If I were to honestly ask without any desire for bait or shit-flinging if Carole & Tuesday had what a westerner would...

If I were to honestly ask without any desire for bait or shit-flinging if Carole & Tuesday had what a westerner would perceive as "sjw propaganda", what would your answer be? Im not particularly politically minded, but as I live not far from the bay area of California, every single thing I intake in terms of media is drenched in pro-gay pro-progressive ideology. But I really care for the directors previous work so I was wondering if it was worth the watch.

Again, I dont take offensive if it happens to be about gays, but progressivism is like ranch dressing, and every meal im served where I live is caked nine times over in ranch dressing.

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read any interview watanabe has given in the past, it's not a secret what his views are

It's show that panders to a western audience. Simply that.

I hate to be a total jackass but can i please get a more straightforward answer?

Do you mean "western audiences" as in what japanese might perceive as cliche San Franciscan ideals or more restrained/"traditional" concepts?

Final bump

Who cares? It's boring as shit
I dropped it after two episodes.

>Not giving a new anime 3 episodes

Never gonna make it

I've pricked up shows after watching just one episode
I've dropped shows three or four episodes before the end
The 3 episodes rule can fuck itself

Only "sjw propoganda" i can think of is that these snowflakes think that future multicultural queer utopia would look something like this fictional mars city but reality is South africa or Brazil. Atleast this anime potrays trannies and gays as mentally ill and degenerate. Based nips see them for who they are.

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If what you are asking for is epic twitter images you won't find them, places like twitter and others think the show is bad because every human being is portrait as a flawed human being, and if you don't portrait black and gay people as superior human beings you are being offensive.
Also a reminder that Wataten pandered to the west much more than this so you are an idiot.

I usually watch at least introductory episodes of anime. After that anime usually shows it's true face so it's easier to judge if its worth it or to drop it.

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you niggers better not talk shit about the mermaid sisters, they were the best part of this show

they were fucking bullshit though

holy shit motherfucker! thats fucking bullshit

With all the shit being flung around its getting harder to tell what is and what isn't "progressive" propaganda. Especially if it comes from somewhere outside of the western world. You could always just look up the creators twitter and see where they align politically. I can see why it would bother anyone, placing political agendas into games/cartoons/anime etc. (especially ones that aren't inherently political) ruins them.

don't care if its some wester propaganda or some shitty serie
its netflix funds it it doesn't belong here
otherwise migh as well allow shit like avatar threads here

Mermaid sisters are literally the example of this "irony/sarcasm" that plagues the western anime fandom. People afraid of admitting they like something so they hide behind "I know it's shit".

This show was good, cute and fresh. Y'all are just incels.

Liking something unironically ironically is the worst fucking thing to happen in western media.

It starts with "representing minorities" and "negroid normalization" propaganda so yes it does fit the bill. Thankfully this automatically introduces objective ugliness into a visual medium like anime and it turns audiences away. Normally shows like this would flop hard but with the deluge of CR/Netflix propaganda dollars at work we're gonna see more like this unfortunately.

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Well it sounds like its kind of a shitshow, guess I wont watch it

why dont you check out an episode first for yourself instead of listening to /a of all places

I dropped it after the first episode because the story was just clunky and forced. Yes, it features some pretty evident "stronk, independent woman" tones, but in retrospect its probably not quite as obnoxious as I might have characterized it when I first watched it. Point is, the characters are pretty flat regardless of their potential purpose as agenda pawns, their respective motivations feel incredibly vague, and the first episode's structure ran about as smoothly as a hilly, gravel road.

I watched 12 episodes of this, I was hoping some jump the shark craziness to come in after episode 5 or 6 to spice shit up but it all normal western style talent show rather than your usual jap group idol shit with relevant drama. I dont mind es jay dabelu meme going on either if its a nice watch but its not to me, watch if youre into the people making the anime and like gay ass weekly talent show.

I had blast watching it with my friend otherwise i wouldn't watch it. It's only worth watching for shitposting which i basically did IRL with my friend.

I don't think Yea Forums even had threads on this. Nothing like Zankyou no Terror or Dandy anyway.

Because I didnt ask some super subjective "is it good" question, i asked an objective question about whether or not it contained cliche leftwing stereotypes of culture and interaction. And I asked because I have zero interest in viewing the slightest bit of such media at this point because im CONSTANTLY offered it from all angles and it has become something that ruins my day even as a gay man.

For the fourth of july I went to a music festival at a local park, but me and my friends decided to go to a bar down the street when a black man in a skimpy tux and an Egyptian headdress started his solo harp set with a song called "you cant choose who you fall in love with". Thats the kind of shit i take in day after day. I cant fucking do it anymore.

It is a shitshow. Fuck knows what went wrong with Watanabe, this is his worst work by a long mile.

One warning sign is when a blurb gives me a character's sexuality/race/[insert minority credentials here] before their characterization or the plot.

I dunno - there isn't some obnoxious pandering like Star Wars. I don't really get why people get so triggered by blacks in this series, there isn't any motive about misunderstood poor transfag, there is quite a lot anime that is more sjw in my opinion, and nobody bats an eye.
I think most anons(apart from /pol/faggots, who are so thirsty for attention, they try to shiil shitshorm in pornhub, so someone will answer them were mosly triggered by english songs and mix of "progressive" elements that are quite liberal shown in worldbuilding.

Are you kidding? When it started airing /pol/'s Yea Forums contingent was full on shitposting about this being SJW propaganda.

That sounds pretty cool. I wish we had some crazy performances like that here, all we get is geriatric rockstars and folk music.

You mean /u/ flooded the board with garbage posts about their special snowflake anime.

>carole is future refugee from some shithole third world country.
Some things never change, huh?

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That is not how I remember it.

Of course Watanabe's new show would get some threads, but almost everything I saw was anti-SJW shitflinging.

What the hell is this dumb bitch trying to ask? It's still a japanese anime so it's fairly unprogressive overall but if you want a checklist, here goes. Carole is a refugee, but that's mentioned exactly twice and the anime has so far spent about 15 seconds total talking about it or even bringing it up. There's two lesbians in the show, one is a normal person and the other is a crazy psycho bitch who's one of the few villians in the series so far. It has transpeople but it's treatment of them is hilariously japanese. One is a physically abusive psychopath who clearly becomes a MTF trans as a means of "escape", and the rest are played as jokes. There's a few more brown people than normal too, but that's about it. So yeah, if 15 seconds of "refugees good!" and one lesbian annoys you, then don't bother.