It's been a year since the last episode.
You all enjoyed it right?
Darling in the FranXX
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is Hiro wearing a girl's hat?
Hiro is for pegging
It was interesting. Maybe not exactly great but interesting.
Yes. For 15 episodes.
15 was an excellent end to the series. Franxx really did well to pioneer this series format, much like Aliens pioneered the duology.
Dropped it about half way through. What a fucking pile.
feels like its been just a few months since it ended
yeah I just imagine that 16-24 were actually about defeating klaxosaur hime and overthrowing APE who were not aliens
please let the manga do this
Even the beard man is doing a one year retrospective
Episode 16 was literally the worst day of my life.
I still didn't watch it
The side character episodes were generally worse though.
Two-zero as a character was wasted being in that shitty animu.
Change my mind.
Good thing she was picked up by a competent mangaka into his new work.
This shit gave me PTSD.
So, how is everyone holding up a year later? I so far don't have high hope for the manga to fix it, altough I would be happy to be proven wrong on that. I for myself still hold my grudge. Fuck Nishigor (Figurativly) and Fuck Dinogirls (Literally and with lots of Handholding and Hornrubbing)
I dropped it on episode 5.
>Ditf fags are coping so much about the new eva movie that they make threads
Is it just me, or did kokoro and that one literal fag make the show unbearable
I loved Hir02 and I'll forever be mad at the show and its creators for robbing me of what should have been one of my favorite anime.
Kill yourself.
They were partially responsible for being shit characters and hogging too much screentime but the series was otherwise shit too.
The relationship of Mitsuru and Kokoro actually made the show for me. I never liked memewaifus anyways and tend to like side couples more. If you hated their pregnancy arc, there are at least three possible reasons for it:
>1- You hate Mitsukoko for stealing screentime and scenes from Hiro and Zero Two
>2- You are incel/fatty who self-inserted too hard in ep 11 and you are forever mad about it that the fatty got cucked
>3- You just hate them as characters for being weak, useless, boring etc
Now, I wonder which one you are?
(also don't worry, I'm well aware the characters and the show was garbage, so you can go all-out)
Enjoyed it while I was watching it, but was unsatisfied after I was finished. I will admit to being one of the ones who didn't like the Mitsuru and Kokoro parts, but because I didn't see the chemistry between them and I found them kinda boring. Plus where was the buildup for any of their relationship? Was it ever hinted at and I just missed it? But overall I liked the mech designs and the klaxosaurs, and the general themes and setting was interesting, but it finished off in a way that wasn't very satisfactory for me.
The only reason why I watched the show to the very end was for this couple. I’m so glad they have the happy fulfilling life they’ve always wanted. It just warms me up to see them and their kids.
I will always look at franxx with fondness because of mitsukoko. The shitty % of fan base/haters/bashers can never take away the joy these characters brought so yeah carry on you seething bitter people.
Meanwhile I’ll enjoy the latest mitsukoko fanart
I empathized with Futoshi in that episode, he actually had some strong feelings that he didn't know how to handle, and it got him burned. I didn't like how Kokoro made the promise with him, and then immediately broke it, but when they are supposed to be child soldiers with no or little emotion and aren't taught what emotions like that are, it's an understandable situation. I just didn't get the pairing, not from a shipping standpoint I steer cleat of setting sail, but they didn't seem to have any chemistry together, but that may be me missing it. And no hate towards anyone who does like it, not trying to shit on it, I just don't get it.
Looks like reddit is still mad
I dropped it 5 episodes in.
That teen drama shit was not for me
>hating a girl who "broke the engagement"
>liking a girl who killed like hundred of her "arranged husbands"
If you'll think of copilots as colleagues, then it's even worse.
They came very close, but everything else also went to shit so they were not the worst part of it by a mere technicality.
Imagine having this amount of easily pleased shit taste. Not only eas it terribly shallow and underdeveloped on both ends, but it was just a repetition of the same story arc the main couple goes through, but with a far less interesting source for drama. Also, them being the only ones who stayed behind like the pussy ass bitch made niggas they were absolutely solidified them being the shittiest characters in the group for me. Fuck people who sacrifice nothing and reap all the benefits while being in a position where they can definitely help.
Low effort teenage drama for people more interested in shipping wars than the show actually being good.
Well, the brainless soldiers were assigned to 02 and they knew what was going to happen. All they wanted was to please and die for PAPA. Sacrifice is something common in war.
Kokoros immaturity on the other hand could have gotten her and her partner kiilled
What if a told you I liked neither but understood Zero Tsuu's drama is far more compelling?
Well, that's a rare opinion. If more anons were like you I might still actually like the fat boy or at least understand the people who like him. You are very rational user, I have to say. Yeah, the partner switch was done badly and they took focus off from Mitsuru and Kokoro just when they needed it most (right after parner shuffle) and dumped it all to 16-18 and then forget them again.
It was very bad writing indeed. I like them more for their looks and fan comics and cute scenes/voices than their actual plot. It's kinda like Kokoro's first crush on Mitsuru. You can't really explain love or what some people like. Hence why there are furries and all that gross shit. Luckily seems like Manga is fixing some of that stuff by giving more bonding moments for Mitsukoko and also fixing the partner shuffle so it's not as harsh as it was in the anime
Didn't even watch this shit show.
Honestly, one of my gripes with the switch was with just how quickly Futoshi got over it. I was expecting a bit more tension in the group, but he seemed to adjust surprisingly quickly. But then again, that's probably me projecting a little, as I wouldn't let go or be that forgiving that fast.
And I still feel bad for Ikuno, she didn't seem to get as happy an ending as the rest, or I may have interpreted it wrong.
Yeah sucks to be you doesn’t it? These characters were given the best ending in the show. They had on screen sex, the wedding, the kids and happily ever after. Meanwhile the Dino couple sacrificed their lives for an enemy that won’t even die. Sure they were reincarnated but what happens after that nobody really knows, if they’ll even grow up as adults let alone fall in love with each other again, that’s all headcanon now.
Ichigo wasted a decade of her life before settling for Goro. When did they even had the time to get together romantically when he’s all over the place literally?
People should hate the writers not the characters for what they perceived was stolen from their favorites.
>only ones who stayed behind
You think I'm not mad that they stayed behind and didn't join the battle as complete squad 13? That they didn't get a single good/badass piloting moment in the whole series? The fact they repeated the 02/Hiro arc and didn't come up with something new (the memory wipe was dumb)? The plot was bad and so was their story. Like I said before in my post. I dont care about their part in the story or that shit. Shipping/couples are always about scenes and designs anyways and even if the chemistry is physical it's enough. Anime showed this poorly due to how they were written/ignored, but few golden moments were enough to keep me hoping for more
Could you couplefags stop bickering for only one thread and focus on the good things or at least blame the right person for all the shitty things.
Your forgot that 02 was also responsible for the death of 090’s partner, that’s why squad26 were wary around her. She’s reckless and doesn’t care for others at all as long as she could get her kill count.
Don’t label it as sacrifice when her reason for doing it was selfishness- to be human and reunite with her ’dahlin’
I didn't watch this shit lmao
shit anime
it was just Eureka Seven remade with added options for all you shippingfags out there, mixed with nip propaganda perpetuating platonic notions of love to combat the terminal birthrates in nipponland. But yes I did enjoy it occasionally.
The characters were shit too.
i miss franxx saturdays bros
You deserve to be murdered at Auschwitz.
Please kill yourself. Like right now. Obsessed Franxxturdfags like you deserve to get banned from this board for eternity
i miss the memes
Oh yes, all the memes
I miss deltaanon, the greentexts, translator drama, hell, im even wondering what happened to shallow-kun and gurofag
>no more charlemagne posting
it hurts....
This anime still gives me nightmares sometimes. And I did not even finish watching it. Also it tainted word "Darling"
The predictive greentexts were the best and trying to dissect hints how stuff would turn out from all the norse mythos etc.
It's too bad of all the asspulling after 15, like a David Lynch series trainwreck where they couldn't actually put it together properly. I hate media like that. Never read Riverworld.
anyone has the pasta?
What could've been
My SO was calling me "darling" because she knew how much I liked the show.
>felt great, like there was hope for society kind of feeling
She turned out to be a massive whore and is in jail now.
>feels bad
Is that a long haired proto-Hiro on the right? Or a proto-Mitsuro?
>Dark haired 02
Prefer the mechs though, esp. the ridiculously large one.
>could have been yuri
If only
That's Ikuno on the right
Dropped this on episode 3 because pink thot and NTR, came back for the last quarter to watch the wheels coming off.
Pretty sure that it was always guy/girl pairs even then
Greetings. A year or so ago, a Discard server was formed for /a Fronxx fans. Due to reasons, we had closed invitations and have formed a group of friends that still talk about franxx/animu and a lot of other crap. To celebrate the ending of this train wreck, we are opening for 1 day only!
Join us or don't I don't really care.
Definitely 3. And i wouldnt dislike them if there had been actual effort put into them, not ignoring them till 16 and giving them a proper arc of their own that isnt a weaker version of 02 and Hiro.
Cant believe its already a year
I can't believe that the competent hero protagonist Hiro died as a pathetic virgin in space, while his wannabe rival Mitsuru had a great fulfilling life and enjoyed paradise and reinvented the most important human achievement ever, which is the act of putting a guy's penis inside a girl's vagina, thus saving the entire human species and making an even better society than that of the immortal Adults that wasted their existence away in their mobile city fortresses.
Had to redo the link Djtz7V
Building up Hiro as this potential revolutionary and leader of a rebellion only to not pull the trigger on that shit is what still bothers me the most to this day.
Kill yourself.
>one of my gripes with the switch was with just how quickly Futoshi got over it
You're in luck then, he reverted to a crying cuck in episodes 17 and 18.
Futoshi/Ikuno somehow have the second best combat performance DESPITE BEING CLEAR OPPOSITES and this never being addressed pisses me off so fucking much.
And Ikuno still somehow had the best ending despite everything. Cured the rapid aging thing and got a lesbian lover.
Do you have more of this?
Tell us something we didn't know. This has been said 10 million times. GEEZ. These threads are more dead than graveyard. DID you know Zorome had the number of the beast and they did nothing with it? Or that Mitsuru was supposed to be "dark counterpart/hero" to Hiro? or that 2nd cour was barely planned and was written when the show had already started? If you look at the writing, nothing will make sense. Now stop repeating things, Diavolo
The writers were notorious for skipping anything that took effort to develop. Remember Satan forgetting everything he saw and everyone just forgives 02 offscreen? The manga at least is somewhat dealing with Ikuno and Futoshi better. Though I feel like we're going to get trolled hard on how it ends just like the anime.
Well what else is there to talk about unless there's a new chapter? Suggest something.
That's the point. What is the point of this thread? Just wait for your bi-weekly dose
The point is one thread to gather in so there's less falseflag threads clogging the board to get that 'franxx saturday shitposting' feel.
See you next year!
Truly the best thing coming out of everything
>That pic
Disgusting. I hate happy couples so much.
How is the manga? Does Yabuki still hide vaginas in the reflections? I think I only saw one chapter do that when I was reading it for a bit.
I guess you also like to watch scenes/videos were anime girls are tortured and dogs are slaughtered. Here have more Mitsuru and Kokoro to make your day a better one instead
Where is femanon ?
B-but they told me..
cute egg!
>darling in the gender role propaganda
>He doesn't know.
A little tip, the one posting that wasn't a femanon.
Is that Mitsuru? Pft. Hahaha! This must be very old edit
>Rise my children. I have returned, never to leave your side again. APE sought to destroy me, but they have only made me stronger. Today, we march forward into our future. A stronger children. A divined children, enhanced for the Saurified World. The time has come, to claim this world as our own! The time has come, to destroy APE! One male Wing. One female wing! Harmony trough the Jian!
It was quite funny to see how utterly useless Hiro was in the post rapture world when the klaxxos and the VIRM continued their eternally pointless wars in space, and Hiro's waifu just left to become an immobile mega mecha kaijuu robot that lets itself get facejizzed by VIRM niggerbots for several months.
Ah, Hiro. What a completely typical otaku self-insert you turned out to be.
the truth is its a trap
After watching 3.0+1.0 first 10 minutes i now know that ditf>rebuilds
Reminder that:
>Hiro - Reikland
>Zero Two - Whisenland
>Goro - Talabecland
>Ichigo - Marienburg
>Mitsuru - Middenland
>Kokoro - Nordland
>Futoshi - Averland
>Ikuno - Ostermark
>Zorome - The Moot
>Miku - Stirland
>Naomi - Ostland
>Franxx - Grand Theogenist
>Nana & Hachi - Arch-Lectors
Ningen were a mistake
T. Abe.
post more 02
Those Saturdays were real fun.
Getting swarmed by tourists is not fun retard
Looks like at some point it was going to be much darker.
I only miss the drawfags
It was dumb as fuck from episode one and stayed there, but was fun to watch with Yea Forums
christ almighty
>watch ditf
>enjoy it
>Yea Forums tells me how its a shitty ripoff of evangelion
>evangelion gets added to netflix
>watch it
>its shit
>decide to watch the two movies because they might redeem this shit
>first film is a 70 minute recap
>second film ends the series even worse
fucking faggots i wasted a lot of time with this
Definitely 3.
Did Kokoro have any personality other than "nice". Such a non character
Yeah, baby-crazy.
I miss Ichigo.
Yes, I especially enjoyed the ending which redeemed the rest of the show. Brainlets need not apply.
only good thing about this show was that MC dumped the self-insert female nip and picked the used goods thot oni girl.
The only reason to support me to watch it is Ichigo.
based selective ignorance Chad
>Hiro 25:17-18 - The path of the righteous parasite is beset on all sides by the inequities of the adults and the tyranny of APE. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds his squad through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his partner's keeper and the finder of lost oni children.
Shit show is shit.
- You just hate them as characters for being weak, useless, boring etc
This, I hate the weak, I hate Fatoshi more for not letting them become a pancake, fucking Fatso was a cuck and a weaklings enabler, Nature selected Those two to die Against a superior organism and Fatso has to go an meddle with it.
>DitF: Tabanata edition
I wanna see it. Those two really fit the star-crossed lovers theme.
Best "girl"
Happy anniversary, Ai! (Mitsuru and Kokoro also)
>wake up
>go back to sleep
What did she mean by this?
Shit why the fuck did they change the mechs design. ?
Remember how Alpha was set up as the rival character but then there's no pay off and then suddenly gets a "sketch animation" sacrifice?
Forgot this shit existed
I'm still mad.
He wasn't a Kaworu rip-off, he was a Kittan clone instead
I'm from Plantation 13, and I say kill 'em all!
I enjoyed, I really enjoyed, but I'm still sad with all things that the ending made me think about my own life.
how did ikuno and naomi get together
kill yourself
That lesbian deathbed was amusing.
What were they thinking with that retarded second half?
Is there any show about old karling?
>Karling of the franks
What could have been...
I pretty much stopped caring for the series a couple of weeks after it ended. It had a lot of potential but ultimately failed, so good riddance at this point.
Nishigori had no plan after 15 and thought things would naturally proceed from there.
Surprise aliens and space arc aside, did anyone else think that even the first half of the show was boring and the main Hiro/02 relationship shallow?
Yeah. Even then I knew it was fucked
>nape of neck
Fetish acquired
I watched Gridman instead.
Kokoro going full 14 words and embracing her duty to breed Aryan children was the highlight of the show. Hir02 was generic as fuck.
Reminder that Kingsuru happened offscreen.
It was all shit, the only good thing about it is the memes that it produces
i enjoy Pochincoff's sets for the FranXXs than the show desu
What is this
>he didn't watch both
Missed opportunity.
No it was garbage.
Jesus Christ, don't tell me you fags sincerely liked this shit anime outside of the shitposting threads.
honestly even if you taken most of the side characters out it wouldn't even change the story very much.
are you Mexican by any chance?
>Cured the rapid aging thing and got a lesbian lover.
It was never impiled she did cure the agining for herself and it was never confirmed that she got Naomi as a lesbian lover, if anything she got the worst ending, for the remaining days/years of her life she's gonna have to put up with Ichigo telling her how good Goro is in bed, serves the shitty dyke right for attempted rape, had she actually gone through with the rape things may have been different.
>still alive
I enjoyed it to some degree yeah. Mitsukoko was by far the only reason I kept watching and boy was it worth it
This part was the best one:
The title is literally right there on 's pic.
I still miss this show. I still miss the cute dinos, on their pain filled journey. I did like it, despite its flaws. Many moments gave me so much fulfillment and happiness. I miss you, Zero Two.
He is clearly an incompetent retard then. Never let him close to control positions ever again
And this was suppose to be some sort of dream project of all thing, what a bullshit.
>no going Nuclear
>no Outer Garden
>the most pathetic "please let my people go maybe" imaginable
Honestly, they did break free of that existence and rewrite it. The ending and timeskip after proved that the new world they worked for wasn't pulled from beneath them and destroyed.
Dropped after episode 1 because it was obvious the writing would be shit, enjoyed watching Yea Forums get mad about it
based show dropper Chad
>KLK/TTGL clone ending
>no surprise dinobabies twist
Threads are basically dead and the manga takes forever to progress
>piloting is a metaphor for sex
>Futoshi and Ikuno have great performance
>meaning you will have best sex experience if you don't care about your partner, and think about your true love while doing it
Okay Nishigori
thicc =/= fat
The relationship between Hiro and 02 was shallow as fuck along with Kokoro and Mitsuru. Hiro was also bland as a cardboard.
I miss these dumb dinos like you wouldn't believe.
Please remember onahole practice bot for his long years of service.
*fixes your anime*
this was only acceptable outcome!
If I'm remembering correctly, it was pretty funny that Hiro suggested mitsukoko to have a wedding ceremony (instead of having one with 02 himself) and they got raided and memory wiped.
Some even joked it was his move to see how far they could go before Papa decidrs to prune them
It fucking hurts. I just wanted to see impregnation and klaxxo babies.
Want dino babies? Too bad have 100 maybe more Mitsukoko babies
It really does. But if I am honest, even if I would knew how it ends, I would watch it again with Yea Forums. I don't regret anything.
>You all enjoyed it right?
Yes but only for best couple
Same it was a fun ride, can't understand why people say it's boring
I thought the show was decent and I liked the swing it took at how many people are willing to sacrifice future generations for their own luxuries.
The show also ruining the word "darling" for me.
This will forever be my favorite theory in the show. Never seen a couple get this much BTFO before
why are most Hir02 pics so cute holy shit
ending was pretty shit.
That's a rule with every mech anime, that the ending has to either be complete shit or not make any sense
There is no point. Mods should delete these on sight.
Because its got them in it.
Genista exploding, Futoshi punching Kokoro=happy ending
Cute fanart=jihad bird
>Imagine hearing about Delta becoming comatose
>Imagine remembering all the good times and crying over her while holding a vegetable
>Imagine visting vegetable Delta
>Imagine crying for her to wake up
>Imagine accidently exposing her nude body
>Imagine feeling the urge to masturbate over this
>imagine becoming guilt ridden and acknowindg how fucked up you are
>Imagine Delta waking up, covered in your semen
>Imagine Delta slowly becoming less and less of a vegetable as she tastes more of your semen
>Imagine Delta exploding with lust and tying you to the bed as she fucks you till you're dry.
Legendary video.
The cutest!
Rolling for a End of Darling Movie in a couple of years, that fixes it.
>Fatso and fatassfags getting cucked, obsessive and aggressive 02fags getting absolutely destroyed, Mitsuru and Kokoro fucking and getting married and also having children instead of main couple = Justice
Actually nah, because I don't think that way about most 02fags and feel bad for them except OP and (You) who are clearly too obsessed incels, who can't move on and trash everyone that is not 02 or Hiro. I'm going to enjoy DitF in my way
>She isn't comatose, she is waiting for Alpha to make a move
I'm still mad at this incompetent fat sack of shit.
But I still rewatch some of the episodes in every now and again. I'm convinced episode 13 is one of my favorite episodes of anime ever. I will likely read the Manga if it ends up taking a different path than the anime.
3. Fatty deserved it for being overbearing and clingy (and fat), and Hir02 had their character arcs concluded in episode 15/16. MitsuKoko could have been good but they just had to rehash the memory wipe plot.
When is this fucking lazy mangaka going to get back to working on TLR?
Will we ever get an episode 16 in the far flung future bros?
>It's been a year since the last episode.
Jesus Christ
I'm still mad
We almost got one thread each day during the two months following the end of the anime.
and now you get dead threads that bumped by OP who knows how many times. Do you even realize you are talking like zombie or drone? Saying such obvious meaningless things like politicians do when they use filler words. These threads went way over their expiration date already. I get people want to discuss this series, but it's always the same bumping and same discussions. Just a circlejerk for those that cant forget or move on
The only thing worse than these zombie threads are the unironic zombie mitsukoko shills.
Will there ever be a madman waifufag like Hiro again? He was allways so positive.
Giorno Giovanna called and said he will GER his ass out of existence if he continues using his poses
Yabuki is a jojofag.
>unironic zombie mitsukoko shills
So there are no unironic zombie HiroTwo shills then? I see, not biased at all. I mainly enjoy the fanart and manga chapters, but to think the threads are so hostile to every non-02 fag. Didn't knew it was crime to enjoy series in your own way. Honestly, I couldn't care less about the story or other shitty characters. When these threads stop or I will find better couple, I'll gladly stop "shilling"
>hostile to every non-02 fag.
>meanwhile ninefags are shitposting like mongoloids.
must be a black weeaboo then
Having so much power should be illegal
God I wanna fuck this potato slut so bad. I dread every time a new manga chapter comes because I know I will fap for hours if she appears even in a single panel
What was that other similar show where they fuse in the robot and either die or stay a guardian forever? It wasn't RahXephon, was it? I remember talking to anons in these threads about it, but for the life of me I can't remember.
Inverse meme magic
At least there weren't any flies or birds picking at them.
There's nothing bad in being a jojofag, but god this pic looks like a really shitty fanart, as if he desperately tried to make Hiro look cooler than he is (still didn't work) by making a jojoreference
I've never said the opposite, i am also a jojofag.
The anime was good you are just following mindlessly the hate train
Muh gurren lagan
Muh shit Evangelion
Muh meme gridman
It was a waste of time and trash in the second cour. The last couple of episodes was retarded and ridiculous. Worse off, it's nowhere close to Evangelion thus the ex-Gainax staff failed.
I plan on rewatching it soon.
anyone know if the bluray changed anything significant?
no more moesaur in earlier eps, also removing all the frame blending they do for the TV releases for some action scenes to avoid "motion sickness"
Last eps changed back Goro's seiyuu
No, like Zero Two he was a miracle MC wasted on the show.
>was a miracle MC wasted on the show.
The Mitsuru
Not him but i never like mitsuru. In fact I never really like any of the side characters beside maybe the crazy doctor guy. Doesn't help that the "nines" died so fast and no one even care/gave them a funeral.
post best couple
Me on the right
Me on the left
God, I hope we will see her in this week's chapter
She will be in every chapter from now on user.
Me in the middle
That's a big mouth
bros i wish the mangaka was faster
Every time I open this picture I can just hear the retard noises coming from it
For you...
I enjoyed the half or so, before it became irreparably dumb
She cute
i hope we get an ova or something
I warmed up to him a lot.
Just wanted to love and fuck a dino, and he got cucked out of the physical side
Reminder that even the cuck Goro and the fatso Futoshi had sex, while Hiro never had sex.
You must be some kind of ultimate omega-square tier superloser to be handed out a dream waifu who loved you since childhood and still not putting penis inside.
Easily one of the best 15 episodes series of 2018
I sure am glad they didn't ruin it by having a shitty ripoff NGE Fuyutsuki exposition episode and then also have a character turn into a giant fucking robot and explode and die
t. ichigo
>sex hiro
>muh pity sex with goro
Fatoshit. Basically braindead robots that also got children
thotoro and braindead cuck
everyone had sex while your kirito had nothing
>muh sex
goro and ichigo didn't even look happy at the end. Goro even ditch ichigo to go "on an adventure" for months LOL so how can ichigo even have sex? Maybe 1 time a year :^)
True love > pity sex with child who will have daddy issues
kokoro fatoshit and thousands of other robots
quit evading and cope with that hormone ridden bitch of yours and kirito
im pretty sure hiro and 02 banged while making the coloring book at least a couple times, i mean really
To follow up on the pic the only gay ship i approve is AlphaxZorome where alpha and zorome crash weddings and are switchy
This show was absolute trash
There was nothing interesting about the show except the mecha action and the ecchi, both of which didn't happen enough for me to like it
The manga however, fulfills both and sheds the worst bits
Fuck off you abomination.
Just like how Zorome's character arc amounted to literally nothing or the whole deal with the nines. Also Zero Two's personally radically changing overnight and i could go on but i shouldn't
I can't believe revisiting my DarliFra folder actually makes me feel nostalgic, there was a ton of great fanart and memes by the time they dropped the ball so hard. This show still holds a special place in me.
imagine Mitsuru picking the fatty
I cant watch it ever again or a get the mega feels.
Congrats. You are 102 guy to say that!!!!
Why did the concept uniforms looked better than the final product?
The zorome episode did some good worldbuilding and set up
it ended up being for nothing though
Franxx backstory episode ruined all the cool theories
Why is the back of the neck so lewd?
There is not even Ео Tu arc... for some reason it seems that arc will not be for the sake of the pace of the narrative. But at the same time, I would like that for manga. Then the mangaka will have more freedom to act on the development of alternative history, and Eo Tu is already well drawn in the anime. I will be glad to both options
The manga feels more like a "multiprotagonist drama"