What protagonist is the most well received in anime? One that all of Yea Forums can agree isn't bad.
What protagonist is the most well received in anime? One that all of Yea Forums can agree isn't bad
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Makoto from SD.
Sugisaki Ken is pretty great.
No one.
Kyon maybe?
the protagonist from Baccano :^)
he does have some cons but the pros outweigh them by far.
Kintaro from Golden Boy.
Chainsaw man?
Zipper Man
but only in the anime
what the fuck was up with the manga. i thought i was having a fever dream.
some of them aren't
hell no
fuck no
This absolute madman.
Kraft Lawrence
My nominee would be Kenshin.
Kenshiro Kaiji Akagi Johnny Joestar Guts Yang Wenli and Reinhard
Light "Potato Chip" Yagami
desu Yea Forums still sucks Lelouch's cock too
Hachiman Hikigaya
Johnny Joestar
Kenzou Tenma
That guy in My Little Monster? I dunno
Araragi or Oreki
Spike Spiegel
Father of the year.
eikichi onizuka
Akari Akaza
Usagi maybe?
Bruno Bucciarati
I couldn't figure out for the life of me who Natti looked like, but it finally clicked.
Quirky but badass protagonist, somebody who is strong and competent but has sudden quirks that make people look down upon him,
>Spike "dark backstory that's only relevant for like 3 episodes" Spiegel
No thanks.
I can tell you that every MC is shit.
All of them.
No exception.
Side characters or villains carry the show..
You know, the story is fucking bland, but Kenichi from Saikyou Deshi Kenichi probably has the most complete "journey" a protagonist can have. How many manga have the protagonist lose in an upset despite being the more powerful character and learn not to underestimate opponents even when they've reached a higher level?
Everyone likes ducks.
I didn't think it was possible to miss the whole point of the show this hard.
not this autist
Definitely Kumiko. There is definitely no one on Yea Forums who would deny that she is the best girl. She is also the cutest and the most fluffiest ever. I can say with confidence that I speak on behalf of every Yea Forumsnon when I say that I love her.
There is only one MC, smart, powerful, handsome and benevolent enough to be loved by everyone.
Kumiko is okay but for me it's Natsuki.
adlet mayer
For me its Yusuke Urameshi.
An actual interesting character. Trains hard and plays hard. Lets go Yusuke!
Forgot to mention, this guy is great as well.
Dark Schneider
These. Also Kazama from Kaze no Stigma
I bet you think 8man and that fag from ZnT are good protagonists too
>Hey, what if we made Mary Poppins into a dude who helps young punks instead of rich English brats?
On a conceptual level it's a complete fever dream but god damn did they manage to pull it off.
hackashi characters are never good
Chad, most of Yea Forums would hate him
Yea Forums hates shounen
pedophile, also ended up with the worst girl
Yea Forumsnons hate him because it hits too close to home
muh tragic backstory
author married and works for the lazyass Hackashi
baby's first edge manga, also raped by niggers
muh autism
garbage meme
fuck off zoophile
This is correct
The ending sucked
fuck off dyke
Kazama's a fucking edgelord.
Only in the last arc that got rushed out the door when the author died
w-wait what?
The main issue with Kazama was the utter fucking morons he surrounded himself with, especially the annoying red-haired bitch which was his cousin or something. He had good reasons for being the way he was, but his family was the fucking worst, and I thought his little brother or whatever was annoying.
He didn't take their shit, and made them pay through the nose for his services, which makes him okay in my book.
neck yourself
This Nigga is based as fuck, singlehandedly influence 90s- 00s generation to procreate and have kids
>>most of Yea Forums would hate him
That's because most of Yea Forums are too new to even have been around when Space Dandy was airing.
I came to this thread to name him.
Thank you for doing Onii-sama's work.
worst of all posted on here, fuck off
Coming from the guy who believe a bland generic piece of cardboard like XY Ash or Shin wolflord as good protagonist.