Repent to your anime/manga sins

Repent to your anime/manga sins

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I read the heaping pile of shit that is HxH

I liked the Netflix Eva dub

I skip 90% of OPs because jap music is fucking arbage

I started using streaming sites on my phone cause i got too lazy to download anime and watch them on my pc

I watched rebuild before TV.

Kids shows are the best. Shonen and shojo are okay but kodomo is where it's at.

When I find that really shitty guilty pleasure manga I find myself skipping chapters just to see the good stuff

I watched SAO once

I've never watched a full episode of Gundam

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>can't spell
American education is fucking garbage.

I don't care about Reddit

I was just elected as a deacon and I'm leaning towards skipping church today so I can watch anime and jack off

I often pick up a series because I thought one of the girls from it looked cute, but will continue with it because I end up genuinely liking it.

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And deprive the congregation of your vast wisdom?

I rated SAO 10/10 on MAL

I said "deacon", not "pastor"

boku no pico

I like the second op of DIU

If I enjoyed the anime I make a thread saying something like
>Why does Yea Forums hate X so much?
If I didn't like the anime I post
>Yea Forums seriously thought this garbage show was any good. Explain yourself.

I cried when Toki died.

Sabagebu is my favorite comedy

Not a sin. Real men cry.

>Why does Yea Forums hate X so much?
You bastard!

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that's not a sin, that's a virtue

A pretty rare one around here, it seems

I don't watch anime/read manga

I make threads with several paragraphs worth of my opinions - but not without prompts for discussion - after finishing an anime I really liked and then do nothing but watch as it archives with 2 pity bump tier replies.

That's literally the devil tempting you. Go to the church.

I watch boku no pico unironically.

I prefer some dubs over their Japanese counterparts

I don't really like Akagi.
It never feels like there's much tension because Akagi is this 300 IQ mahjong genius who is always ten steps ahead of his opponent.
I'm on the edge of my seat when reading Kaiji and Kurosawa because they're somewhat realistic characters who have flaws and make mistakes, I really want them to succeed.
I still got some enjoyment out of it and I'm sure the rest of washizu mahjong is worth reading but it doesn't compare to the other FKMT stuff I've read