Female Led Isekai

Why is there such little female led Isekai? Or Native Isekai.

It would be a nice chance of pace. Subvert expectations and all.

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I hate isekaifags so much

Is isekai really that bad? What about Native Isekai?

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Yes they are really that bad.

literally every series is the same shit

What makes you say that?

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How many times have you seen this city?

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>native isekai
Neither of those series are isekais, and S&W doesn't even use any of the dungeons and dragons tropes.

Why are you such a newfag?

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They are fantasy, though?

Much of the classic and frankly best Isekai has female leads. Rayearth, Fushigi Yuugi, Escaflowne, Juuni Kokki for example.

I wish Altair was the MC.

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>Native Isekai

Fuck off.

season 2 of this was so shit

neither one of these are iseaki and people who use the term "native isekai" need to be culled from the gene pool

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Imagine unironically reading isekai.

Isekai only works with female heroes. Otherwise it devolves into sexist wish fulfillment for nerdy virgins that refuse to try.

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I feel bad for FemGoblinSlayer. Her brother was raped to death and some of the goblins she killed were probably her goblin nieces.

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>this unironicaly

>people who use the term "native isekai" need to be culled from the gene pool
like they're any better
>oh my why am I being chased after by all the hot powerful men, what an outrage

What the fuck is this "native isekai" meme? It seems like retards are just using it to describe any sort of fantasy.

>what is otome isekai

You actually don't give a shit and this was just an excuse to post genderswap wasn't it?

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There is nothing wrong with reverse harem Isekai. It is not sexist.

What is your favorite NATIVE ISEKAI user?

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It exactly is what you think it is and is as stupid as you think it is.

Dragon ball

To give you a real answer... someone made the term up a few months ago to describe a fantasy setting that uses video game mechanics, but doesn't have people brought in from another world.
Danmachi and Goblin Slayer would be real"native isekai." But I agree anons are using the term too much.

Lord of the Rings.

.>imagine FemGS is forced to watch her brother get impregnated by fem gobos for three days straight while touching herself

>oh no this poor prince with a pretty face wants me to organise his taxes whatever will I do
>oh no now he wants me to accompany him on a jouney whatever shall I do
>oh no this handsome knight wishes to use my judgement and administrative skills to look at some pretty horses
>oh no the prince's brother is an arrogant little git who needs a good thrashing whatever shall I do

then forced to support the gob children these femgobs who raped him had

Those who hunt elves is a thing. Some older anime probably have female MCs. It's basically non-existent now.

most isekai has female leads retard

There are older examples like Escaflowne and Inuyasha but the modern concept of isekai is mostly wish-fulfillment and Japanese men are more likely to buy into that stuff than Japanese women, so that's why the trend exists.

As for it being done, I'm not against it as long as the character is interesting.

>Native Isekai
If it doesn't involve a character travelling to another world, it isn't isekai.

that would require actual storytelling skills, because they wouldn't be able to create a generic self-insert male MC, they'd have to actually write an interesting main character who is more than complete waifu-bait

>gender swapping a character takes actual storytelling skills
Had a good laugh.

Wait, wait, wait. Goober slayer is actually a women? That's why we never get to see his face? HOLY SHIT. That makes his affair with sword maiden even hotter!!! SEASON TWO FUCKING WHEN

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>Native Isekai.
I hate this meme

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genderswapping never works more than just as a dumb gag for plebs

it works sort of if it's told from the perspective of a native character obsering an isekaied character
like strong gob

>only male characters can be written badly

Look. You guys can cry and whine all day long. Or. OR. You can go, right now, and rewatch KLK. Your choice.

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Twelve Kingdoms

>Looks at all the female heroes that have harems of women.

>rewatch KLK
I can't it's impossible.

Female MCs are too good for isekai trash.

>female led Isekai
There's a shitload of them.

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Why not user?

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>Native Isekai


what's with current arc?

So it's summer, huh.

Because girls are shit and do not understand boys feeling, unless they are lesbian.
If some girl would be isekai'd with a task to kill Demon Lord she'd probably just marry some dude and make him kill it.

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>kill Demon Lord
Why? Just marry him.

That...turns me on a bit more than I believe it should.

Does Yea Forums love Priestess-chan? I sure do.

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>marry Demon King
>incapacitate him and frame it as an accident
>become Demon Queen Regent in his place
>use your new armies to take over the world

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Because women don't need pathetic escape fantasies where the whole world revolves around them

Or you know, just marry him and enjoy high tier husbando.

>Become Demon Queen Regent in his place
>New hero with cheat power isekai'd to take you down
>Marry him

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>marry Demon King and incapacitate him
>become Demon Queen Regent and conquer the world with Demon King's power
>get taken down by isekai'd cheat hero
>in the final battle say you were being mind controlled by the Demon King the whole time
>isekai cheat hero kills Demon King
>marry isekai cheat hero
>repeat from step one

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How can one girl be SO beautiful...both inside, and out?

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I'd rather watch my shit go down the bowl.

>female led Isekai

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>Get enough cheat items/info to track the source of isekai heroes
>Communicate with God goddess that sends them
>Marry him. her.

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She's going to be raped. That's good.

>Native Isekai

>marry goddes
>kill goddes and achieve the ultimate ascension

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>tfw Japan's DQ fetish has gone so overboard that even their non-isekai manga include trashy DQ fantasy adventure guild worlds
>tfw they're just as shit as the isekai ones
How can we fix them?

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by fixing the birthrate

So isekai now means fantasy? Since fucking when?

Why can’t nips into fantasy?

Why do isekai haters love to ramble about stuff they know nothing about so much? There are tons of isekai with female protagonist, and at least 3 of them are getting adaptations

There are female led isekai. It's just that 90% of them are also otome, so if they might be gone under the radar if those aren't your thing.

4 - Kumo, Bookworm, Average Abilities, Bakarina

t.has never read manga aimed at women in his life

Try to listen to some drama cd for girls.

Try what

I haven't played DQ, but I thought the guild concept came from mmo

Its pretty sexist of your part to assume that

Since never.
Brainlets like isekai too much they branded fantasy as native isekai.
Also another type of troll brainlets like to meme it and trigger Yea Forums

Nobody here knows what that is, especially not OP. My female friend has read dozens of them, but they never got talked about here. Only shitty rape/sex slave isekai with OP male MCs get talked about on Yea Forums.

Thread like this pop up from time to time, you know

Bakarina or whatever it's called gets threads here more then I thought it would.

>My female friend

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The guilds are mostly from elsewhere but the vast majority of the general setting of most isekai worlds is heavily Dragon Quest.

It was great for ntr connoisseurs

She didn't turn into GS, not even GS scary enough to make a group of giants run away in fear.

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There will be one soon.
Probably. Its been a year since trailer.

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Real life

>neither one of these are iseaki
I don't remember making you an authority on Asian cartoon culture.
>and people who use the term "native isekai" need to be culled from the gene pool
Wow edgy. Everyone who likes what you don't like needs to die. Super impressive opinion you have there. Now go wank off to your super realistic dousekai moeblobs, you evolutionary cul-de-sac. And don't forget to screech at the screen like a prehistoric bird whenever you discover something fictional.

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There is an isekai about sexism that was written in response to how the Tokyo Medical University was rigging the exams of female applicants, taking up to 20 points from their scores, so there would be more men than women in their courses. It's calle "Because I'm a woman, I got thrown out of the party, but then I became the partner of a legendary witch".

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because women are not made to led; and instead of comics and cartoons, anime has no surrender to progretards.

>Native Isekai
to bait post for replies is so pathetic.

It works on you.

>native isekai

>Isekai works only with male characters being reborn as girls

Great thread. Just as pathetic as you.

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

Real talk it looks like the city from FMA. The only difference I can think of is that I dont know where the hundreds of eurofag trainstations are supposed to be,

Must be all the goblin cum in her asshole.

It's not isekai though.
Also, it just got licensed.

You are the retard replying to bait here. You are the retard who feeds the troll. Reliable like clockwork. I don't think you are in any position to call random strangers pathetic.


Grabbing the bait or not will not change anything. The thread will be shit and die shit like always. So I might as well call you out of being pathetic.

just want to complain somewhere appropriate:
literally cant believe this got an anime adaptation

>everyone who calls me out on my troll feeding and troll enabling habit is pathetic
You need to go back, user.

Yea Forums is almost entirely men, that's why.

Because only women and gay guys would watch it unless it's full of lesbians doing lesbian things. Gotta get that harem somehow.

.HACK, right?

Good point, yurisekai would indeed be the best genre.

There is Black Healer. Pretty okay if you ask me.

who are you quoting

Not them, but presumably the OP?

I would be quite happy to have more isekai with female leads and cast. There is quite a bit, it just needs to be adapted.

Here, a not shit version.

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then this guy come in and denies all your advances