Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine

It's almost time to say goodbye to our favorite cute baseball girls and their cute love of balls.

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Will we get that S2? I want to see more of this dumb girls!

As long as the game doesn't close, it's possible.

We had a good run

Tsubasa was so cute

>tripfag thread almost 10 hours early
Kill yourself.

It's the last episode thread, let it be.

How many more hours?

They have nice balls

I'm gonna miss them

Akane the useless onahole

> implying this thread will last 10 hours

The episode is airing soon anyway

> 4 hours
> soon

post yfw they saved the animation budget for the last episode

Attached: 1540432946531.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Just create a new thread.

What's the point if they're gonna lose anyway?

It lasted this long

i'm playing 5d chess to get replies to bump the thread so it stays up

Attached: [Erai-raws] Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine - 07 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_11.02_[2019.0 (1920x1080, 2.92M)

They're gonna lose aren't they?

will akane get to face any balls this episode lads?