Shingeki no Kyojin

Jaw Titans best titans.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Reiner should have been to one to sacrifice himself to break the cycle and make Marcel and Ymir's sacrifices mean something


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Not counting the jobbing dyke i presume?

why didn't Eren just burrow underground directly to Zeke using the War Hammer Titan and have 0 chance of death?

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Yelena is wondering the same thing, user.

Reiner better do something significant to make these sacrifices worth it

He won’t. Jobbing is all he knows.

I rabu Piku.

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Okay but why did Ymir kill herself like an idiot and give Marley a weapon that would be used to threaten Historia's life?

The Jaw Titan's the equivalent of a redshirt, isn't it? You hear you're going to be given the Jaw Titan, and you're like "Aw shit, can I have the one that's the woman instead"?

She was influenced by Marcel.

Jobbed to one mindless titan
Was used like a nutcracker to power up Eren

They're all jobbers

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Anyone else notice how Reiner always called him Galliard except for last chapter?

Can Eren even do that? It worked with Sister Tybur was she *the* War Hammer Titan. Eren is just a normal shifter, ain't he? And in the same vein, I don't think Sister Tybur can exist within the nape, either.

That would end Reiners Suffering and Isayama won't allow that.
Reiner will outlive everyone and won't die until he sees everyone he ever cared for either die a gruesome death, btfo him, or both.

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Considering the distance between Porco and Reiner, I don't think Reiner could actually hear what Porco said. But, badass death scene is still badass death scene.

>Eren would give his life in the end and wouldn't sacrifice Historia
His head is going to fall in Zeke's hand isn't it ;_;

Poor Falco

>the Attack Titan keeps moving forward
>the Jaw titan keeps sacrificing himself
>the Armored titan keeps jobbing

Other patterns?

>Pieck didn't even get to say goodbye.
At least they spent a whole month alone together before the end.

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Zeke catching Eren's decapitated head and that triggering PATHS magic is fucking hilarious

They all sacrifices themselves to save Reiner, the true hero of the story.

Colossal is a faggot. Those are the only ones we've seen more than one of except maybe the Founding Titan if you want to count that, but the fact they've all been Royals until Eren and thus subject to The Cuck's Will means there isn't much point.

>Gabi inherits the Armored Titan
>Gabi's consciousness starts fighting with the jobbing will of the Armored Titan

Historia's pussh is THAT good

reminder that EVERYONE will sacrifice themselves for Reiner at one point or another.

Zeke is so hot when he cries

Zeke and Xaver are both cucks who wish they were never born.

woah woah woah.
Are you implying Eren didnt make the best possible choice just showing everyone fake memories? What a jokester you are!
Hehehe Let me explain.

Much of what we see this chapter is fake, there are many very deliberate contradictions and changes this chapter, and i dont think these a simple visual errors. Visual errors happen all the time, but they are mostly inconsequential and have no plot implications, all the little fucks up this chapter stick out like a sour thumb and potentially mean a lot for the story.
I predict Eren somehow made contact with Zeke, Triggered the founding titans powers and created Fake Memories to trick the eldians, including reiner, zeke, etc(While we've seen the shifters resist the control of the founding titan, nothing says their memories can't be manipulated), into thinking his dead.

The rationale.
At the start of the chapter we get a shot of zeke, laying on Erens old titan shell, except now there's a weird gash their that was never shown before, we don't yet know what this means but i think that was erens doing. I hypothesizes that since the WHT can use its powers without titanizing, and it can access and use it's old structures or corpses, that eren used this to make contact with zeke, and trigger the founding titans powers.

Throughout this chapter, there are many deliberate errors, like the fight was rewritten, scenes don't seem to logically follow, first things first is piecke.
In the last chapter, she abandoned her titan corpse, so that Magath could get a clean shot on Zeke, yet immediately at the start of this chapter, she is fully gear up somehow, her old titan corpse is missing, the scenes simply don't logicially follow, she goes on to swing the gun around and fight soldiers, it's like the scene is fake, not based in reality, I feel half of what we've seen isn't real.

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>they will never reunite and fuck like rabbits as is tradition again

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Anyone have THAT Reiner picture?

wouldn't it be funny if a male took became a female titan lol I bet it'd feel pretty funny haha

Next up the mysterious case of Pixis.
He is said leading the charge for the soldiers, to route marley infantry, the very next scene with him, his in doors drinking alcohol.
These are just two scenes that don't in anyway logically follow, to me this serves as one of those lies and truth, both can't be true at the same time.One of these is reality, the other is a fake memory

For me the biggest hint was the scene in which gabi is riding a horse. In chapter 113, isayama made sure to mention this completely irrelevant pointless information, gabi currently does not know how to ride a horse.
This information serves absolutely no purpose what so ever, outside of being a blatant hint to the fact that what we're currently seeing is not reality.
The horse only appears for a single panel, and the scene works perfectly fine without, absolutely nothing entails that she should be riding a horse right now, nothing from the last chapter just logically follows to this. Isayama is very blatantly going out of his way to write this scenario.
He wants to leave blatant hints to attentive
readers, and this one is a dead give away.

And finally , Commander Pixis said something very interesting a few chapters prior.
"Do you want to know how to tell a good lie? You need to mix in a bit of truth from time to time"
I think this comment perfectly foreshadows and explains this entire chapter, some of what we've seen is in deed reality, i feel like zeke actually actually screamed and everyone got transformed, but some of what we see is also a lie, like erens death, piecke being geared up again, gabi suddenly learning to ride a horse. Ultimately Eren wants to fool his enemies into thinking his dead, and a lot of what we see this chapter is a fake memory

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21 pages in 2 days

She can still take advantage of Falco sometimes.

Its manga dude, porco could whisper from across town while a helicopter was buzzing between them and reiner would still hear

>sour thumb
stopped reading.

Drawing, 21 pages, they script for the chapter was complete before they even put pen to paper for art

>Marcel doesn't shift for some reason
>Ymir gives a weapon to the people that want to destroy her waifu's homeland
>Porco dies to save a guy that wants nothing more than to die
Nice job

t. Pixis

the armored titan is about survival agains their users wishes

>I become evil so Armin can be the hero

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This. Isayama had to ignore canon facts because he was on deadline.


Don't be silly, the only reason pixis can be in two places at once is because one of the pixis's is constructed in a fake memory.
its so obvious!

Ch 96 said that none of them expected Titans to show up that soon, so I'm pretty sure Marcel just got scared.

Next jaw is Falco so it'll probably happen

He is doing him a favor. Porco is a stupid-ass name

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I rabu Octavia.

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cuckrenfags on suicide watch

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simply doing morally bad things doesn't make you evil, armins has been shown to be far darker then eren, your memes never make sense.

It's too bad. Gesumin was all Armin really had going for him

For now, I think both Falco and Gabi will make it to the ending.

Jii eatu Oii

So if you a vore fetish would you be constantly erect while in female titan mode?

Come on user, Isayama just rushed everything

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Attack Titan is a FREEDOMfag
Armored Titan is suicidal
Colossal Titan is CGI
Female Titan is the best girl
Beast and Founding Titans are cucks
Jaw Titan is a plot ticket
WHT is a powerup
Cart Titan was designed to be ridden by multiple Marleyan BVLLS at the same time without tiring

I hope you guys aren;t serious.
They don't draw the manga and come up with the script at the same time.
The script comes first.
Then a rough draft.
Then the actual art.

>*the beast titan keeps jobbing
The armored titan keeps suffering

>kill the only hope for Eldians in Marley’s government
Wow Armin great job


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No he didn't? They had to work overtime on drawing the pages, but the script for the chapter was already written, probably months in advance.

He died as a father user

ThAD CHADgath is NOT dead.

Not 21 pages drawn completely in 2 days, but 21 pages still incomplete in 2 days.

>The Warhammer is held by the ruler of it's country

>he wears black and hethe frowns so he's evil

She has a Shit name haha

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>Eren didn't want Zeke to scream
>Brought everyone to his agreed meeting place with Zeke
>Locked his friends in a building with poisoned people
>Sent Floch to go get Zeke
>Knew about the wine

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His three brain cells hard at work

a lot of the cutscenes in the DLC are a little weird (lots of still images), but that one was cute

Reminder that cuckren got cucked by a literally who that drilled historia over and over all night making 100% sure he put one in the oven

It's about the interview where Isayama says that he originally intended Armin to turn tyrannical/genocidal but later changed it to Eren.

He's not evil. Euthanasia was a great plan.

He never said that

Some Eren fans are still feeling extra tender, user. Can't blame them. If you look at reddit right now, there's 4-5 joke threads about Eren losing his head. Favorite character dying hurts, plus there's the pointing and laughing to deal with.

I want her to glomp me by the the penis.

Historia isn't that much better

It never made sense they met there, Eren should have left the others in prison and meet Zeke somewhere else but I guess Eren needed this drama

This is more proof about the fake memories, while what zeke may be seeing right now isn't reality, what he does can have an actual effect.
If he screams the titans will trigger regardless.

i want to believe...

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I'm laughing with the memes and I'm an Erenfag

Sex with Annie while she is ovulating

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>tfw Ymir gets rid of Reiner’s time limit
>tfw he survives the rumbling

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That panel is somehow confusing. Who said that line? Eren or Colt?

>Eren fans
This theory is a massive cope, but he isn't dead, just BTFO and out of combat by Gabi.

Colt for sure.

I'd say Colt because Eren is muted now

I did say "some Eren fans".

I'm just happy to see Zeke suffer. It's gonna be paths asspull next chapter anyway.

this isn't even the first time magath has had a bomb go off right next too him

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It was Colt.

Low budget cutscenes, and yes this one was cute, Eren's reaction is hilarious too

How the fuck did he survive that

based reddit spy

Tough guy.

His spine is severed and his brain will cease functioning within seconds and his regen is no where near as efficient as reiners who only survived because he was in titan form.
only thing Eren can wish for is he lands in Zekes hand and do euthanasia/rumbling before fading into nothing.

Magath Sue

Godgath is invincible.

Jean can't kill just like how Reiner can't die

I know user, just following the conversation
Speaking of the game they added the Zeke's "monster" line

>implying a little point blank explosion is able to take down the GREATEST MARLEYAN BVLL OF ALL TIME.

Half off today

It's destined. OGYmir was leading them unconsciously to thier doom so Falco can finally achieve the Jaw titan later eating the Armor titan and all the other ones too.

Yes, he never said what you're claiming he said, thanks for proving me right?

You're forgetting Isayama's ol' OH MY ASSPULL

I fucking love sundays

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Alright, well. He wasn't *that* close, but it's still too close lmao

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I'm never falling for Isayama's bullshit again.

For now, I am staying put in the middle ground when it comes to Eren being dead or alive. Just going to count myself fortunate that I do not care much if he lives or dies, cause for example - know the Samurai Jack finale? After it, it took me about two weeks to get my head back on track. During that two weeks, work felt 10 times tougher to get thru. It sucked very much.

>Zeke will see he is going to be uncle
Zeke deserves to be happy and be the best uncle ever

That’s like 5 feet from a fucking grenade blast. No way he survives

reminder that the jaw titan wasn't planned and when he Isa realized he would do 9 tians he retconned the jaw to not look like ass, this is why ymir's titan is so ugly

Desk received all the big impact.

chapter 220 has been leaked!

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Yeah, that's why I said still too close.

zeke should get a wife of good eldian stock after his young brainwashing.

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Wow the arts improved

Paradis' technology isn't that good.

Shouldn't we have the fake preview this month? I hate how we are so close to the ending and still no Zeke in AU

Realistically, would Isayama actually go through with a genocide ending? Right now everything like it's pointing towards either the Paradisians or the rest of the planet being wiped out but there's no way Yams would actually go through with it right?

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i guess a big hardwood desk could potentially be enough cover to make it plausible enough for fiction, it worked for hitler after all. alternately paradis is just shit at bombmaking (which could also be true too if they've only had black powder to work with until recently)

I'm kinda disappointed with the game, for a really stupid reason, it triggers me that there isn't any update to "christa" to change it to "Historia"

nah I'd say he had planned for a jaws/nails titan but he just wanted to make it more visually distinct post-basement

If he does then he is genuinely a top lad. If not he is another run of the mill post WW2 cuck.

Meanwhile fucking Marco got the last one just for the sake of a dead Marco joke.

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After something like KOFF, Magath surviving a thunder spear isn't that much a big deal. Maybe he loses a arm like the based commander curse.

he's just supposed to threaten people with the rumbling for 50 years until they can catch up technologically and then they have a fighting chance, titans or no titans

It was pretty good though

nigga, there's no way he planned it, another example is annie who I bet he wishes he could just erase from the manga
>the female titan
being FEMALE IS N O T a power, she was supposed to be a shifter and because she was female her titan had female features but then it was retconned to being one of the 9

>Falco eats gallard
>Ymirs memories are further diluted
I hate this.

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Yeas. But Actually he wants to destroy the world.

A warning is insufficient and they're asking for a stomping anyways

A layer of dirt also makes good enough shielding against a bomb blast. For example, it's standard tactic to make a small deeper hole in a fox hole or trench and just kick bombs into that small hole.

Yeah, but it's sad to have to pretend that he is still relevant for old time's sake when Zeke, Pieck, Porco, Falco, Gabi, Yelena and Floch have all already done more than he ever did.

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The whole point of this page was Armin realizing that Eren wasn't gonna stop at a simple threat.

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What? You actually thought that Ymir was going to take over Porco's body or some shit like that?

They go to a different school

He ability to attract the titans to her fits really well with a “female” archetype though.

I want more Queen bee

>what a fucking retard

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I haven't been catching up on any of the exhibition stuff is her name actually octavia?

>Gabi literally saved humanity

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Mikasa's ass looks like a chair cushion here

We've got to see the results of Gesumin's plan eventually

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>builds a girl body

Wasn't it established in the classroom scene early on that all other titans have a male's body? Unless the whole Eldians-being-sent-to-paradis was also not planned, there must be something special about Annie's titan.

No but even having see her in gallards flashbacks every once in a while would've been nice, I thought he was a mainstay and Isayama loves his flashbacks which meant I could see more of her again.

Hope there's some merch of Pieck and Porco for S4. Frieda, Kenny and Marlowe all got something for S3, so I think Pieck and Porco will probably get something.

they said most of the titans appeared to be male, most not all, and the ones who appeared female lacked things like breasts

plus he's got the big steel breech assembly between him and the blast this time, not really implausible for him to be relatively unharmed

Enjoy 8 different versions of manlet in the black SL outfit instead

"muh paths"
cuckren cope.
he dies and historia got dicked by farmerchad while Eren watched from the window.

I'm not an Erenfag but Gabi really feels like a Mary Sue.


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>doing bad things doesn't make you bad

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Gabi is supposedly what a female eren would've been like

>simply doing morally bad things doesn't make you evil

That was only based on the Scouts' findings though. Also their teacher specifically said "male physique."
Have we ever seen a titan that has as much feminine characteristics as Annie's titan?

Because it's forced. Historia Reiss = History Erase

>Gabi is supposedly what a female eren would've been like
Eren wouldn't have left Nile go, that's the difference.

It never looked like he was attracted to her, they were as nice to each other as they were to everyone else.
EHfags are dumb.

Yes, are you trying to get intellectually embraced? Must I show you how out of your depth you truly are?

He phrased that weirdly but I kinda get it. You can do bad things and still be a good person overall if you have good intentions. Just like an evil person can do the occasional good thing. People aren't wholly good or evil.

>tfw no cart titan figure with interchangeable backpacks, mask, alternate head for proto-Pieck, and miniature GODgath/Panzer Unit

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>You can do bad things and still be a good person overall if you have good intentions.
Not at all. The moment you start murdering innocents no excuses for it.

>Erenfags will defend this

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frieda, but no non-shifter iirc

Frieda titan

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Wait, I didn't mean to reply to anyone. Just wanted to make a separate post. Oops.

Yes a person who murders innocents can't be said to be a good person. However, I wouldn't say Eren is a bad person either. When you're fighting for the survival of yourself and all your friends, some collateral damage is unavoidable.

t. retarded gabifag


>Pieck's name is Octavia
>she was the 8th out of 9 titans introduced to the story

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I want pixis to eat annie and get the exact opposite of what he wished for.

Sex with Annie's titan!

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If Falco will see memories, then it most likely will be hers.

Excuses excuses.
>Kill Eldians. Eren fights for Eren
He's just like Zeke, even with Colt begging he didn't gave a shit.

>tfw you will never make a scale mid-east war diorama & for your 1:34th pieck fig
it hurts

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>t. retarded gabifag
Gabi hasn't done anything uncalled for.

"Pieck" was a surname?

Stop hurting me.

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Maybe he just didnt want him to scream because of Falco and figured AMJC would somehow manage to handle themselves? In any case his decision to bring them in Shiganshina of all places never made sense if their immediate protection was a concern of his. He actually didn't even react to Zeke screaming despite seemingly not wanting him to do it. He seemed too desperate to reach him and activate the Coordinate to care about it anymore.

Eren tunneled out of his underground jail cell doing exactly that though.

>Enemy nation that killed your mom declares war on your country with the explicit intention of genociding your people
>You're the bad guy for not rolling over and dying like a cuck.

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No wonder they call her by her surname. What an ugly name, poor Pieck.

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As much as I hate Zeke, only an idiot would have listened to Colt begging back then. It's not like him not shouting is gonna stop Magath from sniping him. He actually made the right choice.

>It's that guy again

He also locked Sasha's family for some reason.

also retconned

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>Pieck's name is Octavia.

He's not gonna be happy with his brother fucking dead and the euthanasia plan ruined because Eren kicked the bucket.

>the right choice.
Have you forgotten Zeke wants to make a incel out of everyone?

>both have shitty first names that are rarely used as opposed to their surnames
Very cute, very canon.

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I meant that Zeke made the right choice of not listening to Colt.

Eren jr is so lucky.

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It would have been nice if Porco also called her by her first name.

>Pieck lets her titan disintegrate, pretending to be dead
>Zeke does the exact same thing moments later
>She falls for it

very dead

I want to be Pieck's Nero!

>Pieck cant stop screaming "Zeke!" every time she confirms he's alive
>She's not close to be worried about Porco, nor she cares at all.

>one draft off and we would've been denied perfection
thus timeline isn't so bad.

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I would fuck frieda's titan form desu she is hot

Magath and Octavia are on top of the wall where Zeke's titans can't reach. Shouting won't stop it either.

Octavia/n is a great name

Considering how choices have consequencies, Falco might just end up eating him, on top of how his choice oppened the path to Gabi shooting Eren, instead of Gabi running away with Falco.

That's just a slightly different 50 year plan and we know the downsides to it since Hange exposed them clearly in 107, including the fact that they would probably never be able to truly let go of the Rumbling. Also armies don't take 50 years to reform, the world could attack again in the meantime and a royal titan + FT would still be needed at all times, and we know Eren's stance on the whole issue. If he rumbles he won't be content with a pre-emptive strike.

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that hardly resembles erens titan at all.
is attack titans power to just be really angry?

1000 colossal titans can do more than enough dammage to keep the rest of the nations at bay, especially when they realize that it wasn't a bluff and there's millions of them left.

Isa is writting this shit as he goes along dude, i'm pretty fucking sure that at the start of the series pure titans were able to recognize shifters in titan form as humans and attacked them as they would to regular humans but this concept was dropped later


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Actually Zeke is retarded. He could have used Falco as a hostage and ordered Reiner to let go of Eren.

Woops, posted wrong pic.

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inb4 she has a secret brother living underground.

What is reasonable and what Eren wants to do are two different things.

>didn't even react to Zeke's "death"

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ATs are basically their users with their hair grown out

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this looks much more like Eren's tho, Grisha looks more like the beast titan

I don't think Reiner would abandon his duty just so Falco could be saved. Though to be honest, Eren would have been fine even without Zeke's help. Zeke fucked it up by not having Falco eat Gabi first.

Ymir's jaws didn't look like Marcel's or Porco's either, and Eren got none of the WHT's characteristics despite eating it. Shifter designs were probably never meant to be 100% consistent from one user to another beyond their core characteristics, and who knows what the AT's characteristics were ever even supposed to be.

>she doesn't care at all
That is who she doesn't care about
>she keeps screaming zeke
In fear because he's their number one threat, and her main mission is to ensure his defeat
I guess you take it every time Eren screams Reiner mid-battle that is a declaration of his love.
The reason she isn't concerned with Porco or Reiner is because she has faith in her comrades, and Porco isn't even visible from her angle
She always works and fights with Porco and is always by his side, even for months at a time in titan form. She doesn't have time to even realize Porco is gone because she's under attack by two gary-stues, but given her reaction to the loss of the Panzers it will be heartbreaking when it does. She still has to reconcile with Falco who saved her life and it will be even more heartbreaking when she knows what titan he inherited.

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>I don't think Reiner would abandon his duty just so Falco could be saved.
Falco and Gabo are the sole reason they assaulted Shiganshina.

That wasn’t dropped though? The only exception was Zeke because his power is literally to command the mindless titans. Have you actually read the manga?

Eren would have been Reiner's lunch if he wasn't saved by Jean and Connie.

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Why would she?

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Is there a living creature out there who can stop Reiner Calvo?

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I agree. I was mocking deluded Zekefags.

He could just let Falco eat him later though. Two birds with one stone for him. It's more important to stop Eren from reaching Zeke.

It was never dropped, what are you talking about?


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Look at her tense face. She cannot react. You can tell she's actually wishing he misses.

>being grateful = Being over him

Are you virgin? Are you the kind of guy who actually believes that nice guys should get the girls in gratitude?

Yes, and Zeke had no part in that. The 104th were the ones doing all the work. Zeke didn't need to lift a finger in that situation.

For hating Eren so much you sure are worried about that

Not even death can.

Only part of the reason. Magath only approved the attack because they reasoned that Zeke and Eren did Liberio to buy time

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Eren Calvo, look forward to it next chapter.

You're delusional, Zeke only cares about muh Eren.

why did isayama let the most important chapter of the series so far be rushed like this?

And Pieck cares about Zeke. And ZP will be as canon as EH. I can see it happening.

banjoo kazooie was confirmed in smash bro

Stop falseflagging

He's not doing it for her, Porco's just a natural protector, he's been doing it since his introduction, and is a much more attractive quality than a backstabbing snake like Zeshit.

Attached: pock_protecting_his_cute_smug_wife_Pii_and_their_based_daughter_gabos_.png (810x531, 516K)

Do people seriously ship ZP and PP or are they just trolling?

>most important chapter of the series
Says who again?

How gruesome will Zeke's death be? No way he's going out heroically like Porco and he's much worse than Bert was.

>Cucked by Jean and Connie of all people
What did Calvo mean by this?

Trolling, ZP is a meme and PP were just friends

It's mental illness on both sides.

No idea but both "ships" are so devoid of relevance or material I'm surprised anyone would have it in them to actually fight over which is better.

Armin will probably eat her

Porco and Pieck spend most of their screentime together, so there's really nothing wrong with shipping them. Any pairing with the brocon other than Eren is delusion though.

>tense face
This is a tense face.
When Zeke is alive he causes her discomfort, fear, and hate. When Zeke is possibly dead she shows relief, when Zeke is presumed dead for good she immidiately moves on to the next target. Pieck sees Zeke as nothing but an enemy, an enemy to be feared, yes, but once disposed of just another casualty.

Attached: pii disgust.png (166x174, 35K)

I just hope it's as bad as Mike's death, but he should only die after Eren betrays him and he realizes that he's been a projecting cuck all this time.

In fact Reiner x Porco makes more sense

Someone please post the PAP PAP edit.

Does anybody have a link to the exhibition?

Connie should really kill Zeke and Pieck, both are garbage

>so far
I think the MC dying is sufficient evidence to say this. Cliffhanger or whatever

Grisha never work out a day in his life so his titan got fat

Attached: pieck.webm (640x360, 2.2M)

Based. Porco is a true MAN. Zeke is a cowardly cucked fuck who can't move past his daddy issues and projects his shitty childhood on his whole race.

Attached: war hero.jpg (1000x1358, 366K)

This, Zeke is an asshole but I laugh when waifufags are trying to justify Pieck is much better.

I ship ZP unironically as a EH's parallel.

Historia is the Enemy of Humanity and will go with Eren to the iultimate consequence

Pieck trusts on her comrades and everything they have done. She must be looking for answers about why Zeke, her most admired individual, betrayed her cause.

You have to remember, they have been together for a long time.

Enough with shipping and shitposting for a second, do you guys find it weird that Eren hasn't uttered a single word in two chapters even in the ocean flashback?

Unironically this, and I'm not into fujoshit.

Connie is just next to Zeke but he has run out of thunder spears. He got cucked again.

Porcuck is a marley bootlicker, he may be better than Zecuck, but that's not really saying much.


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That's barely hate.

If else, thats tension. You can tell what's her hate face because she hates Eren.

His mindset is the main mystery of the story now.

Meanwhile Porco had inferiority complex toward Reiner, the shittiest warrior, of all people.

>ZP and PP fighting when RP won

He didnt say anything back when he was fighting the WHT.

Connie will give his life to save Zeke from Reiner.

Post sniffing units

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>cliffhanger or whatever
Don't say whatever when that's the most important part of your post. It's just a cliffhanger until we get confirmation or invalidation of his death, which most likely won't happen until a few months. In other words, a whole bunch of nothing outside of the initial shock.

That's the main reason I think next chapter is going to be a flashback explaining Eren's reasoning.

>Historia is the Enemy of Humanity and will go with Eren to the iultimate consequence
So far that's just an assumption until we get her pov

I find weird how he looked at Gabi before going to Zeke, either he is doing like the Espers from Zero Escape, the real Eren is in a different place or he just accepted his fate

>Reiner and Pieck

Porcofags are stupid. I cant believe there are Porcofags. Do you realize that Porco means Pig? Porco as in Porky!

>she must be looking for answers about why Zeke betrayed her cause

Attached: sniped.png (452x203, 119K)

i'm telling you, next chapter will be set in the far away future

>Disobeying your general, who is bearing a fucking antititan sniper rifle

I hope so. I cant wait for another wild west scene.

I think that user was talking about Reiner and Porco

if dubs, the next 2 chapters will be LH chapters

Attached: sadLH.jpg (1280x1660, 277K)

Reiner is too JUSTed to get an erection. Not to mention, his prone masturbation practice already caused him ED and his sphincter was damaged. It is safe to say every Reiner's ship is sunk even the fujoship

Isayama said the driving force of this arc was not understanding what Eren is thinking. He has yet to reveal his inner psychology, which is also why it'd make little sense to have him die now when he's kept his intentions secret from virtually everyone aside from maybe Historia and knowing about said intentions and motives after he died and Paradis was doomed would serve little to no purpose.


In an apocalyptic Paradis. Mikasa and the others escaped with Boyegapon.

>ZP vs PP
This shit is even worse than EH vs YH because it's full on delusion this time on both sides.


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None of the Nu-Panzer had anti-titan rifles and regardless Pieck has shown no protest or resistance in taking down Shitke, even coming up with a genius plan to defeat him. Pieck could easily betray Godgath if she wanted, but she trusts him unlike backstabbing chastity cage-wearing Monkek.

Attached: shitke_mmgh.png (417x720, 380K)

We need some Gabiposting to save this thread.

Reiner x Porco was the real endgame

And pointy ears

Not him but this could have been avoided if Pieck just talked to Magath

PAPchads always win baby

i'm telling you, listen to me, this shit is chrono trigger, chapter 119 was set in the day of lavos (WHICH IS IN THE YEAR 1999 BTW), the next chapter will be in the future, where everything is in ruins and the person who inhereted the atack titan will send his memories back to past Eren so he can prevent day of lavos

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Unbased brother

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It's not. Pieck loves Zeke. She shared a lot of things with him back then in CoT

Nigger, you literally replied to an image of AT without pointy ears

It would be extremely funny if they flee to the Soviet Union.

Good, if they don't appear they can't die.

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Pointy ears are a Yeager trait, not AT

Ymir didn't appear and she is kill

This. ZP is the most kino ship.

Nice group you have here, it would be a shame if someone GABORT them

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I forgot about that.

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I want everyone to remember my chrono trigger theory so once it is confrimed I get the credit

>wasn't even present
>meanwhile makes it a point to remind Porco that they were always together in the battlefield
Zeke gave Pieck school shooter vibes from the beginning but she took pity on him thinking he was just an autist, meanwhile she was all over CHADco, even before he inherited his titan.

Attached: pii_po_burgers.jpg (400x350, 39K)

Hey all, 40 oz user here from last night...still drinking (I'm on a 5 day weekend because I lucked out on my shit job).
So now that we know Isayama rushed the chapter...Eren's not dead right?
I need brutal honesty, be true to a bro anons.

This. They're both gonna get GABOed. No one is safe.

>Yeager trait

Attached: Vol. 12 Cover.jpg (610x690, 91K)

The delusion is big in this post.

Shush, Marleydog

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>He's a Porcofag
Imagine supporting the Linkin Park shifter.

Can we laugh at you if it doesn't come true?

ymir was a distant relative

“Historia. From now on, no matter what Eren does… As I thought, you’ll keep saying he is a hero that protects everyone…?”
“As long as he keeps fighting for us, I will keep saying that. Why?"
“…Nothing. You have your own viewpoint, I understand that”
For Armin, it didn’t seem like Eren’s future path would lead to heroic acts.
However, being unable to say anything for certain, he swallows his own words.
“…I’m simply teaching my own viewpoint. That is all”
Historia said with a soft, yet firm voice.
“The kids here have direct contact with Eren. They might not understand now, but someday when they lose their way or find themselves in trouble, they’ll be able to understand what being human means. That’s what I think.”
The kids that will live in the future should be able to see the person called Eren with serenity/calm, that’s what Historia believes.
“Ah, yeah. That’s right…”

“Don’t tell me, you intend to tell the children in the orphanage the truth? That in order to change human society, we have no choice but to kill somebody as well?”

“I think that it would not do to forget. That the orphanage was possible, it was thanks to everyone who fought…… We, because from here on we fight with the people from outside the walls, I think that it’s alright to learn of that weight”

That because somebody fought, that the present self exists. That because there were mistakes in the past, that the present is being corrected. Even if it cannot be understood immediately that was fine, however, if they wanted to know she wants to put it in a way that can be understood, Historia said.

>“That to 'fight’, is 'killing people’, it’s okay to say that”

“That is……up till now we without knowing it, were averting our eyes, to the 'actuality’. Or is that wrong”

“…… it’s not wrong”

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P-please don't come

Attached: Thefuck.png (246x194, 45K)

Ymir was obviously a secret Yeager though which explained her obsession with a blonde womanlet

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Yeah no

>All over him
>If a girl talks to you or display friendly behavior, it means she wants your dick!

She was with him back then, since she had a job as a loader. I dont think she would run all her way back to Marley, back and forth.

just a little

>Colt even refers to them as "Jaws and The Cartman", implying their duo is so common that they call them by nicknames.

Attached: dynamic duo.png (689x740, 482K)

LHbro, please show dominance. Manlet is the biggest Gary Stu and money maker in the manga. Little shit can't touch him

Ymir's ears were retconned

Only Kaya and Niccolo can defeat the Gabster. And they're nowhere to be found.

Just for her mindless titan

>Pieck is literally glued to Porco's side for the majority of her screentime
>always the one who initiates things with Porco
>even goes out of her way to show off herself to him
>b-but she's just being nice to him

Attached: ok carry on.jpg (1055x783, 774K)

Bro, Levi is basically dead.

I'll remember you, user.

Niccolo was neutered by Mr Braun. Kaya is our only hope.

Gabi is stronger than shifters and Ackermans combined

Attached: Sadji.png (463x490, 416K)

>Porco is alive, he was swalloed
>Falco opens his stomach and put Eren in
>A new Eren with a new perspective emerge

Isayama supervises the smartpass stories and the timing the of the first story release was too perfect to be just a coincidence.

>Ribai Calvo is gone

The Gabster is too stronk even for them now.
He is our only hope.

Attached: Did someone just say...GOBLINS.gif (444x250, 767K)


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They're so cute bros. Why did Isayama have to do it again...

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Kill yourself fujoshit.

Not even the original Ymir is safe from the Gabo.

Eren is the new basement.

user, the only person she has displayed any attraction is Yelena. That closeness is what you call friendship. The one you may have with a brother or sister.

Get laid, user.

Yeah ReinerxPorco was cute and canon

>Takes out helmet
>It's Gabi
>"A dead Yeager is a good Yeager."

Rude, he's just crippled.

Attached: D-iMasFVAAEslAe.jpg (1200x1200, 93K)

Because she loves Zeke.

that doesn't really imply that they're best known as a duo, just that they've been with that unit or the expeditionary force in general for long enough to pick up a nickname. everything gets slang terms in the military, birds, moonbeam, ect

It is sad for me but I must say that you are dead to me

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>taunting Yelena's shitty disguise=attraction
Based retard.

Attached: ylena.jpg (189x267, 6K)

We're back to the ol' standard autism then?

Wait, was Ymir from Liberio?

Smartpass was never taken as proof for anything and it won't change now.

The most tragic romance

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You're telling a fat manlet to get laid, user.

We don't know

Porco was a tsundere until the very end.

>"I-I'm not dying because I like you or anything, baka!"

If Porco had been a girl she would have been shipped a lot more with Reiner desu

The classic case of fujumblrroasties not being able to understand platonic male relationships. Many such cases.

Attached: pock marks.gif (800x800, 259K)

honestly with this fanbase, i doubt it

>Woke up from his sleeping state just to save Porco
>Porco's death powered Reiner up and he would have killed Eren if not for Jean and Connie

I'm not the actual poll maker, but please vote anyway.
>Where is Pixis or Nile? They aren't dead yet.
They will live, trust me. No need to include them on the poll.

Attached: Bald.jpg (775x778, 78K)

Yeah, because shipping isn't done almost entirely by fujos and tumblrites


Attached: PorkmanDeath.png (1280x901, 1.26M)

The most kino romance

Reiner has the most kino ships

>People saying ZzzzP
>Porco was waiting for Reiner amd wanted to see everything with him

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>Reiner, Pieck and Zeke knew they are being bugged by Marley
>only Reiner tried to save Porco from saying retarded shit and getting purged

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RP is the best

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Oh I forgot to add Historia and Annie. They're probably fine until the very end

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The idea of the Female Titan is inherently hilarious.

> Attack Titan: Lots of endurance, unbreakable will.
> Armored Titan: Armored boi.
> Warhammer Titan: Makes all the stuff.
> Beast Titan: Hairy, throws shit.
> Cart Titan: Carries shit, adorable four-legged running style.
> Founding: First, and therefore best.
> Jaws: Teeth and claws cut through anything.

Then you have:

> Female: Is a woman, therefore is a bitch to deal with.

Are the other titans capable of calling mindless titans? Maybe that's its ability?

What is it with everyone speedreading through the explanations? She can call pure titans.

>its power is summoning orbiters

The Female Titan is very attractive because she is the best girl
Best milkers
Best nose
Best thighs
Best brapper
Best figure
Best deredere expression
12/10, would cover long distances to molest if she let out a mating call

Attached: Kung Fu THICCness.webm (1280x720, 852K)

It has the roastie screech to call for orbiters

Don't forget the whiteknights and betas summoning both in the manga and irl. Not to mention, only betas such as Bort and Armong are attracted to her.

>the only visibly female titan is able to attract mindless naked titan
What did isayama mean by this?


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>No nipple, anus and vagoo
Even a Thai ladyboy is better than her

Yes, yes, I'm aware she actually has a combination of powers. It's just that the idea of calling it the Female Titan is pretty funny.

That Annie is a semen devil

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Based Isayama making a subtle political statement with a fictional character.

Why? Ymir was a girl.

Can anyone even hope to beat the Gabster? Not even the Devil of Paradis stood a chance.

You can always drill one

Cute and canon

The best part of Pixis is that he's seen guzzling booze in the end.
> "I'll be damned if you drag me to hell sober!"

Isn't this all technically Manlet's fault because he let his guard down with Monkey Trouble and let himself get blown up? Eren wasn't expecting Zeke to be there for a while, right?.


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There is one she fears

Attached: Did someone just say...GOBLINS.webm (1920x1080, 1.47M)

>Will need to dilate it
No thanks

Eren was waiting for Zeke

They're behing his hair but they're clearly pointy
Look closer

it's not a 100% proof but everything in the smartpass is already confirmed in canon.
the 2 things smartpass stories are telling us is that she will support Eren no matter what and that she's okay with killing to protect, and we already know in canon that she's working with Eren who's willing to kill to protect.

on the other hand marley's forces would've overwhelmed them without zeke's intervention

Sorry for slowness. here is the EH request from the user who got dubs last thread
Not a ship endorsement desu yo, I don’t ship anyone except maybe LH

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Reminder endgames were decided a long time ago.

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Damn thats fucking good,

Absolutely based, thanks user.

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That's lovely, user.

Not him but I will hold this, this is the ending I deserve damn it, fuck you Isayama.

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Attached: porco_falco.png (1280x1508, 3.53M)

Cute and non-canon ;_;

This is really good user, saved.

I don't really like EH, but this is pretty nice.

We can see the rounded angle of it.

>we subjects of Ymir are like a part of the founding titan’s body
Is this foreshadowing “oh my titan birth”?

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I am not saying it isn't amazing or anything but will you finish it?
I want to be on the lookout if so.

So it's basically confirmed that Eren is going to die for our sins. I unironically think that Zeke the brother that wants to die will live and be forced to raise Erens child/advice his relative Historia

Based LHbro. Was expecting a provocative EH like the last drawfag but got a wholesome one instead.

>6 packs
It's amazing bro but it's not my Ereh

I had to check the anime because the manga never shows a good view of Kruger's ears, but it looks like you're right
Fuck, I was sure he had pointy ears

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What advice is Erwin going to hand down to Eren when he briefly enters Valhalla?

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Hey, that's my dubs. Based user delivered. Thanks.

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So if Eren somehow actually does die because Isayama is a madlad, where do we go from here? I don't want him to die, at least not yet, and especially not because of Gabi, but if he does die, what could happen?

Paradis eldians will die.


Attached: 1562442459452.png (1124x1560, 3.41M)

He falls on Zeke's hand and the rumbling commences.
I am so bitter right now with how badly he is doing this whole arc I want him to go all the way and kill everyone.


Armong becomes the MC.

The Yeager is the devil bloodline. Kuruga was just the devil's apostle

>doesn’t remember the Ymir is a Yeager theory

>how badly he is doing
3 shifters with air support and heavy guns giving everything they have to stop him isn't a bad performance

holy shit, we don't really deserve drawfags as good as you user. You're literally doing god's work. Thanks for this

I mean Isayama

>The return of the BVLL
imagine being a farmer right now

>~uuuwwaaa, pwease General GODgath, b-be g-gentle...

Attached: Arminfu.jpg (737x980, 68K)

oh, then yeah i feel you

Is her first name actually Octavia? I thought her first name was Pieck

The jaw titan is the kurilin of the 9s titans

Bye bye, Floch

Attached: 1561223913573.png (319x371, 157K)

Thanks didanbros
It was only going to be the first panel at first but it didn’t convey homecoming well enough and I am a perfectionist faggot so I kept going. i hate lining so I probably line the rest but might add simply color overlays to catch the atmosphere better idk (it’s supposed to be morning sun rising with animu lightrays at the bottom)
I’ll make it known I can do nsfw next time
Yeah I didn’t check my anatomy at all lol

After listening to the last chapter audio
>Eren starts the rumbling and run away via underground using WHT power
>SL desperately trying to kill the wall titans because they still want to make peace with the outside world
>Armong realizes all hope is lost and screams EREEEEN in agony
>Eren shows up in the farm
>H: Did you do it?
>E: I did...I destroyed my enemies.
>Eren holds the baby
>E: You are free
Rate my ending.

Very good. But why the hell Eren is keeping such a face when meeting her? I think he should at least be smiling or crying

I hope you do finish it and I prefer not lewd or at least a non lewd version but you do you of course.

Faceapp wont recognize the Eren. Can someone just shoop a smile on for max blowout?

We are in a manga where a man given orders to his soldiers speaking literally on a 60 metres wall

Magath x Armin is such a patrician ship.

He is crying in the last panel you eyelet

Bless you user. I wish I have the motivation to go back drawing again.

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>Your general got killed/crippled by a 2/10 combat peace faggot

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it was the name on a sketch of the original old guy pieck design shown at the expo

>Godgath forces Armin to dress up and act like Willy during sex

The true AM

pls no lewd EH is pure.

Last drawfag just added Mikasa and Ymir by his own discretion though despite the request being just EH sex scene though I do prefer wholesome EH more.

God I hate ambiguous endings.

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Ok, but I was talking about the first panel

>Colossal Titan is CGI

Attached: 1561596260082.jpg (1280x969, 249K)


I want to see the lewd version :^(

As long as we get a confirmation that the world is destroyed then it's alright. 8/10

So falco is going to get sacrificed protecting Gabi(suffering titan)?

I want shipperfags to die.

I genuinely feel sorry for anyone killed by Armong, like that one MP during uprising.

Historia just gave birth, she can't be having sex just because Eren is home now.

I was gonna put in a panel of him smiling before the hisu eyes to fix that but I just got tired of drawing for the night lol. I’ll put it in whenever I add the color overlays before I throw it up outside 4chin. I’m doing one request from last thread rn then I’m sleepin, will return to it tomorrow
Wow that’s some horrendous phoneposting. *won’t line *simple overlays

I'm so proud of my LHbros, even if we sink we will sink together

Attached: 74.jpg (960x555, 297K)

>The triggering begins

Where can I find your stuff?

>dat eye sparkle

Sadly they will never leave

This user is doubtful. I think those two will probably make it to the end.

What other request?

>Feeling sorry for bort

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So after seeing how desperate Eren was to touch Zeke in the latest chapter, did people finally gave up on the retarded theory that Eren is gonna collect the 9 titans?

>not being an EHchad
It's literally beating the shippers at their own game

The characters will be whoever gets the digits next time I have spare time to draw shingekis and come in here and their request is lewd. No nude Gabis or Falcos doh, sorry fags

This is what you get for not letting anons discuss about the titan powers, gabiledditors

Not that drawfag, but I'll stay afloat as long as I'm living

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Fake memories!

Attached: 1562439260962.png (991x713, 465K)

EHfags are also nothing but cancerous shippers

My twitter name is by Eren in the last panel of the pic
The tall character piggybacking on a small character lol. And there are some others I want to do tomorrow

>Female Titan is the best girl

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I don't post about Gabi, shipperwhale. She is just a female version of shitren.

EH is cute, not our fault it triggers you so much, gapipedos

We are plot powered shippers.

That theory is on the same legs as whether Eren will live or die. It will depend on if Paths Ymir shows up to save his ass.

The bestest!

Attached: Best Titan is cute.png (319x567, 191K)

Eren is dead haha BUT Beru Beru will forever live in our hearts!

I want eren to collect the remaining titans exept Armin's and then give it all to him, because he couldn't bring himself to kill him just to see Floch's reaction.

Attached: tumblr_prurz5SAXR1w914szo1_1280.jpg (849x1200, 95K)

Was the request stated in the previous thread? I'm just checking to know what I'm expecting from your amazing skill

Is it even possible that they'll fix that shit in the Blu-Rays?

EH and Gabi are both shit, Erenwhale

Hold up, is it Liberio or Rebello?

I wasn't really referring to the last draw but a new nsfw one, i think the context doesn't matters


Again, thanks for your work user

Technically shouldn't it be Libero? Italian for free

EH is perfect and Gabi is entertaining

>Implying GODgath won't make it

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Who is bubbling down there?

This, Hacksayama wouldn't miss the chance to show some gore when a character dies, instead showing a small, single panel

He's probably really injured though. I doubt Mikasa and Armong would just let a perfectly fine enemy walk out unless Pieck is covering his escape or something.

>His bloody corpse is seen on the ground after the battle
Either that or he comes back up really fucked up. Otherwise Isayama is a hack.

Thanks bro, keep it up

He'll just show up next chapter with another small forehead cut like in Liberio.

Based and saved

Yeah I said I wanted to draw a shingeki and I asked for requests. A few days ago it was a suffering Reiner. The ones from last thread I wanna do will be low effort and just for the meme OC so...not like the EH thing

I think that since he wanted as much shock value as possible this chapter, he probably would have shown his death too

It fits her desu.

Cute even though I don't give a fuck about the ragetard and his progeny.

Its perfect

Attached: satania5353.jpg (1920x1080, 286K)

the SL want zeke and ereh to touch so they can activate the rumbling and defeat marley since it's their only option at the moment you tard

Ragetards progenie, hisutoria is a ragetard too

Why isn't this thread archived yet?