Are you fucking kidding me? Another isekai anime

Are you fucking kidding me? Another isekai anime.

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Reminder only tryhard redditors and malfags dislike isekai on the spot that aren't shit:zero and konosuba.

>shota mc
The only good isekai anime

They should adapt Yagami.

Attached: The_King_of_Fantasy.jpg (1175x1592, 281K)

Nice try, Yea Forumsedditor. Only retards like you can stomach those shitty JRPG mechanics shoved in those shitty LN/WN isekai.

This is so fucking wrong. Isekai threads are filled with high school aged chuunibyou who aspire to create their own isekaishit. They're shaping up to be like Narutards were in the mid-00s, unless isekai dies off quick.

You need to go back.

Go back to reading Wattpad level garbage, isekaifag.

So...what's the gimmick this time?

It's different now, the MC is cute

Not another one.
Tell me, isekai as what this time?

Attached: tenor.gif (220x180, 141K)

>who aspire to create their own isekaishit
It's pretty obvious by the amount of "come up with your own isekai" threads. Not really surprising when the genre itself largely consists of series that began as web novels that were too shitty for publication.

>none of the properly lewd ones have been animated yet

What's taking so long?

Oh, isekai'd as a 5 year old boy of some noble

Pretty much. These same people complain about slavery in isekai too. Anyone who watches a decent amount of anime doesn't give two shits.

Are you seriously equating the element of slavery as appearing in isekai and not fantasy, western and eastern, as a whole? It is the amateurish plotting, poor characterization, and cliches that turn people off from isekai.

When writing this post, did you do so with the knowledge that your argument was fucking dumb as hell? Be honest.

Attached: 1337211048393.jpg (575x750, 67K)

Fuck off redditor.

> It is the amateurish plotting, poor characterization, and cliches that turn people off from isekai.
You just described 99% of all anime. Isekai is just an easy target for try hard shitters like you.

>You just described 99% of all anime.
Nah. Shieldbro is held up as being in the top 10% of all isekai at least, and it is the series that I was thinking of when I wrote "amateurish plotting."

The only reason anybody particularly cares about shit like SH or MT is because they came first.

Isekaichads wins again, it's time you faggot realise that isekai is the peak of modern entertainment, this is only the beginning, be prepared fags, if you haven't taken the isekai pill yet, you're missing out.


You know nobody is foecing you to watch isekai?
Go watch yurishit, shonenshit or whatever trash you watch.

>user is so jaded he saves a gif of girl sighing, with the idea: "I will use this as a reaction image in the future"

Attached: 1562206278221.gif (1260x1179, 464K)

incredible gif

i wish at least one would actually try to capture a real dnd or western fantasy setting look and flair.
Dark Souls and Dragon Dogma did such a fantastic job at recreting a world best on western fantasy look wise

>you should hate the only good isekais
>but love everything else

Bizarro world

Isekai is tiresome because it's been years and they keep shitting out slight variations on the same premise.

>not having multiple folders and hundreds of different images devoted to reactionfaces

Fucking wow. Color me surprised.

>guys in pants casting long shadows behind him

He better prepare that boipussy. He's getting penetrated, and he can't roll for an armor check.

>King of the Kingdom is actually competent and not comic relief
>Church is not full of assholes that antagonize the MC for no good reason, MC's main waifu is even the Cardinal's granddaughter by the cardinal's arrangement
>Nobles still have some assholes among them, but there are actually more good (but still somewhat selfish) nobles
>MC is a genius with magic - and ONLY with magic, while his martial arts abilities like hand-to-hand, sword, spear, etc. completely and uttlerly suck, though he is above average with bow and arrow
>MC becomes a noble and nobles are shown quite realisticly without it seeming like Japanese standards affect those, nor does the MC ever try to force muh japanse superior culture upon anyone, but instead adapts to the society he lives in
>"No sex before marriage" but for good reasons like legitimicy and inheritence rights being actually serious business for a noble-status MC that needs to be seriously taken into consideration for once
>MC gets a harem though and "does them" all on a rotational basis once they marry (pretty much zero chance for the anime to get to that part though)
>One of the magic teachers MC trains under is a muscular guy called Armstrong
>adventurer stuff (if the anime even manages to get to that point)
>more politics

What a shitty CGI, what do they even think?

Forgot a pic

Attached: snapshot.jpg (1920x1080, 222K)

I thought this was sevens

That's not bad CGI. It actually had a relatively high framerate, which makes it "above average" by default.


>mfw all the REEEEEEers keep on REEEEEEEEEEEEEing about superior genre isekai because their own shitty favorite genres are not made as often

Attached: Smugrumu.png (901x716, 581K)

Hmm.. hmm. This could be my next Kenja no Ma-
>MC gets a harem though
Nope, I'm out.

Attached: im outta here.webm (852x480, 437K)

Oh shit isn't this the shota who became NotEmperorHitler after discovering an ancient kingdom filled with zeppelins and golems and has children with his harem?

How the fuck did they manage to get this animated?

Isekai destroys minds and cultures. You are a shit-eating brainlet if you actually enjoy these shows.

Yeah, MC gets a ton of wives, and has kids which just later who wants to rule MC's Empires

>isekaifags coining Yea Forums-tier terms like "isekaichads" and posting reddit faces
Not surprised.

is this the anime adaptation of sourcery?

>falseflagging this hard
so obvious
isekai truly is the bane of normalfags

I think I read this one a long time ago. typical isekai shit

>shota who became NotEmperorHitler
...what? It feels like you are mixing up parts of this series with "The Death Mage doesn't want a 4th time".

>I think I read this one a long time ago. typical isekai shit
You must be misremembering. This is the one about lots and lots of noble politics. People might find that boring, but it's definitly far from "being typical isekai".


nah. I read it its hachinan or something

It’s only a matter of time before the isekai inflation bubble pops and everyone loses interest.

It can't come soon enough but I'm afraid that what replaces it will be even worse.

Remind me, when did the modern school harem bubble pop?

Well considering I haven’t seen one be remotely popular in years before Quints, I’d say around 2013-ish

There was that season when they adapted two harem ranobe with the exact same premise and they both flopped. It was the beginning of the end.

Wish fulfillment Was sports anime with girlfriends, then school harem, then escalating power level harems, then Isekai usually with MC that has difficulty in relating to girls getting a harem without him trying. And Isekai has been a thing in western literature for decades.

When will isekai be kill?

Yes, but as I said, it's not "typical" even if one dislikes it.

No. "Otome Villainess Isekai" is already at the ready to sweep in.

Now that I think about it, isn't this an extremely rare case of a FINISHED LN to get an anime adaptation? Because I see people all the time claiming that "if it's finished there is no chance whatsoever for an anime", yet here we are.

You fucks keep saying this but we're still stuck in hell

its shit like most isekai. Pretty stereotypical to me

How is it finished when the next volume comes out this month?

You would think finished would be a property they could buy out. And that would happen more often. And then the production committee could make loot for a decade+ off it. Look at Type/Moon the production committee doing well and the artists trying to rub two yen together.


You faggots keep telling yourselves that but we all know that what comes after isekai dies will be much worse.

The reason why isekai is so popular is because it's by and large a phenomenon created by amateurs online. Nearly every popular isekai is a WN made by some unskilled retard who wouldn't be able to get published any other way. Most of the isekai fanbase on here is made of the same unskilled writers (only Americans instead of Japanese) who see it as a beacon of hope that they too can find success that way. You see them posting links to their garbage occasionally in their shitty general threads, and talking about how their shit stories are going.

What the fuck can be worse than magic school battle harem and nu isekai?

That's what I heard though. Maybe that's just where the original WN ended and the LN perhaps expanded the story further. Wouldn't be the first time such a thing happens.

Magic school battle harem isekai


Some 'classic literature' are also isekai.

Attached: clench those teeth.jpg (866x710, 208K)

There's that and then there's the shitty wish fulfillment RPG mechanic bullshit Japan has been putting out recently, the latter has got to go.

Yeah and anime buttfucked it to hell

They also had fetishes and wish fulfillment, try harder.

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What about RPG mechanics?

>shitty wish fulfillment
There isn't any decent writing that doesn't have some form of wish fulfillment though. Every good fictional story appeals to certain kinds of boners. Even the so-called "top literature" like Shakespear are wish fulfillment to "literature autists". Tragedies are wish fulfillment for tragedy enthusiasts and people who have a boner for Schadenfreude.
This whole MUH WISH FULFILLMENT narrative just shows that people are REEEEEing over isekai being more popular than their own favorite shitty genre.

What about RPG mechanics?

If you can't tell the difference between something like Through the Looking Glass and the likes of Isekai Smartphone then you are completely delusional.

Appeals to the JRPG/DQ boners, so it's no different. But there are also different levels of writing in that regard. Cherrypicking the worst ones doesn't do anything.
For example for RPG mechanics there is Kumo as an example where it is used well. The RPG mechanics themselves are part of a major plot point and not just a cheapshot appeal to JRPG/DQ enthusiasts. In other words the problem isn't with RPG mechanics themselves, but rather with not reading the ones where it's actually used well.

>humpty dumpty fell

>the likes of Isekai Smartphone
You are using the WORST of the WORST among isekai as a point of reference. We call that a "strawman".

>faggots mad because another isekai is adapted instead of the shitty manga they read.

Isekai Smartphone isn't the worst of the worst. The anime actually turned out to be not horrible.

I can't wait for isekai to die so all their faggot fans will simultaneously jump in front of a moving truck.

I meant in terms of source material. If it's about the anime, then Hyakkuren something something Einherjar is obviously much worse simply for being so fucking rushed.

I read what feels to me like a fuckton of isekai manga, but obviously I must be just barely scratching the surface because usually when there's a new isekai anime announcement it is for something I haven't heard of.

That was a nice explanation, you just destroyed every fucking retard complaining about the Isekai genre.

>That art style
RIP mushoku tensei rest well in the garbage pile of terrible adaptions

>Another isekai anime.
I enjoyed Isekai smartphone, S2 soon.

why do you watch anime at all?

How does it feel, being in your adult life, that you have the same literary sense as a Twilight fangirl?

At least Meyer wasn't still in middle school when she wrote Twilight, Isekaifags are all underage.

I really don't have a problem with Isekai.
My problem is that it literally chokes everything else while 90% of adaptations are worse than trash.

So you do have a problem with isekai and there's nothing wrong with that. More people need to have a problem with isekai, enough is enough.

No, my problem is with the "industry" that can't stop sucking the dick of isekai for cheap bucks, the industry doesnt give a fuck about what it milks.

So you do have a problem with isekai and there's nothing wrong with that.

Twilight is a vampire knight ripofff, lurk more.

I think you need a brain transplant.
I see so you love eating shit, good for you I guess.

There's nothing wrong with having a problem with isekai.

He fucked his wives, that's make him a superior MC over majority of the isekai MCs out there

Attached: 059.png (844x1200, 1.45M)

t. westernshit lover
Here's your home

How does it feel living without a brain?

You don't have to take everything seriously to enjoy it, I dont enjoy every Isekai, I dropped Kenja no mago but there are some of them that are decent. If you can't watch or read something if it's not writed by Shakespeake itself don't watch/read anime manga.

You shouldn't be all PC about it, do not be afraid of offending these scum isekaifags.

>lined them up like neat tools in the shed

>summerfags trying this hard to fit in

Also unlike Mushoku Tensei where Rudy's wives became doormats and irrelevant, the wives are still relevant in the story and travels with MC wherever he goes

iyashikei > isekei

Do you know whats the most fascinating thing about you faggots? You came here not so long ago with your stupid reddit/twitter culture, imposing it to everyone and on top of that now you are calling off people that disagrees with you and your stupid reddit/twitter culture. Fuck off your kind and your "ironic" shit and memes.

>If you can't watch or read something if it's not writed by Shakespeake itself don't watch/read anime manga.
There it is again with the assumption that anime is of a lesser quality than other mediums. Isekai as a genre is in fact, however.

There are hundreds of classic shows out there with critical merit that you could be watching instead of isekai garbage. Why would you choose to pick the lesser option?

>8th son
So they start taking staples from fairy tales?

I think you’re the only user who keeps repeating the doormat meme. Sylphy travels with him in Asura and there’s a whole arc dedicated to their child having green hair.
Roxy travels with him in shirone and also has an arc.
Eris however gets cucked sorry if you’re an Erisfag.

>There it is again with the assumption that anime is of a lesser quality than other mediums.
user anime is the bottom of the barrel of mediums.

I was here long before reddit and twitter, retards flooding Yea Forums in summer is a well known phenomena.
And telling me to /c/ instead of Yea Forums for western media pretty much betrayed your own newfaggotry.
Not like your main idea of disliking badly directed and animated anime="westernshit lover" is in any way correct.
TLDR: eat shit summerfag.

Fucking newfag this has been announced for a while now what is wrong with you Yea Forums tourists?

>I watch it ironically XD
Kill yourself Yea Forumsermin

His wives barely have any personality there’s so many of them it’s like collecting Pokemons.

No it is not. There are mediums like video games and modern television that it is surely above. Others can be debated.

>dislike isekai

Choose 1

>characters sits behind a table
>metal music starts playing

>I watch it ironically XD
who are you quoting faggot?

>There it is again with the assumption that anime is of a lesser quality than other mediums.
I didn't say that, I said that there are some anime/manga that doesn't rely on the writting but in the visuals, music, fanservice, comedy, characters, etc.
>There are hundreds of classic shows out there with critical merit that you could be watching instead of isekai garbage. Why would you choose to pick the lesser option?
They are different not lesser, also I've seen most of those "shows with critical merit" it's not my fault if you are new to this medium.
> telling me to /c/ instead of /co
I'm not that guy, and my point still stands, before the Isekai boom we got the harem boom or the tsundere boom with Rie and we didn't have a thread everyday complaining about it.
>Not like your main idea of disliking badly directed and animated anime="westernshit lover"
I'm not that guy either, what are you playing at? That only reinforces my idea that you are from reddit/twitter.


Keep eating that smelly shit, newfag.
>harem boom or the tsundere boom with Rie and we didn't have a thread everyday complaining about it.
I see, multiple threads hating on toradora every day it aired doesn't count as "complaints then.
Don't try to act old with blanket statements, its sad.
>what are you playing at?
I stated my opinion and someone started putting words into my mouth then called me the popular buzzwords of the day, just like what you do now, retard.

>the wives become doormats

Rudy also becomes a doormat.

Yet you keep watching them.

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Oh god, it's the boring politics isekai. I couldn't stomach read through all the boring dialogue in the novel, forgot what I thought about the manga even. I really hope the anime has quicker pacing because all the political dialogue in this series is fucking stretched out and convoluted as fuck.

Please there are still threads praising ZnT of all things to this day, and we didn't have daily threads complaining about the harem genre.
>multiple threads hating on toradora every day it aired
What? Are you serious? Toradora was extremely popular of course we got hate threads on airing days but we didn't have harem hate threads almost everyday like we have right now with the isekai genre, normalfags are the majority of people hating the genre and spamming "memes" or hate threads about it.

Brainlet detected, politics isn't some complex shit.
Even trump is the president.

Ok, convoluted wasn't the most correct, tedious is a better one. The dialogue is far too lengthy, being concise is a trait that's very lacking in this series

Was announced 6 months age
Today we get PV

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>MUH you either love Shakepear or are equal to Twilight fangirl
Or perhaps there's more than just these two "options"?

I bet you think there are more than two genders as well.

>quicker pacing
Probably. The trailer had Wilma in it, so it's covering at least 4 volumes of the LN.

Attached: hachinan trailer-wilma.jpg (1280x720, 174K)

>Yea Forums still seething over isekai
Based, I hope they announce even more in the future


There are people born with both genitals and not by surgery just born like that, checkmate retard.

Hermaphrodites end up choosing one gender, there are still only two genders.

It means futa is the 3rd and greatest gender.

Attached: futa elf.png (1374x1300, 1.29M)

It's cute how you think that isekai exists between those two. It's even WORSE than Twilight.

Super cute you think that, isekai is above Shakespeare.

I have yet to see a single refutation against my argument that every work of fiction appeals to some sort of "boner" or "fetish" or "autism", without said "counter-argument" resorting to some sort of fallacy. How is literarary fetish/autism any less "wish fulfillment" than Twighlight or Harem Isekai with slaves? It's just a different fetish/autism that gets appealed too. And writing quality differs even within any genre itself. There are different levels of quality even among classical literature, among ancient literature like Homer's Illias or Odysee, among Twilightshit and such teenage girl books, among the "modern books" of all spectrums, be it Pottershit or SongIceFireshit. And yes, among isekai as well.

Speaking of which, I didn't update this for a while, so I guess it was time do it again (excludes anything that airs this summer), so here you go. Tell me if I missed anything.

Attached: UpcomingIsekai.jpg (1750x1000, 800K)

Wait, what?

Attached: 1403313258536.jpg (300x338, 25K)

it's called King of Fantasy

Attached: d7006-5962-404065-2.jpg (650x418, 273K)

kadokawa announced it as a oneshot in may, and the novel came out 2 days ago.

Missing Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai (probably Fall, since they keep advertising it as 2019 but there's no confirmation yet) and Kemono Michi (confirmed for Fall). There's also Infinite Dendrogram of course, but it's isekai status is debatable.

Attached: kemono michi pv.jpg (1200x1780, 614K)

>going to kadokawa when SNK is owned by 37games the 2nd biggest game company in china

Give me one good reason to make your story an Isekai and not a fantasy, aside from keeping a Japanese highschooler as the protagonist.

98% of isekai are exactly the same if you remove the part where they are reincarnated from another world.


Thanks for the info. Fixed it now.

Attached: UpcomingIsekai.jpg (2100x1000, 943K)

>That creepy bookloli smile

Nowadays many of them fuck later on, even Shieldcuck and Najenda's son fuck their harems.

Attached: Arifureta's MC.png (270x329, 124K)

when are we getting otome isekai adaptations? there's a good number of them but no adaptations

we're getting Bakarina soon, maybe this will open the floodgates

Reika and Eliza never though

Okay but which one do you guys like the most? for me, it's semi-native isekai

I just discovered the otome villainess isekai and i think its hilarious, i love it

MC will look and act like a small boy...for one episode, before he starts acting like every other isekai MC. His big "flaw" for the season will be a lack of confidence in his combat abilities because he's too small, but after some bland, soulless, tepid speech from the grizzled old vet about how size doesn't matter during the last episode the MC will easily overcome the villain's Death Robot/Ancient Warrior/Army Assault.


The only otome isekai that are particularly popular in Japan are Bakarina and Duke's Daughter, and Bakarina is getting one. You'll have to hope it starts a fad.

duke's daughter is nice, i'd be fine with those two getting anime

when did the isekai bubble start

Mm, smells like the good kind of doujins.

If mc is a shota will we get some nice /ss/ or is it going to be mostly comedy?

Word Danmachi is garbage.