normalized on television.

>talking about 3DPDshit
Get out or accept superior 2D where even boys can be girls

>It's rare that you'll find a manga that breaks the mold, e.g. Death Note
>literally a ripoff of an old oneshot by the One Piece author

In literally all species of social animals, Alphas are outnumbered by inferior male specimens.

Prolly to relate to most of the watchers

Someone post that countryball image where Japan turned into a catball.

But we are not talking in codes here. The word assertive is not a sononym for bitch.

There's similar very popular tropes everywhere in fiction; you see them in books, movies, western cartoons, etc. aimed at either gender. They're tapping into some fundamental part of the psyche so it will never go away, deal with it niggers

god he's so fucking hot, so few asian men have body hair like that.

Go outside. Get some life experience. Then come back.

What's wrong with this Nips MC?

On real life I heard chinaman will use you instead of being murderhobo.

At this point, it wouldn't surprise me if she has a Holopsicon that turns her into a boy just for Setsuna.
I wouldn't do that if I were you (pic related)

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I was actually hoping Altair was an illusion all along.

This, alphas don't go for aggressive women

Its like that guy who likes fat girls because he can only score with a fat girl

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Alphas go for what they like.

Spergs with fragile egos go women they can lord over.


anyone else notice how in shonenshit the girl characters end up doing nothing, but in battle harems the girl characters outshine the male protagonist?

because the average jap is a pathetic beta male that needs to be thoroughly convinced to procreate with a member of the opposite sex, let alone take the lead in any situation romantic or otherwise

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Ironically enough, he was also a fag.

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True femdom connoisseurs are Reifags, because ultimately Asuka wants to be cared for and is insecure, while Rei is literally the mother of humanity and will give you a nursing handjob in the sea of tang.

A real man rides the girl even when the girl is on top.


The guy there is a 14something nerdy kid, while the girl is a fantasy warrior.
In otaku media the men are usually normal guys, is just that the girls are op

I usually hate extremist like him, but he was an unlucky one, poor soul


Its fine for strong wahmen to like weak beta guys but the former should be the lead in the relationship.


I tap 3 swamps ad cast "Rape of Nankin" on your "Chinaman"

The MC is weak to be like the average Haruto and ease self-insert.
The 'strong woman' is only strong at the beginning. She will fall for the MC, be beaten by tough enemies in combat and will need to be rescued, in no particular order.
The weak MC will thus have won over the strong woman, following Japan hyper-patriarcal stereotypes.

danny did nothing wrong

Because weebs always fragile and some of them end up as tranny

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pretty good spying device